Category: Kidnapping phone sex


taboo phone sex

This bitch thought it would be fun to mess with me. She THOUGHT she could handle me. Tonight I caught up with the little fucking whore and made sure she’d never be able to talk again. I made that bitch beg, though I knew it would do no good, it amused me. After stringing her up and torturing her, I hung her with hooks through each of her tits and watched the little whore bleed for awhile while I whipped her, leaving large open cuts on her little whore body.

She’s getting what little big mouthed sluts deserve. But, I am not through yet. I took out my favorite knife, Cassie. It has a long, sexy serrated blade, it’s beautiful. Cassie has been my accomplice during many of my adventures, but none this much fun. Revenge is so sweet.

I cut her mouth open since she likes to talk so much, she now looked like the joker and that was just so fucking funny to me. I made incisions everywhere but none were as exhilarating as slicing her from pussy to asshole, wide open. I let her hang there and ripped her guts out slowly, while she watched. She took her last breath begging me for her life with that huge gaping mouth. HA!

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Bloody fucking nightmare

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The whole ride there, there was no sound from the trunk. I honestly thought he had killed her, yet she lived.
We’re in the chamber now, some dugout hell hole fucking basement that I know will be the last home I ever know.
He undoes her bindings, leaving the cloth over her eyes. She makes some mewling sounds but seems still unconscious.
He bent low over her, to bring her arms above her head, and she springs to life, clasping her arms around his shoulders, her legs around his waist, clawing at his flesh through his clothes. Blood covers her face as she shreds a deep chunk from his cheek and throws him to the floor.
Springing up, she kicks the back of his head, turning his lights out. She straightens, puts her beautiful foot on his fucking windpipe, oh so casually.
Sitting there stunned at what I just witnessed, all I can do is shiver and piss my panties.
This beautiful female standing before me, still somehow blindfolded, blood dripping down her chin and chest, outlining her nipples through her white shirt. She slowly reaches up, removing the cloth from her eyes and locks onto mine. My blood runs cold, even as my cunt runs hot. This is no mere murder rapist, this is a pure predator.
“Hey cutie, shall we have some fun? This one’s been a bad fucking boy, hunting on my turf like a greedy, clumsy baby. Don’t worry, little cunt. You have a new mistress now, and we’re gonna teach this douche bag a lesson he won’t live to forget.”
Blood, so much blood. He’s laying there, unrecognizable after her attentions. The bloody stump of his shredded dick dripping from the hole his lips used to line. His ass full of his own tongue. Deep bloody gouges that used to be nipples. She stands over his body, using his hand, amputated just below the elbow to fist fuck her psycho cunt, squirting blood and her pussy juice into the gaping, jellied cavern which used to house his internal organs. As she comes, she looks to me, licking the blood from her lips, beckoning me to her.
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. What the fresh fucking hell am I in for now?

Torture Phone Sex is My Normal

Torture phone sexEverywhere I have gone, and with everything I have done, torture sex has found its way into every aspect of my life. Hitchhiking along the roads and by-ways of the US, I find myself repeatedly kidnapped and subjugated for hours to days at a time. Stopping in small towns to use the restroom, or to visit the beach or local tourist spots, people grab me at random, drag me off to isolated places, and torture sex is had.

No matter what town I find myself in, no matter how good my intentions are or how much I attempt to protect myself, the outcome is inevitable. Torture sex has basically become a fact of life for me, by this point, and I’m not sure I’ll know what to do with myself if it ever stops. I guess I’ll just have to be a nomad, and spend my life criss-crossing our great country, exploring, and looking for the next tortuous fuck. My pussy is getting all wet and throbby just thinking about it.

Violent Phone Sex Accomplice

violent phone sexViolent phone sex fantasies are what I deliver. Guys see me as submissive whore. I’m no equal, so they can do whatever the fuck they want to me. From rape fantasies to snuff and torture, guys love using this strung out old whore. Yesterday, I met a man who could give me some of my white medicine for free. Well, not really free. There was a catch, but there always is a catch. Nothing in life is truly free, at least not for a dumb stupid whore. He had his eye on this sweet little young thing for about a month now. Single man lurking around a school playground draws suspicion, so my regular drug dealer gave him my name as the perfect accomplice. No one knows I am not a soccer mom. I can clean up to look the part when I need too. So on that day, I looked respectable on the outside to help him kidnap his precious little treat. I told her I was a friend of her mommy sent to pick her up. She never questioned it. Stupid mommy just signed her daughter’s death wish by not teaching her about stranger danger. My new best friend was in the back seat and he chloroformed her. She woke up in an abandoned warehouse in the junkie part of town. I thought I did my part by delivering him his little treat, but he made me watch and help.  I held her down while he forced his big black cock in her little tiny white holes. She bled instantly. She cried too. Kept screaming for her mommy and daddy. I felt bad, but not bad enough to stop. I needed coke more than she needed to grow old. He force fucked her tiny little holes until she passed out from the pain. As he got off her little lifeless body, he tossed me a knife and said finish her off. He reminded me it was my face she would remember.  I did some meth instead of coke then plunged the knife into her belly like I was nailing a bug to the wall. It was much easier than I thought.

Pain Station

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I went to a local BDSM party which was held in an old train station. There were pain stations everywhere, and I couldn’t wait to get my turn at one of them. Strapped to a board and blindfolded, I could feel all of the eyes on me, and it felt intense. When I felt something sharp rolling across my nipples, electricity went through my body. The pain mixed with the sensation of being watched, had my pussy throbbing with intensity.

Next came some nipple clamps which were pulled on almost constantly, and I began to hear the sounds of torture in the background. There were whips and whimpers, then the sound of fucking. Screams of both pleasure and pain. As I lay there and waited for the next sensation, I thought about how badly I wanted to be fucked right then. Lucky for me, it wasn’t long before I felt a stiff one pounding away at my pussy while I began to get hit with some sort of whip. Knowing everyone’s eyes were on me and getting fucked while tied down like that, I came several times with screams of ecstasy.

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Bloody playtime

snuff phone sexYou smile when you come in and see the present I caught you, all curled up and whimpering in her nasty little cage. I don’t know why she bothers, no one can hear her fucking pathetic little cries here, anyway.

I know I’m your favorite little whore, but I wanted to bring you something special tonight, something tiny. You tell me you want to watch, so I open the cage and drag her little cunt ass out. She’s so small, it’s easy, even for me. I already had everything set up, and decked out with all your favorite sharp, shiny toys. I fasten her to the cold, metal table. She’s thrashing, but a hard slap to her face fixes that.The look of terror in her wide eyes, making my lips drip,

I can feel my cunt ooze, feeling your eyes upon me, getting your hard cock off on what I’m about to do.
I start slicing the little twat apart, one piece at a time. Rubbing her hot blood all over my tits and horny pussy. I lick her tears from her face, and whisper in her ear, “they’re never going to see you again, you little fucking slut.”

Just wait and see what happens next!

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Taboo Phone Sex Sunday

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex Sunday. I don’t get into football. Not violent enough for me., so I went on a hunting expedition this morning. I found something for us both to sink our teeth into after you are done hanging with the boys, watching football and drinking beer. Hopefully, you worked up an appetite for a young tender morsel. Football works up male aggression, makes you crave those dark desires. I am patient. I can wait till the game is over so you can share in the fun with me. Today, I got twins. I know right? Double our pleasure. Snatched them up on the way home from Sunday school. I have been keeping them alive until you can join me. Do you know how hard that is to do? I may have a little fun before you  get here, but I promise their little cunts will still be tight. You should see how hot the crimson blood looks on their pale skin. And don’t get me started on their blood curling screams. They haven’t seen anything yet. If they think my little switch blade hurt, wait till you arrive. Your big cock in those tiny little fuck holes will destroy them. Don’t keep me waiting too long, however, or they both will be all mine to ruin and snuff.

My Truck Driver

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If you follow my blogs, you know that what really gets me off are rape fantasies. I like to be taken by surprise and manhandled. So, when I went hitchhiking across town the other day, I was secretly hopeful that I would be picked up by a horny guy who was going to have his way with me. When the 18 wheeler stopped for me, I was a bit nervous, but I got in. I was wet and horny and got just what I wanted. This super hot guy just winked at me and asked where I was going. I replied that I was hoping to run into a guy that wouldn’t mind fulfilling a rape fantasy. He cocked his head to the side and grinned and I knew that it was on.

He pulled into the next truck stop and gave me just what I’d been waiting for, his long throbbing cock filled my pussy and ass with loads of cum. He took it rough and left me bruised, but I’ve never felt better.

Cannibalism Phone Sex: What’s for Dinner?

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex was not on my agenda this weekend. I went camping with some girlfriends for Labor Day weekend. We did it old school too. Tents and everything. I had this nagging feeling that someone was watching us Friday night. I wrote it off as having seen one too many horror films. We got in the jeep to go four wheeling the next morning when we blew a tire. I got out to see what the problem was to discover an arrow throw the front tire. This was no accident. Arrows started flying through the air at us. We were being hunted. As I tried to get my girls in a group, an arrow went right through Paula. Lilly and I ran screaming but we were caught up in a net suspended us in the trees. There he was underneath us, making yummy noises like we were dinner. We soon realized we were dinner. Paula was too skinny to be a good meal he said, but Lilly and I had just the right amount of meat on our bones to be succulent he said. I thought this was some sort of sick joke or a bad dream. But we ended up in his cabin in the woods being prepped for his dining pleasure. We were hosed down like animals; all jewelry removed; our heads shaved since we were not natural blondes. We were dipped in a vat of melted butter, olive oil and seasonings. Our skin glistened as he made sure to rub his special sauce all over our bodies. We screamed when we saw the industrial size oven and the huge pans. I tried to plead for mercy. He shoved an apple in my mouth to shut me up. A matching one was shoved up my ass. He was humming a tune, when he opened the oven door. Warm air waffled over us as he sat us in the pans and pushed us in the oven. “See you soon for dinner,” was the last thing I heard.

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Gangbang Sadistic Phone Sex

I got dragged into the woods today by a group of teen boys. They ripped my clothes to shreds, and then they took turns kicking and hitting me. They had me on the ground, bruises forming over half of my body, and still they continued to kick me. They picked up sticks and started hitting me with them, and they threw rocks at me Honestly, I’m not sure how I’m still alive.

When they finally all got finished with the beatings, they stuck sticks inside of me. My pussy and my ass are so sore from the sticks and the rocks they pounded me with. Then, they rammed their fingers inside of me, then their fists. Finally, they stuffed their cocks into my pussy and ass, though by that point they were both fairly loose from all of the abuse.

Sadistic phone sexAfter they came inside of me over and over, they started kicking me again, then left me there. I cleaned up as best I could with what few supplies they left me when they took my backpack. Then, I just lay there and curled up, wishing I could sink into the ground and never come back up.