A cold sweat covered his body down in our dark torture room, as he sat naked on top of our recent addition. She was fading in and out of sleep, the haze still working it way out of her system. Bruises, cuts, and a few burns covered her body but she wasn’t making a lot of noise anymore. He was becoming bored with her, cum dripped out of her holes as a slight moan rose out of her lips. A smirk was hard to hide on my face when I saw him pick up a sharp blade from the table. He made a small cut on her upper arm, and she barely made a noise. So he grabbed a bigger blade and cut deeper up on her chest. Managing to provoke a louder wail….that was that. It’s time to watch him drain her. Small deep cuts strategically on her body while she’s held down. When he’s done, the table goes up and we watch the blood drain like artwork from her body. The blood collects onto the floor over the altar another offering of blood and seed.
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
Drain Her Dry
Midnight Predator
It was just after midnight, groups were beginning to slowly clear out of this hole in the wall bar, soon just the lonely hearts would remain. Just have to find the right one, tonight they are going to die. My quest is to find an innocent beauty, one the world that would make the world mourn the lost off. I’m already on his bad side so I better not fail. There she is, a sweet face but sad eyes. Curly golden locks, delicate curves, revealing enough for a second look but not enough to keep one on the hook. Introductions were made, we exchanged pleasantries and I offered to drive her home. It was late and you never know with uber drivers was the line I fed her. Stupid bitch. She didn’t even pay attention when we were driving down the road and I stuck my hand into the middle console of my car. She just continued to stare out the window droning on about her recent break up, cut short by the hard jab of the needle going swiftly into her neck. Putting her to sleep almost immediately, as a trickle of blood leaked from the point of injection. I wonder what her screams are going to sound like while he plays with her.
Making Homemade Snuff Movies
I make homemade snuff movies. I then sell them on the dark net. Sometimes, I am paid for special requests. My viewers sometimes want to see me kill a young girl or anyone who wronged them. This guy paid me better than I could have imagined. I look at the money as bonus because I love being a wicked butcher. Killing is in my DNA. Did you know that being a sick predator can be hereditary? Part nurture and part nature explains my sadistic side. My grandpa was a sadist who experimented on his prisoners who were in his private prison. He fancied himself like a Nazi doctor. He enjoyed executions too. My dad was boring, so I think the genetic gene skipped a generation. I am like Dexter without the altruistic motives. This client wanted me to kill a teen slut. He wanted her white and privileged. That was not hard to find. I went to the high-end mall where the rich bitch teens hang out. I found a girl waiting for friends or a boyfriend. She was in designer clothes and her hair was perfect. Her nails manicured. Yea, she screamed rich teen. I sat next to her at the mall food court and spiked her Orange Julius. When she started to act drugged, I swooped in and took her to my car. She passed out in the back seat. I went to my kill shack in the woods and started live streaming her snuff sex death. I tied her up spread eagle, naked. I let him tell me what and where to do it. He was a sick as me. Carve off her budding tits. Slice her clit in two. Make her pussy wider. Every slit on her body, I sliced. She bled a lot, screamed more. We tortured her for hours getting horny on her blood and tears. I can always use a sick accomplice phone sex partner. Is that you?
Snuff Sex with a Little Victim
Do you want to have snuff sex with a young girl? You are in the right place for your deviant desires. I am a murderous bitch. I hate little ones too. Girls, boys, nothing but annoying germ spreaders. They suck the soul out of your life, and they are easily replaceable. I helped this guy this week fuck a little girl. I had to find a surrogate for his stepdaughter because if she went missing, all eyes would be on him. But I found a lookalike for him. It is super easy these days because parents let young girls have social media accounts and those dumb cunts never set their settings to private. Any predator or sick accomplice phone sex partner like me, can find the perfect victim online. I lured the girl away posing as a school friend online. So easy to create deep fake accounts. Parents teach their brats nothing about stranger danger these days, which bodes well for sick individuals like you and me. I got the surrogate stepdaughter with little effort and took her to my kill shack that is off the grid. I had her tied up and naked waiting for my client to arrive. He called her Emily which is his stepdaughter’s name. I told him to have at her. He could do whatever he wanted. He could live out whatever wicked fantasy he had about her because when I am your accomplice, I get rid of the evidence. He slapped her around a bit for being a cock tease. She cried and his dick shut her up when it went in her mouth. I pinned her legs open so he could force fuck her tiny little cunt. He split that tiny cunt in two. Blood everywhere. Her cries, her pain, just turned me on more. He played with his pretend stepdaughter for hours, until his balls were dry. Then he left and I disposed of her lifeless tiny body. Like all girls that age, they bleed fast and bright. They die easily and they are replaceable.
Wet Murder phone sex fantasies
Murder phone sex fantasies had me luring two little sisters.
Down in the basement things were getting heated and wet! Alexa, dim the lights.” “Setting lights to; Demonic.” The red lights blazed around me. I started to laugh.
The pair of sweet young bunny wabbits I had trussed up on my playroom table started to cry.
I was in Hell, and these little morsels were about to be as well.
“Please don’t hurt us!” The oldest of my prey cried out. I backhanded her. She could watch her sister go first, since she wanted to be so brave. I snatched up the little one, and put her down a hole in my floor.
She fell; her leg snapped. She screamed as I flooded her chamber with lights, pulling the viewing screen down for my little snack. “Alexa, fill the tub.” “Filling the tub.” Water started to flood the chamber.
I kissed my sweet tiny jane doe roughly. “I hope your sister can swim.” We spent an hour watching the room slowly fill up, terrifying both of my little treats. I was finger fucking mine, edging her.
I wanted her to beg me to let her cum before I tortured her for the next three days. Then, I’d be waiting for her to beg me to kill her. But She would be staring in gangbang rape porn first! I’m sure some men would love to get that dick wet with a tight little forbidden cunt!
Waiting For Punishment
After having my first taste of draining the life from another I felt excited alive, but more importantly filled with fear. I knew it wouldn’t be long before my master found out I went rogue. Killing without permission or as an offering for the dark one. He was furious, but he didn’t let me know right away. He let me feel that I had gotten away with it, that maybe I wasn’t so sloppy after all. He lured me right into the trap, while I didn’t even give it a second thought. Master wanted to show off his new space. He had brought a new property with spacious land surrounding it, not a neighbor for miles. With it an underground level only accessible by using a special code through a door he had hidden behind a wall filled with bookshelves. This floor had all the amenities one could possibly need, nothing about it was scary or suspicious. A bed, a bathroom, even a little entertainment area. A small kitchen, I thought nothing of it when he shut the door and left me down there. Until the tv turned on and started playing a video from me that night with my victim, edited personally by him. Complete with commentary and a special message to go into the last room. I opened the door and walked into a dark room, filled with tools, a few tables, chains, and a cage in the middle of the room. A note on the cage told me to enter and be a good girl, it was time for me to serve my time. He’ll come get me when he’s ready. Now I wait to find out what he has planned for me.
Snuff Phone Sex Fantasy
Snuff phone sex gets me horny. I love watching bitches and bimbos like me getting snuffed out. I am on both sides of the snuff film industry. I have been the snuff star and I have helped acquire the talent. I am in my 30s now, so I am no longer a starlet. I have a deal with my master that once I bring him 100 young girls to snuff out on film, I can have my freedom back. I am almost halfway there. I am motivated to be a free whore. I am no longer riddled with guilt over luring young sluts to their death. It is survival of the fittest in the snuff porn world. I found two young Latina whores for him this week. Twin sisters. They were with a coyote who I was able to distract with my whore body. I drugged him and he passed out while fucking me. I then took his two little kidnapped bitches and brought them to my master. He loves race play. I have brought him little whores of all colors. He enjoys those puntas. They had been sold by their parents anyway, I likely just brought them to a sooner less torturous death. Master had a party, and they were the guest stars. A bunch of old white men violated their tiny holes. I am not a complete monster. I gave the gangbang twins some heroin to dull the pain. I filmed the show. They were passed around like candy, used in all their holes, choked, and slapped around. It was like a horror movie. Their little holes were obliterated to the point of gushing blood. If they had not been so fucking high compliments of my needle skills, they would have begged to be killed. Master and his pals came close to exterminating the brats, but I had to do the honors. He said if I want to make it out of the snuff movies, I cannot be afraid to get rid of the talent.
Cannibalism Phone Sex
Cannibalism phone sex is so delicious. This is the perfect time to hunt for your next meal too. Folks still have their winter weight on them. Personally, I love it when a meal is pleasantly plump. Not too fat, not too skinny. I am a skilled hunter. I can look at my potential dinner and know how he or she will taste. Personally, I like my meat natural. No tattoos. No hair dies. No fake tits. A meal tastes better free of dies and preservatives. Once I eye my meal, I like a hunt. Makes the kill more satisfying. I have a meal waiting for me as I type. Female, young flesh. Tender like veal. She is in a cage in my basement drying out. She is not old enough to drink, but she stumbled out of some party too drunk to drive, so I pretended to be her Uber driver. There was not much hunt with this one. It was more luck. I was in the right place at the right time. And I was hungry. I was high and driving around not knowing what I wanted to eat, and she made my tummy rumble. I do not like fermented meat, so she is drying out. I have prepared a bourbon glaze with honey and butter that will mask any residual vodka taste. I have a big pan with chopped veggies and water to prepare her in too. She will take a good day to cook. She is a 140lb bird. She is going to be tasty, however. Very juicy and succulent. It will be hard not to snack before she is done cooking, but I do not want to ruin my appetite. I will feast for a year on just one little bird. That is unless you want to join me in a meal.
Sadistic Phone Sex Twisted Doll Maker
I wanted to create something and be crafty. I’m a sadistic phone sex bitch and a Queen Bitch at that. I am no fucking Martha Stewart, I’m more a surgeon and butcher. I love cutting up little girls and love my chainsaw. I have a real enjoyment of blood splattering good times too. They go hand and hand. So it’s only the obvious thing to play as a good protagonist and follow my hero’s style. It’s Mistress Gray Frankenstein is an appropriate thing. I obsess over Science and seeing how to reanimate things after piecing them together and cutting up bodies.
I had the cutest little girl and boy the other day. I was curious about making them into a special little dolly. I found a trashy whore I lured in with some cocaine. I also got myself a high roller that would pay to watch me destroy these three. He loved the blood show and sound of the chainsaw cutting bones. I loved standing over my victims in heels and my hot body barely covered.
I needed to pull an Elizabeth Bathory and have that blood splatter over my bare flesh. I drained them over a tub and bathed in their plasma and blood while i masturbated in the bath. I loved stitching the little boys cock onto the girls body and the breasts of the trashy whore on her too.
You can play with my Frankenwhore if your good. I added the hookers long legs to that little body also. My client loved fucking himself with that little limbs of my little victims and putting the whores vagina on the little boy’s bottom was a true move for the real money. He was ecstatic and tipped me a cool grand! I love my eccentric Millionaire clients they are the best!
With extreme torture sex we can give you bloody toothless blow job.
Two hitchhikers, women, and traveling light. Pretty young women who thought I was doing them a favor. So trusting in fact that I had the passengers’ side fill with soft snores. At the rest stop I chloroformed both women. It was risky but they both got the rag!
I brought them straight to you and you had your dental chair ready for both of them. Laughing Gas was always your preferred choice! All I had to do was cut off clothes and arrange those legs so you could see those cunts wide open and waiting for your cock. I love how you worked to pull each tooth out while pumping them with your dick. Savage ravage of unwilling cunts! Its music to my ears as they begin feeling the pain of each extraction! I have to say your practice was busy with men who wanted to try out your whores with no teeth. Pretty girls gumming a cock as your customers got off on bruttally fucking bloody and sore mouths!
Want to help me hide a body?