Violent phone sex is a pleasurable experience when you have it with someone like me who actually enjoys it. I was walking down the alley the other day and came across a guy who told me to get on my knees and suck like a good cheap whore. Of course, I listened. Quickly this guy took a hold of my mouth and directed his cock deep in me. He was being so rough with me I was wondering why he was being so aggressive I barely knew him I have seen him around the city a couple times and he has always stared me down. Guess this was his chance to live out his past fantasies. It was a dark alley and I was there alone. It’s pretty safe to say he followed me and was going to make sure he played out the scenes that were in his head. After a few minutes of hard fucking my mouth, he shot his load in my throat. He pushed me off his cock and disappeared in the night.
Category: Killer phone sex
Violent phone sex with Monetta
Snuff Sex, Dead Sex
Snuff sex was not what I signed up for when I answered an ad on Craig’s List for an underground porn movie. The ad called for a red headed MILF for a gang bang film. The producers wanted an amateur and someone who could take a good ass fucking. That ad was written for me. I did a few lines of coke and showed up at this creepy as fuck abandoned warehouse that was being used for the set. I met the crew. It looked so legitimate, but I am a stupid, drugged out slut. My reality is skewed. They gave me some pills to relax me. I was pretty relaxed, well, I wasn’t feeling any pain from the coke. When the pills kicked in, I felt no pain. That did not last long however. The crew wasn’t a crew. They were sadistic fucks who wanted to make a real life snuff porn. They wanted to kill a bitch. That bitch was me. As I was getting fucked in the ass, I was getting beaten and strangled too. Cocks were replaced in my ass with broken wine bottles. I was being savagely stabbed and cut as they fucked me. I was screaming for help, but I knew it was futile. I started gagging on blood. They cut up my “pretty face” saying a “a whore isn’t pretty.” They were on acid or something because they were going Charles Manson on me. At one point, I just laid there, lost in the pain. Praying for a quick death. The torture was the most I have endured ever. There was no more ever for me. I started feeling cold. Light turned dark before my eyes. They’re voices became faint. I felt a cut across my throat and then I saw a light. I laid their bleeding out, dying, while they laughed and came. Would you enjoy yourself as you killed me. I hope so.
Accomplice Phone Sex Fantasies
Why do I get so fucking god damned wet with accomplice phone sex? Well, if your a demented fuck like me there is no need to explain, and if not, well then move on as I am way too much for you to handle. Rather you couldn’t take my idea of fun and I would rip your sorry little cock from your pathetic body, and that, my moronic friend, is NOT a god damned mother fucking Lie Bitch! Kapeesh?
Now then if your an evil mother fucker like me and really get off on the gore, blood and god damned fucking screams and cries of the victim(s) then I think we may be a duo for demise of some dumb fucking whore. I know one of my favorite games besides torturing the fuck out some useless little ones. I love to help rape fantasy their little holes and chainsawing the fuck out of their bodies when done. I get off on rubbing that thick yummy red dripping blood all over my body as I fucking ride one hell of a fine fucking cock.
Now, when it comes to useless males, the pathetic losers and droolers, well, I like to lure them into dark alleys and hack their useless cocks off and leave them to bleed out as they chokes on their bloody member shoved in their mouth and duct taped that fucking hole shut. I love duct tape and binding their arms behind their backs, while wrapped around some form of pole or pipe so they can’t escape. You see I am twisted as fuck and any worthy mother fucker will need to be just as evil phone sex minded.
If you love a hot accomplice for an home invasion phone sex idea then I will certainly be all over that! I love a good bit of filthy deadly family fun.
Snuff phone sex with Stephanie
I want you to hurt me! Please I have been a bad fucking girl and I need to be badly punished, and I think you can do it for me baby. You can take it as extreme as you want it baby. I want you to saw my fucking stomach open and rip my guts out and make me fucking eat them. How does that sound? I want you to do whatever imaginable you want to me baby. You can hurt me, abuse me or whatever you want baby. I will do whatever you want all night long, and I am into everything you would want me to be into. You should call me so we can play really rough and I promise it will be worth it.
We killed her together
We killed her together, Fred and I, she was a loudmouth little bitch and she deserved it! All she ever did was complain, she would never do her schoolwork or her chores and honestly Fred was just at the end of his rope… either she had to go or he did and since he didn’t want to die it was definitely going to be her. We beat her first, she was bloody and bruised and kept begging her daddy to stop but he wouldn’t, all he did was shove his cock down her throat to shut her up. Then he fucked all her tender little holes while I watched, it was so fucking hot I nearly came just from watching! Of course in the end I helped kill her, choked that little whore to death while her own daddy fucked her.
A lesson of fantasy learned
I do not know how I survived such an ordeal. It all started as a fantasy. I invited him over to fulfill my fantasy of a home invasion rape. The next thing I knew he had tied me up and was cutting me for real. He stabbed me in multiple spots, fucked me with the tip of his knife blade and fucked my asshole til I bled out shit. He told me what a stupid little bitch I was for letting a stranger into my home and not expecting something bad to happen. He told me if I survived what he did to me that I better think twice. As he fucked me, cut me and hurt me he kept saying, ” I bet you are learning a lesson, aren’t you?” I was hospitalized and still am still healing. The last thing he told me was he hopes he never sees my ad for a fantasy again or next time he would kill me.
Guilty Verdict Pt. I
Watching the courtroom settle in while the judge organizes himself, I lock the prisoner to the table. Mandatory now since this same bitch jumped the table and tried to make a run for it. That won’t happen again on my watch. As the sentence is handed down I prepare for this bitch to do something fucked up, so I’m alert and watching her every move. I hear the verdict and I smile a little. I get to torture this bitch to death. I hear the judge “Officer Scolmen please escort the condemned to the execution chamber.” I nod to the judge and Walk up to the stoic bitch and cuff her. I whisper in her ear. “Now you’ll regret all the times you were a pain in my ass bitch.” She doesn’t say a word and I smile just a little, but mostly to myself. Ah, payback even as a prison guard on my best day I still would love to torture every one of these bitches in this prison. Hands cuffed behind her back I order her to sit down and place one foot on the table. She looks at me confused. “Just do it dead bitch.” She puts her foot on the table and I reach down and cut all of her courtroom “I’m so innocent” clothes off and throw them to the floor. I grab her pussy lips, spread them wide and pull out a tri-clamp with a chain from each clamp coming to the center with a ring. I grip her clit, she gasps and I smile. I pull it out far enough to get a good clamp on it. Then I move to her nipples, one then the other. I tell her to stand and take the walk in front of all these people who know you are a guilty, dead, bitch. I grab the center ring and pull the prisoner by the clit and nipples to walk the hallway to the execution chamber.
Tune in Next time when I torture this bitch then make her kill herself…
A little slice of paradise
I found a little slice of paradise, it’s a very special resort that caters to sick and twisted, fucked up people like me. You can have any kind of victim you want, and you can do anything to them… no matter how fucked up it is. I met my friend David there and we picked out a couple of sweet young things to work on together. Watching a sexy naked man skin a tiny little bitch little by little while she screamed had me so fucking wet, I couldn’t resist, I had to suck his rock hard cock while he ripped the flesh from her living bones! He was so excited that he pulled me up and told me to finish her while he fucked me… oh god it was so intense! I was in a frenzy ripping and clawing at her skin, pulling pieces of her off and throwing them around the room all while his cock pounded my pussy so hard and deep that I could practically taste it! I swear it was the best sex I have ever had!
Snuff Porn Audition
Want to make a snuff porn? I am dying to be in pictures. I want to audition to be your victim. I have dark desires. I want to be killed on film. I don’t know if snuff films are real or not, but if not, I want to make the first one with you. I have a death wish. I know I am a worthless whore. I look at phone sex as practice for the real thing. How would you kill me? Would you enjoy it? Would you torture me or make it quick? I want pain. Lot’s of pain. I deserve pain. I have the perfect body for torture sex too. Big fake boobs, a bubble ass and long legs. I watch Japanese snuff flicks all the time. Watching these women get force fucked then killed and loving it makes me so wet. I know I am a twisted slut. I just know I would be the perfect victim to your sadistic. I can fight if that gets your cock hard or I can be your willing victim. I just have a few requests before I die. Make it violent. Make it bloody. Film it. Get off killing me. Please, will you end my worthless life?
Snuff Porn Accomplice
Snuff porn is foreplay for me. I don’t have fuck buddies. I don’t really have much desire for men. I find most of you pathetic and annoying. I need a sick bastard. So, I audition men. They come over, we drink some booze, smoke some weed and watch a sick video or two. If they are aroused and not appalled, I usually fuck them. Sometime, I find a real gem like Hank. Not only did this snuff video we watched get his cock hard, it gave him ideas. He suggested we go hunting. We went to Walmart. Not to get a gun, but to pick up some trailer trash whore and kill her. Walmart is known for its high ratio of skanks. We found one with a little angel. One for each of us to enjoy snuffing out. I had dibs on the crack whore. He took dibs on the blued eyed angel. It was a two for one special. I love torturing trailer park trash. They just drain our economy and don’t take care of their brats. Hank took care of her brat. I made her mommy watch as he split her open. She was so tiny and his cock was huge. Her mom didn’t seem to care about her brat getting assaulted. All she could do was whine about needing a fix. She pissed me off. Her little angel was getting force fucked by Hank and all she cared about was the crack pipe. I snuffed the bitch. Slit her throat in front of her daughter. I told the little girl I was her mommy now and that if she didn’t want to end up like her old mommy, she better be very good to daddy. That little squirt starting sucking Hank’s cock like her life depended on it. Clearly way smarter than her dead whore mommy. We might have to keep this one alive for a while. She gonna be a good fuck slave.