Category: Killer phone sex

Black Kiss Of Torture Sex and Death

torture sex

It isn’t every day that I get to kill and eat my torture sex victims. The black kiss of death shall be mine! Two things I love to torture and a nice human flesh torte. Chocolate and blood infused with a nice cream filled center. Just like those girls you had me murder and tear apart for your pleasure. What you didn’t count on was me being addicted to your cock so much that I wanted to cut it off and keep it forever. Of course, I had to pull you apart piece by piece first. Sawing off your arms and legs and letting your blood flow out all over the floor. A waste of good marinade. But what I was after was your heart and cock. The most valuable part pf my victims. And so fucking tasty after I had helped you mangle soft female bodies. Come and let me kill for you and kill you tonight!


Gothic Phone Sex Halloween Roast w/ Gray

Nothing says Happy Halloween like a stuffed bastard with his own balls in his mouth as the centerpiece on my Festival table. So this asshole wanted to fowl my favorite day of the year up with his shitty attitude. Not happening bitch. I take my switchblade out and put it to his throat as I cuff him and control him. I shove the prick into my chambers and knee him in the balls. He bends over with his cuffed hands in front of him and I shove him to his knees. “I’ve had it with your type” I spit at him and kick him in the guts. I lean over him and laugh in his face as I tell him I have big plans for you, Bitch. I take my gardening shears and start cutting his clothes off. Stripped I enjoy another snip, Right behind the ball sack. Severing his cock and balls as he starts screaming and crying like a bitch. I kick him in the face. “I hate a whiny bitch” as I lean over him and shove his dick and balls in his mouth, “Now be a good boy and shut the fuck up”. Stuffed with his own cock and balls as the only gag needed. I grab some cotton twine used for tying a nice butterball up before the oven. I hogtie the bitch, slather him in oil and seasonings and shove a fucking roasting rod up his ass. My guys help me out with the heavy lifting and we haul him to the back where the bonfire will be. This piece of shit will be enjoyed by all tonight, “Happy Fucking Halloween, and remember: Don’t Fuck With The Queen of Sin, Bitches”.

Gothic phone sex

Killer Phone Sex: My First Kill

killer phone sexKiller phone sex is at an all-time high the last week of October. I think Halloween inspires people. My first kill was on Halloween night when I was in high school. The death of a popular cheerleader was never solved. At least not the death of the popular cheerleader in my community. She was a queen bitch. She made Regina in Mean Girls seem like Mother Theresa. This pretty little cheerleader was so cruel and self-entitled. She made my life hell. I could have handled the name calling and constant torment at school, but she went way further than that. She treated me like Carrie at the prom. And I was way savvier and more astute than Carrie White. One day, I snapped. She poisoned my lunch, made me super sick, so I killed her. I played the victim role, but I got my pound of flesh.  I stabbed her in her bed a thousand times. I injected her with a paralytic drug. She felt every ounce of pain, but she couldn’t scream or move. Her parents were asleep down the hall, while I butchered their daughter with glee. I used a big dildo with a condom on it to penetrate her cunt and ass. It would look like some one had rape phone sex fantasies for her and throw suspicion off the girls she tormented. That was 12 years ago, and it is still an unsolved sexually motivated murder. The bitch had it coming. I am grateful to her, however. She made me realize how easy it is to kill. How much fun it is to inflict harm onto another living person. She gave me my passion for murder. Once you have your first kill, you are hooked. You kill again and again and for far fewer personal reasons. Let me help you have your first kill.

Knife Play

knife play phone sex

I just love it when you bring out your extravagant knife collection. It makes my clit pulsate and drip. That barbaric look in your eyes becomes extremely fierce! Knowing I will submit fully, whilst trembling with fear. Your collection seems to be growing every week. How many knives do you have now?! I want to feel the sharp end of each and every one of them. The way you slice off my panties, with your cock throbbing is one of my favorite parts when it comes to knife play phone sex. I especially love it when you tie me up and force me to watch you sharpen and clean your beautiful knives. Then you finally come over and one of them up to my skin, without puncturing it. Grazing it across my body and you watch my face. Practically never breaking eye contact. You love to keep me in a constant state of fear when it’s knife play time. I love feeling your cock tease my sweet cunt and you scrape my tits a little with that sharp blade. I feel what it does to your body. Your body and mine for that matter. What do you have in store for me tonight?

Breaking In

home invasion phone sex

You hold the knife to my warm throat as you instruct me to shut down the alarm system. That is how a lot of my home invasion phone sex fantasies begin. You know that you hold all of the power when you slip in and place the blade to my pulse like that. For a moment I think to hit the panic code, but I feel that you will find a special way to torture me if I make that mistake. Once it’s all clear you use your knife to slash my gown and also to tear off my panties.

You march me to the sofa and then I see your partner is bringing down my roommate. She looks as shaken as I am. You laugh and tell us to save our tears because it’s going to be a long night. Your partner orders my roommate to lay on her back on the coffee table. He presses the silver blade into her lower stomach and traces her cunt in a fresh blood trail. I’m wrenched up by my hair and pushed to her body to lap up the blood at knife point.


Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder phone sex“Don’t make a fucking sound or I will slit your throat bitch.” He digs the knife in deeper, as he starts to pull down my panties and the rest of my clothing. I really was just playing the victim in Murder phone sex Fantasies, and all of a sudden he was actually here! I had no idea, and now I have a feeling about what is going to happen. He gets me naked and takes me to my room, locking the door behind him and with a bag in his hands. He pushes me onto the ground on my hands and knees and ties them together. He uses a device to spread my legs and keep them spread. I am whining now and starting to beg, but this only pisses him off more. He comes up to me and cuts some of my hair off and shoves it into my mouth telling me to shut the fuck up. He proceeds to fuck my cunt and ass over and over as he uses a cord to choke me till I blackout. I always wake up to him forcing his cock down my throat, and I am sure this is how I am going to die. He is fucking me and I am screaming bloody murder as he says “shut the fuck up bitch, you wanna fucking die you, damn whore?” And this time he wraps the cord around my neck harder than ever before. He is screaming as he fucks me and as I lose consciousness. I can only hear him say “die whore, die whore” over and over.

Depraved Miscarriage Fucking

accomplice phone sexYour chanting into the mirror for your accomplice Jezabel. You have the candle and its dark. But You need her tonight! Your cock is hard, you are tired of trying to get your wife pregnant, but the bloody mess that comes with every miscarriage is turning you on and you want to fuck her while her body is shedding that dead brat from her womb. You know I will appear to you and lead you through forcing her to fuck you while she is bleeding out. This time she reached the second trimester and that brat is going to be a nice big lump coming out of her.goth teen phone sex You have already tied her to the bed and now you wait. I appear with a dead slutkin in my arms asking if you are sure. We will most likely have to kill her after this! You don’t care you want to fuck that miscarriage mess and then have me track down pregnant females so we can abort more brats and you can fuck them!

Making Snuff Movies

snuff pornI love watching snuff movies but making them is so much more fun. I am a sick bitch. It turns me on to see some dumb slut get slaughtered on film. After a while, all snuff flicks begin to look the same. I must reach into the depravity of my mind to bring some creativity to the genre. Most films it is some helpless little twit giving into some sadist butcher. But what if the snuff victim wasn’t so helpless? I love the Goth culture. I consider myself Goth. I know a lot of women in the lifestyle, many are bad ass bitches like me. I thought about a sadist on sadist film. Two bitches fighting till their death. I hired two sexy Goth babes for my homemade snuff flick. I lied to them of course, because no one was coming out alive but me. I paid them ahead of time so they would not suspect my ulterior motives. I even had a fake medic on hand, so they believed their wounds would be tended too. I wanted real blood and they understood that. They just didn’t know I wanted real death too. The props they thought were fake or rigged, were deadly. I tossed them into my movie like an epic battle of a Game of Thrones episode. They clubbed each other viciously, falsely believing the spikes in the club were retractable with blood packs attached. The first blow to the head sprayed brain matter everywhere. I was super wet. My star who threw the first blow didn’t realize it was fake yet. She clubbed her victim again. This time she didn’t get up. I wanted the film to go longer, so I went in swinging as the camera rolled. As my snuff porn star looked on in shock at the girl she just slaughtered, I clubbed her. Her blood and sinew splattered on my body. I was the last bitch standing, but then that was always the plan.

Late Last Night

snuff phone sex

You came home extremely late last night. You must’ve been out drinking with some colleagues again. I heard the car pull up so I decided to pretend to be asleep when you walked into my bedroom. I was intentionally wearing something lacy and something white because you just love seeing me in something that represents purity when you have plans to brutalize and torture me! It pleases me to be your victim. I felt you tying my hands behind my back, as well as my ankles. This is when I decided to begin to “wake up” and struggle. I could feel your cock get hard immediately as you were pressed up against me. Boy do you love it when I put up a fight. At this point you covered my mouth and I began to scream and gasp. Your cock is throbbing now! And I’ll be honest, my pussy us pulsing and dripping. I love that I never know just what you’ll do next. You picked me up and carried me into the kitchen, sat me down in the chair sitting right there in the middle of it. This is where you turned on the stove and started heating up a rather sharp knife. You never even break eye contact with me when you’re putting on this display of preparation. You love that fear of look in my eyes. Do you remember what happened next?


Taboo Phone Sex October

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is in full swing during October. Maybe all those slasher films are inspiring people to explore their dark desires. I can only hope. Violence on TV and in the movies helps make monsters like me! I have no moral compass. I have no guilt. I lack empathy. I am the perfect killing machine. Men come to me to help them with their murderous impulses. I am always a willing accomplice. Mr. Smith wanted his ex-wife killed. It was not just a simple contract killing. He wanted her tortured. I didn’t ask why because I didn’t care. I was being paid well for the task. I did some research on her habits and patterns to decide when the best time was to execute her. I saw her new husband and I knew why she was wanted dead. It didn’t take me long to put together this was a simple revenge murder. My guess was she left her husband for a hung man, a real man. I know I was being paid well to kill her, so I talked to her and suggested she make me a better offer. She married up, not down with hubby number two. She doubled my pay to kill her ex and to castrate him. Now, she was talking my language. I love to sever the balls of spiteful small dicked losers. My client was jealous that his wife married a better man with a bigger dick and a bigger bank account. One less small dick loser in the world is a win for all mankind. I went back to my original client and I killed him but before he died, I took his cock and balls. I let him know that his ex made me a better deal. The horrified look on his face when he realized he had been double crossed was priceless. I tortured him for hours before I put him out of everyone’s misery. If you hire me to kill someone, just make sure that someone can’t make me a better offer.