Category: Kidnapping phone sex

A little fun

rape phone sex fantasiesSometimes I just need a release. Everything makes me so fucking mad! Rude fucking people always pissing me off. And all I want to do is break stuff! Rip someone’s head off. Make them fucking pay. I can only hold it in for so long. Until I cant fucking take it. Until I have to fucking do something or Im gonna explode. And I know exactly what will make me feel better. Taking some whore right off the street. Some stuck up pussy of a bitch who needs a lesson. Tying her up good and fucking tight. Putting nipple clamps on her tites and hanging her from the roof. I want to use that bitch as my punching bag until my arms cant swing anymore. Then I gonna use the thickest longest rod I can find and im gonna fuck her till her pussy bleeds. Then I will swing her around and rip that pretty ass hole open. She wont be able to sit for a month. But I will let her live.. I will leave her hanging there…lol and let strangers find her naked bloody body. I want her to have nightmares forever. I want her to never forget… That will make it all better. Sometimes.. just a little fun makes everything better.

Kidnapping Phone Sex


Driving to the store late at night me my friend were driving down the street when we seen a young girl broken down on the side of the road with her hood up. I walked over to her asked her if she needed any help she said that her car was overheating and her boyfriend was about a hour away and she was scared to drive all the way home. I told her my friend is a mechanic and he would look at it for her. He walked up and asked her to see if they had some anti-freeze in the trunk. As, she was bending over getting it he put a cloth with some drugs on it over her mouth and nose. As she quickly passed out he shoved her into our car and we went home with our little treat. We tied hands and feet after getting her undressed to scrub and get her real clean so we can prepare her for our being feast tomorrow after I get done shopping for all the ingredients we are going to need. She is going to taste so delicious.