Category: Killer phone sex

Full Moon Double Homicide


Strangulation phone sex really gets me off. Last night during the full moon I went for a walk in a nearby cemetery.  I knew there would be some horny teenagers fucking under the full moon among the graves. I brought some blood wine and waited. I scored a cute goth couple getting it and silently made my way over. I pulled out my garrote and swiftly pulled the naked big titted girl down. Her gags were music to my ears. The guy was in shock and was staring at me as I killed his little fuck toy. She went limp and I released her. His dick locked even harder as I lowered my body on him and slid my black thong over and took his teenage cock into my dripping pussy. I rode him hard using my long nails to draw blood from his chest. He moaned and bucked me. I used my garrote this time to slowly take his life waiting until the prime moment his dick would erupt before I pulled with all my might and broke his neck. It was only then that I came on his still stiff dick. It was growing colder inside me and I rode it until I could feel the dark forces rising inside of me.  I am an evil bitch with a pussy that gets soaked for snuff sex play, please join me.

Strangulation phone sex


Die bitch

snuff sex

I noticed my boyfriend grew an obsession with murder tv shows. He was especially fond of the ones where the murder gets away with it. One day we were watching some snuff stuff, and I could see the light bulb go off in his head. My boyfriend wanted to do precisely what he saw in the episode. He tried to strangle me and have full snuff sex with me. I could see him go to the kitchen I heard the kitchen drawer open, and I already knew he wanted me all fucked up and cut to pieces. I had no fighting chance for months he’s been  ‘safe proofing the apartment’ He knew I would try to escape. I pretty much gave up and realized he wanted me half dead to fulfill all the snuff desires he had in his mind. I could feel the cold blade from the knife he put it right against my throat and made me strip for him. Ass soon as he had me naked he was slashing me and yelling die bitch die! He was fucking me and hurting me. I was covered in blood, and he was cumming like crazy. I was hurt for days, but he wasn’t done he wanted me to understand my role. 

Snuff Movies

snuff moviesHe asked me if I wanted to make snuff movies with him. He asked, but I knew I could not say no. He is not the kind of man you refuse if you want to live. He is a violent man. He has a cool demeanor about him. On the surface, he appears normal, but don’t do as expected or as told, your body will never be found. Even if you do what is expected and do as you are told, there is no guarantee you will survive. He is a dangerous man with particular fetishes. I didn’t want to be with him. His reputation is frightening. No girl ends up with him because they want to be with him. He is not a choice. Girls are sold or traded to him because even men are afraid of him. He has the power and money to make anyone disappear. I was with him because he likes tall busty blondes. I was with him because my boyfriend gambled me away in a blackjack game that he never had a chance of winning in the first place. Now, I am in a basement having snuff sex with a man who makes my skin crawl. My fuck holes are being ravaged until they are destroyed.  Any day now, he will grow tired of hurting me; he will become bored with my used up body. I will end up disappearing like all the other blonde buxom women before me. Not sure how I will die, but I am sure it will be violent. His dungeon is filled with the sort of devices that would give Stephen King nightmares. Whenever I die, it will be brutal and bloody. No one will ever find my body, because nobody will be left to be identified. My guess is he will eat my remains and shit me out for breakfast.

He Made For The Perfect Stew

Cannabilism Phone SexThere was a guy who lived a couple houses down and I noticed he was always alone. He was so enamoured with me and was convinced I was a vampiress or something ridiculous. I walked down to his house and invited him over later that afternoon. He came over and I hadn’t had any dick in a while so I had him fuck me on the sofa, of course he was not going to be coming. His dick was a disappointment so I made him get me off by eating my bald tight pussy with my nice juicy fat lips. I got up and I was wearing my corset and long high heels boots, I round kicked him in the face dropping him to the floor. I stood over his body with the blood from his nose dripping down his chin, I was laughing at this loser. I smashed his face and he was groaning, I got down and held his head and said to him “ I will relieve you of your most precious organ and feed it to you, not like it would be much of a meal”. I smashed his face again with my heels and then I started smashing his ribs while rubbing my cunt. I loved the sound of his bones breaking and cracking. He laid there lifeless and I knew what I would do with him, I skinned him and cut up all his meat and cooked a stew with it. I made my way over to the local soup kitchen with my new stew and watched all those people eating that pathetic loser with a smile on my face.

What Are Your Killer Phone Sex Fantasies?

killer phone sexKiller phone sex fantasies are my specialty. I like helping men snuff out the lives of bitches. We all know a bitch or a cock tease that doesn’t deserve to live, right?  Who do you want to kill? I can be a hit girl, but I prefer that you enjoy the kill with me. Trust me. You will regret it if you are not there to see her die; to see her tortured. The thrill of the kill is addicting. I killed my first person before I was out of high school. Been killing ever since because I love the thrill. I love the money too. Crime pays.  Last night, I met up with Chris. He had a snuff sex fantasy of killing a young girl. It is a common fantasy. Just not every man can afford to make it happen or knows where to find the right accomplice. He knew where to look and he had the money to buy what ever sick thing he wanted. I found him sexy when I discovered his victim was a very young girl who was also his niece. He has been fucking her little bald cunt for years. Just now, she is old enough to tell daddy who has been hurting her little girl parts. He wanted one last moment with her, then he wanted her gone. Knowing that she was going to die after this fuck, made him go savage on her tiny fuck holes. She was wailing and crying so loudly it made my pussy wet. He tore her fuck holes up. It didn’t matter that he bloodied her holes. It didn’t matter that her insides were hanging outside because it was the last fuck of her life. I slit her throat and we used a bathtub of lye to destroy her little body. She will make good mulch. A missing young girl with no body is always blamed on the sex slave trade. Who do you want to make a snuff porn with today?

Fuck a bitch up

accomplice phone sex

I am not the person you want to get pissed off I don’t like to take shit from anyone. So when I was getting some Snappy attitude from the boss’s daughter, I put that little whore in her place real quick. After late hours at work, I invited over my boyfriend and his buddies to fuck the shit out of her. You should have seen how stupid and pathetic she looked we all had a blast gauging her asshole and her pussy! Just fisting her and making her cry. She should have known her place and remembered not to fuck with me. I know now that she’s never going to cross me and she’s going to keep her little snarky remarks to herself from now on. It was such a satisfying experience making her cry and yell. We had to stuff her mouth so she can shut the fuck up and we ended up bandaging her mouth. I love seeing all the guys pump her till she was bleeding. Her pussy and ass were raw and red just how I like it. We knew she wasn’t going to talk because she cares so much about her appearance and we had some very embarrassing photos that we would release and make her social media popularity dwindle. Now every time she sees me at work, she greets me like the queen that I am and she stays in her fucking peasant lane.


He Didn’t Know He Was Fucking A Corpse

Necrophililia Phone SexI have a guy that will do anything for me and I mean anything. On occasion I have him go stalk out malls or bars for those stupid kinds of whores that guys like to fuck, you know the kind all bubbly and what not. They make me want to gag myself, so he went and got this petite blonde with big breasts and big blue eyes. I slapped her around a bit and she tried to scream, I warned her that wasn’t what she wants to do. I had plans in mind for this bitch and so I decided to let her have a nice farewell not before I let my guy have his little bits of pleasure with her all tied up with her arms above her head. While he was throat fucking her, I was fisting her cunt and she was crying. I decided to pinch her nose so she couldn’t breathe and he went in even deeper, she passed and I got so wet looking at her lifeless body. I put an ad out and got an unsuspecting guy to come over. I told him a free fuck and he was all for it and down my basement steps he went. He got so hard when he saw her dressed up in school clothes, I told him she was passed out from the rape drug and to have his way with her. He jumped back and asked why she was a little chilly feeling, I told him that is what it does. So he ripped her panties off and started fucking her. I was laughing and rubbing my cunt, he had no idea that bitch is dead. Before he was about to nut I told him “you know you are fucking a dead corpse”, he freaked but couldn’t help but nut.

Wanna Know My Hot Fantasy of My Demise?

Home invasion phone sex is possibly one of my hottest fantasies as the worthless victim that I am. You see this hot piece of groomed snatch gets so fucking wet when i daydream of my demise. I literally just get all creamy and crave dick, and not just dick to fuck me normally, fuck normal! I want a guy to fantasy rape my snatch as he takes out his aggressions beating me, slapping or cutting at my perfect fake tits, or even fantasy raping my cunt then once he came in it he takes a knife and starts to fantasy rape my perfect snatch with it. As the wounds are made his salty spunk oozes into them and causes this most terrible burning, stinging sensations.

I really am a worthless fuck whore, am I not?

Home Invasion Phone Sex

Snuff My Life Out

Taboo phone sex phone sex,I want you to come to my house and do so many nasty things to me. I want you to destroy all 3 of my holes. Tear the shit out of them making them a gaping mess. Take a knife and gut me, but don’t kill me just yet. Make the knife hurt as you dig into my flesh releasing my blood. I also crave a good old fashion beating. With all the kicks, and fists you can spare for my worthless body. I have a gas stove and lots of metal objects you can use to brand me. Get as nasty as you want. I need to explode before you give me the ultimate pleasure by snuffing out my life.

I’m Going To Feed You Your Own Cock

You are a completely useless piece of shit and that thing between your legs has you thinking with the wrong head. I believe castration phone sex is the only answer for you as I have had it with the countless times my little sister has been treated so fouly by you, and well, I held off as long as I could… per her request that I don’t do anything to you… and cannot let this go on. In fact I think I will assist any other females from enduring your loser ways.

I invite you over for a party and tell you how you cannot tell my little sister, after all you are too cool to not be invited… *god I nearly choked on those words!* You show up and I have a few biker friends over for good measure and ask you to the back bedroom because I need to talk to you. I get you back there and pretend to be all over you and get you undressed. I push you into a chair and before you realize what is happening I am duct taping your wrists and ankles to posts. I text my bros to crank up the tunes. I then grab a big game gutting knife and straddle your legs. With a swoop of the blade I have severed your penis and ball sac and leave you bleeding out. I go to the kitchen and sautee this delicate.. and small piece of meat up in a pan and return to feed you your own cock. Choke on this dick meat and die mother fucker.

Castration phone sex