I wake up so drunk. So fucking drunk right now. And something’s in my ass. Oh my God it burns. I turn my head and vomit profusely. It consists of spunk and tequila. What the fuck is going on. I’m so drunk that turning my head was a lot of work, I don’t think I could move my arm to check what’s in my ass. I hear a low growl from a chubby man who apparently was reading my mind “It’s a liquor bottle, sweety. You took about three shots worth of whiskey in your asshole. Absorbs into the mucus membranes, gets ya fucked faster. And oh boy, did you get fucked. what, 5 men? I don’t fuckin know, how would you?” He laughs at his own joke and saunters away, mumbling “5 men at least. Me…Rico…Tony…Mario…Chester…eh maybe more than five”

He returns with a bedpan, a rubber tube and a mug. “Cold coffee, babe.” he says, lifting the mug “We picked ya, knocked ya out. Got you drunker than a skunk and had our way with you. The others humped and dumped, but me? I’m a worrier. I don’t want you dying of alcohol poisoning or no shit like that. Little tug, babe.” He hawks a fat loogie and spits it towards my asshole and expertly removes the bottle. “Thank you” I mutter, my words slurred and my eyelids heavy. I vomit again. He replaces the bottle with the rubber tube, which he holds up high. “Coffee enema” he says matter of factly. “Take a little poison outta your system” He pours the coffee into the tube slowly. It hits my rectum and it felt cool and relieving. I feel the urge to shit. A lot. I don’t have the energy to speak so I groan “Let it out babe” he urges, removing the tube and putting a bedpan under me. As if on cue I empty my bowels. It comes hard and fast, stinking like an Irish pub. I’ve never shit so much in my life. It comes in powerful bursts, splashing and staining the sides of the bedpan. I’m so humiliated that I’m actually dripping from my pussy, too. I look over and to my surprise, the man who saved me is stroking his dick. It’s a short fat little thing, cut tight and you can tell he’s rough on it, it’s covered in scratches and friction marks. He’s watching my ass explode and stroking his fat little chode. “Fuckin a’ right’ he mutters. “Let it out, baby. Ohhh, yeah. Yesss, that’s the ticket.” “There’s…there’s no more” I mutter. He closes in, putting the bedpan on the ground. “I should clean you up.” He looks at me. “I’m going to let you go, sweety. But first, I’m going to clean you up while you suck me off” He climbs on top of me, dick right in my face. I dutifully put it in my mouth. I’m so drunk I can’t do much, but I suck and swirl my tongue. He bends over and inhales, groaning. “Ohhh yeah” He burys his face in my ass, lapping up my feces. I gag on his fat dick at the thought, and it makes him hungrier. He licks everything from my crack and starts sucking on my asshole. He fucks my face and I heave, his weight bearing down on my slender body. I am trying so hard not to, but I release, and I spray his face with coffee, whiskey & jizz filled shit. He cums in my mouth, giving me much more than I expected from his tiny little rod. He gets off me, his face covered with chunks of scat. “You should be safe, little one” he says, his shitty mustache rising and falling with every word. “I’ll call you a cab and help you out” He helps me out, and makes a short call on his cellphone. He hands me a folded wad of cash, a ten on the top. “Well,” he says as the taxi arrives “have a good morning” I get in the cab, and he returns to the house. I give the cab driver my address, handing him the ten dollar bill. I open the wad to discover $800. Holy fuck! It’s not the stimulating humiliation I’m used to, but for the right amount of money, anyone can lick my filthy asshole.