Category: Killer phone sex

Landlords wonderland

snuff sexMy landlord was using me to be his snuff sex slave. I was late, and I was trying to avoid being evicted. I have always been a natural submissive bitch. I never knew I would allow someone to make me a slave slut at the levels my landlord was taking it; It was next level shit. My body was his wonderland, and he was all about making pain into his pleasure. The pain inflicted on me had his cock rising and ready to destroy me. I had never met someone as twisted as he showed himself to be. My body was all bruised and bloody, and he wanted me to be practically dead. I knew he would eventually want to have me cold on the ground, taking my last breath while he’s shooting his cum inside my lifeless body. I could see where he wanted to make things. I was afraid, but I was in too deep at this point.


A Worthless Cunt

When They say I’m going to be the star in their snuff porn it’s certainly not going to end well. I was just leaving the club a little high and tipsy when these three huge thug type black guys surrounded me. Two grabbed my arms and restrained me while the third one took a knife out and ran it down my cheek and neck, sliding it along my neck and laughing. He made a quick swipe and cut the top of my dress open. With a laugh they said I would nicely and hauled me off into their SUV. They took turns face fucking me while a fourth guy drove us to a shithole apartment in. an abandoned building. This was like a crack house with needles and paraphernalia littering the floor. A lone filthy mattress in the middle of the room was surrounded by video recording equipment. I knew too well what was about to happen. I felt a prick in my neck as they shot me up with heroin and probably with a dirty syringe. They laughed and the three pulled their massage black dicks out again. They shoved me down and cut my clothes off calling me all kinds of derogatory names for a white girl bimbo blonde slut. I was then getting the starring role in the gangbang rape porn they promised me. They tortured my cunt and ass shoving those massive schlongs in me and sometimes shoving two big black dicks in my cunt while the third slammed my ass. They ripped me and destroyed my guts as they pounded and ripped me up. As they were taking their final use of my bloody prolapsed holes one masked man entered and slit my throat with a machete.

Snuff Porn

I love fucking Up my Male Victims

ass rape porn

Your webmaster needs some ass rape porn for some sadistic motherfuckers tonight. I got sweet tasting brats and big hung black men. But tonight they wanted male victims. Now it’s not all bad. Before I killed you, you know were offered tasty delights of the flesh.  Did you ever once and stop to think why you would be randomly chosen to force fuck these tiny blonde twins? Its because you are a pathetic motherfucker and I thought I would give you some pleasure in your white collar boring life before I sent you straight to the firey pits of hell. Once you penetrated the first brat, your ass tore open amid cheers from my audience. I loved coming to your rescue and pulling your bloody pulp of an ass off that foot long black cock. Only to look you in the eye and begin slicing off your balls. I do so love how girly you screamed, It made me cream my panties. Piece by piece I chopped you up and fed you to my four-legged friends!

Home Invasion

Home invasion phone sex

I was just getting out of the shower when I heard it, the back door opening. Fuck! My cellphone is downstairs and who even owns a landline anymore? I quickly wrap myself in my fluffy white robe and hide inside my closet. I hear racket downstairs and know someone is here. My breathing is quick while I try to quiet it, hiding and praying I’m not found. I guess God wasn’t listening because next thing I know the closet door is opening and you are pulling me out by the hair. I scream and fight to push you off and your accomplice enters the room. The two of you easily overpower me and forcefully rip the robe from my naked body and throw me onto the floor. You tell me that I need to please both of you or I’ll regret it. I do my best to use my mouth but you grab me by the back of the head and forcefully fuck my throat and I start crying. You slap me hard and I fall to the ground, your friend walks over and holds my arms down while you straddle my stomach. That’s when you started to hit me across the face and head until I was crying out and bloody. I felt your big, strong hands wrap around my neck and tighten until I couldn’t breathe. My thoughts went fuzzy as I panicked and fought harder against the restraint until everything went black. You took turns fucking my warm cunt and tight asshole bloody and left my body there in the mess, covered and filled with cum.

Killer Phone Sex Is Foreplay For My Lover

It’s a great time in the Summer with our partying into the wee hours of the morning. My lover and I will often go out and find some crackwhore breeder and lure the little gutter brat from her with a variety of means. If the whore is preggo it’s best to take care of things before she brings a useless waste of space into the world already an addict it’s the least thing this world needs. I love it when the addict breeder is nice and young and can destroy her real good as we abort that blackhole ghoul from her belly. Nothing makes me more excited then seeing the dead eyes of this cunt roll into the back of her head and her diaphragm stops contracting and flattening as she is no longer breathing. She’s just another piece of garbage for the garbage man.

Killer Phone Sex

Snuff Porn: Summertime Girls Beware

snuff pornDo you want to make snuff porn? It is summertime. Do you know what that means? It means lots of scantily clad little whores. Teen whores, younger whores, even old whores if they are your thing. I just like to kill women and girls. Most females hate me, so I have no problem killing bitches of any age. I like the kill, but the hunt is what gets my cunt wet. Searching together for the perfect little slut together; one for you to fuck and one for me to kill.  You can kill her too if you want, but most men just want to explore their rape phone sex fantasies and leave the clean up to me. Again, killing tender age girls doesn’t make me squeamish, so I up fucking them doesn’t make you squeamish. I so love to watch a little girl get fucked by a much older man. Oh, summertime girls better beware when we get together.

Cum Explore YOUR Deviant SIDE WITH US

accomplice phone sex

Your Fucking Deviant side requires more than just fucking accomplice phone sex! I am not the only brat fucker on these sites! We have hot Young ones who need another little cunt to sacrifice for daddy! I think that’s so fucking hot! I might do it little bloodier than most but we still do it! teen phone sex

Then those fuckin hot mommies can be sadistic with those little girls and boys! Mommies have so much domain over young bald cunts and dickies galore. Milky tits and milf pussy who can resist such a naughty fucking mommy. I have a couple who I wouldn’t mind breeding for me and letting me off those brats!

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OH my, I can not forget the whores that started it all! Fuckaliciousfreaks, oh my… Big tits tiny pussies, cuckolding mistresses and a couple of accomplice pussies just like me for all the taking! My evil pussy has a few that could even dom my cannibalistic self! Let’s do a 2 girl with a fuckalicious hottie! 2 girl phone sex

ANd fat freaks, who take large cock! I want to fucking cut those folds and impregnate those sluts right now! Let’s get bloody with a fat girl or just fuck those giant tits I am so jealous of! bloody phone sex

How fucking dirty do you want to get? do you need some incest fucks? Familydesires is all you have on your mind when you want to fuck your own little heathen! snuff phone sex

So much fun snuffing out hoes and being the most deviant! My pussy is wet you better find me a slut to fuck up! I gave you choices now bring them to me!

Keep your eyes to yourself

sadistic phone sexSadistic phone sex with a whore who will kill to show you a lesson. I like being able to prove to these sluts that I can make their lives a living hell. I don’t mind making them know they can’t look at my man. I love showing a good slut for how serious I get. I liked fucking up her eyesight. Since she wanted to watch what wasn’t hers, I wanted to pop her eyes out with an ice pick. It was perfect. I loved watching all the blood gush, and her blood-curdling screams were classic. I have to admit I might have even had a full orgasm without also trying. Stupid sluts must know their places and see that they are never more than just disposables cunts.

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies

killer phone sexI have killer phone sex fantasies. We all do. The only difference is I act on my fantasies. I met this annoying fucker the other day. He was begging to have his dick cut off. He didn’t want castration. He wanted the entire package gone, cock and balls. He had been trying to find a woman who would enjoy that. His first mistake was trying to find a woman who would like it. He needed to find a sadistic bitch like me. I have no sympathy for a loser who wants to cut off his dick. As far as I see it, if you are such a loser that you want to castrate yourself and take your cock too, you don’t deserve any male genitals. Your man card is revoked, and I will happily be the one to revoke it. I told him to give me a show. I ordered him to cut off his own cock and I would take care of what was left. Puss cake. He couldn’t even make a cut on his tiny pecker. I called it. I knew he was the kind of loser who calls me for castration phone sex but can never really go thru with it. I wanted a show, so I gave myself one. I chopped off his dick, his balls then I dismembered him. My basement looked like the Saw bathroom when I was done with him. Blood, limbs, and saws everywhere and one dying loser. Don’t promise me entertainment and not deliver.

Baited, Basted and Baked

Cannibalism Phone Sex

They always go for my nipples and breasts first for cannibalism phone sex calls. I’m Geneva and am the delicious prey or victim that will fulfill those demented and twisted fantasies, and I do so with pure fucking delight. Yes, I am delighted to cream my panties as you abuse the fuck out of me. I had the ultimate sacrifice when one hunter decided to make me dinner. He was brutal to me from the beginning I met him at a rest area that was always vacant and he forced me into a bathroom stall where he shoved my face in a filthy toilet as he force fucked my ass. I was distraught a little but he found that my panties were soaked and not only from pissing myself. He continued to torment me and beat me while he violated all the places he could get his cock off in. I was clinging to a thread when he shoved me in his SUV and drove me to a hunting lodge. He hauled me out and suspended me by my wrists and ankles on a pole over a soon to be roaring fire. He shoved his fist up my cunt and fist fucked my juicy cunt to stir up those basting juices to ensure I get well seasoned. I was baked to a golden brown and enjoyed my five men who had fucked their semen into my holes prior to the roasting.