Category: Killer phone sex

Snuff Sex Death

snuff sexSnuff sex Cassandra is my handle in a few fetish online chat rooms I belong too. It is because I have fantasies about dying. Some of my fantasies are inspired by my callers. I have some sick twisted regulars. One of my most creative callers recently did a call with me that had me bragging in one of the chat rooms about wanting to die in just such a fashion. He was a mad scientist of sorts creating new drugs. Killer drugs. I was a sex slave thus he could legally test his drugs on me like I was a lab rat. I woke up strapped down with him injecting his drug into me. When I protested he reminded me I was a sub human. I asked questions. I wanted to know what was going to happen to me, but he was vague with the details. He shot a needle in my arm. Nothing happened. When he hooked up an industrial sized vibrator to my pussy, I thought this was like a female enhancement trial. No such luck for a blonde bimbo slave. It was a death drug. When I came, my heart would stop beating. Death by orgasm. A hot and terrifying concept. I tried not to cum. I tried to think of horrible things so I wouldn’t cum.  I couldn’t. I am a pain slut. I am a snuff porn junkie. I resisted for as long as I could but the intensity was too strong. I came. I felt my heart seizing up like some one was on the inside squeezing it. Within minutes of cumming, I was dead. Wouldn’t it be great to die by orgasm? Sure, your dead, but what a way to go.  If you want to snuff me, which I know you do, make me cum to death.

There is nothing left but BLOOD and Semen

Snuff phone sex I had this nasty sexy fantasy I would love to play out with someone. So it starts out with you kidnapping me from a bar where I am wearing a short little skirt with no panties acting like a little fucking whore, so you want to teach me a lesson. You throw me into a bathroom and I hit my head on the corner of the toilet as I fall. You come over and tell me if I want to be a little a whore your going to treat me like one. You bend me over and start fucking me as hard as you can in my pussy and my ass.

Then once you tore my holes until they where bleeding you told me, “Now that I fucked your holes I am going to have to make new ones and fuck those”. You take a knife and slice all over my body and fuck those holes until all that left is blood and semen.

Snuff sex is what killed her

snuff sexSnuff sex is what killed her but it took days and days of her suffering before she finally expired. By then I was bored with her, she was too weak to be much fun and I was read for her to just fucking die already! I had already done everything I could think of to hurt her, she was missing limbs, her bones were broken she was well fucked and burned… even skinned in places and still that bitch wouldn’t die! Was she some kind of super human victim? An immortal whore? She was boring and annoying me with her very presence so I decided to just beat her to fucking death and end it all! I picked up a heavy pipe and just started smashing her with it over and over and over again until she was reduced to a pile of mush… finally dead so I could move on to the next thrill.

2 girls for Cannibalism phone sex dinner

cannibalism phone sexI just found the perfect cannibalism phone sex specimen for us. I knew when I saw her that she fit all of your requirements for fine dining. With her fresh, wholesome looks, plump thighs, perfect rump roast ass, and thighs that would make Colonel Sanders smile, all I could think was Grade A Prime meat.

She would be easy pickings. Her name is Kali. She lives with her violent, drunk daddy. She is so poor and has basically nothing. It would be easy to make her my new friend and gain her trust. Maybe take her to the spa so that our prep work is so much easier. All nice and smooth and hairless. No one would miss her when she disappeared. Her daddy would just think she ran off with some guy.  No one would know that she went out to dinner and never came back. Poor Kali.

accomplice phone sex

I have some great new recipe ideas for this Kali. Cajun chef, Justin Wilson, who also had a great sense of humor, intrigues me. He’s dead now but he would’ve loved our style. Listen to this:  “Stir the garlic, horseradish, hot pepper sauce, thyme, salt, pepper, Cajun seasoning, olive oil, and malt vinegar together in a bowl until thoroughly blended. Pierce the beef roast all over with a meat fork. Douse with the mixture. Place the roast in a large, resealable plastic bag.”  Mmmmmm, how perfect does that sound? Maybe even shove a link of andouille sausage in those crevices. We can hear her beg while she marinates. Oh, and it gets better.

After we let her marinate for several hours, while drinking a glass of wine and saying our goodbyes, it’s time for your special magic. We’ll sear her on both sides over high heat. Then reduce the heat and let her slow roast until her internal temperature is 145 degrees. By then, her skin has crisped to a golden brown and the drip pan is overflowing with delicious au juice, enhanced with a shot of your “special sauce.”

Hand me a crispy finger, please.  You know it’s my favorite part.  I was thinking that we could use the leftover organs to make some boudin or how about some Kali étouffée for later. I know you hate to waste a single morsel.

Thank you for your sacrifice, little Kali. You fought like a champ but our hunger was stronger.

roleplay phone sex







Through the Meat Grinder

Cannibalism Phone Sex

Captured by cannibals, I squealed like a pig from fear. Rattling against the cage they had locked me in, I tried with all my might to loosen the door, but it wouldn’t budge. My wrists were in shackles, chained together. I was in a cold, damp basement. Shivering, I cowered as a tall, scary looking man thundered his way up to my cage. Unlocking the door, he dragged me out by the shackles. I kicked and screamed as he took into a colder room with the terrifying sounds from the largest meat grinder I had ever seen in my life. The gears and blades spun at bone crushing speeds that would tear to shreds in an instant. Horrified, I kicked and tried to fight back, giving it everything I had, but it wasn’t enough. He took the chain connected the shackles and hung it on a hook suspended from the ceiling. It was only just low enough that I could barely stand on my tippy toes. Walking over to the controls, he moved some levers, causing the hook to be lifted into the air, taking me right off my feet. The hook repositioned directly over the spinning blades as I frantically tried to swing away from my impending death. Slowly, I was lowered down into the machine, feet first. The pain of my feet being crushed off was overwhelming. Although the grinder could have made mincemeat of me in seconds, he lowered me in slowly, getting off from watching me scream in pain as I felt bits of my bone and flesh being torn off from my body. I lost consciousness right before I died of blood loss and shock. Damn, he better have made one fucking good burger out of me.

Meeting The Neighborhood Cannibal

Bloody Phone Sex


Everyone in the neighborhood says you like to eat people but I didn’t believe them. You’ve only ever been very nice and friendly toward me so I just tossed it up to being a local urban legend. Obviously those were just made up stories to keep young ones out of your unfamiliar reach or lies made up by the older boys to get the little ones all worked up- no way it could be true!

I was walking past your house and you were outside doing some yard work. Me being overly friendly by nature and genuinely curious, I saw a chance to get to know you and to finally settle all those rumors as being untrue. Your body language read as excited- having this cute young piece of sweet meat wander up into your space. You invite me inside with promises of lemonade and cookies. We sit down and you begin telling me more about yourself. I started feeling a tired and lightheaded, probably from the heat. You offer your sofa to me for a rest and I fell asleep quickly without a single problem.

I eventually did wake up but I was paralyzed and gagged- tied down to the kitchen table which was dressed with one single place setting. You walk in and run down the way this evening is going to play out. You are going to eat me. Raw at first, to help you figure out the best way to season my flesh. I have tears rolling down my cheeks and you gently shush me, running a sharp knife along the inside of my thighs. You then tell me that I am going to go back to sleep for a long time now and that you don’t like the way shock and pain tastes. You inject me with some medication and the whole world goes dark.

While I am unconscious you begin cutting sample pieces off of different parts of my soft teeny body. Trying the individual cuts first helps you determine exactly how you want to cook me, if at all. After making a few decisions on which direction to take your meal this evening, you pull out a dusty copy of some  Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 1. Flipping through you find yourself salivating over the recipe for Gigot a la Moutarde- leg of lamb with mustard.

You remove my leg with a large butcher saw while I am still breathing. Then clean and shave my fresh- preparing it for seasoning. You rub 1/2 cup Dijon mustard, soy sauce, rosemary, garlic and your finest cold press olive oil over my limb in a large roasting pan. Cooking one side for 30 minutes and the other for roughly 20 more. Finally pulling the beautiful roast from the oven, it smells delicious! You sit back down at the table, pour yourself a glass of Merlot. Taking tongs and knife to pick out a selection from your masterpiece. Placing it on your plate and taking your time savoring each bite.


My young flesh is so tender-  What are you going to make out of the rest of me?


Week VI of Seven Deadly Sins: Lust

Violent phone sex

We kept the lazy bitch from last week because of her multitude of behavioral problems that her man wanted fixing asap. My guy had been making her earn every single thing she needed. Nothing was being handed to her and she was definitely learning a lesson. She started doing things without being told and that pleased my guy, but we still had the lust part of this wench to deal with.
My guy decided to try the subtle approach. He tied her down the bed in her dungeon in the basement and told her she would be there until she understood the meaning of lusting for your man and not just lusting anyone. Naked on the bed, she would only be let up to shower and use the restroom. The rest of the time, my guy was teasing her pussy getting her to the brink of cumming and stopping. He did this to her for days, each time he went down there you could hear her begging to cum and him laughing about her begging. Her pussy was being put in a constant state of just about to cum and there was nothing she could do to relieve it. Tonight we went down there together and he fucked me right in front of her, his cock slamming in and out of me while she watched. You could see she needed to cum so badly, but that wasn’t to be the case. When my guy was done making me cum and kissing and laughing with me, he suddenly turned very dark and said I could sit and watch this or I could go upstairs. He said it was going to be bloody. I stayed, I’ve seen worse in the last few weeks. He kissed me again and said…now I’m going to show her what all this self-centered sloth and lust will get her.

Mutilation phone sex

He went to the wall of knives he has set up and pulls a longer thin-ish knife from the magnets on the wall. He grabbed a large ball gag and went over to our lusty, lazy guest. He put the ball gag on but kept the knife hidden until she was gagged. He pulled the knife from the back of his pants and showed it to her. “This is going to hurt.” He said, and he reached down and with the super sharp thin knife he cut off both of her nipples, and with no hesitation, he went between her legs and cut off her pussy lips and clit. She was screaming up until that point but passed out from the pain.
“Yeah, you can come and pick her up, she will be an obedient fuck hole for you now buddy. She will need a few weeks of recovery but after that, you can fuck her til doomsday…she’s got no clit.” He hangs up the phone and pours clotting powder on her tits and pussy.

She had to die

taboo phone sexShe had to die because she was too loud and way too fucking annoying to live! All day long she would blast her music and keep me up, she acted like I was being unreasonable when I asked her to turn it down so I just fucking pushed my way into her apartment and started beating her. She was screaming and crying and promised to turn it down but it was too late for all that shit, my blood lust was awakened and she was gonna die! I beat her till I knocked her the fuck out then I invited a few friends over to fuck her. She didn’t like that very much but who fucking cares right? We fucked that bitch to death and now I will have nothing but sweet silence!

Ass Rape Porn Fantasies

I was the star for a club night of staged snuff with an ass rape porn fantasies theme. It was going so well I was being beat, hair pulled, flogged across my bare ass and slapped in the face. I was getting forcibly face fucked and a good anal slamming when I nearly choked to death on the cock in my throat that started squirting a hefty load in my throat. Gasping and still getting pounded from behind I could feel my face turning blue.

Before I could even attempt to try breathing again my face was shoved in the dirt floor as I felt a huge cock start ripping into my ass. I wanted to scream but my head was being held down and my face smashed into the dirt where I could easily start choking on the blood from my broken nose and the teeth that were busted in the initial bashing of my head into the ground. I was unconscious and they must have had quite a time with me unconscious and bleeding to death.

Ass Rape Porn

Snuff Sex and A Venomous Vixen

When Satan ripped the virginity from my cunt with his rabid meatstick I was loaded out of my fucking mind! There was some Black Metal playing deep growling Norwegian filthy fucking deep throatal growls of dark lyrics all of which make me so fucking hot and my cunt secretes its poisonous venom. My victim, YOU will kneel down and lap up that sweet cunt juice.

Snuff Sex Dusty

As you feel the effects of my cunt venom your cock is enraged and throbbing to fuck. You push it inside my poisonous cunt and as you start thrusting the pain hits you as I squeeze my pussy muscles around that rod and sever it with the teeth hidden inside. Castrating you with my venomous vixen vagina is the very thing I look forward to as I push your severed organ from my orifice of fuck. This tasty meat rod is an offering to daddy Satan.