Stupid Fucking Bitches


Accomplice phone sex with StormStupid Fucking Bitch. I am tired of dealing with stupid fucking bitches! I am a nice person. I try hard to be nice to everyone. Just because I have some tattoos people think I am trash. Clerks who just walk away from me. Old bitches who come up and say I look like a whore with all my tats. When did the world get so fucking nasty! I can tell you this. I am DONE with it. I will NOT put up with it anymore. I tell the old bitches that mouth off that someone should cut their fucking tongues out. I make sure I make a big enough scene in the stores to where the managers have to come help me, and they BETTER fucking me nice. I have stopped just smiling at fucked up people who do fucked up things. Now I pay the Bitches back. FUCK them hard core. Time to teach some lessons! First I go into the coffee shop where the bitch refused to serve me. I waited until the shop was empty. The manager was in his office and the bitch was cleaning off the counters. I walked in and she huffed and turned around like she was going to ignore me again. Not this time! I told her I was sorry I accidentally ran into her car. Oooh she ran out so fast to check on her little pride and joy. I followed her out, and when we rounded the corner I picked up a brick and nailed the bitch in the head. I threw her limp body in my car, and drove her to the next town over. It is a much bigger town. With a VERY bad drug infested neighborhood. I stripped the Bitch down. Completely naked, and then shot her up with a VERY large dose of meth. Oh she wont be kicking that habit any time soon. More importantly she is going to learn how to service some one. I dropped her off buck naked, doped up in the middle of drug central. I watched from a few car lengths away as some gang bangers surround her. Then they drag her into an alley. I can only watch a little as they take turns teaching her how to SERVICE. They used her like a bitch needs to be used. I don’t know if she will make it home, and really I don’t give a fuck. To many other bitches needing lessons to worry about this one.

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