I was kidnapped for snuff movies and the sex trade. I was giving directions to a girl in a car when men jumped me from behind. She was the decoy I guess. I walked into their trap. I woke up naked crammed into a dingy room with lots of other scared women. I could smell puke and piss. Many women were strung out on something. I wasn’t fighting. I cowered in a corner trying to asses the situation. A Mexican man pulled me out of the corner and took me to a different room. My Spanish is very rusty. I did understand that I had been bought. I think I was kidnapped only because I fit the type of girl this one client wanted. I was a statuesque blonde with big tits. I was then dragged into another room where a man was waiting for me. The smile on his face said it all. He was happy to have bought me for his personal use. I was hopeful he just had rape phone sex fantasies. He had way more than that in mind. He wanted to dismember me. He had an array of torture devices ranging from hacksaws to chainsaws. No warning. No pain meds or smack. He cut off my limbs turning me into a bloody stump. He fucked me once I was a human stump. I wanted to die. I had no limbs. I was bleeding profusely but he didn’t care. He bought me to torture and force fuck me. His dream came true but my nightmare was just beginning.
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
Kidnapped for Snuff Movies
Kidnapping Phone Sex Fantasy
Kidnapping phone sex calls are a crap shoot. I never know what is going to happen to me. That is what makes it hot as hell. I found myself alone on a dark road with a flat tire. There was a huge castle that I could see about a mile away. I decided to walk there. I had no cell reception. I couldn’t call for a tow. I thought maybe the house had a phone I could use. A butler old as fuck and creepy answered the door. I was hesitant to go inside because it felt off. Before I could turn around, however, the creepy butler had my arm. He was dragging me down a corridor. I saw women laying on the floor. They looked half dead. Pale and weak. I swallowed hard as the butler dragged me into a room. It was dark and damp. It smelled like death. There was a man standing in front of a desk. A mirror behind him, but he had no reflection. I was in trouble. I was certainly doomed. I was going to be be vampire food like the girls I saw half dead. They had been drained of blood and I was next. I knew he was the reason for the disappearance of all the young girls in the area. I walked right into his trap. I knew I should run, but he had a hypnotic spell on me. I was weak and powerless as he walked towards me. He told me he was going to kill me, but that didn’t make me scared. I wanted to be with him for eternity. That was not what he wanted, however. He granted me one last orgasm before he killed me. He bit into my neck. Blood spurted everywhere and I got weak and cold. I pleaded to be turned and he did. I am now a sexy vampire, trapped as a beautiful blonde goddess forever.
bloody phone sex slut
You had this look in your eye, and I knew bloody phone sex wasn’t the only thing you wanted. You needed to have me on my knees, begging for my life. You tried to hurt me in ways so brutal and wicked. I wanted to make you happy, so I allowed you to make it bloody. You wanted to be balls deep in me while you choked me and gutted me open. Your wish is my command, and I will do as you need of me. I have become such a slut and slave that I have forgotten life outside of the dungeon you have made my everyday life. I am forever your dumb, stupid slave. I will love nothing more than to die being your punching bag.
Blasphemy Kidnapping Phone Sex Whore
My pussy is so wet at the haul I got for us to torture and tear apart! I burnt down a catholic orphanage and stole some of the brats. The best part is I have a couple of virgin nuns who need to denounce their religion! And of course, those fat little cunnies who think their deity is the only deity to worship. Virgin pussy and cock are so great! I have tried a few out I hope you don’t mind. Little boys will pray to anything if a hot mouth and wet pussy are around that cock. And the girls screamed so mercilessly. I just need a few big cocks so I can fill them with the only thing I will ever worship. Pain, torture, and cum! Cum runs the world and sweet forgotten brats are the perfect way to make sure I get what I want! I rather reign in hell because I orgasm to blood and dismemberment than to ever be pure! My lust is dark and your cock needs blasphemy sex only a snuff wore like I can give you!
Snuff porn
I needed 2 little bald cunt whores for the snuff film I was helping with. The pay for finding these little brats is enough to pay my rent for a year. I put an ad online for a babysitting gig. I knew the ad would bring in some desperate, single mom, needing to put her little problems off on someone else so she could go to work. Within the first 3 hours, I already had 2 perfect little bitches being hand delivered to me. I took them to my master’s house and set up the cameras. He stripped them down and put huge butt plugs in their little asses.He took turns torturing each one as he made the other watch and beg for her and her sisters lives. He forced his dick inside one while he slit the others throat. He fucked that little bitch hard as he watched her sister bleed out and die. When there was a nice size puddle of blood on the floor, he bent the little brat over and held her face down in the blood. He pounded and filled her bald little pussy until cum drizzled out of her and down her leg. When he was finished with the little whore, I strangled her with her sisters dress and left them both there to rot. All I cared about was getting my money.
I was Turned by a Vampire
I was turned last night. Last night was a night that I’ll live eons and remember. I am a different kind of woman now I am a better version of myself in every single way. I live in a town where there is a rumor going around about a particular wealthy dark, handsome stranger. He has a cold demeanor, to say the least. The man’s name is Mr. Finkel, and the rumor is that he is a vampire. I hardly ever see him out, especially in the daytime I’ve only really seen him out at night. I thought the townspeople we’re acting like stupid Dark Ages imbeciles. I’m not frightened of dark, handsome strangers with loads of money. Mr. Finkel lives in a mansion right on a property that overlooks the town. I think everyone is jealous or at least that’s what I thought anyway. The townspeople decided that I should go and find out if Mr. Finkel was, in fact, a vampire because I wasn’t afraid. Everyone got together for a meeting and told me that I have to be the one I didn’t think about it before, but now I know it was because I’m also the town cum-dumpster whore. All of the women hated me because I fucked all of their husbands. I feel like if their husbands and boyfriends love them, they would have been able to resist my sexual charm, but they weren’t able to resist, so did they love them?
I have slept with over half of the townsmen single married and a few gay guys too. What can I say I love sucking cock. I love wrapping my lips around a big fat hard cock rod. I love getting my asshole fucked, and I love being treated like a slut. Those women we’re more than happy for me to go up there in that big ass Mansion because they thought that I would get killed and they thought that the vampire would devour me and I would be out of their hair. I went up to Mr. Finkle’s mansion. Mr. Finkel had this gnarly doorman that looked like something out of a scary movie, but I didn’t care he probably had a huge dick. I told Mr. Finkel that the town wanted me to come up to his beautiful home and see if he were interested and coming out and assembling with the people he looked at me and smiled with that charming smile it was gorgeous and his eyes were spellbinding. Mr. Finkel said that he really didn’t like going out and assembling with anyone because he has critical work in his colossal abode. Mr. Finkel walk behind me ran his hand across my back, and then he turned me around he looked in my eyes, and he captured me. I was a submissive slave in the moment I couldn’t move my body was in a trance as well as my mind. Mr. Finkel ran his hands up to my breast; he squeezed my nipple. I let him do whatever he wanted. I was captured my pussy was soaking wet my body was ready to allow this creature to do whatever he wanted. He whispered in my ear the townspeople are correct I am a vampire and I’m going to turn you. I guess I would have screamed if I was in a reasonable understanding, but there was no reason to this insanity it was beyond reason. Mr. Finkel tore my shirt off seem like with his finger he took my bra and cut it with his long sharp fingernail. He smiled at me, and I saw his fangs, but I wasn’t afraid I couldn’t be I was in a trance. Last night I was fucked by a vampire, and it was the best sex ever. Now I’m a vampire too, and I hunger for sex even more than I did before. I hunger for cock my Hunger so deeply I want to suck balls, and I want to dig my tongue inside of an innocent virgin pussy and make it squirt everywhere. I want to suck the juices of come from a big hard cock, and all of that is because of Mr. Finkel and what he’s giving me.
Snuff Sex with a Little Girl
He wanted snuff sex with a little girl. I am the maker of taboo dreams. I know where to go to snatch up little girls. In this age of self-absorption, women are paying more attention to their cell phones than their little girls. That makes it easy for me to snatch a little one up in plain sight. I rushed the little angel to my kill shack before the Amber alert even hit the airwaves. My accomplice was waiting with a hard cock and his dark mind racing with evil thoughts. I shoved the little girl on his hard cock. She let out a loud scream as his dick pierced her little virgin slit. Her virgin blood was lube for his big dick. He was splitting her in two and it was fucking hot. The more she screamed, the harder he fucked her. I tortured her little nips and clit, making her cry more. We all knew she was not surviving this. She even knew it. She started saying a prayer to God. I smacked her across her face. God wasn’t helping her survive. No one was. My accomplice fucked her ass, ruined it. He skull fucked her with his bloody, shitty dick and when he came, I snapped her neck like a chicken. He fucked her dead body and came again.
Gangbang Rape Porn
I was shopping, not looking to star in their gangbang rape porn. This skater boy asked me for some smokes, but I didn’t have any. When I went to my car, he followed me out. He shoved me in my own trunk and stole my car. I was trying to call for help from my cell, but I was not getting a signal in the trunk of my car. Where was this little punk taking me and why? The road was bumpy, like a gravel road. I figured we drove for about twenty minutes before the car stopped. I heard other voices. When the trunk opened, there was a gang of teen boys surrounding me. One boy pulled me out of the trunk by my hair. He dragged me kicking and screaming into the woods. Him and his friends sodomized me, and force fucked my mouth and pussy. I tried to fight, but they told me I was a stupid cunt who didn’t deserve to live. I thought they might kill me, but they just wanted to get their jollies. One of the boys filmed my violation. I was a hot mess. Cum and sweat and smeared make-up all over my face. Gaped holes with cum oozing out of them. When they couldn’t cum anymore, they just left me exposed and vulnerable in the woods. I managed to get back to my car, but I was covered in so much cum, I was sticking to my leather seats.
Kidnapping Phone Sex Slave
I was out jogging when a car almost ran me off the road. I fell into a ditch. Before I could pick myself up, a guy got out of the car and put a bag over my head. I was squirming to get out. I ended up getting conked in the head by someone. I woke up in a little cell. It was like a go go dancer cage, but not as glamorous. I could barely move around. I was trying to get my bearings when a guy came down and rattled the cage. He reached his hands through the cage and pulled me back on his cock. He fucked my ass through a cage He was strong. His grip on me was tight. After he came in my ass, more men came into the room and fucked me the same way, through the cage. I was a captive. After a couple hours of being sodomized, my captor told me he was selling me to the highest bidder. He just wanted my holes used first because the man who bought me wanted a dirty used-up skank to fuck. I was kidnapped and sold to this guy who said I was too pretty to fuck. He took care of that. He carved my face all up. Wrote whore in my flesh and fucked every hole I have. He didn’t even care that I was bleeding. He liked fucking a carved up old skank more.
Two Victim Whores and a Sadistic
I rule the night with your rape fantasies phone sex whores. I have these fucking hot blondes who need a lesson on being ripped apart by thick meaty cock’s suck as yours. Chelsea is your seductive street coke out slut prostitute that reminds you of your mother. You just want to bash her head in, and fucking make her pay for not giving you her pussy when you were growing up. She is the hit big titted victim you fantasize about when your fucking your wife and thinking about how it would be to have your mother-daughter and wife all snuffed out by your hands.
Speaking of daughters… Look at this little snuff porn whore. She has been getting cocks hard since she was just a brat. That smooth body and her tits that have grown so huge for you daddy. We don’t want her telling anyone that you have been stuffing her full of daddy cum since she started growing those beautiful tits. Stephanie is perfect for a Red Room Session. I wonder what kinds of things you would pay to have done to her daddy. Split her open and ravage her sweet baby girl pussy.
And I know you are needing the hot deviant slut accomplice of them all to fuel your sadistic phone sex. A tight body with perky little tits that would love to slice those big titties right off as you fuck both of them senseless. The things I will do to those hot bodies for you… Your cock has ruptured both of their asses and now its time for even more swinging dicks to fuck lifeless whores, over and over! I will dispose of them for you ground up and fed at the family picnic and you can jack off knowing your whores being digested and shit out! So, my question would be wanta play???