Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Looking for an Accomplice?

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I walked into my dungeon and checked the cages. It was time for this accomplice phone sex queen to find  some new meat. I only had 2 caged ones left and they were nothing but bones. They were well past the screaming stage and needed to be put out of their misery. I loved the little rich bitches the best. They were easy prey walking around with their faces in those iphones. I lived for the shock and disbelief on their faces when they ended up here, caged. Crated like an unwanted mutt. Oh, they’d scream out how I’d pay when their daddies found me. But after being repeatedly violated and battered by some of my clients, those shrill voices became muffled little pleas.

Those pretty designer clothes turned to tattered blood stained rags. The manicured fingers were bloody stumps, the nice acrylic nails long ripped off by fingers digging at the bars of their cages. The pretty pedicured toes became talons. Salon perfect hair was matted with blood and semen. Deep hunger had began to grip them. Soon these little princesses who were used to eating fine cuisine would kill each other over a rat carcass.

Are you ready to help me train these little Daddies Girls? I do enjoy watching the violation of society’s waste of air generation. I know you do too. SO, come on over and let’s make them scream. They won’t be screaming for very long…..

Evil Phone Sex – Abduction at the Park

Evil phone sexWe were at the park, and I was still stroking him off after the slob-job I’d given him on the drive over. He loved watching the littles play, seeing who was ripe for the taking. His dick would always pulse and throb watching them, and I loved feeling it jump around in my hand. There were a couple of prime candidates, just the way he liked them. I went out and snatched them for him, diving into the back of the van just as he took off. I stripped their tiny bodies and got them ready for him by licking and eating their tiny little cunts, and pinching and twisting their little nipples. When he was finally ready for them, I positioned my cunt over their faces, the way he’d taught me. I watched as his big dick stretched and tore the first one’s cunt wide open, and she started bleeding. Her screams and cries and gasps for breath filled my pussy up, and I just kept grinding on her face. I held her down the entire time he fucked her, then did the same with the second. Then, he decided to stuff one of their feet into my ass as far up that little leg as it could go, and I just sat there and took it. He proceeded to fuck my ass with her foot while he fucked her throat. I came so hard that it drove him over the edge, and he came all down her throat.

Snuff Phone Sex is Best at Night

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Remember me? Your worst snuff phone sex nightmare? You didn’t really think you could escape my clutches, did you? After all of the games that we shared, the broken bodies left behind. Your need is still there. Maybe you just buried it, like the corpses of so many others. We’re not normal and you know that. Only a girl like me can understand what motivates a predator like you. The same evil blood flows through our veins.
I can still feel the breath of your last victim on my skin. It smelled of cum and cotton candy. Such a sweet piece and so very young. I smile as I think of how her parents must have cried. We left her like  discarded roadkill. Savaged, violated. I was your accomplice, feeding your need for blood and pussy.

You know you can’t resist me. And now that I am back, silently creeping through the night, looking for our next victim, you won’t be able to sleep. Your need will overcome common sense and you will find yourself once again drawn to me. Drawn to the evil that defines you, awakens you, and takes you to the place where you are the KING. Come join me once again!!!

Why I Can’t Run From Daddy Anymore

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I decided to stop staying at home for a little while to try and get away from daddy and his friends. My tiny abused pussy has been getting taken advantage of by them for as long as I can remember. Daddy was sure upset when he figured out my plan and I guess I should have figured there was no way I could hide from him and secretly I was scared he might start taking it out on my little sister. Daddy can’t control his lust or his anger, especially when he’s been drinking and he stays drunk all the time.

I didn’t consider walking alone from the library that day probably being a huge mistake. Like a good girl, I dropped my books off on time for once and decided to cut through this lot where some construction workers had just finished pulling down a big old house. As soon as my eyes saw their orange vests I panicked, it was daddy and his friends. I had accidently led myself to them. Daddy walked up immediately and grabbed me by my ponytail. Expecting him to demand answers, instead he threw me into the bed of his work truck and began tying me up spread eagle. “I found her boys!” he called out and I couldn’t really see what was going on but I knew I was real big trouble this time with daddy.

I blacked out shortly after. All 11 of his big and mean friends Plus, daddy had their way with me on that jobsite. I’m kinda sure it was that last hard knock to my face that did me in and I’m almost thankful because I’m sure it’s better that I don’t remember it. Daddy has had me locked up in his shop ever since. Sometimes he hangs me up from the rafters in some sort of makeshift sex-swing he threw together. I don’t think my sister even knows I’m back home, just not allowed to live inside the house. Daddy finally let me use the internet today so that I could write people and tell them I’m okay but that I’ve run away. I’m not sure exactly why he’d want me to do that but I think I’ve finally learned just to listen to daddy and I hope I’m not wrong for this but I think I’m starting to actually enjoy being his ragdoll.

Wrong Car

Sadistic phone sexI need to make $100 more before I can go home. I’ve fucked so many different men today I lost count. Every time I get in the car with a john I’m putting my life in their hands. It starts to rain but I keep walking, and then you pull up beside me. You look friendly like the average family man, so I get in your car. I sit in the passenger seat and the doors lock, that’s when I notice the knife. You’ve rigged the door on my side, so the lock doesn’t unlock. Fear grips my body and I plead for my life. You drive us somewhere secluded, where no one can hear my screams.
You yell at me, “You dumb black bitch, you got in the wrong car!”
You punch me in my eye so hard that I see lights. Then you press the knife to my throat and I close my eyes and pray. You press the knife hard enough so that I feel the sting of the blade and the blood running down my neck. Tears roll down my face and you lick them up and laugh.
“Get naked bitch!”
I remove my clothes quickly and you make me get out of the car. You leave in the woods butt naked and you leave with all of my money. My man is going to kill me.

Week III Seven Deadly Sins Conclusion of Envy

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We’ve taken the envious bitch to the basement dungeon and bound her to an ass fucking bench. My guy doesn’t intend on releasing her, she is just going to be anyone’s ass slave that he wants to let have her. It’s my job to feed and give her water because she is tied to the ass bench 24/7.
Every now and then my guy goes down there and I hear her whimpering and crying. This last time he had me come with him, he told me she was about to get sutures. I was confused by that… thinking he might be sewing a wound. We got down there and she started crying right away, my guy slapped her face and told her to shut the fuck up. She did but tears were streaming down her face. He started to release the straps holding her down to the bench, he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder and carried her to a table and strapped her down again, legs wide. He went over to the workbench he has and grabbed a large U-shaped needle and some very thick thread almost string really. Without any numbing or knocking her out, he started to sew her pussy lips together, she screamed her head off as the needle began to pierce her skin. Irritated he quickly grabbed a towel and jammed it into her mouth and said “Fuck it’s hard to concentrate with that fucking screaming and shit. Shut up bitch.” The needle went through again and her whole body tightened up against the pain. The towel was stuffed into her mouth enough that should couldn’t make a sound anymore except whimpers. When he was done he explained to me, clearly so she could hear it, that he was going to be leaving her sewn up and make little cuts in her pussy lips now and then so they would heal together and close off her clit area forever. Her eyes got wide in the realization that she wasn’t going anywhere. My guy lets any cock that is interested use her ass with no pleasure for her clit ever again. He took a marker and wrote on a piece of big paper “Envy is the art of wanting what isn’t yours. The grief comes from losing something you’ve already had.” He laid the paper on the floor and put the bitch back on the ass fucking bench so she could be reminded why she was here in this situation.

Killer Phone Sex: Sodomizing w/ Chainsaws

We all have a killer phone sex craving inside of us all. It just so happens the killer inside me loves power tools, and as it seems my recently deceased father had a collection of them, and guess what he really loved to collect? Chainsaws, yes many sizes and levels of power these chainsaws embodied and oh the ideas they conjured in my filthy mind!

You know how i love to hunt sweet young things to play with, a way of bringing to life or rather death of my young girls fantasies. I loved to butcher my barbies in my younger years, so, you see it makes perfect sense. I lured a sweet little sister and brother duo in and have them both tied up for you. I know how much you desire to have your way with their sweet little fuck holes and get that meat of yours off. I just want their sweet meat, and to feel their blood splatter all over my bare taut breasts and sweet wet cunt. Standing naked amongst my prey after you have sodomized them and fucked her sweet virginal cunt into a bloody mess. I take the smaller of the chainsaws and fucked her ever so gently with it in her ripped up little cuny. They were still alive but seems the chainsaw in her crawl really pushed her over the edge. I tormented their little bloody assholes and had a hell of a time enjoying the gore splattering all over me.

Fuck I’m horny I need your cock now in my slimed up gorey fuck holes before I completely dismember them and make them into an award winning chili.

Killer Phone Sex

Anal Hook Suspension

Suffocation Phone Sex

I woke up in a strange, dirt basement. My arms and legs were tied together, so I couldn’t move very much. Rolling over, I tried to get a better look at my surroundings, but was startled to see a man sitting quietly right next me. He flipped me back so I was face was in the dirt and inserted a cold anal hook into my ass. Attaching ropes to the other ties, he pulled and I was lifted off the ground, suspended in the air. The pressure from the anal hook supporting my weight was difficult to handle, but I watched in fear to see what he had planned next. Grabbing a whip, he walked behind me and start lashing my ass over and over again. My skin felt like it was on fire! My nerves screamed in pain, and there was nothing I could do to protect myself. The ropes swayed from the force of the lashes. Crying, I begged him to stop and let me go, that I would never tell. But he did not care. When he was done, a secured a plastic bag over my head. My frantic breathing from the whipping only used up my oxygen faster as he left me suspended to suffocate to death.

Week III of Seven Deadly Sins, Envy

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Moving on this week from greed, I thought about envy. What does it mean really? Not just wanting something someone else has but also being happy that they are being deprived of it.

A woman I unfortunately know is always bitching about her man’s tiny cock and how she wants my guy to fuck her. She talks about how she bets he has a nice big cock. Fucking bitch pisses me off, talking about wanting my man. So I told him about it, he reacted coolly with a “does she now.” I didn’t know what he had in mind until a week later. I came home to find a black man in my living room stroking his cock, and my man not in the house. I said hello and who are you. He said, “The dude paid me to sit here hard until he comes back with some white bitch that needs to get fucked in the ass.” I nodded my head and asked if he wanted anything. He said no and sat there playing with his big fucking cock.

The door burst open and my guy is carrying a woman over his shoulder. He sees me when he comes in, turns about to show me her face and says “is this bitch who you are talking about babe?” I laughed and said yes. She didn’t seem awake; he said he knocked her out when she wouldn’t shut up. He flopped her onto the couch and started taking her clothes off while I filmed. She started coming around some so my guy shoved his cock down her throat to really wake her up. She started to choke and came around, while my guy had his cock down her throat he told the BBC guy to get his cock ready to slam it in her ass. My guy pulled his cock out of her mouth as she opened her eyes and my guy said, “fuck her man.” And the BBC rammed his cock into her ass. He had a huge cock, it was lubed but her ass hadn’t been primed or anything. She screamed out when he buried himself balls deep into her asshole. My video captured the moment it went in her ass. She started to struggle probably after the initial shock wore off. My guy knocked her on the back of the head again and she was out. The BBC said, “Holy shit man her asshole just went totally relaxed.” And then he started to really pound her ass.

Taboo Phone Sex Stories

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex stories are something I have in abundance. As a druggy whore, I’ve sold myself to the devil for a fix a hundred times over. Last week, I was held captive for several days as a sex slave. Chained, collared and kept naked in the basement to a group of Meth makers. They are the worse. Mean sons of bitches. Horny 24/7 too. I was traded for drugs. One of my coke dealers wanted some meth to sell too and I had no money to pay for coke, so I was given to these redneck Meth heads for trade. The house was some old farm in a rural part of the state. I shit you not, they were missing a bunch of teeth and had the worst hygiene. They used me as their toilet as well as their punching bag. Their cocks were disgusting. Covered in scabs, dirty and smelly. Pretty sure one had crabs. For days, I only drank cum and piss. They skull fucked me, ass fucked me, burned me with cigarettes and slapped me around. They were animals. Filthy, vile animals but they kept reminding me that even they were better than a strung out whore like me.