Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Ass Rape Porn and Snuff Porn Made in the Back of a Hearse

ass rape porn killer sexMaster had an idea for making ass rape porn. He purchased a hearse. I call it the snuffmobile because all the girls he makes his little porn movies with, never leave the vehicle breathing. He gutted it out, put in a mattress, bondage equipment, even torture devices. My job is to be his accomplice. I procure girls for Master, preferably young girls and drive it around while he entertains them in the back. It is surprisingly easy. Between hitch hikers, runaways, brats left unattended at the mall and drunk girls, I have been able to bring him lots of flesh for his  mobile torture studio.

Today I brought him a tender young girl I picked up at the mall. She was lost. I went into Mommy mode, told her I knew her mommy and she was waiting for her in the parking lot. I shoved her into the back of the snuffmobile, where Master and his crew took over. I don’t like being involved in hurting little ones; it goes against my maternal instincts. But I want to live, so I have to do what Master wants. Dying goes against my survival instincts.

I could hear her screams from the front seat. Master had a camera installed so when his victim is left alone, he can see what she is doing while driving to our next destination. I peaked in while driving. He had her naked, spread eagle on the mattress. She was bound, gagged and being anally assaulted. He spanked her; fisted her tight little cunny to prime it for hardcore anal fucking. One of his henchmen was filming it all. The little girl was crying for her mommy as she got forced fucked in all her little holes. This hearse also served as a P-mobile. He was anally assaulting young girls in the back and filming it all.

snuff porn tortureThis little girl that I helped kidnap was going to die in the snuffmobile. I know Mater well enough to know that he was not gonna risk letting her go when she could identify us all. I watched as he sliced her little bee sting boobies off. She laid their bleeding all over the white sheets again. The little thing was battered and broken, but the more blood that Master drew from her, the harder he got. It was a vicious cycle. He would cut off a body part, then fuck her. Cut off another body part, fuck her some more. Eventually she was just a lifeless little stump covered in blood with cum oozing out of her fuck holes. He was now making snuff porn.

He had me stop the snuffmobile near the city dump. He tossed her lifeless body in a landfill and we drove off to pick up the next  victim. Next up to star in one of his force fuck porns and die in his hearse was a teen hitch hiker. Stupid cunt. She should know better than to take ride from strangers.

taboo phone sex snuff

I found my dream car!

evil phone sexWould you believe it? I was online searching for a vehicle and I found the perfect one… a hearse of course. It took me no time to get there to take a look at it – I was very interested. But much to my surprise I was greeted by the guy of my dreams. That’s right I found a sick fuck just like me, just as creepy and demented as I am! He was even the one selling the hearse, and it took me no time to make him my accomplice and score a discount on it. I told him we would get some good use out of it as a team…there are so many things we can do with it. We drove around town late that night, searching for a drunk teeny bopper that would be dumb enough to get into our car. It’s easier than some may think… And it didn’t take long to lure one of these stupid bitches right in. We took her dumbass into the middle of nowhere to have our fun with her… and oh what an omen it was to have that hearse right there because she wasn’t going to get out of this one alive. She realized what was going on when it was too late and we already had her all tied up so she won’t be going anywhere. In her drunken state she began to freak out because she knew what was about to happen… she was as terrified as we wanted her to be. I will make her hold still as I dig my knife deep into her throat and watch as you force your cock into her holes… oh but soon she will suffer the pain of this knife and I can’t wait to see her covered in her sticky sweet blood. And look we are going to get to put that hearse to use after all…

Surrogate Bitch

Taboo Phpne Sex

You said I look just like the lying cheating bitch!

Looking at me just made you angry, made you realize how much you hate her!

She hardly touches you. She always has a headache or something else to do! But you know she is fucking other men, sucking their cock, taking it in the ass!

But you can’t punish her so you take it out on me, doing all the things to me that you want to do to her!

You punch me in the face, knocking me to the ground. I tried to get up but you just kicked me in the ribs. Yeah, you were gonna give her what she had coming!

I laid there on the floor crying while you tied my hands and ankles. Then you picked me up and threw my body on the bench.

You were thinking of her the entire time you fucked my mouth, yelling at me, calling me by her name, telling me I was a fucking whore!

I could feel splinters digging into my nipples as you pounded your fuck stick down my throat, choking me with every forceful thrust!

But that was not good enough! You were going to have my ass the way so many men have had hers! That’s right! You were finally going to take back what belonged to you!

You back handed me across the face as you pulled your cock out, splitting my lip and breaking my nose! It hurt like hell but at least I could finally breath!

You propped me up with a huge log under my hips. I had no idea what you were doing and then I felt my tight little ass being torn open as you violently forced your way in with out warning!

The more I screamed the harder you pushed! You were still screaming at me, calling me by her name. I begged you to stop. I promised to love you and do what ever you wanted!

That’s when you said I was a lying whore just like her!

You said the only way to stop a whore from lying is to shove something in her mouth!

You came back around and and blasted that dick spit in my mouth and all over my face!

That’s when your cell rang. It was her! You were so sweet to her, “Yes baby, I will pick up some milk on the way home. Love you to. See ya in a bit.”

And just like that, without saying a word, you untied me and walked away!Ass Rape Porn

Snuff Porn Falls Short on a Bloody Phone Call

Snuff Porn


     Snuff porn and us just mixed so well during our conversations together. Biting into my flesh was part of the scenario for us.  The taste of blood seeped through your teeth and into my mouth and I was reminded of how twisted you liked our play time. My hands lay limp at my side as you positioned the rope over my neck and pulled with such force that I instantly could not let out a breath. I wanted to die, to fill no emotion and no air in this world. I felt the pressure of your cock inside me pounding me as the last bit of my air escaped from my lips and into the abyss. Your cock was hard and mighty causing my limp body to shake and the shit to run from my ass instantly. You would revive me with an electric shock as you had so many times before.

     You loved for my body to be stiff and rigid almost dead like as you fucked my pussy. You also liked stabbing my flesh with the knife and watching blood ooze out of me. This was right wasn’t it to get back at a someone who had rejected you? You turned over my still corpse spread my cheeks and mounted my ass burying yourself in my shallow walls. It was the release that you needed to gain. Involuntarily my body shook causing the last of a vomit to pour from my lips. You licked at then pushed my lifeless body back down on the floor. Pissing on my face, you let it fall on me in a drove then you fell to your knees again, you slapped my face and opened my mouth ripping at my lips to open up to insert your cock. You had five minutes or I would be dead for good. Thrusting your load in my mouth  you exploded. Scourging up looking for the defibrillator you pushed the electrical shock back to my tits and pulled the vamp. I was alive this time. My body sat in a hurdle shock and I choked as I came too. I caught you again pounding your cock inside my pussy succumbing to this aching need to kill me. Punching me in the face you told me how much of a dirty little whore I was and how our fun was so good for you. You couldn’t have realized how good it was for me too.

   As the clock ran out  and our time came to a close. Was I dead, alive,? Was this a dream of hell that you wanted to recreate? Only a call would tell!

I know how to “play” nice…

accomplice phone sexYou’ve always known me as your go to girl for all your most extreme, and scandalous fantasies, but have you ever thought about how great it would be to snuff a bitch out? Well, I do happen to know how to act nice, nice enough to lure in some stupid cunt to become our new play toy. That’s why it’s perfect for me to be accomplice. Our victims will never ever suspect me; I know how to play nice when I need to so this will always work in our favor…who wouldn’t trust this face? As your little accomplice we can work together to pick the perfect girl for this time, I am looking for a precious virgin…so hard to find these days. Little whores! I will start at the library because that’s where most goody two shoes like to go…she will be studying instead of going out; she has no friends…that’s why being my friend appeals to her even more greatly. I mean, come on, talk about desperate!!!  It won’t take long before she admits she hasn’t ever had sex, and she is waiting till marriage. Typical dumb bitch, ha! I will invite her to hang out, and how could she refuse? As soon as I get her to my place I will slip a little something into her drink, and out she will go…When she awakes I will have this precious virgin all tied up and naked, ready for us. Are you ready to completely destroy this little bitch’s cunt? Let’s make this nice and bloody. I love to watch and record as she cries and begs for you to stop, and how it hurts. As if we care! I’m getting so horny watching your bloody dick push into her sweet pussy…maybe we should tell her it will all be over soon… oh but that’s not true – she will be used and abused till she can’t be anymore and I will cum every single time that bitch crys and begs us to stop… oh little girl you shouldn’t have been so trusting.

Venus’s Backyard BBQ Secrets

accomplice phone sex kinfe playThis is my favorite time of the year. Why? Because it’s BBQ season. I spend the winter capturing fine specimens that I cage and feed, so I may feast on them in May, national BBQ month. You have not had  truly down home cooking  until you have attended one of my backyard barbecues, which I have daily in May for very special guests. I serve only the finest meat around. The key to a good barbecue is preparation and patience. I have many recipes and I like to share my secrets.

On today’s menu. Pineapple Penny Pig Roast. First, you need a stupid drunk coed who can’t find her way home. Luckily, they are everywhere. Then you need to have  a doctor check her out, make sure she is healthy, in good shape, free from disease. More often than not you will need to fatten her up. Why do young girls think they can live on carrots and beer? I am fond of high caloric protein shakes daily for months. Can easily add 25 yummy pounds to any pig. A key component to preparation is restoring the body back to its natural state. Cut out silicon breasts. Remove the chemicals and dyes from hair.  Bathe pig daily in a sugar scrub to sweeten and soften her skin. Takes time to prepare a pig for a BBQ, so be patient.

cannibaism phone sex killer sex A few days before the BBQ, the entire pig must be marinated or brined  or certain parts will taste rather bland. I am particularly fond of brining.  A nice apple cider brine enhances pork’s natural flavor. To add even more flavor, you can add an abundance of herbs, onions, pineapple, oranges even hot peppers to the brine solution. I brine my pigs for at least 24 hour. My entire house smells delicious right now. I spent last night injecting the thickest parts of Penny’s meat like the rump and the thighs with my brine solution to insure my guests get flavored meat on more than just the surface cuts. Even the deepest cuts of flesh will taste yummy if you follow my suggestions. Some guests just love to devour flavor infused internal organs, so do not just baste the outside. Make sure you inject the brine or marinade into the thickest parts of meat for the best all around flavoring.

I take pride in my BBQ meat. I don’t just slap some meat on a stick and call it a day. Once my piggy is brined or marinated well, I pay careful attention to trussing. Proper trussing of the  pig to the rotisserie spit is the key to perfectly cooked meat.  My pigs are fairly large, so the spit needs to go between the thighs, along the inside of the body, just under the spine and out through the mouth. Since the spit is not impaling the meat down the center, it is not necessarily secured to the spit. To prevent flesh from falling off the bone into the fire, heavy duty kitchen twine can be used to secure the spine to the spit about every  6 inches along the length of the meat. The hips, thighs and legs should be trussed securely to hold them tight against each other and the spit. Repeat this procedure for the head and shoulders. Wiggle room in your pig is bad. You want the body to be one with the spit, so when turning it over the open flame, all the flesh cooks evenly.

killer phone sex cannibal pornYou cannot rush the cooking of your pig. I am fond of an open fire pit, about 250 degrees, slowly turning for about 24 hours so the skin does not burn or become too tough to chew. For the best results, your pig should be alive while turning her on the rotisserie spit. It’s bonus for you to hear the life cooked out of your pig. Nothing gets me wetter than hearing flesh crackle. and spit while the pig screams in pain. Once your pig is cooked, served it up with some beans and corn bread and you have yourself a yummy backyard BBQ.

Are you a fan of fresh BBQ? Perhaps we can exchange recipes, tricks of the trade, hunting tips…. Maybe we can even have a pig roast together? I find cooking together a sexy bonding experience.

fantasy phone sex

Cassandra Helps Make Teen Rape Porn

teen rape porn big titsOne of my masters forces me to be his teen rape porn accomplice. He has a bunch of teen sex slaves; mostly runaways he uses for various underground films. Usually snuff films, but every now and then he does a straight up teen bondage or teen rape porn. Today was a first. He wanted me to star in the film. Normally, I just help behind the scenes. I was both nervous and excited. I never get the chance to be a dominant bitch, which was exciting. However, if I fucked up, I knew I could be starring in his next snuff endeavor.

The young teen girl, who was my costar, was doped up, tied to a bed. When instructed, I walked right up to her, grabbed her by the arm, yanked her up and slapped her awake. I then assaulted her face with my boobs. She was crying, whimpering, begging for her mommy. “I’m your mommy now bitch,” I whispered in her ear as I muffled her whining with one of my DDs. I had her arm twisted behind her; I could have snapped it in two so easily she was just a tiny waif of a thing. I liked being a bad ass bitch. Made my snatch wet.

ass rape porn teen sexI forced her between my legs; made her worship my cunt. At first she resisted, but the more I suffocated her with my thighs and pussy, the more she licked. She knew she was a goner if she didn’t act like a good girl. I covered her teen face in my juice. I was just getting started. I was ordered to hurt her ass. Master says lots of pervs enjoy seeing a young girl get her ass violated. Do you like seeing that? I started with my tongue. Drilled her ass hard, then spit deep into it before I shoved my fist up her tight virgin asshole. Got half my arm up her ass too. She was screaming, even bleeding. I glanced over at Master and he was smiling, so I knew I was doing a good job force fucking his little teen slave.

I had a variety of sex toys to use on her ass. I chose this strap on that was not only huge in length and width,  but had menacing spikes on it. It would shred her asshole from the inside out with every thrust. I grabbed her hair, pushed my way into her tight ass. She screamed loudly, as I shoved it in. Blood started flowing out her ass with every thrust. I was getting into being the bitch in charge. I fucked the shit out of that young girl. Her asshole was hanging out like a violated rosebud. Master made me suck on it for the camera. I tried not to gag, but it tasted like shit and blood.

teen phone sex teen sex slavesI thought our little film was over, but I was just the warm up. About 40 men ravaged her fuck holes. She was not moving by the time they were done with her. According to them, teen whores are a dime a dozen. Another one could be snatched off the street easily enough. They disposed of her body in an alley dumpster and thirty minutes later had another girl for their next film endeavor. I just hope maybe I get to play with this one too. Maybe you would let me play rough with your little one?

Accomplice phone sex

Roleplay phone sex

We warned you. Told you that you were going to be so addicted that you would never be able to stop. Highly inappropriate addiction at that. It certainly isn’t grown women that make that cock hard, is it? So, here you are, parked in your car. What is it that you are looking at? They certainly aren’t very tall. Don’t you love the way the mommies are all so wrapped up in their phones, tablets, readers, etc? Leaves a whole lot of opportunity for someone like you.

Sitting there in your car. Oh look, that cock is rock hard you pervert. Looking at them in their swimming suits; others in their skirts and short tops. Certainly don’t leave much to the imagination anymore do they, perv? The question is, is this where it’s going to stop? Come on, say yes, try to convince yourself that this is just as far as you sick, pathetic self is going to go.

How far will you go this time? Will you stop or make her see angels? 

Evil Yet Soothing Therapy

rape phone sex fantasies karmaHe comes to me wrought with desire. Our needs are in sync as always. The straight lines of the young body not yet developed and so innocent. We feel the desire burning inside of us to touch them. The admiration so deep that we are practically drooling over them. Using a calm and soothing voice I urge him to fulfill his need for soft young flesh. As soon as he touches her it is as if her flesh sears his hand and the burning desire moves up his arm and into his groin. His rape phone sex fantasies are so vivid that he can feel his dick pushing into her, stretching her, until she has completely encased his dick with in her. I cover her mouth so that she can not scream but the tears are flowing freely down her face. All the while I tell him it is OK. This is not bad it is good for all of us. I take his hand and place it on her nipple urging him to pinch and pull it while he pounds deeper into her, so close to exploding. He will plant his seed deep with in her and soon she will be swollen and ready to give us a gift that we will cherish together.

Making Her Watch

bloody phone sex angieI knew as soon as I saw them that they would be mine. Their perfectly manicured hands and feet, their expensive clothes, the way they carried themselves, all preppy and proper, their long blonde hair, laughing with out a care in the world, carbon copies of one another……their world was about to turn upside down. The sunshine is about to become darkness, the laughter screams of pain and that blonde hair will be matted with clumps of congealed blood and chunks of flesh. Watching and waiting while imagining the scene my cunt pumps out juice with every evil and twisted thought in my head. The daughter looks good enough to eat. But I know that if I allow fear to pump adrenaline through her, the meat will be tainted. Decisions, decisions, should I enjoy making them watch each other be tortured or should I enjoy the terror in the mother as I butcher her daughter and make her share the feast  before sending her to her own living hell? Both sound like a wonderful way to spend an afternoon and both ideas please me greatly. It looks like the perfect moment to grab them I will decide once I have them secured in my basement.