Ring in the new year with some bad babysitter phone sex! This trashy milf can get any young morsel you want. No one suspect that a soccer mom is a P accomplice. I have this lover. He is a drug dealer. He fucks me for coke. The other night, he asked a favor. Less of a favor and more of a demand. I know if I do not deliver what he wants, I get no coke. I may also get murdered. He wanted a young girl to fuck for the new year. I snatched one up at the park. A super cute little girl playing alone. I lured her away with my puppy. And I lured her right into danger. He was so happy that I got her a pretty little thing, he gave me a huge bag of coke for the holiday weekend. I can party like a rock star. I was getting high as he fucked the shit out of his little holiday present. She was fun size. She sat on his dick and when he thrust into her tiny fuck holes, her entire body convulsed. She was screaming and crying for her mommy. I told her I was her mommy now. That made her crying harder. I like bringing men little playthings. I always get coke when I do. And my need for coke supersedes any brat’s right to live.
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
Bad Babysitter Phone Sex Accomplice
Ass Rape Porn Of Tiny Assholes to Mutilate
Who doesn’t wanna tiny little asshole to mutilate. I think the perfect New Year’s resolution for all perverts that love little boy butts is Ass rape porn. Seriously though, being the accomplice to perverts like you and helping you fulfill that innermost filthy desire is great for me. That’s right little boys little girls tight little holes I’ll to be fantasy raped.
I’m the perfect statistic for you. I’m the perfect sadistic for your filthy needs And desires. Are you should understand that I have really fucked up morals. I absolutely hate little brats. I absolutely get off on watching little brats get destroyed, murdered, slaughtered, mutilated and fed to my best buddy Bruno.
it’s a shame though that my favorite cannibal has gone missing. I always loved sautéing up some sweet tender young flash to feed him. It was always a lot of fun preparing the cow for a nice hearty dinner. And the way this buddy of mine the scannable would fuck me while preparing this meal was just amazing. I hope this new year serves him well and he comes back around to get some more of this, and I hope it serves you well too we can destroy some young flesh together. Happy New Year!
Kidnapped and Forced!
I got kidnapped and force fucked in the back of a van this week and I’m still masturbating thinking about it! I was walking home from the store with a few bags in my hands when a big white van abruptly stopped in front of me, four guys in ski masks jumped out and grabbed me. They were so rough, I felt their hands all over me ripping my clothes off and covering my mouth. They pushed my ripped off panties into my mouth to muffle my screams, I felt them licking my pussy trying to make me wet for the brutal fucking that I knew they were going to give me. The first cock slid into my ass making me scream with the stretch of fullness, he started pounding my tight little shit pipe and I was helpless. The second cock went in my dripping cunt, I was ashamed of how wet I was. By the time the third cock was forced down my throat I was cumming uncontrollably.
Snuff Porn Accomplice
Snuff porn is more popular doing the winter months. Not sure why, but I have been busy helping men find the perfect victims to fuck and snuff. The word has spread that I am a great accomplice. It is true. I went from victim to accomplice, but not quickly. I was a lowly slave for two decades. I bought my freedom from my owner by bringing him sweet tender age girls to destroy. I told myself it was what I needed to do to stay alive. Survival of the fittest, right? Over time, I grew to like it. The world needs fewer teen sluts. I have good skills at luring young girls away from their flock and straight to their death. I know what my clients like. I also know how to lure a girl into danger. Young schoolgirls do not look at me and have stranger danger. They see a tall pretty woman and believe my bullshit about being a model or talent scout. I lured a shy girl away from the mall last night and straight to her death. I played to her insecurities. The skills I have in making young girls feel safe and special, is what makes me the perfect accomplice phone sex partner. This blonde girl was a bit chubby and awkward. I bonded with her and convinced her I could take her from a caterpillar to a butterfly with a make-over. I took her to my client’s remote fishing cabin. This time of year, we could drop her in a fishing hole and she would decay before spring. My client fucked the shit out of her. He loved it too. He popped her cherry because there was blood all over his dick. He fucked her like a rag doll. Once he nutted inside of her, he slit her throat. It was a quick kill but a slow death. That little whore took hours to bleed out. He fucked her until she was dead, then he fucked her some more. I did good. He said I was the best accomplice ever.
Master’s Punishment Makes Me Squirt!
Every twisted little slut like me needs a master to bring the pain when she is out of control! I’ll admit it, sometimes I act out for the attention it gets me. I’ll take all the drugs, drink all the liquor and fuck all the cocks without any regard for the consequences. Master likes to torture me when I get like this, when I start behaving like the little demon slut that I am. I act out because I crave master’s punishment, only he can tame my wild cock hungry cunt. Only he can torture fuck me into submission in a way that calms the beast inside me. He knows how to tie me up, flog me and force me to take any size dildo in my ass that he feels suitable. Master owns my holes and I don’t care who knows it!
Holiday Snuff Porn
I made a holiday snuff porn last night. Holiday horror and holiday themed snuff flicks are popular. This was a custom-made movie for a client. He wanted to see little girls get slaughtered under the Christmas tree. I knew just what to do too. I kidnapped three little girls. It was perfect. They were at the mall getting photos with Santa. The mall over Christmas, is a great place to find some tender aged flesh to fuck and snuff. I am a good scout. I always know which ones to take. I lured the babysitter away with them. I think she was actually their big sister. My client got a bonus hot teen slut to kill. I gave her some line about auditioning for a horror movie, and she bought it. It was not a lie. She was going to star in a horror flick. My partner in crime was waiting for me at the cabin. The little angels were just what he wanted for Christmas. They were pretty little doll babies. Big sister led them all to their death. The girls were in cute matching red velvet dresses. I had a Christmas tree and all the lights on too. My cabin living room looked like a Christmas out of a Normal Rockwell painting. Then it turned into Black Christmas. There were naked girls being force fucked and slaughtered with big knives. There was carnage. Blood and guts spilled onto the floor as my accomplice stabbed tender flesh. The younger they are, the brighter the blood. It was a blood bath. Girls crying and screaming as my partner penetrated their little pussy holes with his big cock. They screamed just as loud when his knives penetrated their flesh. Holiday snuff movies always make me bank, but this one will make me a millionaire.
Torture Sex Holidays
Torture sex films grow in popularity over the holidays. Hard to believe, isn’t it? I think it is all the stress facing guys. They need to take their holiday frustrations out on someone. I am used to being the target of men’s ire, but this holiday season I have been more the accomplice. I love bringing men something special for Christmas. Last night, I was a t a holiday party of sorts. I brought three young girls to this guy. He paid me. Do not judge me. I needed the money and there are young girls born daily, right? This guy I know wanted to give his clients something extra special for the holidays. He wanted to gift them a teen rape porn experience. I wanted to help him. I help him, he treats me well. I kidnapped the girls from the park. The babysitter was not paying close enough attention. She though she was safe in a fancy rich neighborhood park. I blended in as a mommy, snatched the girls up and delivered them to their death. I filmed the entire thing for my friend. It helps them relive the fun when they can watch what they did over and over again. I can convert the film into an 8MM film so no trace of it on phones or the cloud. These men each had a young girl to fuck and snuff. Each guy brutalized the holes of these sweet young things. They killed them differently, however. One guy stabbed his little whore to death. Another guy dismembered his victim. That was a bloody mess, but I cleaned it up. That is what the accomplice slaves do. They do all the messy work and take all the risks. The last guy beat his victim to death. He used a bat and bashed her brains out of her skull. Another mess for this accomplice phone sex partner. Better to be the crime scene cleaner than the victim though. What can I bring you for Christmas?
Knife Play Phone Sex
Tis the season for knife play phone sex. For me, it is the season every day. Not a day goes by I do not slice and dice human flesh. I do not kill animals. I like animals. It is humans I hate. Winter becomes more challenging to hunt. With snow and cold weather, folks are not out and about like they are in the warmer months. But I still find victims. I found a little girl making snow angels last night. It was dark outside and fresh snow was following on the ground. I was driving around looking for a victim and there was this little girl who had snuck outside while her parents slept to play in the fresh snow. Perfect. I never had to break into a house. Plus, with the rate that the snow was falling, it would cover up her snow angels. I was in a rural part of the state. The folks would be the suspects in their missing daughter because there would be no sign of a break in. She did not put up a fight. No stranger danger at all. I told her I was taking her some place to make huge snow angels. It was a shame to let such young flesh go untouched, so I texted a pal with rape phone sex fantasies for super young cuties like the one in my car. He met me at my cabin the woods. He fucked her tiny holes. Ruined them with his big dick. She cried so much, but no one to hear her but the trees. He enjoyed her tiny fuck holes. I enjoyed slicing her flesh and sexually mutilating her already fucked up girl parts. That young, the blood is so bright red. She became coyote food when we were done. The coyotes were grateful for a free meal in the midst of winter. I was grateful to carve up a little girl and my friend was grateful for me. Without me, he would not have enjoyed a young slut’s fuck holes for free.
Tis the Season to Make Snuff Porn
He wanted to make some snuff porn for the holidays. Sort of a naughty Santa thing. I thought I was going to be his star, but he wanted something much younger than me. I was able to find something he wanted. She was unattended at the mall. I suspect she just got lost as she was too young to be alone anywhere. I grabbed her and brought her to my client’s warehouse where he makes his deadly films. I felt guilty. She was a cute girl. It is the holidays, and it would be her last Christmas. Instead of being excited to see Santa, she was going to be terrified of him. But it is not my place to be a savior. I am an accomplice and in the snuff sex business it is the survival of the fittest. If I did not do my part, he would have killed me. He was dressed as Santa. He said he had investors and fat cats who pay good money for holiday porn. I strapped her down. He stripped her and fucked her while dressed like Santa. He tore her tiny holes up. Her little pussy was bleeding. Her little butthole was prolapsed. She was bleeding and crying. He was being a savage Santa to her tiny holes. I was turned on honestly, but guilt ridden too. She could have been me years ago. If my father had the contacts, he would have sold me for a snuff film too. He would have no remorse profiting off my body either. This guy was double dipping. He was streaming the snuff flick and participating in the death and destruction of a young little girl. He was loving it. He had no remorse whatsoever. I was paid for my assistance as the talent scout, so I felt less guilty holding that bag of cash. More girls will die before Christmas because he is on a 12 days of teen rape porn before Christmas marathon. I need to find him another angel for tonight.
Drugged for Ass Rape porn
He drugged me! He had made ass rape porn while I was out of my mind on something injected into me. My little butthole hurt so much as I timidly walked out of the room naked. “There’s a good slut, how does that ass feel this morning baby?” I had no clue who he was. But sitting there at his table was his wife and daughter who were laughing at me. They were replaying the video showing my teen ass getting pulverized. I was so mad, I felt the evil boiling up inside of me. But instead, I just picked up my clothes and tried to get dressed. But he grabbed my hands and told me I wasn’t going anywhere. I fought so hard as His fat, dumb wife tried to help hold me down. I grabbed the knife off the counter and stabbed her in the heart not once but as many times as I could until she let go of me. I ran around the table, bloody, covered in his wife’s blood. I laughed as she gasped and cried and begged for help! “Stupid bitch!” the daughter who was just younger than me lunged forward and I caught her by the hair and hit her head on the table until she fell unconscious on the floor! The “daddy” who turned my ass hole inside out, Was coming for me naked with his cock out jacking it so fast using his wives blood as lube! Only he didn’t want me, he wanted his comatose daughter to feel the wrath of his big daddy cock. I really loved her waking up to my bloody shit hole in her face as her daddy ravaged her little cutie booty until it turned inside out! As she was crying face down in her own blood, I whispered to him that he didn’t need to drug me. And he whispered back, “but it pissed you off and now we have trash to take out. I would love to watch you finish my daughter off! I knew you would be perfect for the Job!” And with that he handed me the same knife I killed his wife with! I knew just how to end this bloody phone sex tale!