Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: A Real Bloody Mary

cannabalism phone sex torture bloodyCannibalism phone sex is a real fetish. And it is a lifestyle for some. Some people just have a special appetite, require a unique diet. One of my Master’s has such an appetite. Today, while I was in his dungeon being tortured, he had a pretty young thing that he had kidnapped for his wife. Master made me watch as he snuffed her out. She laid there on a cold slab, tied down, begging for her life. Master enjoyed watching her beg and plead for survival. Then, with no warning, he slit her throat and watched with joy as the blood gushed out of her neck, bringing her to her death. Master’s wife, drank her blood as it ran from her neck. I was watching in horror, afraid I would be next. I was fleshier than that waif of a girl, and could imagine my body would provide more sustenance for him and his wife.

But this was not about nourishment; it was about teaching me. Teaching me to enjoy flesh. Master dissected that young girl like a butcher cuts up a cow for parts. Master was meticulous in how he filleted her flesh. He made me watch every horrifying cut. He carved her flesh off her bones and put it in a big bowling pot. Flesh stew he called it. Then, the most awful thing I have ever witnessed befell my eyes. He cut out all her organs: heart, brain, kidneys, liver, intestines, lungs… He threw them in a blender and hit puree, making an internal organ smoothie, which he claimed was oh so yummy. He made stew with her flesh and smoothies with her organs. I was mortified and scared.cannibalism phone sex big tits milf

Master poured that  bloody concoction into a big glass, and even put a straw and a stalk of celery in it like it was a fucking Bloody Mary. I thought he and his wife were gonna drink it, but it was meant for me. Master wanted me to taste creamed organs as he called it; not only a delicacy but supposedly a very iron and nutrient rich drink. Master’s wife, who was covered in blood and munching on chunks of flesh, took the ball gag out of my mouth, while he held my head back and forced my mouth open. His wife poured that bloody smoothie down my throat and so I couldn’t spit it out, she put the ball gag back in my mouth. I felt  guilty. Not guilty because I was alive and she wasn’t. Not guilty because I was now a cannibal like Master and his wife. But guilty because I liked it.

Legitimate Bloody Mary

Bloody Phone Sex 2b

The holidays are always a wonderful time for kidnapping!  I took cues from a friend and got a group to stake out one of the old country roads around here.  We had our great binoculars and were lying in wait for that one perfect meal…that one chubby girl who was going to unexpectedly have car trouble (courtesy of us).  I was on the spying team; and, I knew it was her as soon as I saw the car.  It was new; she had to be Daddy’s little girl; yep, not a scratch on the paint.  And, there she was, listening to her booming music; our good fortune was already evident…she wasn’t on her cell phone.  I radioed up the road; and, they threw down spikes. 

I was eager to see if it worked; so, I ran up the street and the girl was in shock.  Certainly, she’d never had a flat tire; they didn’t exist in her world.  After being paralyzed, she got out of the car and looked around it until she found the source of the problem.  She could see me as I neared her; and, she looked relieved.  Of course, my sole reason must be to help her!  I had to laugh at her…  She started asking me for help; and, I told her that I actually was stranded, too.  She was happy to have someone to bitch to…but unclear why I wasn’t sent there to be her savior. 

I told her to hand me her phone, that I’d call someone.  She happily obliged, glad that I was finally taking responsibility for her situation.  Then, my three friends emerged from the trees and brush; it was quite easy to subdue her.  I turned off the GPS on her phone; I decided to dispose of it later…I wanted to look through her pictures as she cooked and maybe ask questions.

At home, we were able to set her up in the oven (it was too hot to cook outdoors); and, I began talking with her about the pictures on her phone, her major in college, how she hated her sister (because the sister “got everything she wanted!”).  It was humorous; and, I felt cheated when one of my friends came up to her and sliced off her arm.  I asked what he was doing, to which he replied that he was making Bloody Mary drinks.  He winked and said, “The legit kind.”  I looked back at the girl; she was already dead from smoke inhalation; I looked at her driver’s license; her name was Martha, not Mary.  I shrugged; well, the name was close enough; and, I wondered how she would taste with vodka.

Bloody Phone Sex 2a

Crimson Part 5

   7 months, 29 days, 13 hours and 12 minutes. That’s how long I had been planning for this night. For months I sat silently in the shadows, watching my prey. Months of meticulous prepping and planning for this moment. I had had this poor girl in my dungeon for days. After the initial joy of the hunt faded, I only popped down into the dungeon to make sure she wasn’t dead or dying. The blood from the many slices I had made to her body had long lost its vibrant crimson hue, and was now the depressing brown of congealed blood. She was missing an eye from where I had ripped it out if it’s socket, and a few fingernail had been torn from their beds as well, but other than that I hadn’t really sone much with the little cunt. Occasionally I would go down and carve small patterns on her smooth flesh, but after while she stopped screaming and I would get bored… Don’t get me wrong, she was great while she screamed and begged and pleaded but now she was complacent and quiet. She had accepted her fate. As upsetting as it was, it was time to end it. It was a quick death, a shot of Bleach straight into her heart. She was dead within minutes, and I quickly got to work disposing of her mangled corpse. The time I spent planning this little… excursion… was defiantly worth it.TabooPhoneSexMagenta

Kidnapping Phone Sex with Blair: Bad Mommy

kidnapping phone sex milf painI decided to go see the new horror film “As Above, So Below” last night by myself. I snuck out of the house because I needed some me time. As I was coming out, a man grabbed me and threw me in his SUV. He immediately put a cage type device over my head so I could not see where we were going. I tried to speak, but that device gave me a strange echo. I wondered if my son realized I was missing and decided to hunt me down and punish me for my insolence. I was kidnapped right outside the theater and no one did a thing too. The next thing I knew, I was being dragged by my feet out of the vehicle, down some stairs  and being strung up like a side of beef. I heard an enhanced voice say, “You have been a very bad whore.” Then I felt a hard sucker punch to my belly. I almost puked.

Then I felt a vibrator on my clit, but no normal vibrator. This was like a power tool and the stimulation was actually painful. I began to whimper and convulse. Then the electric cattle prod was rammed up my pussy sending shock waves all through my body. Painful shock waves that made me pee on the floor and twitch like a dead body. It was a constant repetitive cycle of a punch to the gut, over stimulation on my clit, and a cattle prod inserted in my pussy. This went on for hours. I had vomited several times in my caged mask. My body was limp.

Then suddenly, I was cut down. I laid there on the floor for several minutes in a pool of my own bile and piss, when I heard my son say, “This will teach you whore to leave without permission.” I am a disobedient slave and got what I deserved. If I were to disobey you master, how  would you punish me?

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Pain Sluts Get Snuffed Too…

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Pain sluts can be… difficult.  Since they love pain and torture so much it’s hard to put fear in them. Trina is a prime example. I met her a while back and she told me how much she loves pain. I put her on my to torture list. I had to find some way to make her shiver and fear what I would do to her. After much brainstorming, I figured who could scare the shit out of someone none other than my goons. They specialize in kidnapping and torture, mostly gangsters who haven’t paid them or are dishonest but every now and again I call them up for a female treat. One they can tie up, fuck, and snuff when we are done with them. Trina wouldn’t see this coming. After all they are suited in all black with ski masks. If I wasn’t such a psycho bitch I think I’d be scared shitless too.

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They grabbed her in the middle of the night. Reported back to me with the location of where she was. I told them to strip her naked and wait for me to come. When I got there, my mission was accomplish. Trina was terrified. My goons told me she pee’d her pants. She was laying there tied up ready to be fucked and snuffed. I told them to do what they pleased while I watched. 10 guys some Black, some Spanish, forcing their huge cocks up her pussy, ass and mouth. I tied her tits up just for the hell of it and latched some nipple clamps on her. After her holes were nice and sore I told them to stop and I proceeded with my torture session.  I poured hot wax all over her body to make her scream and clothespins for every cock she’s ever sucked or fucked. Hours of torture passed and my goons were still horny. Guess they love this little pain slut. Her holes were tight and her titties were big. I left her there and let my goons finish her off.

Another victim crossed off my to torture list.

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Scared of the Dark


taboophonesexJuliet001   I’ve never really been scared of the dark before, but this was a new sort of darkness. It was only a blindfold, but it felt like I was trapped in a never ending pit of pure black. When the blindfold was finally removed though I think I preferred the endless black! I was in this dungeon that looked like something right out of a Medieval exhibit in a museum. As soon as I saw the contraption that my captors had planned to put me in I couldn’t help but to feel a bit aroused… the idea of being helpless and at these peoples mercy was exciting and dangerous and everything I could ask for in a fantasy. They strapped my wrists down onto what looked like a BIG stone slab and then they strapped my ankles as far apart as they would go to the ‘legs’ of the stone slab. For hours they whipped my back and fucked my little pussy with all sorts of things. Right as I came, someone hit me over the head with something hard, and the next thing I know I was in the dark again, but this time in my own bed… I guess the dark can yield scary and pleasurable things…

Stalking My Snuff Phone Sex Victims

snuff phone sex jadeSomething I learned a long time ago in the art of stalking is, if I dress like my victim they won’t suspect a thing. So when I go out on my adventure I make sure to dress sluttish. Short skirt, high heels, heavy makeup and don’t forget the phony attitude as well. Stupid bitches don’t see me coming. They embrace me, after all they think I am like them. Only here to have a few drinks and have a good time. Little do they know I will lure them into my trap and by the end of the night they won’t be anything but a pile of blood on the floor. See when I trap them I don’t show the real side of me, not just yet. I continue to give that phony attitude and talk to them in a sluttish manner. I whisper very vanilla thoughts into their ear. How I’m going to eat their pussy and fondle their tits. They believe that’s the only thing that will happen. They start to cry and beg. Fuckin cunts. I haven’t even gotten to the good part! After and only after they start to cry and beg will I unleash the beast. Calling the bitch names and telling her after I fondle her tits I’m going to dismember those worthless titties and put them on a shelf as a souvenir. And that’s only the beginning.  Oh Trust me, I have more evil plans in mind for these ratchet whores.

Bondage Phone Sex with Cassandra: Hogtied and Whipped

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The last thing I remember was being at the Mall with my girlfriends. We were shopping on our daddy’s credit cards, looking all cute and sexy. Then I woke up hog tied in some basement with a ball gag in my mouth. There was a man in a business suit staring at me. He didn’t look like the BDSM type, but here I was tied to some pole in a basement naked and hog tied. He never spoke to me. He walked over to a big wardrobe, opened it and revealed a huge variety of ropes, chains, collars and whips. I thought was this guy trying to be Christian Gray? He took out a riding crop and rubbed it on my tits that were tied so tight they stuck out like torpedoes. He then started whipping them hard. So hard he drew blood. All I could do was whimper and grimace as that ball gag was so tight in my mouth.

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He decided he wanted to whip my ass too but I was  tied to a wood pole. So he brought me down and put me in a hogtie position with all four of my limbs tied together behind my back.  My legs were spread as they curled up over my head in an extremely painful position. He also used rope on my ass for Kinbaku, which means he tied my ass up using simple yet intricate patterns, with several pieces of thin rope. My ass looked like a tic tac toe board. But this left my pussy exposed which he enjoyed. He shoved a baseball bat up my cunt. He left in there while he started whipping me with a cat of nine tails. I could feel my flesh opening up and blood trickling out of me. The ropes were so tight. I was crying and whimpering but he just kept whipping me more. I had never been in such a tight awkward position. I had no idea why I was here or what  I had done to deserve this.

After hours of whipping me with that torturous whip, he moved me back to the poll. He yanked the baseball bat out of my pussy first. He dragged me by my hair, shoved me down on my knees and tied me to the pole. This time he removed the ball gag and shoved his dick down my throat  and began skull fucking me before I could even scream. Because I was tied up I couldn’t struggle. But to be honest I felt relived. At least he wasn’t whipping me. He came down the back of my throat and as soon as his cock left my mouth, he shoved the ball gag back in and slapped me against the face. Then he spoke to me for the first time. He asked me if I knew what I had done to deserve this treatment. I shook my head because I honestly did not. I had never seen him before. He gave me a glassy cold stare, smacked my face again and said, “Because you were born.” He then tied the ropes tighter and hung me upside down, put the baseball bat in my ass this time and left the building. I was hogtied, bleeding, suspended upside down with a bat in my ass, crying, wondering if he would ever return…..

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Snuff Phone Sex with The Devil Herself, Ivy

snuff phone sexI brought us a little blonde treat to play with. She doesn’t know how devious I am and she definitely doesn’t know there will be dick in the mix. I honestly love lesbians. They know how to lick the right spot but more than that I love the way their eyes light up in fear of cock. I will signal you to come in as she is working her tongue on my clit. As I bring her up to taste my juices, I tell her I have a surprise. As she turns around she sees you with rope in your hand and turns back to me to see the sly grin on my face. I tell her there’s no need to fight, just going to make it worse on yourself. But of course she doesn’t listen and I have to smack her down. I hold her legs while you tie her hands together, and then help you spread her legs apart before tying them down. What a beautiful sight that is. We can have as much evil and wicked fun with this bitch as we please. Let’s see if she’s a good fuck daddy? I bet her lesbian pussy is so tight, it may just squeeze your cock. Better to rip apart though right? We will be destroying all her holes for that matter. Especially that potty mouth. She has been calling me all kinds of wicked names. Crazy Bitch, Evil Cunt, The Devil herself…. I like them all. Let’s get to work daddy my precious time is wasting away every second she is alive!

Bloddy Phone Sex Fantasies


bloody phonesex2I have always wondered what it would be like to be a man. It is an obsessive thought the fills my mind and consumes me often. a few nights ago I had a dream and I knew I had to live it out and finally I would be a man, well kind of. I set out and found myself a cute little couple. You know the innocent, new love in their eyes kind. All holding hands and googly eyed. Sickening really, but perfect for what I wanted to do. Befriending and drugging them to get them home was easier then ever. Watching them all drugged up and tied to either side of a huge tree, I sat sharpening my favorite set of knives. My cunt getting wetter by the minute waiting for them to come to and the games to begin. Finally their eyes began to flutter and my heart skipped a beat as my cunt lips released some it’s juices. Getting up I approached them and delighted at the terror in their eyes. “Will you do anything I ask?” the nod of confirmation was not a surprise. “Will you fuck him for me and cum all over his cock?” Again the nod of confirmation. Walking around I grabbed her face, kissing her hard on the lips while cutting her clothes off her body, making sure to draw blood. Standing there naked and afraid, shivering, I delighted in the sight of it all. I grabbed her cunt hard and spat in her face. “This is about to be stuffed full of his dick and you show me how much you enjoy every bit of it.” Going to her young lover I cut his clothes off as well, again making sure to draw blood. I then untied him, naked with a soft cock, we stood in front of her. I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth coaxing his cock until it was fully erect. Then I took a metal rod and shoved it all the way up his fucking pee hole insuring that it didn’t go soft again. His scream sent waves of erotic shots through my body. I lead him to the woods out of her site and there is where the fun began. I gutted him and skinned him and then literally crawled in his skin. Cutting off his hands so mine could be exposed I sewed the front of his body closed over my body, his dick still hard from the rod that was inserted in it, blood covering my naked body, my flesh touching the still warm inside of his flesh. I went to her then and untied her, fucking her hard with his cock. She was horrified and crying, but tried to act like she liked it in an effort to save her own skin (no pun intended) Of course it was futile. I took her life too and spent the night in his flesh, cumming over and over while I rubbed my cunt threw his skin with one hand and jacked his ever hard cock with the other.bloody phonesex1