Category: Killer phone sex

Sacrificing Sarah

killer phone sexsnuff sexI was working on set with a couple people on a movie set with Sarah H. she got the roll for a straight to dvd film and for lackluster career it was no surprise. I got so close with her that I was asked to get her in her most vulnerable state. by one of the film editors. I knew a top secret that made her the perfect pawn in our game. We hung out one day and she left her phone in my car. Curiosity got the best of me and I saw all her home made porn. She had pictures jerking off randoms and getting fucked. That wasn’t the only secret I found out I saw conversations that were private that made her my soon to be victim.

I invited her over and together we drugged her. It was a couple of us and you can say it was a cult in some sorts. We wanted sacrifice her because she had an it factor in our eyes and a little something extra. Watching Sarah wake up in pure terror was the best.. She had no idea she was going to be a snuff sex slave. Frazzled and confused she couldn’t see we all had masks on and it was pitch black. We revealed ourselves to Sarah. She was in a stream of tears and it was actually a turn on. She felt betrayed she really thought we were all friends. I tried to pacify her and told her we were.

It didn’t take long for her to plead and bargain. We knew she would use her big secret as a way to get out of the sacrifice. I let her know we knew she was growing a little more than a gut. I figured out she was pregnant before she did. That was her way out she thought but in reality we chose her because we knew she was growing a tot. I did what I was told and began lick here slutty face. Her make up came off and reveled all her big pores and pimples. I was sucking her snot and whiteheads off and all the gunk out of her pimples. I then was ordered to take all her shit right in my mouth. I wasn’t done with the slut. We kept her till her water broke and sacrificed that offspring. Thankfully it was girl so it was twice as nice.

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Abducted for snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex My best friend and I were abducted at knife point and thrown into the back of the van where we were forced to have filthy snuff phone sex together all night long. Master knows that two whores are way better than one, that’s why he wanted me and my Mom as a double trouble duo. We have been working the phones together all night, making horny bastards have back to back orgasms and cumming non-stop. Things have gotten bloody, disgusting and every bit kinky. I really have been going crazy as i’ve been getting fucked and eating my bestie’s pussy. Master shoved a ball gag down my throat because he was fuckin sick and tired of hearing me moan. He bent me over his knee and used his bare hands to spank my sexy ass. I have welted red marks all over my skin, he fucked me up! We’re here waiting to be used and abused some more, we cannot get enough. Anything to please our Master.

Serial Murderess Jezabel

snuff pornMy Snuff Porn is shit that Manson himself would have enjoyed! I delight and get sexual pleasure from the death and torture of young women. Slicing a sluts head clean off and making a brain pate’ is not beneath me. Yeah, I know eating my victims seems like I kill Twice but I am on a high protein diet to keep my body strong for killing and fuckable for the men who need a warm pussy to fuck.  French Kiss Her cold mouth as I take your cock in my ass. I don’t mind her skull sitting on my back. I am your Sadistic Evil whore started at a young age, mind you.  Little slutkins were perfect to practice on.  I grew up hurting and letting my brother get his rape fantasy’s in on those cunnies. A couple of those little girls are still missing from years back. They won’t find them because I sold our “Hogs” To the butcher already cut up! The whole fucking town devoured the evidence! Fuckin Manson Got shit on me, Dahmer, Either because this Snuff Whore Won’t ever be caught, Alive that Is! They are my idols only because now people understand that my breed of evil exists and makes my hunts so much more enticing! So sit back and sip some of this blood while I feed you tales of bloody phone sex that will make you cum over and over. Do be careful because I do tend to lure unsuspecting men into my lair. Let me give you a sweet fresh virgin to violate and then my scalpel will work your flesh. Beg me for mercy just like those little whores do when they see the murder in my eyes and your big dick ready to impale holes that never have been touched before. bloody phone sex

Home Intruder

Ass rape porn

I was sound asleep in my bed when I heard a creak coming down the hall. It must’ve been from my dream, I thought and snuggled back in. But then I heard the sound again. And this time it was closer.. it was down the hall! I sat up in bed startled! A man in all black grabbed me by my throat and tore off my clothes. “Don’t you fucking move bitch!” He screamed. I cried as he violently slapped my face and ass. I didn’t know why, but my pussy started getting wet, that excited him even more and he turned me around on my stomach and began enacting this sick, twisted rape fantasy on me.

I tried screaming for help, but that only made him hit me harder and fuck me harder. He pushed a pillow down on my head to muffle my screams and I couldn’t breathe. My tiny teen body crumpled under him as he savagely popped my virgin cherry pussy! I could barely breathe and was eventually reduced a limp, suffocating teen. He moved his cock to my asshole and violently tore through me. My face must’ve been purple by now, my cunt and rosebud were swollen and bleeding down my thigh. He savagely force fucked my lifeless body all night and then escaped without a trace!

Snuff Me With Ass Rape Porn Fantasies

Ass Rape Porn

Your worthless fake barbie type victim is here and I crave to be part of your ass rape porn victimization of me that you have secretly plotted against my type. What’s my type? Well, fucking look at me! I am an entitled little cunt with fake tits and a super hot body. My ass is as much of a target as my big gorgeous titty’s that daddy got me. I’m a daddy’s girl that had daddy’s cock violating me for many years now and he always let his friends take their use of his whore daughter. I bet he would be ecstatic to know what your plans were for his precious piece of fuck meat of a daughter. He can’t wait to fuck my cold corpse.

Snuffed Out by Step Sister

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Never in a million years did I imagine my sweet step sister would turn on me, and torture this tight teen slit. She just became a freshman, and I managed to get her onto the cheerleading squad. She is a very sucky cheerleader, but I have been trying to help her. This year our squad was chosen to go to a very big cheer competition, and everyone is working their asses off to make sure we win. As captain I have to make some tough decisions, and I truly felt that she was holding the squad back because of he incompetence. When we got home from school I pulled her into the kitchen to let her know it was nothing personal but the squad just really wanted to win that competition, and we were not going to be able to do that with her still cheering with us. Surprisingly she reacted very well, and even offered me a drink! Well I drank more than I probably should have, and I got very light headed. I went up to lay down, but never made it passed the living room. I remember seeing her face laughing at me, and telling me she was the captain not. I remember her slicing my clothes of, and cutting my skin while she cut. I remember her rubbing the blood on my pussy and nipples, and telling me she was going to snuff out all of her problems, starting with me. She fucked me with a drill, shredding my tight wet teen pussy, and then she slit my throat. She left me on the couch to die, to bleed to death naked, intoxicated, and possibly drugged, and all because I kicked her off of the cheer squad. I tried to scream for help, but it just made the blood gush even more. So, I gave up fighting, and the world went dark.

Torture sex with dumb bimbos

torture sexI love college I can find all sorts of sluts to have torture sex with. My favorite whore has to be one that is a complete bimbo. Blonde with a big rack and one that is mean and a complete bitch checks all my boxes. I like to drug them and get a ton of my friends to come over and use them. Watching a slut get fucked up while shes barely conscious is a sick pleasure. I have never been as turned on as I am when I am seeing a helpless slut being plowed. The harder their holes are used the hornier I get. I want to see a dumb slut get fucked till her body is filled with black and blues. The sickest things turn me on. A little whore becoming a pissy slut and getting piss and cum all over is the hottest thing ever. I want to be there when you are passed out in a puddle of piss and cum without any recollection.

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies

killer phone sexHe had a killer phone sex fantasy. As a submissive whore, I love catering to your darkest desires and fantasies. He has long gotten hard at the idea of having a captive sex slave in his basement. He has a wife and brats. He lives the idyllic suburban life. Nice house, nice job, nice family. All that bores him; but his family, his community, would never understand his need to punish and subjugate women. He kidnapped me hitchhiking. In his mind, I was nothing more than a dirty blonde bimbo no one would miss. He tossed me into this dark and damp room. I was chained to a stake in the ground. There was no light, except for his flash light. He told me scream all I want, no one would hear me. This was some cellar beneath the basement no one in the family knew existed but him. I screamed, but he didn’t flinch. This was not the first time a woman had been held here. I was alone in the dark; I was cold, scared and hungry. I had no idea how long I had been on that concrete slab, chained up like a wild animal. He came downstairs with some food in a dog bowl. It was dog food. I could eat it or starve he said. I didn’t eat it. I was hopeful I could get away. He pulled his cock out and sodomized me for what felt like an eternity, then he left. I cried and screamed alone in the dark, but he was right. His family above had no idea that their perfect husband and father had a woman imprisoned below them. He came back a few more times and force fucked me some more. I had a pot to piss and shit in. Dog food to eat. He told me to be grateful I was still alive. No, this is not living. I hope I die.

Fucked in the Ass

ass rape porn

I got fucked in the ass by one of the P daddy accomplices that invited me over to watch ass rape porn with him and his little daughter. We were supposed to make our own ass-rape fantasy with her and I was to help him destroy her ass! I did not know that this sadistic would be the one whose ass would be violently torn open. He had her ass in the air fucking that shit hole hard and deep already when I walked in. The hair on my arms tingled because that slutkin was enjoying daddy dick deep in her ass and this was not the plan at all. Before I could move a man in black had me knocked out and when I woke my ass was being bloodied and gaped. I wouldn’t scream I took it like the evil bitch I am. Fuck me harder I demanded. Do you think I can’t take the pain I give out! I looked my accomplice deep in the eyes as I was left bloody on the floor, I would be tearing him limb from limb and enjoying his daughters’ flesh soon. Nobody gives a shit about the ass torture I just got, I love pain! But the fucking gall of him to try to pull one on this murderess whore! I will be back for you motherfucker! 

Great Sadist!!

Torture sex I was at the club and bored as all fucking hell into this hot looking man walked up to me and sat down. He said he had been watching me for a while now and he has heard all the nasty kinky stories about me being a pain fucking slut. He continued to tell me what type of sadist he is and he thinks that us two could have a great fucking time together. So I followed that fucker back to his house like a horny dog in heat. I thought I would have a moment before we got started but to my delight, he punched me right in the face before I was all the way thru his door.