Ever since I took care of my pathetic little sister I have been needing someone else to torment. Today,while getting in my car to leave the mall where I work, I noticed the prettiest girl that would make the perfect victim get out. I decided to wait for her to come back to her car. I sat there for a few hours when I noticed her walking back to her car as soon as she was behind mine I backed out. I jumped out of the car to make sure that she was okay but had dropped her phone and broke it. I apologized and then turned around like I was going to just get back in my car but then I took the cloth that I had covered in chloroform and put it over her nose and mouth till she passed out and I stuffed the little slut in my trunk. I drove her back to our house and waited till my parents left for work. As soon as they were gone I opened the trunk where I noticed she was waking up so I placed the chloroform soaked cloth back over her mouth and took her down in our storm cellar. Where no one goes anymore. I tried the little bitch up in the chair tying the rope around each wrist and each ankle. I waited for her to be wake up. I do not like sleeping victims. I took the old photo album out and showed her all the pictures of my sister and her friends when I tortured them and pulled their teeth out on by one till she was all bloody. She was so scared she started screaming and crying so I stuffed a sock in her mouth as I pushed her back in the chair. I took a sharpie and drew dotted lines on her forehead as I told her my plan was to cut her little scalp off. She started crying and begging me to stop that is when I told her the story about me tormenting my sister and the stupid bitch dying in our cellar and that after that I needed another sister to torment so every week I find me another victim to torment and each one of them I take something from, and it just so happen I am going to scalp you. and well your sister that I have in the other I will be taking her lips. I take something from each victim a little at a time till the little cunt is dead just like my sister.
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
School is back in session
Back to school.. Means back to pay day for me. I love to offer up my new “friends” to my older dirtier “friends”. I make sure the new meat knows that I can make or break their time in school. Then.. I invite them to a “some fun”..lol They always show up. Steve was a good customer and I wanted him to get the first crack at her. She was fresh. I brushed passed her last year when she was still in JV. At the time I thought she was cute but not what I was looking for. Well she had a very good summer! Steve wanted the “innocent” girl and she was it with a little extra now. “She doesn’t know why she is here Steve, so I suggest you start slowly” I said. He handed me the thick envelope and smiled. “Sure, I’ll start slow” he said laughing. I can hear her scream as he rips her clothes off. She should be thankful. There are a few men who won’t be as “gentle” as Steve is being. He will rape her for a few hours then let her go. The others would keep her for much longer. But she will learn about them later. I have a very busy year planned for her! She is my bitch now. I own her. And she better not forget it… or everyone will know what a dirty whore she really is!
Tits to Die For
There are so many naughty things to be done with this perfect set of tits. The possibilities are endless. Try to grab a big round handful, suck my nipples into your mouth and swirl your tongue around. Bury your face between them and gasp for air. That’s what I really like. My favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday is pick up a sweet little morsel to play with. She’s gotta be cute. Infuriatingly cute. It’ll be all the more satisfying as I squeeze her so tight into my tits, consoling her with my soothing voice. She can nestle into me and feel safe. Then I start to pull her into me tighter and closer. Her arms start to flail, but she’s so slight, so easy to restrain. Take me from behind, pump into my cunt harder and faster and watch as she struggles. I can feel her breath and her muffled screams as she slobbers and bites me drawing blood from my breasts. She’s getting weaker and you’re getting closer. While her screams subside and her arms fall limply beneath us, thrust your load inside me and collapse next to her corpse and save it for later.
Accomplice Phone Sex With A Bouncy House
When I called my girls and told them about the fucking block party the neighborhood was having for the fucking midgets they were so down with the idea I had. I didn’t respond to any of the stupid fucking flyers the goody two shoes sent out over the last few weeks but sat back, nice and quiet like. No one thinks I am participating in this bullshit get together, but my girls, my number one accomplices and I, have a master fucking plan. We all pitched in and rented one of those bouncy houses that the fucking brats love to play in. We just got done setting that fucker up at the other end of the street while every one is asleep. We tested that bitch out and I have to admit it was fun to bounce around in naked, tits fucking bouncing every where and naked bodies falling all over each other. We have a back exit set up so as the little fucking brats go in to bounce around while we all watch, if their parents are off drinking and eating and not paying attention, we are going to slide those little bastards out the fucking back and carry them off. The black market for little ones is hot right now. I don’t need any more fucking slaves and neither do any of my girls, but we do know some one that will buy these little fuckers for high dollar, especially the female ones that are just the right age. we are going to make a fucking killing off this bouncy house. And we don’t give a fuck what happens to these brats once we get our money.
Death Party With Our Neighbor
Aria and me were at home late at night partying real hard. When we heard our neighbors fighting. The lady kicked her husband out like she does every week, yelling down the street at him that she should just end him. Aria went to the door and invited him in telling him that it’s raining and he does not need to be outside in it. He came in and he saw the lines of powder on the table and our bottles of vodka and rum. We told him that he could stay here with us and party and get wild. He is always looking at us outside so we knew he would be down for a little partying. We did a few lines and chugged some vodka. We were all wasted within the first hour. Aria and me started kissing him and sliding our hands down his legs rubbing his dick through his pants making him want us. Aria walked him to the bedroom where she pushed him down on the bed pulled his pants down and began sucking his cock. I grabbed his arms tying them up to the bedpost with my scarf. Climbing on top of his face,fucking his tongue so hard as Aria bounced harder and harder on top of his dick. He was struggling trying to get me off of his face so he could breathe but I just started grinding harder on his face till we felt his body go limp. I climbed off of his face and switched places with Aria so that I could feel his lifeless body against mine as I rode his dick. The door bell rang Aria looked out the window and said it was the fucker’s wife. She laughed and said maybe we should invite her in she may be happy we did what she couldn’t do.
Cannibalism Phone Sex
My refrigerator went out yesterday so I had to call a handy man to come and work on it. As he was working on the fridge he noticed me checking him out. He asked me if I liked what I saw and of course I did. But, not in the way that he thought I did. I told him he looked quite tasty and he just smiled. I offered him a drink he accepted as I was making it for him, I made sure he was not looking and I placed some sleeping meds in it. He drank it all up and when I started noticing that he was nodding off. I asked him if he wanted to know what I liked about him. He blushed, and said yes. I leaned over and whispered I was checking you out cause you look quite tasty for dinner tonight. He started to panic but he passed out. I dragged him to the bathroom where I stripped him down and scrubbed him clean. Then dragged my delicious dinner and placed him in the oven. All he needed was a few spices and he was perfection. Now, I have something to fill my fridge with for a few weeks.
Late Night Hunting
It was a perfect night for a late night hunt. I met up with my friend Pandora and we went looking for a little victim. We walked upon a young lady walking alone in the park that we were driving by. Pandora got out of the car and walked over to the young girl and put a rag covered in chloroform over her mouth and drug her to the car. Where we took the long drive back to Pandora’s morgue. We carried her inside and laid her on the cart and began cleaning her. We hosed her down and scrubbed all the dirtiness from her. Pandora then grabbed her autopsy tools. As she started to cut her the prey started to awake. I held her down till Pandora could tie her up. She cut her all the way down opening her chest cavity. She was screaming and crying all we could do was laugh. Asking her what kind of diet she was on. She could not answer she was bleeding out to much. I leaned over and told her we eat HUMAN! Young pretty girls like you as she took her last breath. We took the little girls body all apart and called a friend over to help cook dinner for the party we are having tomorrow night.
Blood Red Night
Tonight is the night for fucking carnage and chaos. The sky and the moon are blood red, reflecting the blood flowing all around me here in the woods. They didn’t want to sacrifice their lives, they didn’t want to be my victims, but they had no choice. They were just what I fucking wanted, they were just what I fucking needed this eerie night cloaked in red. The mother, with her swollen fucking belly, begging for the life of the little one. The father trying to stay strong and be brave in front of his wife and son, but not doing a very good job at it. And the little boy, shaking and crying begging his parents to help him, knowing they could not. They lived together, they loved together and they fucking died together. In horrible agony, feeling every inch of life slip away,watching one another endure my wrath, bring me great pleasure. As I stand over their corpses, dipping my hands in their still warm bodies and covering my naked body in the warmth of their blood, I feel my energy soar! It won’t be long before I open her up and remove the only one that didn’t feel pain or fear, he or she will be my dinner tonight. What a glorious gift they gave with out even fucking knowing it!
Special Shoes
I watch her through the shoe store window she has been there for two hours now, trying on shoes. She must really love shoes! I hope she is still here when I get back, I am going to make her some special shoes and then have some real fun with this prissy little bitch.
I can’t stop cumming as I prepare these special shoes. This is going to be so much fucking fun! My pussy is so fucking wet as I walk back to the shoe store with her special shoes in my bag. I look in and I will be damned she is still in there trying on fucking shoes!
I know waiting for her out here is just going to give me time to think of all the things I will do with her.
Finally she leaves the store and I follow her until I have the chance to grab her ass. She has several bags of shoes she bought and I don’t want to loose any of them.
I grab the bitch and drag her ass back to my truck where I tell her I have a special present for her.
The bitch is fucking crying and scared I love this part!
When we get to the spot where I leave my truck I pull her out and hand her the special shoes as I take her bags. She is going to walk all the way to camp in them and I can’t wait to see the fucking bloody ass mess her feet are going to be when we finally reach my place!
I make her put them on and watch as she screams in pain while she is trying to walk, half way there she can’t stand any more and is crawling as I kick her to keep her moving.
We finally reach our destination and I pour some gas in a bucket and make her put her mutilated feet in it. The screams are fucking incredibly hot!
Now she will model all these fucking shoes she bought for me before I cut her feet off at the ankles and cauterize them so she lives for a while before I fucking take her pitiful life!
Horror Movie Night
Tonight I did something a little different. Normally, I am the one out doing the hunting and then the torturing. But, tonight I wanted to just stay home and have dinner of course that consisted of a little victim of mine from last week. After that I decided to just relax and watch some horror movies. The first and second one were okay but then I started to watch this movie called Karla it is about a couple that got married and the husband wanted young girls to fuck and the first one he wanted was Karla’s sister they got her drunk and then drugged her and then started making a small porn video with them two while she was passed out before long they realized that she was actually dead. That part got my pussy a little moist so I started rubbing myself thinking about all the innocent blood I have shed. Then, they got to the part where they kidnapped their next victim a young girl in her school parking lot. They took her home and her husband made her suck his cock, and then he wrapped a cord around her neck and began fucking her little ass hole over and over again as his wife just stood there and watched. After he was done having his way with her they took her to the basement where they proceed to cut her into pieces and then placed her into cement buckets. The cutting over her young body made me cum so hard. Just the thought of being there and being able to cut her up made me feel so hot. Makes me want to go out on my own hunt.