Category: Killer phone sex

Cut me deeper

Evil phone sexWhat could be worse than having evil phone sex while getting force fucked hard and rough?! I was kidnapped out of my car and thrown into the back of a pickup truck where I was bound together and had duct tape placed over my mouth as I struggled to get away from my captors. The two men drove me deep into the woods in the middle of the night and spread my legs open wide so that I was gaping for them. I was not cooperating whatsoever for the two horny bastards and because of that they plunged their pocket knives into both sides of my torso and they didn’t stop. Getting stabbed while having my slutty holes ripped open by forceful cocks was absolutely horrific. I was yelping and screaming out for help but it only made them use more force to cut me harder and deeper. There was no one around whatsoever to even hear my loud cries of desperation. My ribs and insides were showing as the men had their sadistic way with me. It didn’t take long for my demise to come. Without an ounce of remorse, they dumped my body into a dirt ditch which is exactly where my pathetic corpse belongs.

Bloody Lena and the Feast


Strangulation phone sex

I’m going to beat your fucking ass into submission, you got damn whore. Lena is a black slut who took my boyfriend from me and got pregnant for him, ever since that moment I’ve hated that fucking bitch and I swore that I was going to get her back. It just so happened that Lena pulled up to my office with car problems not knowing that she was at my office building. I noticed this piece of junk car from my office window immediately I knew it was hers, I saw her get out of her car, and I told my secretary to go down and see what the problem was. I didn’t want that fucking bitch to see my face I knew she would be afraid because I had a reputation of being a little bit cruel. My secretary went down to check out what was going on and she reported back to me but that clunk of junk the lady was driving has stopped completely, and she needed someone to call her a mechanic, it seems that Lena was having all sorts of problems not only could she not get that piece of shit car started but her phone was out of battery. This was the perfect situation for me to enact my revenge. I told my secretary to invite her upstairs and let her know that she would be assisted without issue. I left my office and told my secretary to seat her inside of my office and pull all of the shades closed. My secretary did as I said and Lena had said in my office comfortably for about 15 minutes before I walked in and locked the door behind me. Lena looked shocked to see my face, so before she could scream well, I pointed a gun at her forehead I told her if she made a sound I would kill her on the spot. I gagged her mouth and tied her hands and feet to the chair that she was sitting in and I told her while shaking my head that she had stopped at the right place. I slapped her fucking face until it was good and red. I yanked her top off and squeezed those milk filled tits. I put her in a closet and waited until everyone left the office so that I could have her all to myself. I’ve been having dreams of torturing that bitch for so long, and now I get the chance to do all I want. In my dreams, I cut her up into a thousand pieces and fed her to a group of savages. I took a hammer and bludgeoned her until she was a bloody pulp of mush. Now I’m going to get the chance to do everything that I have always wanted to do to that fucking cunt. There is just no need to be kind I don’t have any incentive to let her live, so I guess the feast is on.


Murder phone sex Fantasies

Star of the show

snuff sexOut of all the slaves my master has I am the star of the show. I get right to it and waste no time. I ruin my holes in front of him and show him that my pain is his pleasure. I like to take things in my own hands and get your cock ready to explode. Let me be your sadistic slave and fuck these sluts till they are in a puddle of blood. I know how you like it and how you want it, so let me make you proud and gauge their eyeballs out and fill their eye sockets with cum. perfect cum filled slaves. I want to be the star of the show and unleash all the nasty snuff sex you love. I will be brutal with them and make you proud. I can’t wait to kill a slut so you can fuck her lifeless body. I know thats an all time favorite of yours. I will fulfill all your dark wicked fantasies.

Shower Time Snuff

Taboo phone sex

I got home from soccer practice and felt super sweaty, a nice, steamy, hot shower was definitely in order! I got naked, stepped in the hot water and began to soak and lather my sore, teen body with soapy suds. One minute I was rinsing off and the next I was thrown to the bathroom floor. A large whack hit the back of my head making me dizzy, before I could figure out what was happening, I was pinned to the floor by a strange man. I screamed and cried out for help. He punched my head and slammed my face onto the floor and told me to shut the fuck up!

I tried crawling away, but my naked body just slipped on the tile. My attacker flipped me around to look at him and I got so scared. I’ve seen his face now and I realize no one is going to help me. He pulled my legs open as I tried to fight back, but when I did he punched my face over and over again. Then he shoved his hard cock inside me. It hurt so bad but my pussy throbbed in pleasure, I don’t know why. I began to cry but that only made his cock harder. When I was able to, I stood up and tried to run for it, but he grabbed me by the hair and slammed me into my mirror. Glass exploded around the bathroom and small shards imbedded themselves in my skin.

Once again, he pinned me down and shoved his cock inside me. He told me that I was going to pay for being a fucking bitch and he grabbed a large shard of glass and began scraping and shoving it into my skin and arms. The harder I tried to escape, the deeper he stabbed. He thrusted his hard cock deeper and deeper inside my wet, cherry popped cunt and plunged the shard of glass into my neck over and over again, cutting and razoring through my flesh and artery. I bled all over the bathroom floor as he came deep inside my teen cunt.

Snuff Sex Christmas

snuff sexSnuff sex Christmas is here. I was a naughty elf last night. I had a long list of naughty folks that I had to kill. I have been the cause of much murder mayhem over the years, but no one ever links them to me. Why? Because there is no link. I have no connection with my victims. Just random acts of violence against bad people who have a long list of enemies. Bitches, whores, and dickheads. The world is a better place without them.  I went to the home of this fat cat money man last night. He stole from the poor to get rich. His wife hid the money while he was in prison and they are living high on the hog again at others expense. Two counties over and he has lots of enemies. I broke in and killed him and his wife. I castrated his cock and his balls; I just took the entire goods. I made his wife suck his severed dick as he was crying like a bitch and bleeding all over the shag carpeting. They had a ton of presents for their devil’s spawn and their devil’s spawn. I wiped the blood splatter off the gifts and re-gifted at a local orphanage. I guess I was Robin Hood last night. I killed the rich, stole from them and gave their gifts to poor little ones who still believe in Santa Claus. Merry Christmas you filthy animals.

Sadistic Phone Sex With Santa’s Evil Elf

This time of joy and consumeristic rituals of unholy greed and false piousness is a joy filled time for sadistic phone sex for me. I’m Santa’s very evil sadistic sidekick Elf and I am all about destroying the young brats on the Nice list! If your little ones are good little fucked up brats then I will surely be making a visit and destroying their dreams of sugar plum fairies with a nightmare of rape fantasies of snuff and glee. The first brat on my list will be a part of my Winter Solstice initiation ceremony where I will have six special cocks to destroy their little anuses and pussies. I want cries. screams, and blood to flow like the sounds of a good devilish sacrifice should have. You just best hope it isn’t your fuck spawns turn first as they will get the worst of the nights evil doings since we have the initial sacrifice to open the portal of hell and allow me to play a Bathory moment of a blood bath for my opening ceremony.

Sadistic Phone Sex

He Didn’t Need It Anyway

I’m a sadistic bitch that worships the acts of Dahmer’s and I absolutely love the brutality of being a sadistic phone sex Goddess. My love of rape fantasies and dismembering the cocks of my victims is such a fucking high. I really love to sever their penises off and fry them up in truffle oil with some mushroom caps and feed it to them before they bleed out completely from the violent ass fucking I gave them with my cheese grater strap-on. There is no better high than feeling the last breath of a victim whose face I sit my round ass upon as I make a nice slow severing of both their heads. I love to finish off my fuck toy with a nice big piss down their severed throats.

Sadistic Phone Sex

Forced Witness

Ass rape porn

Mommy and Daddy went out of the town for the weekend, so I thought it was the perfect time to invite my boyfriend, Jimmy, over. We settled down for a movie hoping that maybe we can finally have time to lose our virginities to each other now that we’re alone for the first time. We were in the middle of a scary movie when we heard a crash from my parent’s bedroom.

Both of us were too scared to look but Jimmy offered. He was gone for what seemed like forever but then I heard the door open and Jimmy was escorted out tied up and at gun point by a stranger! I screamed and begged for him to let Jimmy go. But then he pointed the gun at me! He told me to get naked or he will kill Jimmy. I did as I was told! I didn’t want Jimmy to get hurt!

The intruder pinned me on the couch and started rubbing my pussy! Jimmy tried screaming for him to leave me alone but he pointed the gun at him and shut him up. The intruder forced his cock inside my virgin cunnie! He whispered in my ear about how he finally got to live his rape fantasy. I screamed and cried as he forced fucked me harder in harder in every whole and made Jimmy watch in horror!

When he was done, I begged him to leave but then he turned the gun on Jimmy and fired a shot, his brains splattered all over the living room wall as I screeched. Then he turned the gun on me and fired a shot…

Scat with my Master

Sex with dead bodies


Shit on me my distorted lover, I want to feel your luscious, fantastic slimy, smelly feces on my body. I love the way your shit feels all over my sexy body I crave the nastiness of your brown bombers. You can crap on my cunt face and let me feel all of the heat from your hot dump, I’m in love with you. You’ve always been the best guy the one to make me feel smutty good. I want you to tear my mind apart as you should, you are my fucking gross master fuck daddy. I want you to beat my whore face in a make me your submissive slut tramp. I am happy that you love my cum guzzling pussy and pissing on me. All I can think about is how you make me feel when you do what you do to me. I’ve got you a gift, I kidnapped this funky bastard ass no good shit worthy prostitute. I told this bitch I’ve got a lot of money to spend and I really want her to make it. This cum-filled cunt slut hopped into the car without even thinking about it, her loss as she will see soon. I brought her back to you master, and now I want you to torture this fucking bitch. I’m so lucky that you’re my master you rule everything I do, there are no fucking stops I just want to go and keep going with you. So now this little fucking cockslut lot lizard needs to be cut into pieces. I’m going to take a straight razor and start cutting into her skin so that you can piss all over her bloody cuts. I’m going to love to see you fuck her and make your cock go down her fucking throat until her tonsils start bleeding. I’m going to shove a broken bottle into her pussy and cut this sleazy tramps pussy up into a mangled mess. When we get finished with this fucking cunt bitch she’s not going to be recognizable we’re going to cut her up like the fucking Dahlia. I’m so proud of your kinky nasty excellence I think you’re a fucking genius and I look up to you I hope to be just like you master. We can beat her head in with a hammer and make her eyes bulge out then you can soak your cock with her bloody pussy. We can get a cleaver and start chopping her lean cock slut body up. I want her ass to get cut up into several portions. After we get done, we should send her body parts to Parliament. I love our sadistic minds we are amazingly creative I’m so proud of you master. I hope that you’re proud of me I enjoy you and I’ll do anything for you.

Bloody Muse


Cannibalism phone sex

I know this bitch named Casey she thinks she’s my friend, but I’ve got something in mind for her. Casey gets on my fucking nerves I’m going to show her I’ve been wanting to, but I guess I was waiting to give myself a beautifully twisted wrapped Christmas present. Fucking bitch Casey you’re not worth anything friendly, and I’m not able to be any kind of sweet. I tricked that dirty fucking cunt bitch into coming to my house so that I could torture her and mutilate her body. I really didn’t even have a reason except for I was jealous and jealousy motivates works of art in me. I’m sure you’re aware of the expression “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” oh, well I am going to put a little blood in Casey’s heart. I got Casey to my house I gave her some pills in a drink, that knocked her out cold then I started my work. First I took my straight razor and cut little blocks of skin out of that whore. I placed those blocks of skin that I cut out of her scandalously beautiful body onto my sewing table, and that’s my skin sewing table. Did you know that skin dry’s like leather and sews so nicely? I then began the work of cutting her skin deeper I wanted more tissue so that I could fry it and feed it to her when she woke up. I cut those little toes off one at a time, and they were pretty little toes but she doesn’t need them after I get done with her walking won’t be a priority. I decided that I was going to feed those toes to my special Bubble Guppies. When I got done with those toes, I started cutting those fingers off one by one because fingers only get in the way of my artwork. I feel like when I get done with Casey, she’s going to be a fucking Masterpiece bloody art. Next time going to cut off that pretty little fat Pearl tongue. Finally, after everything was cut up, I started to cook each piece of her body. I garnished my lovely little slut cunt’s parts with rice and green beans. My sweet Casey woke up horrified, screaming in pain, so I stuffed a well-seasoned toe in her mouth and made her crunch down. Casey begged and pleaded for me to stop, but nothing could help her nothing at all. Would you like to know what else I did to my bloody Muse? Are you hungry for a sexy slut treat?