Category: Killer phone sex

Accomplice To Murder

Accomplice phone sexI have a confession to make, something that I haven’t told anyone yet. A few months ago, I was an accomplice to the murder of my ex-boyfriend’s sister, she was a dirty cunt and deserved everything that happened to her! Throughout my relationship with my ex, she was always a nasty bitch to me, rude as fuck and jealous of how fucking good I look. For some reason, she was oddly overprotective of her brother and that made it really difficult for me and him to carry on our relationship. Even though we are broken up now, we have always remained close friends but his sister has been cyber-bullying me and stalking me, my ex and I knew that she had to be taken care of and it needed to happen very quickly! We wanted to be rid of her psychotic ass! While she was about to take a bath one night, my ex and I ambushed her in the bathroom and locked the door behind us so that there was no way for her to attempt an escape. He threw her in the bathtub and butchered her with a steak knife, it was quite a fucking sexy sight to see! There was blood everywhere, literally everywhere! It squirted out of her body and all on to the walls as well as all over the floor and inside of the tub. She was screaming bloody murder and begging us for mercy while he mutilated her but that didn’t phase either of us, we knew that she had to go! Once she was good and dead, to add insult to injury, my ex whipped out his rock hard cock and shoved it into her mouth, skull fucking her face as she transitioned into Hell. I loved being his naughty accomplice, we had so much fun together and fucked like crazy after we disposed of her body into the lake in their backyard!

Freak Show Force Fuck

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The circus is in town and TBH – I hate clowns. I don’t know how I got dragged into going. I was hanging after the show and having a beer when a “carnie” walked up and offered me a swig of moonshine. I couldn’t resist especially considering how torn my nerves were from all those painted-face mother fuckers with their loud airhorns and just general creepy vibe.
He was nice enough, explained where they came from and kept letting me drink from his flask. He asked if I wanted to meet the rest of the crew and while I didn’t really want to get too involved, he seemed nice and assured me the rest of his friends were chill.
We entered one of the trailers where 4 other guys were, all still in their messy sweaty clown make up. I should have paid better attention to what was going on because maybe I would of notice the moonshine guy locking a few latches. I didn’t realize how drunk I was getting and now I realize there might have been something extra in that cocktail.
I felt someone behind me and it was this giant black guy in the sad hobo get up with a cane. He pressed me up against the wall and whispered, “I heard you don’t like clowns, cunt.” My body was shaking with fear as he slid the cane between my ass cheeks. As totally freaks as I was, I could still feel my bald young pussy getting dripping wet.  Another one of the clowns handed him some rope and they began hogtying me and bounding me spread open, face down on a pull-out bed that smelled like cigarettes and piss. I begged for them to please stop but they wouldn’t listen.
They first started putting make up on me, making me look like one of them while another clown pressed his cock into my soaking wet mound. “You like getting fucked by nasty carnival freaks?”  I shook my head and shouted for them to reconsider forcing me to be their new toy. It was too late though, I was their toy.
They took turns slapping me, kicking me in the sides and stomach- At some point I even broke a rib from them taking turns beating me with the cane. They shared my holes, even double stuffing my filthy cunt and wore me to pieces. I cried and pleaded for it to be over but it was no use.  Once they were finally ready to blast their loads on me, one of the men held my eyelids open so I was blinded by their cum. It hurt so bad too. My hair now a mess, my clothes tattered up and of course they kicked me out of the RV as quickly as they rushed me. Now I’ve got to walk home alone- can you give me a ride?

Goth teen phone sex accomplice

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I place the heel of my goth teen phone sex boot on her head and slowly apply pressure. The stiletto heel had already pierced flesh and soon I will hear the lovely crunch of skull as it caves in.

You watch me, cock in hand as I toy with my victim. You’ve already violated her shit hole, ripped her pussy wide open, and shoved her panties halfway down her throat. Now, you are joyfully waiting for me to put her out of her misery.

This was an easy one. An unruly teen runaway who wanted to be a gangsta. We offered her booze and candy and she practically threw herself into the car.
But now the party was over. And it was time to take out the trash. No one would miss this one. One final fucking as she took her last breath and we will dispose of her like so many others. Someone has to purge this world of the unworthy who breathe our air. I consider myself the goth superhero doing the job that no one else has the balls for.

Skinned Alive

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I met a man online, and although I knew it was dangerous, I went to meet up with him when he invited me to his cottage in the forest. I drove through a lot of wilderness to get there, and when I arrived, I cursed myself for falling for his innocent way of making this sound like a cozy cottage, when really, this was clearly a cabin in the woods. A perfect murder scene. Despite my better judgement, I went inside anyway. He offered me a seat, then went to get me a drink. My back was to the kitchen, and when he came back, he hit me over the head with something heavy, knocking me out cold. When I woke up, I was in some sort of hunting shed, strapped down. He was standing over me, holding a long knife. He began to peel my skin from my flesh, starting down on my legs. Screaming, I thought I might pass out from the pain. There was so much blood dripping down, but not enough to kill me. I would be alive for every moment of the torture. He laughed maniacally as he stripped each section of my skin. Peeling off the skin from my tits seemed to be his favorite. He carefully outlined each breast and nipple before pulling them apart. At the end, when all my skin had been removed, he climbed onto the table with his throbbing cock in his hand. Barely conscious, I whimpered as he raped my skinless pussy. My flesh squished with each thrust. He drove the knife hilt-deep into my chest as he came, snuffing out the tiny spark of life that still remained in my mutilated flesh.

It was ruthless but it had to be done!

taboo phone sexI’ve been trying to train a new accomplice recently but she turned out to be too weak to be my accomplice in anything! Fucking bitch pued the first time I showed her a mutilated corpse, how was she supposed to learn how to torture someone if she couldn’t handle seeing the end results of said torture??? She swore that she would do better so against my better judgement I kept on with her training. I brought a little brat into the mix to see if her heart was as hard as she claimed it was but again, I was disappointed! She actually cried for fucks sake! Well, that was her last chance to woman up and she fucked it all up so she had to go! I drugged her and tied her up, I was already fucking her with a giant strap on cock by the time she woke up. The look of terror in her eyes was breathtaking! It turned me on and made me fuck her harder! She begged for her life but sadly, it was far too late for her so I slit her throat and dumped with the rest of the trash!

Please Hurt Me

Snuff phone sexAre you looking for someone to torture? I love being used and abused like the little fucking whore I am, and believe me I am trained well. I want to bleed and feel the most pain you can give me. It is not about what I like its about pleasing you and letting you cause me to scream and yell as you show me what pain really is. I want you to brutality beat me and make me bleed out of every hole in my body, and use me like a fucking piece of meat. I am not a person I am a piece of meat you can beat and make suffer all you want, does that sound good? Just writing this is making my pussy ache and drip thinking about how I will be used next. 

Week IV of Seven Deadly Sins : Pride

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My guy and I went all out this week when it comes to the next of the seven deadly sins. We grabbed someone rather well known or even more well-known these days, it’ll be hard to trump this victim.

We made it short and simple. My guy has nothing but disgust with the person we had. He wouldn’t stop talking and wouldn’t stop trying to push is so called weight around. My guy doesn’t care about money or power or position like our victim. My guy likes victims who have a lot to lose, but never think about others only themselves.

We didn’t give this guy much choice, only two. Get scalped and have his head dipped in a solution that will make his skin continuously develop boils and pus oozing forever. Or…get your cock cut off.

My guy told me to start jerking this piece of shit off. He was so smug he even thought to talk dirty to me as if he wasn’t in the middle of a dangerous situation. The victim reached his hand over and grabbed my pussy, I just smiled because I knew what was about to happen, but he actually thought it was foreplay. I’m jerking and jerking and he is getting close to cumming and being pretty loud about it. Just as he is just on the verge, my guy hands me a super sharp pair of scissors and orders me to cut his cock off. I held it upright and in one clean severing motion I hacked it off. If you could have heard it, it was pure joy. I’m not sure the victim knew what had happened, adrenaline from being close to orgasm. Of course, that wore off pretty quickly when I dangled his dismembered member in front of his face. I turned and looked at my guy and asked why we gave him choices. “Let’s just see what happens when we show the world this dickless wonder babe.” He said. We both laughed while we poured cauterizing agent on the end of this assholes nub…not that it was that big, to begin with. We sold the pictures and video to the highest bidders. We sold his cock on eBay. And we donated half to animal shelters across the country and the other half to veterans.

She was too stupid to live

taboo phone sexThis little whore was too stupid to live… I mean she came with me willingly, even eagerly all because she thought I was having a party! How stupid can you be? Apparently her mother never taught her to not go with strangers and that’s how she ended up naked and crying on my bedroom floor surrounded by at least 20 men. These were hard core men, thugs and gangsters that had just been released from prison and they needed some pussy… and they didn’t give a fuck if that pussy was willing or not! They took her, used her, forced all her fuck holes wide open and tore them to shreds! That bitch begged and pleaded for her life but it was like they were animals… as soon as they smelled her blood it was all over! They literally fucked that whore to death while I watched and you know what the best part was? They paid me to do it! I would have done it for nothing but if they wanna throw money at me I will damn sure take it!

Fucking a Dead School Girl

Necrophilia Phone Sex

You see me walking home with my friends from school. I live a bit further out, though, and must separate from the other girls. The sky looks stormy, but I continue down the path alone, nobody in sight. Watching me from afar, you have the burning desire to ruin my day. What a pretty sight for my pretty face to be covered in blood. I’ll bet you’re dying to know what my screams sound like when I know there is no chance of being saved. The scent of my guts strewn about the room would make such a perfectly sensual perfume to set the mood. You storm into my home while I am in the shower, fling open the curtain, and sink a dagger into my chest, hilt deep. Barely able to react, I fall to the shower floor. Blood splashed across my lifeless face and the walls as you slashed open my stomach. Pulling out my guts, you twisted them around your throbbing cock and started fucking my entrails. Then you dragged me out of the tub and dumped me on the floor. Furiously, you begin to pound away at my pussy, impaling me with your fuckstick in such a way that no living girl could ever handle. Cutting open higher into my chest, you explore my innards. You then discover that you can see my pussy getting fucked from the hole you’ve made in my belly, so you reach through and grab my fuckhole, squeezing to make my cunt unbelievably tight around your cock. Shaking, you grunt as your balls explode into my dead slit. Time will only tell how long you can wait to kill again.

Week III Seven Deadly Sins Conclusion of Envy

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We’ve taken the envious bitch to the basement dungeon and bound her to an ass fucking bench. My guy doesn’t intend on releasing her, she is just going to be anyone’s ass slave that he wants to let have her. It’s my job to feed and give her water because she is tied to the ass bench 24/7.
Every now and then my guy goes down there and I hear her whimpering and crying. This last time he had me come with him, he told me she was about to get sutures. I was confused by that… thinking he might be sewing a wound. We got down there and she started crying right away, my guy slapped her face and told her to shut the fuck up. She did but tears were streaming down her face. He started to release the straps holding her down to the bench, he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder and carried her to a table and strapped her down again, legs wide. He went over to the workbench he has and grabbed a large U-shaped needle and some very thick thread almost string really. Without any numbing or knocking her out, he started to sew her pussy lips together, she screamed her head off as the needle began to pierce her skin. Irritated he quickly grabbed a towel and jammed it into her mouth and said “Fuck it’s hard to concentrate with that fucking screaming and shit. Shut up bitch.” The needle went through again and her whole body tightened up against the pain. The towel was stuffed into her mouth enough that should couldn’t make a sound anymore except whimpers. When he was done he explained to me, clearly so she could hear it, that he was going to be leaving her sewn up and make little cuts in her pussy lips now and then so they would heal together and close off her clit area forever. Her eyes got wide in the realization that she wasn’t going anywhere. My guy lets any cock that is interested use her ass with no pleasure for her clit ever again. He took a marker and wrote on a piece of big paper “Envy is the art of wanting what isn’t yours. The grief comes from losing something you’ve already had.” He laid the paper on the floor and put the bitch back on the ass fucking bench so she could be reminded why she was here in this situation.