Category: Kidnapping phone sex

There Is No Way Out

bondage phone sex angieThey were a fine looking couple, so in love. Ready to start their life together.A holiday wedding, what a novel idea. Too bad they got a flat tire right after the ceremony all dressed in their wedding attire. Of course I stopped to help the newly weds. Well actually I stopped to help myself to the newly weds. her beautiful gown and his fine tux are nothing but tattered shreds laying in a heap on the floor. She is still in her panties and guarder, he is stripped bare. They are in my basement handcuffed and chained and waiting for their fate. I imagine the reception is long since over since the bride and groom never showed up. The smiles are gone, replaced by tear stained cheeks and fear filled eyes. bondage phone sex captive female Other then stripping them and holding them captive, I haven’t begun to torture and torment them. That is going to be my New Year Celebration. I have kept them fed these last few days, but other then that they have been kept in the dark. I have spent countless hours out of site fucking my pussy while I listen to them alternate between talks of their love, hopes of escape and contemplating what will become of them. The uncertainty and fear in their voices, the desperation increasing with each passing hour simply serves to make me want to have my way with them sooner then tomorrow. But I will wait patiently and hold them captive until tomorrow night. As soon as the sun goes down I will begin to celebrate a new year and when the clock strikes midnight they will take their last breath together. I will make sure they keep their vows, till death do us part. What a wonderful way to ring in the new year!bondage phone sex captive male

Ass Rape Porn with Cassandra: Candles and Firecrackers

ass rape porn submissive sexI put on a slutty little outfit to meet my girls at the club. We were having fun, sipping on fruity drinks, getting drunk and dirty dancing. Last thing I remembered was dancing with the bouncer right before closing  time. The next thing I remembered was being with my girls tied up on our knees in some dingy living room. There was an alter covered with flowers, candles and a skull. Next too it was a table of sundry candles, dildos, and anal torture devices. Turns out the hot bouncer and some of his friends have a side business in ass rape porn.  We were going to be his next stars, even if we did not want to be.

He said he struck gold with us “hot bitches.” He was especially impressed with Shelly whose ass was tattooed to look like a flower in bloom. He bent her over and fucked her first. No lube or anything, just violently shoved his cock in her. Even told her to “squeal like a pig.” His friend was filming him forcing his cock, as well as a ball bat, in her ass. By the time he was done her ass was bleeding and swollen. She was in tears. I felt so helpless.

ass rape porn bondage dominationMy next friend got anally fucked with fists, a fire poker, various tools, even a cattle prod. Her ass was so damaged it prolapsed. They made us suck on her prolapsed ass like it was a pacifier. I felt sick to my stomach violating my friend that way. When it was my turn, I thought I would be okay. I mean I have had a lot of cock in my ass, even a lot of foreign objects. But, never have I had a dozen or so candles shoved up my ass. Not only did he turn my ass into a candelabra, he lit them. Hot wax was dripping down my taint, into my cunt and down my thighs. Burning my flesh until the candles snuffed out in my pussy. The hot wax melted my clit and severely burned my ass and pussy lips. The torturing of my ass was all caught on film.

For hours our asses were violated for some underground ass rape porn movies. The last of us to be tortured was Leah. They shoved firecrackers up her ass and lit them. Her ass not only burned, but exploded. Blood, shit and tissue splattered our faces. Shelly threw up. Poor Leah’s ass is forever ruined. And for what? So some tool can beat his meat to ass rape porn? When they were done using our asses for their profit, they dumped our battered bodies in a van and tossed us out like garbage along the side of the road. Leah is still in the hospital. Her ass will never be the same. Mine will go back to normal in a few weeks, but I will have burn scars forever.

Just when I think men cannot get more depraved towards women….

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Kidnapping phone sex with Toni: Merry Xmas

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The holidays are usually a miserable time for me. I hate all the fake holiday cheer and people spending their money on gifts for people they don’t even like. This year was a little different because this year I decided to skip the family party and spend some quality time with my latest victim instead.
Her name was Emily, I snagged her off the street while she was walking home from some frat party. She was dressed like a whore so I can’t believe she was surprised when I kidnapped her. At first she probably thought she got lucky because I’m not a man, but she knows better now believe me. Before I snatched her up, I did already had a man chained up in my basement and she saw what had been done to him.

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Ryan was a rich asshole that was prone to disappearing for weeks on end. His party life style is the reason I chose him in the first place, no one would really worry much about his absence. By the time Emily saw him it would have been impossible for her to know who he was or what a spoiled life he had lived. Poor Ryan was more than cut up, he had been brutally beaten for days on end.kidnapping phone sex toni 999 His face was swollen, bruised, and his entire was caked with dried blood. Ryan could have spoke more or screamed for help, but I put screws into his gums and held his mouth shut with rubber bands. After Emily joined the party blood continuously poured from Ryan’s mouth. I assumed that’s because he attempted to talk to her, maybe even plan an escape. I wasn’t worried at all because I always assure that escaping isn’t a possibility.
Right now I can hear Emily crying because I left the basement door open. She can see that it’s open, but no matter how hard she tries she’ll never make it through that door. If she’s smart she knows that. I on the other hand couldn’t be happier! I’m just sitting here at my kitchen table drinking coffee while my Xmas cookies bake. Occasionally, I like to look over and smile at her while she swings back and fourth on my meat hook.
Tomorrow is Xmas so obviously I’ll be giving Ryan and Emily their gifts. I wonder if they’ll like them?

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The Twelve Days of Bloody Christmas

bloody phone sex bondage mommy“Fucking Merry Bloody Christmas,” is what he said when he walked in the room. There were several of us there, bound and gagged, awaiting our fate. Twelve girls to be exact. He had kidnapped 12 random girls for his Twelve Days of Bloody Christmas. We were his Christmas presents. All I knew was that we were in the woods somewhere, secluded from civilization. No one to hear our screams. No one to care. For some reason I was being saved. I was his favorite. Lucky me, not.  He and his friends beat me daily. Choked me, slapped me, cut me, sodomized me. Made me watch as they mutilated and or killed the other girls. One a day.

bloody phone sex tortureTheir favorite way of celebrating Bloody Christmas was with knives. I watched one girl be forced to fuck her cunt with a knife. She had to bend over in front of them and put the sharp knife in her cunt. They threatened her with death if she didn’t. Her pussy was gushing blood. Her girl parts completely shredded. So mutilated I could not fathom her ever fucking again. That was the purpose. To mutilate a whore’s instrument.

bloody phone sex knife tortureAnother girl had to sit on a dirty old toilet and impale her cunt with a knife sharpener. It was long, sharp and had a coarse body. I could only imagine the pain she felt as her vaginal wall was shredded and her female organs impaled. Blood gushed out of her pussy. I was scared. I knew eventually they would grow tired of fucking and beating me and want to make me a part of their Bloody Christmas.

bloody phone sex torture womenI was tied to a bed where they brutalized my ass as I watched them force girls to mutilate their bodies. I could see out a darkened window just a tad. The creek behind the cabin was a crimson red. I guess that’s where the not so lucky girls end up. I knew my fate would be bloody, maybe even the bloodiest of them all. For whatever reason, they deemed me the Queen of the Whores. Fucked me like a whore for days. Beat me like a whore for hours at a time. Forced me to watch the carnage they inflicted on the other girls. Left me tied to a bed soaked in my own blood as they cut and sliced my flesh.

bloody phone sex rape fantasiesThere are three days left of Bloody Christmas. I suspect, I will be the last victim. I prayed for death. The dead girls were lucky.

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Hunting Mask

I knew you were out hunting again. Its the season for you to find all the girls shopping at the mall. I saw you grab your mask and chills ran through me, remembering last year when you first took me. You wore the same mask. It wasn’t as blood stained as it is today, but I know it is the same one. Seeing you wear it brings back that first day of torture and pain that changed my life forever. I saw you leave and I lay in my cell daydreaming about what your new slave will go through today.

By the time you chose me last year, you had already killed three girls. I remembered seeing their bodies in your van when you tied me up in the back. I knew you had killed them from rage, and so I decided not to try to fight you. I remember begging for my life and only being able to see your twisted eyes through your mask. Staring back at me and deciding to spare me. I thought I would be let go. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I became a permanent prisoner in your basement, and looking back I wish I wouldn’t have begged for my life. I wish I would have tried to fight, as I know you would have ended my life that day, just like the others.

You love to hear us beg. Thats what gets your cock so hard. The crying and pleading and promises that we will do anything. Just to live. Not knowing how big of a mistake it is. I knew you at the mall right now. I wondered how many girls would try to fight you off. I wondered how many of them would trigger your bloody rage and be hacked to pieces before you even fuck them. Inside I am screaming and I want to warn them. I want to tell them to fight, and end the nightmare for themselves today. I want to tell them not to cry or beg, because those are the ones that will end up here. In a forever hell of torture and sadistic sex at the hands of a monster.

That mask. It brings back so many memories. The first time you fucked me you were wearing it. I still foolishly thought I would be let go, so I let you do it. I begged you not to hurt me. Blood from the girls you murdered dripped off the mask while you pumped my pussy full of your evil cum. Then you took the mask off and I saw the horror underneath it. I screamed and screamed while you mutilated my body for days. The mask hanging on the wall as if it were watching from its empty eye holes. I knew that mask would be the last thing several girls ever saw today, and I was so envious. I should have fought. Instead I wait here in the cold basement for you to return from hunting and fuck your newest slave while wearing that mask.

The Tub

torture sex karmaI had some time to kill and decided to stop at the library. Browsing the shelves I spotted a book titled “The Most Horrific Torture Techniques Of All Time” Picking up the book I could feel the pumping of my cunt releasing juice into my panties. I sat down at a tale and began to read. With every page I could feel myself getting closer to cumming. Some of the tortures I had heard of some I had not. And then I got to The Tub. It doesn’t sound menacing but it is sadistic and evil and twisted. As I read all about it I came so hard I almost slid off the chair and I knew that I would be finding a victim with in the hour. This form of torture would last for days and I could not wait. This particular form of torture was commonly called “sitting In the tub” it was used to torture convicts years ago. The convict would be placed in a wooden tub with nothing but their head sticking out. Then the executioner would cover their faces with milk and honey; in no time at all flies would swarm their faces and begin to feed on them. The convict was kept well fed so that they would end up swimming in their excrement.  After a few days, maggots and worms would devour their body as they decayed alive. I had the perfect metal tub for the job and got right to work. Being sadistic is such fun!torture sex the tub

Snuff Porn Aficionados Unite

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Snuff Porn newsgroups are a riot and there will always be something new and interesting going on in them. Of course it is super exciting being the one gaining all the views from subscribers. As my co-conspirator sets up the video equipment in our special basement room, I am out in my Ice cream truck picking up our stars.

The sweet stars of our movie will have a large viewing from all over the world and we love taking requests from them. So this is a popular request and one of my favorites. I get the girls to our play room and we prepare them. We strap them down spread eagle and their heads are placed in the brace that will hold them in place. A screen above them will have their full attention as they view a special movie.

Snuff Porn Dusty 002

P  incestuous hardcore will be the focus for these sweet stars. The walls of the playroom are filled with murals of Satanic and Biker scenes of brutal fucking p porn. A succubus and incubus share in the scenery looking as deviously evil as ever. We take ceremonial daggers and slice the clothes off the prey of our desire. I am handed a mask of Devilishly delicious evil red and black with horns up and a third eye blazing red. My strap-on covered in demon scales is strapped on. My accomplice is wearing a black death mask looking equally Evil with his cock oiled and ready for penetrating a tight cunt. We speed fuck these little darlings making them bleed and scream. The viewers are requesting more. They want a virginal sacrifice, they want blood. I take my dagger to my dolls tender flesh of her neck. As the blood flows into a basin beneath the table I continue ripping her pussy up with my scaled penis strap-on. We continue fucking our prey until their life starts to seep away and the viewers become satisfied. 

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Blasphemy Phone Sex

Journal entry

December 11, 2014

I am so tired of being tortured and raped what have I done to deserve this blasphemy.  I pray to god each night does he not hear my prayers. Lord hear my prayer.  Countless promises go unanswered what must I do?  The other night I had a dream that  I had a savior. Could it be that  I’ve been praying to the wrong god.  Curse his name and for what he stands for.  One who says we have chosen our own fate. Jesus who would chose this kind of life.  He claims throughout this book he is here to save me, well where you are. Do you not love me, have I not honored you?

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 I bow my head in shame deliver me from this life I call upon the devil.  I will sell my soul just to be released from anguish.  Pray, make me your bride deliver me from this hell I am in.  Curse my soul and bring me deliverance and make me whole.  Bring me to your palace I am eternal grateful I will be your honored servant.  As you take me for your bride I pray to the gods in hell I am your whore.

Snuff Sex Fun

snuff sex angieAs I stand here, the sharpening stone spinning, sparks flying in all directions and cum flowing down the inside of my legs. Each time the ice cream scoop touches the wheel and sharpens a bit more, my pussy sends out another wave of cum. He called and asked if I would be his accomplice. She was a pretty young thing with long blonde hair and freckles trailing across her nose. Her eyes had him spell bound and he had to have her but he wanted my help. He asked me to bring the sharpened scoop that I use for just this type of thing. When he opened the door she was cowered in the corner her smokey greyish blue eyes wide and I could see why he was mesmerized by her. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her into the bathroom where he shoved her on her knees in front of the toilet. I sat on her back facing the wall and took her hair in my hand. When he was ready in between her legs, dick rock hard and throbbing, I shoved her head into the toilet and held her under the water. My bare pussy rubbing against her back, my clit getting more swollen with ever twitch and fight she put out. I lifted her head and let her take on quick gulp of air before shoving her face back into the commode.  This time when I lifted her head he said he was ready. I got off her with her hair still in my grasp and whipped her around to face him. He pushed her chin up into the air tilting her head back as I brought the ice cream scoop down and scooped her eye right out of the socket. I held her head for him just like he likes it and he shoved the head of his cock in her skull. “Push deeper baby. You know you want to feel her warm soft brain against your dick. And I can’t wait to watch the fluid flow from her ears and nose.” He followed my command and shoved deep into her head, sending fluid flowing from every orifice of her skull and spewing his hot load into her head while I came all over myself. I love being his accomplice and sharing snuff sex fun!

Never Take a Short Cut Down a Creepy Alley

snuff sex bondage painIt was dark, I was running late, so I took a short cut down this creepy alley. Big mistake. A masked man followed me, grabbed me and threw me in the trunk of his car. He took me to some abandoned building. Dragged me kicking and screaming by my hair into the scary looking building. I ended up in a room with a few other women. None of us knew what to expect. One of the captors entered and grabbed one of the girls. She was crying and pleading. He smacked her so hard a tooth came out. I heard another guy yell, “Don’t mess her up too much before the camera starts rolling.” Then I knew what was going on. Snuff sex.  They were going to rough us up, sexually assault us, maybe even kill us on film.

We heard that poor girl cry and scream for hours. I heardsnuff sex murder fantasies whips, chains, a blow torch, and finally a chainsaw. After I heard that, she made no more noise. I knew she was not alive anymore. The guy came back in for girl number two. He had on a butcher’s apron covered in blood. Her blood I assumed. The next girl to go, suffered a similar fate, but not as quick. Soon, I was the only girl left in the room. I almost would have preferred to go first. The waiting while hearing the others being tortured was frightening beyond comprehension.

When it was my turn, I didn’t even fight. I knew what my fate was soon to be. One of the masked assailants strung me up in the air. They turned on a light and saw the carnage. Women’s limbs all over the floor;  blood splatter on the ceiling and walls; internal organs in a pile…. I vomited at the site. I was about to die a slow torturous death because I cut down an alley. I just prayed it would be quick. I prayed to pass out.

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