Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Good Friday for the Fire Ants…..

goth teen phone sexI finally trapped the monster who stole my car and it’s gonna be a Good Friday he won’t live to forget. I’ve starved him in my dungeon for only a week now with nothing but vinegar to drink. I’ve made him jerk off 25 times for my amusement. Teach that fucker to leave condom wrappers in my car. He’s crazy with fear and hunger, willing to say anything I tell him to live. I fuck with him, making him renounce his God, though he isn’t even Christian.

I put a rope around his wrists and drag him outside, 200 acres away from civilization. I walk him in circles, kicking him. Knocking him down over and over. Hey, what better way to celebrate Easter than a good old fashioned re-enactment of the Play. I kick him in the teeth and he is drooling blood. Unlike Christ, his crown is one of barb wire, with sharpened steel spikes that spear the flesh, digging in clear to the brain. I’ve driven tacks into his sandals so that each step draws blood, calling the fire ants. I grab my riding crop and cut lashes into his back. I hate fucking thieves. I’m feeling demented and creative. I see an old landscape timber rotting in the grass. I make him pick it up and carry it over his head. I feel giddy with religious energy. The effort makes him cry and beg. The fire ants are climbing his bloody rags now, biting him, taking to their special hell.

You didn’t really think I was gonna nail him to a cross, did ya? That’s so cliche. I’m just gonna nail some spikes into a 2×4 and knock him across the head with it. Leave the asshole lying there in the dust. Let the fireants and the varmints to do the rest. Aint no justice like MY justice.



Snuff Porn Keeps A Submissive Bitch in Line

snuff pornSnuff porn is something I thought was fake until I was forced to watch one being made. Master wanted to teach me a lesson. He wanted me to see what happens to bad little whores. Master has a bunch of girls in the sex slave trade. They are really young. Not an old strung out bimbo like me. Guys like fresh young things with tight holes and natural parts. I’m old and fake. But, Master doesn’t trust a whore of any kind, so when one of his bitches acts out, all of his other bitches have to watch her be punished. One of his sex slaves tried to escape. A cute young school girl he nabbed in Europe while on a family vacation. The abducted girls are always the most trouble for Master. I’m a willing slave and victim, but his young posse of kidnapped school girls are a different story. Elena tried to escape through a bathroom window at a party. She would have escaped if another, more obedient, girl had not snitched on her. Now she was before me and his other girls, naked and strapped to a St. John’s Cross. She was doused repeatedly with pails of scalding water. Her screams were deafening. Her skin was blistering and raw. Master enjoys taking a girl’s beauty. She passed out from the pain, but was slapped awake again. Her skin was gruesome. It looked like she was melting. He let her suffer in pain while he circled her like a vulture. The look in his eyes told me he was not done with her yet. I heard barking and growling in a distance, but the sounds got closer. Master cut Elena so blood dripped from her veins. When a little door was opened, a pack of wild dogs encased her. One command form Master made them tear her little body apart, limb by limb. More screams. Those of us girls remaining watched in horror as Lena was killed painfully by wild dogs. Nothing keeps a submissive bitch in line more that watching live torture sex.

Ass rape porn with a victim

ass rape porn

 It was a warm sunny Saturday afternoon at the park and my accomplice and i are out to find our next victim. After driving around for ten minutes we found her walking all by her self. We pulled up next to her and i asked her if she had seen a puppy?When she came close enough my accomplice grabbed her  by the pig tales and dragged her inside our car.

He covered her mouth making sure there was no sound to be heard. I  then sped off as quickly as i could so that i wouldn’t alert any one looking for a missing person. Once we got home we dragged her into our basement and made sure she was completely nude. My accomplice began touching her bald cunney with his fingers, feeling her insides as he twirled his fingers.

She began screaming and crying asking for us to “let her go”. We laughed as we shoved a gag into her mouth. We flipped her over on to her tummy and began to lick her cheeks. She started to kick so we decided to tie her hands and feet together so she could not move. I ran my hands down her body feeling her soft gentle skin stroking it gently, giving her goose bumps in the process. My accomplice took off the gag and shoved his hard cock into her mouth, shoving it as deep as he could.

Thrusting his hips hard and fast. I could tell she has never swallowed a cock before since she was gagging and throwing up all of that pre cum. I grabbed her ass with my hand and squeezed it hard, then slowly spread her ass cheeks open just enough to see that shit hole.I spit on my pinky and shoved it deep inside her ass hole. Thrusting it in and out of her shit hole until i worked my way up to the thumb. My accomplice wanting more action grabbed this slut by her hips and shoved his huge cock into her wet bald cunney. Letting out a deep sigh as he penetrated deep inside her until he popped her cherry.

He pulled out and allowed me to lick up all of her juicy cum and blood off his hard dick. Once i was done sucking his cock clean, he went ahead and fucked this girl hard and fast stretching her cunt out until it was wide and raw. He came deep inside her, filling her up with his juicy cum. After hours of taking turns eating and stretching out her holes we dressed her back up and left her at the park where we found her. Leaving us to only enjoy our stroll around the park on a Saturday evening planning our next weekend together.

Morticia and Karma’s Gathering

Snuff phone sex

Karma and I have known each other for a while. We are two evil bitches in charge of our own followers. They worship the ground we walk on. They will do anything for us. Tonight is our gathering. We get together to worship the darkness and nature. We give ourselves to the darkness. We give back to nature. There are too many people in this world. They destroy our mother and spit on our worship. We give back to our mother earth and to our dark lord.

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We take these worthless people and sacrifice them in the name of mother earth and our dark lord. We burn their skin with candles, we whip them till they are bloody. We take turns fucking them, making them beg for mercy. Making them repent for being worthless living holes. We send out our minions to do our dirty work. Karma and I are powerful. We fuck each other as we bath in the blood from our sacrifices. We finger fuck each other and make each other cum. We fuck all of our followers, leaving them wanting more from us!

Bloody phone sex


Castration Phone Sex Grudge Fuck: Don’t Fuck with a Sadistic Bitch

castration phone sexYou ever grudge fuck? I did once and it was amazing. Amazing for me, not for him. Couple years ago, I was coming home from shopping. This asshat grabbed me in broad daylight. No one did a thing to help me either. He made me his captive for a weekend. I am not a victim. I got away, but I knew I would find him a again. I made it my mission in life to find him again. I am relentless, like a dog with a bone, when I want revenge. Thanks to the Internet, I finally found him again a few states away. This time the tables were turned. I hunted him like prey for days before I snatched him up in my car. Took him to a seedy motel no tell along the highway. Think Bates Motel . He was unapologetic. In fact, he was downright cocky. He thought I was back for some dick. I let him delude himself that I was back after two fucking years just for his tiny little sorry ass excuse for a dick. Really? Some dudes are so fucking stupid, it is amazing they remember how to breathe. I indulged his grandiose thoughts. Not because there was any truth in them, but because it would give me an edge. Give me the upper hand. When he told me to suck his dick like a good bitch, I showed him who the bitch was with a razor blade in my mouth. I cut his dick all the fuck up. He was crying like a bitch, when I punched him in the face. Tied him up, then informed him he didn’t have anything to offer a woman, which is why he force fucks chicks. A real man doesn’t have to force a chick because the ladies flock to him. Men with little clit sticks are not men. I cut his cock off, gave him a real clit. Just left a little nub. Well, littler than before. Left him in a pool of blood crying like a sissy bitch. I spit in his face and called 911 as I was leaving. I didn’t want to kill him. He needed to live the rest of his life as a dickless loser. Fuck with me, and I will fuck back tenfold.

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An Accomplice To Kidnapping and Snuff

Accomplice phone sexDaddy says I did such a good job with training the sub he is loaning me to a friend for another job. You are a fan of snuff porn movies, so I am a little scared of what this job will entail. I am not excited about this job. However, I know better than to argue. I will do as I am told as always because Daddy knows best.

You already had the one picked out that you wanted. You told me you would handle her parents. It was my job to get the girl. We forced our way in and I started up the stairs to the girl’s bedroom. I can see the fear in her sweet little eyes and then tears are already starting. We hear two gun shots and she starts to freak. I tell her she can come with me or the next bullet is for her. She is crying frantically, but gets up and starts down the stairs where she sees you. We put her in the car and take her to your hidden destination. It is a little isolated cabin, perfect for what you have in mind.

Inside you tell me you want to watch me spank her. I take your paddle and begin to follow your wishes. You demand I do it harder. I spank her ass until she has welts up and down her previously perfect bottom. This makes you happy and you stroke your hard cock watching. You tell me to fuck her with the strap on. I try to lube it but you tell me no. You want me to take her cunt dry. I do as you command, breaking her hymen in the process as she starts to bleed. The blood excites you even more. As I am fucking her bloody pussy, you shove your large cock down her throat making her gag. Her eyes begin to bulge because she is getting no air. You laugh sadistically, but finally pull out of her throat and allow her to breathe. She is only relieved temporarily because next you move me away and you take your cock and force it into her tiny asshole, ripping its opening, and causing her to bleed more. The warm blood around your cock excites you more. You tell me to sit on her face because you have heard enough of her screams. I sit on her face and tell her to lick my pussy. She resists, but you force her putting a knife to her throat telling her you will kill her if she doesn’t. This gets her going really well and she gets her tongue deep up into my pussy. You fuck her ass harder and harder, taking no mercy. You start to get close to your release and you plunge the knife into her covering both of us with warm, wet blood. It splashed onto my cunt, causing me to cum. The hot, sticky blood feels good and I start to rub it all around my pussy. You finally find your release and start coming, filling her bloody rectum with your cum. Just as you release your last drop, she takes her last breath. The job is done.

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Ass Rape Porn Grudge Fuck a Victim

Sometimes a grudge fuck can lead to ass rape porn, and torture phone sex when a submissive like me becomes part of the equation. One afternoon an ex-boyfriend texted me about meeting up for a couple drinks, and me being the naive subby that I am, I fell for it. This ex was a complete dick to me and was always fucking around on me. One day I chose to do the same when I was hit up by a guy from my work, and dickhead caught us. I told him to fuck off since he’s been doing it to me the whole time we were together.

Ass Rape Porn

So, the texts started and he was being all apologetic for being such a dick and if I could please just meet him for a couple drinks. He got all “I really want to see you Geneva”, and of course I fell for it. So

I meet him at some hole in the wall bar – yeah a really nice place to impress a girl for fucks sake – and almost turned around to leave when I saw the place. He had been waiting for me outside and I didn’t see him until he was right behind me. I felt a thump on my head and before i could react he was helping me into the back of my SUV. He grabbed my keys and drove me somewhere.

I was in and out of consciousness until I felt myself being violated and other hands on me. He had a couple of his friends over and they were all fucking me and slapping me around. He noticed I was waking up and with a deep thrust of his cock down my throat and spurting his cum he said “How’s this for fucking around Bitch, huh? You like a grudge fuck with my two buddies and me?”


Fantasy phone sex with Ivy

Fantasy phone sex

Fantasy phone sex can be anything you have ever wanted. Now the question is, are you man enough to go to your deepest and darkest place? Open yourself up to the world of evil and you will never close that door. Let me be the one who helps you break into that world. The dark, sexy and evil side of your sexuality. I will show you pain you thought you would never feel. Are you scared? We can do it together. We can get that bitch who always blows you off. The one who you think about at night while you rub your cock. The one who you want to hurt. We can hurt her together. Together we can torture her, getting your cock so fucking hard. I want to suck your cock as you whip her. I want to taste you after you force your cock inside of her worthless cunt. Show her what she could have gotten if all she said was yes. Fuck her, but I want your cum. I want to cum inside of me, I want you to be mine. 

Goth teen phone sex with Morticia

I love feeling your warm blood running down my body. I rub my pussy at the blood slowly runs down to my cunt. Using your blood as my lube to rub and finger fuck my pussy, makes me so fucking horny. The sounds of your screams as I whip you makes my nipples hard. I love to see the pain in your face, the way you try to run from me while you’re tied up makes me giggle. You are never going to leave here alive. I’m going to use you, and then leave your body here for the wild animals to eat. Call me know if you want to know all the dirty and evil things I will do to you.

Goth teen phone sex

Gangbang Rape porn to Captive Rape Porn: A Whore’s Bad Luck

gangbang rape pornGangbang rape porn went to captive rape porn so quickly. I got gang banged in the mall bathroom by a bunch of strangers. I was walking by the men’s restroom when a guy out of nowhere shoved me in. One of his friends guarded the door while the rest of his cohorts had their way with me on a dirty bathroom floor. After they had all fucked my pussy and sodomized my ass, I was covered in cum. I started to pick myself up, but another guy came into the bathroom before I could get out and punched me so hard in the face it knocked me out. When I woke up, I was at his place and his captive. I couldn’t believe my bad luck of being force fucked this many times in one day. The guys in the mall bathroom said I looked like a stupid whore so I should be treated like one. My captor said as he forced his cock in my ass repeatedly for hours, that any slut willing to fuck men on a dirty public restroom floor was asking for trouble. He claimed he was just in the right place at the right time to take advantage of my whore antics. He held me captive for the night. Fucked me repeatedly. Only stopped to pee and do some meth. According to him crystal meth allows him to rabbit fuck all night. Lucky me. When the night was over, he tossed me out his door with cum oozing out of both fuck holes. I was bruised and swollen from the punch in the face. My ass and cunt were swollen and bleeding. If I went to the doctor, the diagnosis would have been forced assault. It was clear my girl parts had been sexually violated. I’m going to need a lot of Valium and bags of frozen vegetables to recover from this.

captive rape porn