He told me it was a domination phone sex week for me. He kidnapped me and tossed me in his basement. I was chained up like a wild animal. Stripped naked, forced to lay on a cold, damp slab of concreate. I had to piss and shit in a bowl. My only nourishment for the week was his cum that I had to drink out of a bowl on a floor. No water. No real food. Just his cum. I was cold, scared, and alone. Bugs were in the basement. So many bugs that they covered my flesh like a blanket at night. The sound of the cock roaches and crickets drove me crazy. The entire week I was deprived light and basic human necessities. Today, he came down to give me his cum. He gave me more than that. He fucked my ass, my mouth and my cunt. I was dirty and I smelled. I had not had a bath since he took me, unless you count his cum and piss as a bath. I thought today was my last day alive, but he made me a deal. Bring me a young girl and I can be his accomplice, not his prisoner. It is survival of the fittest right? I took that deal. Now, I am free and have 24-hours to bring him a super young slave for his demented teen rape porn.
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
Domination Phone Sex Prisoner
Snuff Porn Director
Snuff porn makers have the best lives. I hooked up with this snuff director over the weekend. He had seen a few of my amateur underground films. He wanted to hire me. The professional snuff film maker wanted me to help him with a special film project. I felt honored. I have always been in awe of his work. He told me his films were bogus. I was disappointed, but I expected as much. He wanted to know how I made my films look so real. I told him they were real. Why would an amateur like me with no film connections make a fake snuff flick? I hate people. I kill for sport and entertainment. That was when his proposition got real. He offered me a huge sum to kill his ex-wife and film it. She is milking his wallet dry with alimony. He had me at alimony. I get paying for your brats, but I am not dependent financially on anyone, especially not any man. It would be my pleasure to make snuff movies with her as the star. He couldn’t be there because he needed to have an alibi. I broke in her house in Malibu. I filmed her fear. I filmed me stabbing her cunt and her heart. I filmed me pissing on her dying body. I filmed me sodomizing her worthless whore ass with a broken bottle. I had to do some editing to keep me out of it, but I had a good death film in the end and more importantly, I had a dead wife with proof of death for a big payout. He told me he has a long list of people for me to take care of for him. Happy to help! I love killing useless cunts. I am sure you have someone you want to star in a snuff sex film too.
I Was Just Creampied Nourishment
Cannibalism phone sex gets filthy hot after I get force fucked by a gang of vicious Satanic bikers. These mother fuckers accosted me and ripped my clothes off as they shoved and grabbed at me in the center of like six of these burly guys. These guys had a real spooky darkness that really creeped many out, and they acted like the true neanderthals they were as they grabbed, pinched and bit at me. I was soon being forced by them while they bit at my flesh. My throat was gnawed into a bloody mess as their huge cocks ripped and gaped my pussy and asshole. I knew this was the end of me as I saw the bright lights and cameras rolling, they were filming my demise as they fucked and devoured my flesh.
Torture Sex and Sex Trafficking
Tortures sex and sex trafficking are in high demand on big sporting event days. Today, is the Kentucky Derby. I don’t know if you follow horse racing, but men get drunk, win money and want to pay for kinky shit. Sometimes it is a sweet young thing and sometimes it’s an old submissive whore. I was minding my own business walking to the local 7-11 for some cigarettes. It started pouring down rain. Some guy in a van offered me a lift and I took it. Bad choice on my part. He was not alone. Another man grabbed me and tossed me in the back where a dirty old mattress awaited me. They made a stop and a few men paid my kidnapers money and I went from a van to a moving truck. The inside was made into a torture chamber. It was a moving sex trafficking and torture truck. While I was tied up, men fucked me and zapped me with electric currents. They beat me while they fucked me. They beat me while they shocked me. They came in my face and in both my pussy and ass while watching pre race predictions on their cell phones. They were lining up their bets while using me for snuff sex. I knew I was not the only girl in peril today. Sex trafficking is big business. Men even want used up whores like me to play with too.
I Want to Make a Snuff Porn
I want to make a snuff porn. You can be my assistant or my star; it all depends on you. I have no problem torturing and castrating a man on film. However, I like to make money, and the kind of snuff films with men as the stars don’t earn me as much money. The snuff flicks with little girls as the stars make me bank. I just like to have a male accomplice to assist. I film, you fuck. I torture her, you fuck her. It is a perfect partnership, don’t you think? Mr. Black was my latest accomplice. He paid me to help him kidnap and kill a little girl. I was the video recorder for his dark fantasies. Let me tell you, Mr. Black was one of the most sadistic accomplices I have ever had. Not only did he fuck her tiny holes until they prolapsed and bled, he cut her and burned her flesh too. He enjoyed hearing her scream in pain. She cried for her mommy. That always makes me wet. He tortured her for hours like a true sadist. When he was done cumming in her tiny little body, he snapped her neck like she was chicken. He got hard again and fucked her dead body. Sex with dead bodies made him hard. Made me wetter. I filmed him force fucking her, torturing her, killing her then fucking her lifeless young body. I want to make another snuff film with him.
Layla Meets her End With Jezabel
I might be a snuff whore but I am still very much a jealous woman. And the only difference between me and the girl next door is that I carry a hunting knife. Well, that and I love the smell and taste of blood. So when my boy toy was drooling over Layla’s big black tits I knew I had to act fast. I sent out an SOS looking for men who wanted a black whore to fuck up. I found just the pay duck in Jim. He wanted her hogtied and delivered to his basement of torment. I knew Layla’s lusty body ran drugs for her associated and took cum like it was nobodies business. I do stalk my prey before pouncing. All it took was an envelope of cash and a promise of pure coke and lots of cocks to have Luscious Layla following me like a puppy pet. Her eyes became frightened but she merely whimpered as I tied her like cattle and threw her down the basement stairs. My only request was that I got to slice and dice Layas Big Tits and make sure my boy toy knew that they were disfigured at my hands. I so enjoyed her screaming as I tortured those round black jugs. Jim had his power tools ready as we put her on the slab. My knife dug deeper the more whore Layla screamed as I made quick knife work of those titties! This was going to be a hell of an accomplice snuff out!
Sold Sex Slave
My master sold me. He said he could not have a sex slave who enjoyed being tortured. Master told me, the word torture speaks for itself. He said it is not considered torture if I like it. It will be considered as pleasure, something he is not interested in. My master said it was either he kills me or sells me. Since I was good to my master and I did was a damn good sex slave for so long he sold me to someone who would enjoy me a lot more. I am going to miss my master. We had a lot of fun together. I think he has decided to keep one of the girls he has been capturing. One of those scared little sluts will definitely be a great fit for him. Master has me locked in the attic until tomorrow. That is when I will meet the man or men who bought me. My master did tell me to get ready for something I have never seen before. He made sure to sell me to someone who I would not get bored with. I had to beg my master to torture me one more time and I promised him I would act like I did not enjoy myself. He agreed to stretch my asshole out with the end of his hammer. The hammer is made of wood and used as a torture toy since the wood leaves splinters behind. Every time Master inserted the end of the hammer I could feel the wood piercing right into my assholes soft tissue. When my master was finished he turned me around shoving his cock so far down my throat I thought he was going to somehow poke a hole through my throat. He even dipped his dick in some of the blood from my throbbing asshole and made me suck it all off. Fuck I am going to miss all of our good times. Maybe one day he will want me back, If I am not already dead from whoever has bought me.
Slave, Master And Slut
My master told me for now on, he will be the one doing all of the torturings. I am not allowed to hurt anyone. I was upset but I didn’t let my master see it. He did say he would like to see me take advantage of the sluts he is going to capture. He will be the one doing the torturing and leave the sexual fun up to me. He told me the plan last night. He will start capturing one girl at a time. Once he brings the girl back to the house, I get to play with them first. He is going to watch me fuck these girls in the tightest hole or holes on their body. Unless he is lucky enough to find a little virgin to play with. I know I will make sure I involve a little torture with my big thick strapon before they get to my master. There are other toys around here to use that will inflict pain just fine. Master also told me I get to watch while he tortures the poor sluts. I am excited, he said what he is going to do with her is nothing I have ever seen before. I cannot wait to have some torturous fun with my master!
I Suck Up My Teen Rape Porn Victims In A Vacuum
Nothing This Sadistic Killer loves more than finding unique ways to kidnap my teen rape porn Victims! See I have built two industrial snuff vacuums that do the work of three men! I use one with a suction 100 times more powerful than any household vacuum in my free candy van. I have a hose that if I get within 3 feet of a cute small teen it will suck her head first into the back of my van. I just show her a cute four-legged and then suck her right up as she gets close! I laugh as she realizes she is getting sucked up and tell her bye bye pretty! Then down in my dungeon of doom, I spit her out on a slab where I make her do things to my pussy. SLurp and lick and fist fuck me as she is in the middle of our demented teen rape fantasy shoot. I cut her nipples off and have a slew of men force fuck those tiny tits and gape her ass! My benefactor always gets to force fuck that sweet pussy. No matter the age he wants I get the girl. Then as clean up I open my storage door and my mechanical vacuum comes our whirling and churning to suck her up inside and shred her body apart while she is still alive. A Vacuum with meat grinder how innovative to my human flesh-eating ways! Sometimes I like to play cat and mouse and let my victim try to escape from the howling mechanical jaws of my vacuums. But I always get that sweet flesh sucked right up. And now I have a unique way to off my men who wish to die at the hands of Evil Jezabel as well. Cum let me suck and chop you up with my army of vacuum monsters!
Slave Accomplice Part 2
My hunt last night went better than I expected. Hunting a man is different than going for a slutty slave. My approach had to be to seduce him. I did not want to hurt him before I got him back to the house. It was either seduce him or knock him out. I chose the seduction method. Making a mans cock rock hard and knowing he has no idea what he is in for is a huge turn on, doing it to this man last night instantly had my slave box drowning with the desire to show my master how good of an accomplice I am going to be. I went to a football party. I wanted to find the straightest man I could, I knew when I got back to masters house I was going to make him my little bitch. Torture sex was not going to be something he would enjoy. I finally found him and could tell right away he was hypnotized by my big black titties. I had my big nipples showing through my shirt which would have any white mans cock rock hard instantly. He approached me and I did not waste any time seducing him into the truck master let me drive. Before we went to my truck I slipped a drug into his drink, I then made sure we quickly got in the truck before he could start feeling the effects of the drug. Not even five minutes went by and he was passed out in the passenger seat. I drove off quickly and headed back to my Master. Master was shocked by my quick arrival, he picked the jock up and carried him down to our torture chamber. Master put the jock in the chair and told me the rest is up to me. He is going to sit back and watch how evil my nigger slave mind really is. I tied the young jock up real nice and tight. Master already had any toy or tool I needed for this torturous event. I made sure to shackle his wrists behind his back and do the same with his ankles. Then I took masters thick wired rope, wrapping it around his body so tight, I was cutting off some of his air supply. I wanted this young jock to be in pain the moment he woke up. Ten minutes went by and the jocks eyes popped wide open. I could smell the instant fear seeping through his pores as he looked around the room. He looked at me like he wanted to kill me at the moment. Little did he know, this nigger cunt gets hot and ready any time there is torture and violence involved. I was ready to play and my master was soon about to see another side of this nigger sex slave.