Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Gangbang rape porn is fun to watch especially if you love Torture sex

They made some Gangbang rape porn with me. I was late going home, and I knew daddy would punish my asshole if I didn’t make it home before he did. I took a shortcut through an apartment complex. When I got to the back wall, I was going to jump it. I heard someone come up behind me and cover my face. I was dragged somewhere; all I could hear was men talking and blurry shapes. One came up to me and slapped me, choking me until I passed out.

Gangbang rape porn

When I woke up my asshole was getting ripped open by a big fat cock. My mouth was getting pounded too and I could barely breathe. I could barely move because I had another dick shoved inside me. Then I heard someone say for them to zoom the camera to my asshole as I was being pounded. As I was getting Torture sex all I could think about is dad being mad at me. I was fucked and filled up for hours until I was bloody, by more dicks than I could count. When I got home, I was lucky dad was too drunk to know I was gone, or he would have given me a pounding as well and I don’t know if my holes couldn’t take anymore. My cunty was sore but I was horny. I wanted to make my pussy feel good since it felt so bad from the gangbang I had just received. Normally I use a big dildo to get off but tonight I just used some oil and my fingers.  I knew I could get what I needed to come if I got on kidnapping phone sex so I could be an accomplice to a dumb slut’s gang fuck like the one I just went through.

Accomplice Phone Sex Season Has Arrived

accomplice phone sexI had a busy accomplice phone sex weekend. The holidays brought out murderous impulses in men just like you. And I was happy to be along for the ride. I helped a friend explore his rape fantasies for his young niece. She is a cock tease. She knows what she is doing to her uncle; she does it get presents and money out of him. She is the kind of girl who grows up privileged thinking she can get away with murder because she is cute, and gravity loves her. I wanted to help this guy. Not only was he handsome, but he appeared rich too. Men with money can pay for all sorts of perverted shit, even a teen rape porn. I made him an offer he could not refuse. Now, it was not with his own niece. That would be too risky, but I found him a lookalike whore. I lured her away from her pack of slutty friends way too easily with the line that I was a model scout. She was vain like most teen girls. I took her to my place, spiked her drink and took some photos of her until the roofie kicked in and she passed out. My new friend came over and could not believe how much she looked like his niece. Same hair color. Sam body type. Even same way of dressing. She was just another hot teen slut like his niece. He ripped her clothes off and fucked her. She was a virgin which was a shock. Few teen girls are virgins nowadays. But the blood on his dick told me she had never been fucked before. He fucked her ass too. He is a fan of ass rape porn, and he put his huge cock in that virgin ass too. She was half awake, but completely out of it. My client wore a condom to prevent DNA evidence being left behind. After he fucked both her holes raw, I showered her. I washed and dried her clothes, and put them back on her, Then I dropped her, drugged up still, along the side of the rode. She will have no memory of her assault because of the drugs. And no DNA evidence on her either. If I am your accomplice, I think of everything so you can have your fun with the slut of your choice.

Looks Like I Asked the Wrong Person for Directions

Bloody phone sex


It’s time to bash my face in on the brick wall. I was walking around like a victim, waiting for someone to use and abuse me. Why else would I come up to you and act as if you were safe to be around, like you aren’t a massive piece of shit? You can’t help it. It is an urge that can’t be contained. That’s why when I asked for directions to the next few streets over, I gave you the green light to do this to me, to beat my head against the red brick wall behind the bathroom. You see the blood gushing out of my head, making me slowly lose consciousness. This is what I deserve. That’s why it is no problem for you to pull your cock out and make me choke on it while I can barely see. All I need to do is know how to suck and I do. I’m a stupid cum whore who needs to suck and lick on your big fat cock and swallow your cum.

Cannibalism Phone Sex Produces the Most Perfect Holiday Meal

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex is perfect for Thanksgiving. I hunt my meal in August because for the best meal, you must prep the meat and that takes time. I found a nice meal coming out of a bar drunk one night. A college girl with some meat on her bones, which is hard to find nowadays. Most college girls look so anorexic. She was the perfect meal. She had just the right enough meat on her bones. She had natural hair. No tattoos. No implants. In a world of plastic Barbie Dolls, it can be a challenge to find an organic meal. I did not know how perfect she was until I brought her home and inspected her. If she had fake boobs and lots of hidden tats, I would have sold her to this sex trafficker I know. He loves white coeds. They go for great money. This one was all mine, however. She was going to feed me for all the holidays, and most of the winter months too. I spend most of the winter months in my kill shack in the woods. It is off the beaten path. No one knows how to get there. I am alone with the wild animals, but it is the perfect place for snuff porn. No one can hear the screams. No one can smell the flesh cooking but the wild animals. This girl has been screaming her head off from my basement on and off since I got her. I have been giving her butter baths daily to soften her skin. I have detoxed her and fed her healthy meals, so she is tastier. Hannibal Lector would be proud of me.  There is a lot of prep in Thanksgiving meals. But I out did myself. She soaked all night in a special sauté. Now, she is slow roasting over an open flame.  She may be my best meal yet.  I have a huge freezer to cut up and store what I do not eat. That means you can have some of my leftovers. I took a little taste as I was cooking her, and man, this is going to be the best killer phone sex meal I have ever had. Care to join me?

Snuff Porn Business Needs a Female Accomplice to Kidnap Those Little Ones

snuff pornHe told me he wanted to make a snuff porn with a super young girl. I found him a girl. I am his business associate now. He used to be my master. I bought my freedom with one little girl at a time. Now, I am a free agent. He pays me to find him talent. I was aging out for him anyway. He prefers girls much younger and tighter than me. I was afraid he would kill me just to be rid of me, so I made myself useful. That is how you stay alive in the seedy underworld crowd I run with. It is easier for women to lure young girls away than men. Little girls do not have stranger danger for women. They look at us as maternal. Almost every P man has a female accomplice phone sex partner for this reason. I proved myself usual to master, gained my freedom and my life, and now I freelance for him. He pays well. He even tips when I find him the perfect little slut.

I brought him a little ginger girl this time. He wanted a natural red head. She was a little Irish girl with porcelain skin and red curls. Looked as pure as the driven snow. He was happy with my selection. He wanted me to watch him use her for old time sake. He still makes me nervous. He is not exactly an honorable man, so I always worry he will try to own me again. I mean he could decide at any moment that he wants me to be under his roof again. He could force me to kidnap young girls for his rape phone sex fantasies and that way he would not have to pay me because he would be my master. I watched him fuck this little ginger girl raw. Her fuck holes were bleeding. She was crying. I felt badly for her, but then I got my cash and I got to leave his place alive, and I remembered it is survival of the fittest. Only the strong survive.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies: Kidnapped and snuffed by Mr. Troy.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

The look of shock on my face when Mr. Troy, pulled up to me had to of been apparent to him. I was so shocked that my science teacher would actually offer to give me a ride home, crawling into his vehicle he locked the doors and started down the road. That’s when he began telling me about his murder phone sex fantasies. The things he was saying had my heart racing in fear of what was about to happen to me.

He informed me that a few of his buddies were waiting for me at his house, that he had sent pictures of a few girls to them and I was the chosen one.  Quickly reaching for the door handle to climb out of the car, it didn’t take me too long to realize how fucked I was. I was definitely in danger being this close to him when he quite clearly had bad intentions on his mind. Pulling up to his garage out back of his house, it was a good distance, no one would be able to hear me if I screamed. My heart racing I tried to get away as he opened the car door, grabbing me by the hair he drug me into the building. Where I saw two great big men standing before me.

“On your knees, Bitch” I heard a voice from behind me as they quickly shoved me down kicking my legs out from under me. Their hands were rough and firm on my skin, I knew there would be bruises the next day if I made it through this. They were all wearing masks, standing there naked. Cigirrets and knives in their hands as one of them walked over his boot finding its way to rest on my midsection. Pushing himself into me I let out a grunt before feeling another kick me in my thigh. Immediately sent a cramp up my leg as I screamed in pain another blow to my head “Shut up, Girl” they said.  As I heard the ciggies being lit before pressed into my skin, the sizzling noise was masked by my screams.

“We’re going to torture you then murder you, you dirty slut” they said laughing to themselves as I whimpered begging for my life to be spared. “I won’t’ tell anyone!” I cried out as they began punching me, filling all of my holes with their cocks as their cum just dripped from my body.

To be continued…

Accomplice phone sex Harper

accomplice phone sex Accomplice phone sex is what I Live and die for! Of course you like that don’t you? You like that I’m a fucking nasty little girl who will do nasty things to your little girls! I understand it must be so lonely to have the kinks that you do. And I know that not many people share your best for blood and gore. 

I understand you. I play with your mind and open it up. We thrive in each others sick worlds. Nothing is hotter, than when a man jacks to snuff smutt! 

 I know what makes you tick. And your snuff girl Harper is going to lead you down the deepest rabbit holes you could ever imagine. Yeah I’m a bit of a party girl and I like the hard stuff because things that get you hard are despicable. My communicate to you through your soul your deep darkness!

 Accomplice phone sex Whores do it best!

Speaking of deep darkness that’s where I know that cock wants to be buried right now. Buried so fucking in some little sluts pussy that we took from her mommy and daddy. That van rental was genius as we swooped in and took her was barely a whimper.   Kidnapping phone sex gets so hot with you! 

How she cried and begged for mercy. But we couldn’t have that could we? My Hands around her throat. My pussy smushed on her angelic face was the last grace!

It’s always so fun grabbing you a delectable sweet treat. I shall christen this one Sweet meat and honor her little fat puff that’s still there. Aw thanks to teen girls like me who crave your sickness. I’ll look here your sniffle creates a private spot for you to unleash your inner demons. No matter how dark or deviant they may be.  Devilishly Yours, Harper

Taboo Phone Sex Roleplays Help You Explore Your Darkest Fantasies

taboo phone sex

I enjoy taboo phone sex roleplays. The darker the better for me. Most of my callers have a dark fantasy that they want to explore. My typical calls involve mommy rape fantasies. Some callers have a snuff fantasy. Often, I am the victim. It is fun to be the accomplice though too. I did a hot role play recently that combined violence and race play. My phone accomplice wanted to destroy some nigger whores. Why would I say no to that? Sure, I am typically the victim, but I understand there is a hierarchy in this world. I may be a white bitch, but that is still above a nigger whore. We kidnapped a nigger whore and her two little niglets. We brought them back to his place so we could destroy them. Oh, how I enjoyed destroying those niglets while that black mama whore watched and cried. I love rape phone sex fantasies. When it is not me getting force fucked, that is all the better. I pinned down the little niglets and started fisting their tiny holes. They were crying in pain. They had no understanding of what we were doing to them. They just were scared and hurting. The world is overpopulated with niggers. Me and my sexy accomplice were just doing what needs to be done to rid the world of future welfare queens. Nigger girls are here for white men to use. They serve no other purpose than to take the white man’s seed. My partner in crime fed those niglets his great white seed while the nigger momma watched in horror, helpless to save her baby girls. Once we had fun fucking those little brats, we killed them and the mother whore too. You did not think we were going to let a bunch of nigger whores live, did you? I am a snuff porn accomplice. No one usually survives.

Accomplice play with a hot barely legal Babysitter phone sex Princess?

Babysitter phone sex

Could you imagine combining babysitter phone sex and accomplice fun? The way it would feel to know that you had a partner in crime to commit the horrible acts you’ve been dreaming about should absolutely make you feel super horny and turned on.  I would love to be that person, the one who gets the little creatures together that you intend on snuffing. There’s nothing I want more than to assist you in making your cock explode with need.

Just imagine me calling you and inviting you over to the how I’m babysitting at. Telling you not to worry that I’ve put the little ones down and you and I can have some fun together. I bet your mind would be racing with thoughts of fucking me, when little did you know you’d be having sex with dead bodies while we mutilate and do fucked up things to them.

Does that turn you on? The thought of having sex with corpses? The thought of hearing the last dying breath of air escape a perfectly little set of lungs. Let me give you what it is you crave, weaving a tale of destruction that may even be too much for you.

Are you ready to snuff some brats?

Accomplice Phone Sex Partner Cassandra

accomplice phone sexLooking for a no limits accomplice phone sex partner? I am that devil on your shoulder telling you to fuck that jailbait cock tease. I have this friend Adam. We go back years. Never anything sexual between us.  We have always just been friends. I know he likes his girls younger than him, and I am his age. But over the years of friendship, I have seen him looking at young teen girls. I know the look a man has when he wants to fuck something young and tender. My father and his friends had that very same look for me once upon a time. We were out walking the neighborhood on Halloween. It was a fishing expedition of sorts. I wanted to see if he got a boner for any of the cock teasing sluts in my neighborhood. He was all into this little cunt who lives a couple blocks away. I see her all the time at the mall and the park. She has a Tic Tok channel. Some sort of teen influencer, but most of her followers are men 30 and older. She is always in skimpy outfits doing sexy dances like she is Britney Spears. She just a jailbait ho. I convinced my friend to turn her into a teen rape porn star. I lured her from the mall. She recognized me and felt safe getting in a car with me. Stupid girl. I took her to my friend’s house. He drugged her and fucked her. I was his cheerleader telling him to fuck her ass and to fuck her cunt. I told him he could leave his DNA all over her because when he was done, I was selling her to a sex trafficker who helps me move merchandise for guys. She saw my face. She had his DNA inside her. I could kill her, or I could sell her. Either way, she would never be seen again. And with her Tik Tocks, the police would be looking at her adult male followers when she came up missing. I sold her for a decent amount. I mean she is a cute, white girl from the suburbs. They are the biggest sluts, but they sell for the most money. Now, she is getting fucked by men with violent rape phone sex fantasies hourly. If you want a devil of accomplice, I am here for you.