Category: Kidnapping phone sex

My Wicked Heart Beats Faster

torture phonesex karmaUsually when I torture a victim it includes using and abusing them for my amusement and sexual gratification. Today, however, I am simply going to enjoy her discomfort, her pain, her torment and just sit back and watch. In preparation I carefully put on gloves and head out to the woods. I am gathering a huge basket of poison ivy. She is tied to a tree naked and scared just like I want her. She has no idea what is about to happen. I come back with my basket and begin breaking the leaves and rubbing the poison ivy all over her exposed flesh. On her cunt, her face, her tits, not one inch of her body was left untouched. throwing away the gloves and taking a shower, I sat down and lite a cigarette with a satisfied smile on my face, just watching her. I wouldn’t touch her again, but I would get off. It only took a few hours and her skin began to turn red. She began crying because she itched all over and her skin was burning. Soon the blisters began to form and her nipples and pussy were swollen, her face was taking on the most grotesque appearance. The festering sores brought me great pleasure and the pain and suffering she was having to endure made me cum in hot rushes of desire. By the end of the night she was begging for me to put her out of her misery. For her it would only be over when I said it would be. This was absolutely delightful!


violent phonesex flatlineI have a friend that is a doctor and he got his hands on a cardiac monitor. I just had to have it. He dropped it off last week and showed me how to hook up the leads. I got so fucking wet when he hooked it up to me and I watched the screen with the line going up and down in time to my heart beat. I knew that I would use it soon, but not to enjoy the steady rhythm of the heart beating. Instead I wanted to cum as the line goes flat, knowing that the life has gone out of the body that I am torturing. I know that the thrill is going to be over the top hot for me. As soon as he left I dragged it down to the basement and grabbed her dirty little body, dragging her kicking and screaming to the table where she has watched me torture so many before her. I strapped her down while I laughed, rubbing my cunt. I ripped her already tattered dress off and shoved her soiled panties in her mouth making her gag but preventing her from screaming. Carefully I hooked up the leads in just the right places and turned on the machine. The screen lite up and the rhythmic beeping was so hard and fast from her fear that it made my nipples stand straight up. I felt it fitting to use my medical supplies for this torture, shoving a speculum up her ass and gaping it open I began to cut her ass from the inside. I was going to drag this out as I listened to the sound of the cardiac monitor.  Slowly I used the scalpel that was covered in the shit from her ass on her dirty skin. Watching her skin change from dirt black to blood red was exhilarating. All the while listening to the monitor, cutting deeper and watching her bleed out, until finally I couldn’t take it any more and I made that final cut, cumming as the machine flat lined and her body went limp. violent phonesex angie

Evil Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phonesex angieHave you ever seen the movie 13 Ghosts? I love the evil Cyrus and his demonic plan to open the eye of hell. I would love to live in his glass house filled with evil spirits held captive by the spells etched on the walls. My absolute favorite scene in the whole movie is when a glass wall is activated during one of the house’s morphing sequences and severs Cyrus’ attorney, Ben,  body in half. His eyes wide with disbelief as he realizes that he his body is no longer one. The movie so inspired me and stirred my need for some cold blooded fun that I decided to devise a way to re-enact that one scene for myself and a lucky accomplice.accomplice phonesex 13ghosts It took us several weeks to devise the sharp sheet of glass, rig it guillotine style and create a device to hold our “character” I couldn’t wait to see if the body, once severed, would slid down the glass in two parts like in the movie. Of course one time to test this theory would not be enough, We had to gather several “characters” of several shapes and sizes to see what effect this would have in real time. The planning and preparation created an anticipation level beyond belief. When the day finally came we had 13 “characters” to pay homage to the movie’s title that gave me the inspiration. One at a time we placed them in our device and released the sharp sheet of glass, delighting as the body was severed and the blood flowed. We took our time making the ritual last all day. It was the most fantastical and erotic movie reenactment I have ever created. I plan on keeping my device and plan on using it again in the future. accomplice phonesex ghosts2


Strangulation Phone Sex with Cassandra: My First Victim

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I have a few masters, but one who is far from a benevolent master. In fact he is quite sadistic. He takes great pride in hurting me so badly that I come close to death. Today’s session was no different, except for the fact that we were not alone. He had another slave with him. A thin, young looking girl. She looked a bit strung out on drugs. Master said today I become an accomplice or die. I questioned what he meant and he smacked my face so hard I bit my lip. He then started to choke the life out of me. But, he stopped. Ordered me to strangle his victim. He said she was a worthless drug addicted disease ridden whore and the world would not miss her. I didn’t want to hurt her. She looked at my with glazed eyes like she was clueless about what was going on. Master probably gave her some good junk.

I started to protest, to resist. I am the victim, the slave. I don’t hurt and kill others, especially not some random girl. But Master got out a big coarse rope and said he would hang me from ceiling fan if I did not strangle the cunt. I thought he was kidding, that this was a joke. I ran upstairs to the bathroom to hide. But this made him angry. He ran after me, dragging the girl by the hair behind him. He kicked open the door and punched me hard in the face. Blood started gushing out my nose. He threw the girl in the tub, grabbed me by the throat and said “Strangle the cunt or I strangle you both.” He was serious.

strangulation phone sex accomplice snuffMy hands were trembling. I kept saying “I’m sorry,” over and over and over again as I put my hands on her throat. I closed my eyes and squeezed her throat as hard as I could with both hands. I could hear Master jacking off. He is so sick. She was thrashing about and scratching my hands. But, I was stronger, bigger and she could not really resist me. Didn’t take long. I felt her body go limp and I opened my eyes. Horrified at what I had done. I fell backwards; in shock at what I saw. Her throat  was purple, her eyes bulging, blood dripping at the corner of her mouth. She looked like a bruised rag doll; limp and purple. I started to cry, then master shoved his cock in my mouth to shut me up. He shot a load in seconds. Turns out it is an aphrodisiac for him to force me to be his accomplice.

Master says he is gonna make me kill again. He says I will grow to love it. I won’t know by what method or when, or who but he likes forcing me to do his dirty work.  My life is never going to be the same.

Use me, Abuse me

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  What makes me excited, and creams my sweet little panties? Getting used by you, of course! I crave to be owned and commanded. My panties get so moist when you manhandle me and bend me over forcing yourself inside me. I know it turns you on to treat me like a rag doll. I once was kept as a living rag doll. I was abducted from a Halloween party where I was dressed up as Raggedy Anne, how fitting eh? 

So as I played the role of a submissive at the party and participating with a scene or two for entertaining the attendees and we did just that! Well appeared one attendee was particularly entertained and wanted more. I was cornered in the kitchen near the back door where this individual put their hand over my mouth and a knife to my throat pushing me out the back door. I was shoved in a van and they got in the back with me and bound me up and gagged me. 

I was taken down a rocky road just before the van dropped and I just heard stillness and nature. The back f the van was opened and I was pulled out by my bound feet. Drug out of the van and tossed over the shoulder of my abductor I was taken into a secluded cabin. I was then put in a wooden chair, unbound and rebound to the chair.

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My abductor talked finally telling me he has been looking for his own life sized raggedy Anne doll to keep. I was used as a fuck doll, toilet and punching bag. This went on for an unknown amount of time before he, like a man, got bored with me. He then dumped me on the side of the road tattered and abused.

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Was it a dream or was I just high?

taboo phone sex_Macey

I had partied all fucking night. It was an orgy, with friends.  I had done some blow, lots of shots and a I have no idea how many pills. I was Drained but very wired from the combination of drugs and alcohol. I love fucking while I’m wasted.  I was drifting in and out of sleep. My current fuck buddy was spread out on top of my messy bed totally naked and hot as hell. Everyone was passed out, scattered all over my large loft apartment, on floors, and sofas, outside on patio chairs. empty shot glasses and beer cans filled the tables.  As I gazed outside of my bedroom window onto the patio, I saw dark shadows moving around in the bushes. I kept passing out but would wake up a few seconds later from the drugs. I felt a presents above me and by the foot of the bed. I must be dreaming, I thought.  I felt large hands wrapping around my waste very tight (I was horny as hell) and one around my mouth. I was ready for something to happen. I was freaking me out. I hoped it was my fuck buddy. but I felt another set of hands on my body. I couldn’t move my legs or scream from feat, they were roped to my bed posts. My arms being held onto by someone. My ass was pulled up into the air so I was on my elbows and knees. My pussy was wet and ready for something nasty to I could hear mumbling but I couldn’t make out any words. I could see blurry images and shadows from the pale moon light that lightly lit up my room. I felt my fuck buddy moving in his sleep. It must have been my friends having their fun with  me. I went with it. I felt a large cold glass dildo slowly enter my asshole. Uhhh.. oh.. fuck..that felt amazing. It hurt so fucking good. I wanted to turn over to see who it was fucking me, but I was being restrained. A hard wet cock filled my mouth. I loved it. “FUCK ME HARD!” I wanted to scream. I didn’t have to I was being fucked hard and wished my fuck buddy would join this party. Scared to death and extremely turned on. Two cocks and a glass dildo filled me up, one in my tight pussy, the other filled up my mouth. They all moved in and out hard and fast. I love DP (double penetration) I wish there was a vibrator on my clit. I’d be in fucking heaven. Then a tongue licking my clit. Oh fucking hell, I was happy. I felt a hand wrapping around my throat, squeezing tighter and tighter very slowly. I wanted to squirt everywhere. The cock was out of my mouth and a ball gag shoved in. The dildo came out and a man mounted me from behind and slid his huge cock in my asshole. It stretched my asshole wide, I tried to moan, it hurt so fucking good. That was what I needed. Two cocks and a ball gag. I was sweating, so tired and wired, drunk and high. My pussy wanted to cum in this guys mouth. the cocks moved faster and faster, harder and harder, I screamed for more and more louder and louder. My orgasm was so, I shot  white cum everywhere. I was soaked. My body jolted hard a few times  and i woke up. Holy fuck!! was that a Wet dream? I could barley catch my breath. I noticed my window was open, and my wrists and ankles were bruised. WTF? Everyone was gone.

Bondage Phone Sex with Cassandra: Kidnapped and Tortured

bondage phone sex pain submissive torture

Last week, one of my best friends was kidnapped while at the park with her pooch. A guy came right up to her, chloroformed her and she woke up in bondage being sexually tortured by some guy she snubbed at a bar earlier in the week. He had stalked her for days like prey and then got his revenge. Evil SOB too. He put a cattle prod in her cunt and shocked her repeatedly telling her he hoped he had ruined her female parts because she didn’t deserve to have them if she wasn’t going to use them. She was found in the woods, barely alive tied upside down to some makeshift torture rack.

Little did I know, I had encountered and snubbed the same piece of shit. He tried to pick me up and he looked like some gang banger wanna be. I told him as much. Well, he must have slipped something in my drink and kidnapped me right from the club because the next thing I knew, I woke up in a dungeon hog tied and being sodomized by that asshole. But this time, he had several friends with him, who were all forcing their dicks in me. I was tied tightly. My breasts felt like they were going to pop off my body the rope was so tight. My legs were spread wide and tied to wooden posts. His friends were laughing at me and saying, “who is the gangbanger now.”  They were all forcing their cocks in all my holes. After they had tortured me for hours with their cocks, I laid there, covered in jizz, praying to be let go. I thought about my friend and how he let her live, barely, but she was recuperating in the hospital now.

kidnapping phone sex torture bondageThen I saw him with a huge knife. He licked it, then spit in my face, calling me a whore. I started trembling wondering what was in store for me. Then he ran the knife across my scared flesh and taunted me. Said I had a beautiful body and it would be a shame to mark it all up; but that a stupid rude cunt needed to be put in her place. I started screaming all sorts of things to him. I said, “a real man doesn’t need to force himself on a girl. A real man can handle rejection.” Big mistake. I let my temper get the best of me, and for that I was about to pay a painful price. He retorted, “A real woman doesn’t need big fake ass titties.” Then he took that big ass knife and sliced a nipple off. I screamed in pain, and then he lobbed off the other nipple. I was still hog tied, bleeding,  scared… I like pain, but this was sadistic  and being inflicted not by a master but by a scorned psychopath.

He had an evil glimmer in his eyes as he saw the blood oozing out of my breasts where nipples use to be. Then he plunged the knife into my left breast and cut off the whole aureola and nipple. He started slicing away at the flesh, carving my breast like it was a turkey. I peed the floor, which angered him and resulted in a hard slap, a cattle prod in my ass and the knife severing my breast from my body. Blood was spraying everywhere. This only turned him on. He started jacking off until he came on the bloody part that used to be my breast. Him and his sicko pals left, with my breast. I was still tied up and bleeding, in some dank dungeon, left wondering if I would be as lucky as my friend and be found barely alive.

Kidnapping Phone Sex: A Yummy Treat

Kidnapping phone sex 1c

It wasn’t planned, but it’s always planned!  It should always be planned…I think.  But, I saw her: she was perfect.  Her breasts were real; she was thick in all of the right places; and she was tender (I could sense it!).  It was early morning, and she was just running to her favorite coffee shop, I think.  I needed help.  I called my best friend, who was still sleepy.  But, once I described her…he knew.  He was coming.  Now, all that I needed to do was keep track of her.

She was easy to watch: her hips bouncing, almost, to the beat of this flavor-ful drum that I had in my mind.  It wasn’t jiggly, but it wasn’t too firm.  I thought of someone special when I saw it…I will only say that his name begins with “R.”  He would have loved just watching her move.  But, I was keeping an eye on her while I waited; and, this wasn’t a chore at all.

She was still sleepy-eyed and this was the best.  Maybe she had stayed up late, talking to her girlfriends.  Maybe she was hung-over.  I really didn’t care; but, I would find out later…just because I like to know things, especially lately.  Anyway, she talked to these fake blondes and this guy that was cute (but definitely a steroid-user).  I liked watching them, though; it was like a few dolls that weren’t quite real (but think that they are human).

Kidnapping phone sex 1a

They all, of course, fanned out.  They had other “important” things to do.  “My chick” (and I like calling her that) was walking back to her downtown apartment.  She didn’t even sense or see it: I had put a stick in front of the alleyway.  I helped her up…and then pulled her in.  It’s one of of those gorgeous moves during the daylight; everyone’s either too tired or busy to care.  And, there she was with me.  But, my chloroform worked and she slid nicely into her space behind the back of the SUV.

Kidnapping phone sex 1b

At home, she was so beautiful.  I really have never seen someone so sweetly tied to a chair.  It wasn’t her body; it was her pose.  She knew, just like a deer who had been captured and knew it was going to be gutted.  I had to take pictures.  I am quite obsessive with photographs, really.  And, threw the lens, I kept capturing the moments of her struggle…and then her calm.  And, my friend had appeared, just as I knew that he would.  He was there.  He admired her flesh, her robust flavor (because there was a little bit of blood that had spilled underneath the rope that tied her wrists to the chair).  He was happy; I could tell not from a smile, but from the glow that spread across his lips.  He was hankering for her…he already imagined her in olive oil and spices.  I knew that the night was just beginning.  And, I had this very nice recipe for a pussy-in-an-oyster.

Mutilation Phone Sex

mutilation phonesex karmaThey were so cute in their matching dresses. Hair done the same. Matching shoes. Even the make up was matching. She was skipping beside her mommy with out a care in the world. She looked like she could be on TV commercials or something and her mother had the same model/actress look. As soon as I saw them I knew I wanted to mutilate them. I had to have them and we all know that where there is evil lust, there is a way. I always get what I want and I never give up until I do. Following them into the cafe and sitting close enough to hear their mindless chatter and intensive giggling, I fingered the bottle in my pocket of “knock the bitch out” pills. I couldn’t wait to make my move. They ordered two cold lemonades and two tuna sandwiches with fries. As soon as they were done they got up to go to the wash room to wash their hands. Perfect timing. Taking two pills out of the bottle and cupping them in my hand I waited for the server to bring them. I got up and walked by the table on my way to the wash room and dropped them in unnoticed. I even chit chatted with them before they went back to their table about how adorable they looked, blah blah, blah. It seemed like forever before they finished lunch but as soon as they stood up they were noticeably unsteady. Being the Good Samaritan that I am I offer my assistance and took them straight home. Their eyes were wide with fear as I undressed them, but they were to weak to fight. Making mommy watch her little girl get fucked up was going to be so much fun. She kept turning her head, not wanting to watch. Well, well, well I couldn’t have that now could I? So I just cut her fucking eyelids off so she had to look. I would pop those eyeballs out later and let her girl play in the sockets…..mmmm fun!


Torture phone sex

I am sorry, but if you are going to drop off something for me to watch for a few hours, and those few hours turn into a few days, shit is going to happen.  I mean I have stuff to do, I cannot be held captive in my own place for days on end.  So I had to go out for a few hours, I had someone watch her.  Now I know that maybe it wasn’t the best person in the world to have watch your tiny little thing, but at least she wasn’t alone now was she? No she was not.

Now you are mad because she became damaged.  As I said earlier, shit happens.  It is not my fault that you decide to go fuck some hookers and end up on a five day bender now is it? Nope. I had to leave, I needed some Mt. Dew, it was an emergency!  When I came back and saw what had happened I phoned you right away but you didn’t pick up your damn phone, so I figured why not let him have a little more fun, it wouldn’t really matter at that point. 

You were supposed to send proof to the guy that was paying you to deliver her over seas that she was all that you said she was touted to be.  Yeah she will have some scars but who isn’t scared in some way? The cigarette burns will heal, so will the bruising.  Not so sure her little pussy will ever be tight again but maybe you can give him some sort of discount.  Or give him 30% off the next one or something. 

So now that you are finally here, take her and get the fuck out.