I had this crazy squirting all night snuff dream. And I had to come on here and blog about it right away to all of you. I was on a date with a sadistic guy who wanted to beat the shit out of me. Which we all know I love. But where it got real kinky and messy is where he wanted to cut off bits and pieces of my flesh and eat. And have me eat my own flesh too. How freaking crazy fucking hot is that? In my dream, I could taste my own flesh and the pain of where it had been cut off. I could feel my cunt squirting and squirting as he kept feeding me my own flesh. Then in my dream, he says now I am going to stick my dick down your throat and cum as I slice your throat open until you bleed out. As I was slowly drifting off to death that is when I woke up. My sheets were soaked like I pissed the bed. But it was nothing but my own cum.
Category: Killer phone sex
Sheets Were Soaked Again
Forcing Ageplay Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
There you sit, whimpering in the corner with your knees balled up to your chest. Begging me to stop. Fuck no you sniveling wanna be “P” daddy. This is what you asked for. This is what you begged me for. Now, that I’ve got this little one here and you realize your ageplay rape phone sex fantasies are coming true, you wanna back out? I told you that I would push you beyond your limits. I knew you would try and back out. That’s why I saved all of our messages about how badly you wanted to fuck a tiny smooth bald cunnie. There’s no backing out now asshole. Not after I went through all the trouble for you to get this little brat here. Do you know how hard that was? Oh, you’re gonna fuck her. You’re gonna do unimaginable things to her, while I film the whole thing on my phone. You’re gonna do it, or else.
Kidnapping Meal For Two
The best part of being a murderous slut is that I get to taste each and every one of my kills. Women make the best juicy and tender meals. I enjoy the scent and sweet smooth skin of a terrified victim right before the kill. I love going into the cities underbelly and looking for young runaways that nobody will miss. I spotted two lonely girls that were cold and huddling into each other’s jackets. They looked like lovers almost. My stomach growled from the sweet young scent I caught from them. I could almost taste that young sweet flesh with a little basil. I offered them a place to sleep a hot shower and meal. They hesitated but saw my sweet face and finally came with me. On the way back I texted you and told you I had two ripe young pussies for you. As I pulled in I saw your car and I got the girls in for a shower and put some veggies on for a slow simmer with lots of basil and spices. They would make a good meal after you and I had our fun. The stupid little sluts thought I would feed them But I would be feeding off them.
As they were showering you came in and barged in on them. I was right because they were fucking in the hot steam. We each grabbed a tiny young thing and tied them up. Wet naked bodies struggling. They screamed and begged us to let them go. I love when the scream because it turns me on and makes my own cunt throb. I could smell the musk of wet pussy and got on my knees between one of them and decided to taste her. She was sweet and I sliced off a labia and the blood started flowing. I looked up and your dick was hard from seeing the blood and her screams were so loud. I spread this stupid bitches legs and you fucked her cut up cunt until you came all inside of her.
I grabbed a dagger and cut her heart out while her lover watched and her cries and screams deafen my ears. So I took a cast iron skillet and smashed her pretty little head in. I had to start preparing the first girl. You sliced of the bashed in girls nipples and ass hole and fucked all three holes like a maniac. I knew you would have fun with those bloody holes. I finished cutting off girls one pussy and flattened it to grill up real quick. We would need our energy cutting two girls into pieces for our stew.
Oh, You’re Gonna Do It
“Oh, you’re gonna do it. If I have to threaten and fucking force you to do it. Taboo phone sex is something that both turns you on and scares you. It scares you cause you know how fucking much it turns you on. That’s what scares you. The thought of fucking and torturing these little ones. It could be one of yours. Looking all innocent and shit. Go on and admit it . You’re a fucking perverted “P” daddy. Grown woman pussy just doesn’t do it for you any more does it? Noooo, you lust for that young bald smooth cunnie. Those wee little ones. You know how fucking disgusting and wrong it is, but you just can’t help yourself. No more than I can either. So let’s be fucking “P” together.
Snuff movies and gruesome fun
Snuff movies are so much fucking fun to film, especially because I know I will forever be able to watch it over and over again as much as I damn well please. I love being able to relive the gruesome acts that Master and I inflict on others in such a bloody and violent way. He kidnapped a fresh piece of young meat right off the playground and brought her home to our underground snuff dungeon to have some torturous fun with her tiny body. Master had me set up the tripod with the video camera while he was out snatching up the little bitch. I made sure that every angle of the dungeon was able to be seen, I didn’t want the camera to miss anything as we filmed her gruesome murder. Master strapped her down and handed me an ice pick as he told me to bludgeon her to death. I could feel pure evil come over me as though I was possessed by a demonic spirit. With each blow of that ice pick into her sweet and soft body, I felt an intense orgasm and my cunt became wetter and wetter! I felt exhilarated as blood was splattering everywhere, all over me, all over the walls and the floor, I was smothered in her skin and tissues as I gutted that disgusting piece of shit. Master was very pleased with my horrific abuse against her. The best part was cuddling up with her mutilated corpse when we were done and watching our deadly work on the big screen!
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Are Fucking Fun
I want you to join me, sexy. Be my accomplice in some hot fucking murder phone sex fantasies, and I promise to let you fuck me when the little bitch is finished off. You are daddy and she is your daughter, but daddy’s girl has been a mouthy fucking brat and needs to be taught a final lesson. That’s right daddy, I’m going to babysit her and set up some of my guys to kidnap the little bitch. You will be slipped a note as to where to meet us for a ransom exchange.
Instead of money I seduce you and we fuck. You can’t help but get so fucking hard and overly turned on. I then turn the god damned tables and force you to fuck your daughter. You have no choice than to do it. While your dick is in her and she is crying under the pillowcase on her head, I fucking chop your dick off. As you scream and freak the fuck out you are bleeding out rapidly. I then take your belt and tighten it around her neck and strangle the little bitch.
Take these nipples and slice them right off. Oh I am sorry was that to direct to say? Lol to fucking bad . I want to have these nipples sliced right off as your cock is deep in my cunt. As I am begining to orgasim I want to feel the pain of the knife in my flesh. I want to feel the blood drip down my stomach as I scream. I want to smell that blood as I feel your cock fucking me harder and faster. After you cut off my nipples shove them right in my mouth and make me eat them and swallow. And drop your load right into my skanky cunt. This is the brutality that I dream of.
You must read this nasty shit
So tonight I think I am in the mood to go out and get a little bitch and help you torture her. I want to make sure that little slut knows exactly what she deserves. I mean look how she is dressed in a skin tight little black dress that you can see her little pink nipples through, well I have a good idea to get rid of those little nipples. I wanna take a sander and just sand those nipples right down to where she looks like a little flat chested whore. Then I wanna make fucking sluts in each of her tits for your cock to go in there and fuck her chest cavity. I love seeing the blood squirt all over your cock from pounding those fucking tits. Then I wanna take a knife and make a big gash right through her stomach and have you put your cock in there and fuck ever organ until she just dies right there on your cock. Then you can just fill her little dead corpse with your hot steamy cum.
Snuff movies turn me on
Snuff movies turn me on, what can I say? I’m a twisted fucked up bitch and I love that about myself! Watching these movies gave me an idea tho, none of them were perfectly what I wanted to see, so why not make my own movie? I could plan it out and make it perfectly my own, what could be better than that? I found the perfect sap, he was a wimpy little thing, short and weak and practically helpless. He didn’t deserve to live and he knew it because he didn’t even protest when I strapped him to the wall. I set up the camera to record every moment of his torture and began to whip him. I whipped his back until it was bloody and raw… then I started on his worthless cock. I sliced off his shriveled up little ball sack while he screamed and begged me to stop. Obviously I didn’t stop, I started sawing that dick of his off next! He was screaming and bleeding and I was so excited that I masturbated with his severed penis right in front of him! He bled out a little too quickly for my taste tho, next time I think I will try something new!
Murder For Dinner
My murderous torturing sexy self has been away for far too long. But I am back with a vengeance. I was sitting in my room cutting a gaping hole in my leg because I was bored and decided to go find some fresh meat. A nice human home-made meatloaf seemed in order. The local truck stop always has tasty lot lizards offering pussy. As I slunk in the shadows I saw a fat trucker forcing himself on a young hitch-hiker. He didn’t see me as my shiny scalpel came out and sliced his throat wide open. The pretty young thing was thanking me until she saw me lick the blood of the razor-sharp blade gashing my tongue in the process. She took off like a bolt. Her beautiful tits bouncing as she ran. I chased her happily until I caught her and slammed her pretty face into the ground. I turned her over and sliced off both nipples. She screamed the most perfect scream for me. My pussy started dripping as I sliced her mouth from ear to ear. Now the screams were muffled as I took my knife from my boot and started fucking her with the double blade. The stupid little bitch went into shock on me. I sat there for a moment feasting on the nipples I had carved off her. I was mad because she wouldn’t play anymore. I stomped her head in with my boots, over and over. I gathered her body and brought her back to my kitchen. She did grind up nicely for a meatloaf. As she was cooking I used some of her left-over blood to lube my fat dildo and fuck myself. I really need to find a nice cock that will kill with me.