Daddy smiled at me this morning and I knew that we were in for a fun day. He wanted a sweet young thing to play with, so I put on my cutest little outfit and went out in search for him. I hit up the local park where I knew all the moms would be gossiping and ignoring their little lovies. I found a perfect little brown-haired green-eyed doll that I knew daddy would just love. I lured her with the concept of a puppy. I have no idea why they still fall for that trick, but they do. When we reached daddy’s van, he quickly got out, chloroformed her pretty little face and threw her in the back. We took her home and bound her, waiting for her to come to. Surprisingly, the little shit was not even scared, which you know is part of what makes it so hot for daddy. Even when we stripped her clothes off of her she did not even whimper. Hmmm what was up with this little thing? I grabbed her face and started kissing her mouth and she actually started kissing me back. Daddy spread her legs and rammed his cock deep inside her and she started rocking her hips in enjoyment. Her tight little hole was too much for daddy and he blew his load deep inside her. He soon realized this little girl was the perfect slut for all his friends. He looked at me and told me to clean her up, we would be keeping her. I was so excited, now I have a new little thing to play with.
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
I Found Daddy a Play Toy
Snuff Porn at Church
I was in the mood to make snuff porn. Perhaps it is all the horror films I have been watching on Shudder or maybe its just my nature. All I knew was that I had to get out of the house and kill something. Kill something young and tender. I got in my car and drove around. My town was a ghost town. No one out. Hunting is challenging because nothing is open. My usual hunting grounds are empty like malls and public parks. I can’t leave the state without my license plate being recorded. I could, however, leave the county. I drove three hours to this city with a crazy pastor saying God will protect him and his congregation Stupid fucks like that are breeders. I knew there would be brats there. I am a blasphemy sex bitch anyway. I have no problem killing on so called holy ground. The world needs one less Bible thumper in the world anyway, don’t you agree? I mean the God fanatics are out in droves and their little crotch fruit will grow up to be just like them. I grabbed a little angel who was in the hallway by herself. She wondered off, I guess. I suffocated her just enough so she would pass out. I put her in my trunk and took her to the woods behind the church. I made it look like a satanic sacrifice. Hail Satan. I mean these are some end of times. I put her in the middle of a pentagon and cut her open. Sliced her tender flesh. Fucked her tiny holes and dismembered her. It was a bloody hell of a scene, but I worked out some aggression and maybe taught those bible thumpers a lesson about having church in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: Let’s Have Fun on Quarantine
Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? Trust me, many men and women do right now. Locked inside with a little cock tease. Seeing little girls play hopscotch on the sidewalk or walking the dog with their parents. I have seen nothing but brats outside. Cute little angels who could use a good fucking from a man like you. I talked to a dirty pervert on Easter Sunday who was looking at twin sisters out his window. They were in pretty Easter dresses looking for hidden Easter eggs. The girls belong to his neighbors. He has known them since they were in diapers. Now, they are schoolgirls and giving him a boner. Like many men, he is stuck at home and has lots of time on his hands to think about the perverted naughty things he would like to do to those girls. Does this sound like you? I can help you like I helped my caller. I hate little cock teasing twats. I know just what to do with them. Now, the reality is it is not wise to fuck the little jailbait cock teases that you know. Too often, you will get busted. A random cunt is what you need. You can pretend she is the little neighbor girl. I told my caller to drive to the next county and scope out talent. I know the world is on quarantine right now, but little ones are out playing in their local parks, walking around neighborhoods, and playing unsupervised in their backyards. I told him to get a dog leash and I told him how to spike a juice box. Little girls want to help even strangers find a lost dog. Give her a juice box and when she starts to slur and stumble, push her in your car. Drive somewhere remote, like the woods and fuck her. Shred her little virgin cunt and ass. Use a douche afterwards on her bloody swollen cunt to dilute the DNA. Kill her or leave her. The drugs will scramble her memory. The douche will scramble your DNA. Go back home and watch the neighbor girl thinking about what you did to her surrogate and jack off some more. No reason you can’t still have fun on quarantine.
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies are Theraputic
In a time of a pandemic, killer phone sex fantasies are therapeutic. He wanted to kill a bitch. That bitch was me. I had not done anything to piss him off. Hell, I didn’t even know him. I was a victim of circumstance. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He grabbed me as I was going to my car after a supply run. I was screaming in the trunk, but my city is a ghost town at night. No one heard me and if they did, they wouldn’t have come close enough to me to help because everyone is so afraid of this damn virus. I was in the trunk 32 minutes according to my watch. I planned on fighting when I got out of the trunk, but that didn’t go as planned. He punched me in the face, which knocked me out. I woke up in a coffin. Not just any coffin either. A coffin full of blood. A coffin with my name on it. Maybe, I was not as random as I thought. What the fuck. Seriously, what the fuck. I was kidnapped for some sort of horror snuff porn. He just kept yelling at me like I represented everything that was wrong with his life. I tried to talk my way out of it, but he slit my throat just to shut me up. Blood was spurting from the slit in my throat. He gazed in excitement as I choked on the blood spraying out my throat wound. He took that opportunity to throat fuck me. He used the hole in my throat to get off. I choked and gagged on my blood and his cum. It was not over quickly enough. Maybe I can help you feel better about the state of the world too.
Kidnapping Phone Sex Fun in Quarantine
Society will always dangle their worthless for me to remove from this planet. Right now Earth is in a reset and the worthless cunts of the world unite in their lame narcissistic ways. It’s so easy to pluck some tasty treat up with kidnapping phone sex urges for those high paying clients. My guys pay me well and they get quite bored abiding by the rules of quarantine. I am a bit of the avoidance type already and go about my life mostly in the Nighttime when the majority of society sleeps. I creep and do the most outlandish things in the forests and graveyards. My boyfriend works graveyard shift as an mortician and our Midnight lunches are always fueled by the unthinkable fun with corpses. Well I got a text from a client he was dying to have a sweet piece of fuck meat to play with in his dungeon. I am always on the lookout for that little rebellious cunt strolling the streets when she shouldn’t be. Sometimes I even get a young teen couple sneaking out from their parents homes to meet up. They usually end up at the playground of the school across the road from me. I am always keeping watch for the strays. Strays are the best to lure with something cute, something alcoholic or something smokable. I found him a cute little couple last night and told them I had the perfect meeting place for them to fuck at. I delivered them right into their death sentence. I collected the cash and he invited me to stay and have some fun too. I really loved to fist their holes with my studded gloves as he beat and fucked them raw. We didn’t kill these two, not yet. He is enjoying the stress relief of having the two around. To beat and fuck while the other watches. He loves their horror and their holes.
Daddy’s Sweet Accomplice
Daddy had had a long-time feud with a guy in the next town, so he sent me to do what I do best. Seduce them and bring them to daddy for a little fun. I had been visiting this older gentleman for a few months now nut never let him touch me. I told him I was holding out for marriage. I knew he wouldn’t last long, and he proposed to which I quickly said of course. I told him my brother could marry us and we planned it for two days from now. No need to wait and he was longing for my juicy bald cunt. As we headed to my brothers who was really daddy’s friend’s house, I started rubbing his crotch and telling him all the naughty things I was going to do to him. We walked in and started to say our vows when daddy came around the corner and clocked him. The guy got up pissed, knowing he had been played and knowing daddy wasn’t going to be nice. He asked daddy if I could at least suck his dick before things started. Daddy shook his head and I got down on my knees and blew his big fat cock until he was shooting his load deep in my mouth. Daddy then lifted me up and dragged the guy to the next room. I heard screams and cries and very loud noises coming from that room, but I never saw that man again.
Abduction Leads to Torture Sex
I was just out for a walk the other night, nothing unusual, I took some hallucinogenics and thought it was too claustrophobic inside and needed air. I was walking through an Large abandoned parking lot minding my own business when it went down. It was a warm night and I was wearing a thin shear dress like something Stevie Nicks would wear and was carrying my sweater close to my chest I was not prepared for what came next. A loud broken down car approached me with a guy missing his front teeth and wearing a bandanna around his forehead was trying to talk me into getting in his car. I told him I was fine and tried walking faster. He threw the front of the car in front of me and opened his door. Yanking my wrist with one arm and slashed me in the head with a bottle in his other I was knocked unconscious. I was shoved into the back of his loud junky car and he sped off as I tried pounding at the windows and screaming. There was a police car with an officer in the parking lot but he didn’t hear the commotion. I was fucked. This guy took me to his shack in some really dilapidated part of town that must have been condemned. Rats ans roaches were everywhere as he shoved me inside. He tied my wrists with a rough rope and put duct tape over my mouth. I had my dress, panties and bra sliced off of me as he shoved me on a filthy stinking mattress. I was being violated and sliced as he took his pleasure from and he continued with me through the next day. I bled, my body stung from the cuts and bruised up cunt, breasts and ass. I was butt naked but he was passed out and I crawled my way out as roaches crawled on me and rats were biting at me. I barely made it out the door when a dog came at me with his teeth bared.
Lured Them with A Pretty Dolly
I have clients that pay me good money to lure young sweet girls and sometimes boys. Today I was offered a nice sum of green to lure two blonde little sisters he has been watching. I lured them with a couple of pretty dollies that were new on the market and every girly girl type wanted. What better way to lure a couple of brats who’s parents were too irresponsible to keep in the house during this quarantine. The most susceptible and they cheerfully came with me so they could both get the new dolly. I only had one to lure them with. I offered them candy and 2 new dollies and pretty dresses for the dollies. It was fucking easy. Took them back to an abandoned house that was for sale. My mother was a realtor so I got the codes to many places to have fun in. I lured the girls right into the hands of my pervert client. Oh the games we played with these two. The best part for me was chopping off the head of the dolly and putting a pocket pussy in the neck. I loved watching the pervert pump it joyfully as I taunted the girls that this would happen to one of them while the other got to watch. So which one will it be? The two little things were petrified. I love the taste of fear in their blood, don’t you?
A Sweet Little One for Daddy to Play With
Daddy had been looking for some sweet young baby girl pussy and I oversaw finding it. He wanted to make sure this one would not be missed because he did not plan on returning her. So, what better place to find a disposable young thing than the streets. I saw a meth head and her little lovie sitting on a park bench and went over and offered her a nice rock in exchange for her sweetie. Being a complete junky she took the bag and I took the girl. We drove back and I gave her a long nice bath because she was filthy. Once she was all clean, I wrapped a towel around her and gave her something to eat and drink. I had put a little something in her milk to make her relax a little but still be alert enough to fight, just like daddy likes. Daddy came down and saw what I had for him and gave me a thumbs up. When the drug started taking effect, I carried her out to the workshop, removed the towel and laid her on daddy’s table. He walked in with a big smile and a big bulge in his pants. Before long he had removed his pants and was turning that little girl over on her stomach, lifting her ass, spreading her cute little cheeks and then ramming his big fat cock inside her. She tried to fight but that just made daddy fuck her harder. Watching him tear up her little asshole was making my pussy so wet, so I grabbed my dildo and started fucking myself. Once he had shot his load in her little shit hole, he rolled her back over, lifted her legs and pounded her pussy. She was bleeding from both holes, and it was marvelous. Finally, he had used her enough and took his knife and slit her throat. As the life went out of her eyes and the blood poured down the table, I brought myself to orgasm.
Have You Been Stalking Me
I wish my boyfreind was here to dick me down. It was just a quiet night. I was lying on the sofa in some sexy lingerie. I have the TV on. I was just watching my show hanging out. I thought I had locked the back door, but I might be mistaken because I suddenly heard a strange noise. I assumed it was my boyfriend coming over. I was just about to play with myself with a dildo but since he is here maybe I won’t need to. I just spread my legs open waiting for him to come into the room. I was sure that it was going to be a great night. But to my surprise, what I saw shocked me. See it wasn’t my boyfriend, it was a complete stranger. My heart stopped beating. How did you get in here? I screamed. I had seen this stranger before. They have been following me in the neighborhood. They didn’t say anything but they pointed a gun at me. I raised my hands. They forced my on to my knees and made me suck their dick at gunpoint.