Over the years I fell in love with that man that abducted me five years ago. I now will do anything he wants to keep him happy. I now call him Master. Mater loves fucking other women and I’m totally okay with it sometimes he lets me join. I absolutely love it when he does. I love eating young pussy too. While Master fucks me so good and hard in my ass. I love the way he spanks me so fucking hard it makes my pussy so fucking wet. I love the way he makes me pass out when he is choking me and fucking me he makes me orgasm so fucking good. Nothing better than getting fucked in the ass with no lube, and getting choked at the same time. Master tells me to get on my knees, ” yes master.” He slaps me across the face with his big fat heavy dick . Then shoves it in my mouth all the way to the back of my throat.
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
Yes Master
Forced To Take Pictures
I was walking home from school today when I got distracted. A guy in a yellow VW Beetle Pulled up and asked if I wanted a ride. You were so handsome! I accepted the offer and you asked if I wanted to have a drink at your place. We were getting along fine so I figured why not! We got back to your place and he quickly shut the door behind him, motioning to you sofa. I sat down and took the glass of wine you offered. That’s when you start to spell out the way this situation is going to work. I am going to let you take naked photos of me OR you are going to kill me. Fuck- that’s a bad deal but I guess I have to just listen to you. I start stripping and you start snapping away. I have tears and fear in my eyes. Once I’m naked you walk up and start fucking my face. You hump at my face so hard I start coughing up blood. You pull at my tits and cunt so hard it leaves bruises. I am so scared, I think you plan was to kill me all along. What happens next? Do you kill me or let me live?
As I was walking home from school on 8th street, I got abducted by two men in a black mini van with tinted windows. They drugged me with a clothe over my mouth and nose. I woke up, it looked like an abandoned house, tide up to a metal bed. A man walked in and told me I was going to be his little fuck slut whore, to do as he said if not he was going to kill me. He told me he was going to let me loose if I promised I’d be a good girl. ” I promise.” I said. He then got me all naked at started beating me, slapping me across the face, spitting on me, and kicking me all over my body.Then he pulled his zipper down took his big cock out slap me with it. Told me to get on my knees and start sucking his cock. Then turned me around and forced his cock into my asshole. I remember crying in pain the more I cried the more he seemed to enjoy it. Come and take your turn.
Daddy’s Little Helper
Daddy knows I’ll do anything for him. So it was natural that he asked me to be his helper for his newest obsession. He picks me up from cheer practice and we cruise around in the van looking for victims. Daddy never really spends quality time with me and I especially like this new game because it gives me a little bit of a break from being his punching bag.
He especially loves girls my age and so we have been hitting the mall lately. I lie and tell them my daddy is a photographer looking for fresh faces and we con them into going for a ride. Next thing they know, they are being chloroformed and tied up in the back of daddy’s van. We take lots of pictures of them so I guess daddy being a photographer isn’t a total lie. But anyway, I really like it when they cry and beg. Daddy has me gag them with my cunt- “climb on top of their face, baby”, he says sweetly to me. I put my bald went cunt right on their faces, fix my knees down on their arms and let daddy do his thing! Daddy really loves it when I make our victims drink my piss. He orders me to pee right down their throat just as he is about to fill up a struggling bald cunny. Watching those little legs trying to fight my big mean daddy off is just such a thrill!
After we’re done we start having to figure out what to do with our leftovers. Did you have any ideas?
Snuff Sex Rena
On my journey from Mexico city to Texas i rode in a semi with a big fat scary gringo with ocean blue eyes. He would look into my eyes and tell me don’t worry morenita, I will take care of you. Little did i know how he would take care of me. I thought he was a good gringo because he didn’t charge me to be my coyote, and hide me in the back in his sleeper. As soon as we crossed the Juarez border into El Paso Tx, I felt him slam on the brakes. He rushed to the back grabbed me by my hair and said, ” listen you little fucking wet back bitch now you’re mine, and I’m going to use your brown panochita as my glory hole. If you open that little pretty mouth of yours i will call la migra on you, to send your Mexican brown ass back to Mexico.” This gringo fucked me over and over, the more he fucked me the more I liked his big white vanilla cock.
Through the Meat Grinder
Captured by cannibals, I squealed like a pig from fear. Rattling against the cage they had locked me in, I tried with all my might to loosen the door, but it wouldn’t budge. My wrists were in shackles, chained together. I was in a cold, damp basement. Shivering, I cowered as a tall, scary looking man thundered his way up to my cage. Unlocking the door, he dragged me out by the shackles. I kicked and screamed as he took into a colder room with the terrifying sounds from the largest meat grinder I had ever seen in my life. The gears and blades spun at bone crushing speeds that would tear to shreds in an instant. Horrified, I kicked and tried to fight back, giving it everything I had, but it wasn’t enough. He took the chain connected the shackles and hung it on a hook suspended from the ceiling. It was only just low enough that I could barely stand on my tippy toes. Walking over to the controls, he moved some levers, causing the hook to be lifted into the air, taking me right off my feet. The hook repositioned directly over the spinning blades as I frantically tried to swing away from my impending death. Slowly, I was lowered down into the machine, feet first. The pain of my feet being crushed off was overwhelming. Although the grinder could have made mincemeat of me in seconds, he lowered me in slowly, getting off from watching me scream in pain as I felt bits of my bone and flesh being torn off from my body. I lost consciousness right before I died of blood loss and shock. Damn, he better have made one fucking good burger out of me.
Ass Rape Porn – The Spanking
He had me over his knee, my bare ass in the air. I heard the leather slash the air before I ever felt it land on my rump. The tears welled up, and it was all I could do to keep from crying out. It hurt, but I’d be damned if I’d give him the satisfaction so easily. The second lick pushed the tears out and started them flowing freely down my cheeks. He kept spanking me, telling me what a bad little girl I was for being dressed the way I was while walking down a busy highway trying to get rides. After about 15 licks, I finally heard the belt drop to the floor. I could feel nothing on my ass except searing pain, and I knew there would be welts. It was going to be hard to sit down for a bit. Then, he did the unthinkable. He touched it. I hissed in pain, and he smacked down right on the most painful spot. I couldn’t help but cry out that time. He rubbed his hand over his work, feeling each of the welts and tracing them. The aches that he sent through my body had me sobbing. Before I knew it, he had flipped me around and settled my ass straight down on his dick, skin to skin, making it even harder to bear the pain. But, when he started pounding up into me, I scrambled to try and get away from him. For an older man, he surely was strong. He kept pounding into me, making the pain unbearable. I passed out before much longer.
Ass Rape Porn in the Back of a Truck
Do you watch ass rape porn videos? Sometimes, I willingly make them, other times I am too high to realize what is happening. Then there are times like last Thursday night, where I am forced against my will to star in one. I ran out of gas on my way to score some weekend medicine. It was dark, raining and I was not in a good part of town. My cell phone was dead, so I could not call for assistance. I knew there was a gas station a couple miles down the road, so I walked. I was about halfway there when a car stopped for me. A couple of college aged boys. They looked like fish out of water in that part of town. They were looking to score drugs or pussy was my guess, but I didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth when they told me to hop in. The car was one of those old school Ford trucks with a cab on top. As I was sitting between them, I got a bad vibe. I could see the lights of the Marathon Station when the driver made a hard right onto a side street. Before I could say anything, the other boy put a soaked bandana over my mouth. I woke up bound and gagged on a dirty mattress in the back of the cab. It was stained with blood, urine and who knows what else. The driver was pounding my ass bare back, while his friend filmed it. My body contorted in the most uncomfortable position ever. Every trust deep into my ass shoved my face further into the soiled mattress. The other boy joined his friend in the anal torture sex. Two cocks at once in my ass without any sort of lube tore my ass in two. After they came in me, they contemplated what to do with me. I thought for sure my throat would be slit with the rusty knife I saw laying in the corner of the truck. But they tossed me out the back in the rain, tied up, naked, with cum leaking out of my ass. No one found me until the morning. No one with two legs that is…
Goth teen phone sex accomplice
I place the heel of my goth teen phone sex boot on her head and slowly apply pressure. The stiletto heel had already pierced flesh and soon I will hear the lovely crunch of skull as it caves in.
You watch me, cock in hand as I toy with my victim. You’ve already violated her shit hole, ripped her pussy wide open, and shoved her panties halfway down her throat. Now, you are joyfully waiting for me to put her out of her misery.
This was an easy one. An unruly teen runaway who wanted to be a gangsta. We offered her booze and candy and she practically threw herself into the car.
But now the party was over. And it was time to take out the trash. No one would miss this one. One final fucking as she took her last breath and we will dispose of her like so many others. Someone has to purge this world of the unworthy who breathe our air. I consider myself the goth superhero doing the job that no one else has the balls for.
Snuff Porn Mother’s Day
Snuff porn Sunday took on new meaning yesterday. All the mothers and their little ones celebrating Mother’s Day made me quite murderous. I would see these Norman Rockwell mother and off spring images about town that hid their reality. I followed this one mother and daughter for the better part of the day. They started at church, then went to lunch, then shopped at the mall before returning home. When they knew folks were looking, they played the perfect mother and daughter parts. When they thought no eyes were on them, they revealed something less than perfect. The girl was a spoiled brat. Complained about everything. She berated and humiliated her mother. The girl needed the self-entitlement fucked out of her as well as cut out of her. I knew the perfect accomplice. A friend of mine with a fondness for teen whores. We have a good partnership. He fucks them; I kill them. He likes young teen girls the best. They put up a fight and they are tight, according to him. I looked at it as a mercy killing. If I ever spoke like that to my mother, I would have been backhanded into the 1950s. Young ones have no respect these days. If going to get rid of them, might as well get some pleasure out of it, right? Drew lured the cock tease away from her own front porch. I’m sure mommy was inside lamenting her devil’s spawn with a big bottle of alcohol. Once back at my place, I watched him force fuck her for hours. She did put up a fight, but he liked it. Once her tight teen holes were bloody and ruined, I came in for the kill. Literally the kill. I dared her to talk smack to dominant woman. Brazen slut did, so I cut out her tongue and shoved it up her prolapsed ass. I played a series of cat and mouse games that mutilated her once pretty body before I stabbed her in the heart. Dumped her in an empty grave and got wet when I got the Amber Alert. Silly mother. I gave her the best Mother’s Day present ever and she had to report her bitch girl missing. I think she needs offed next. Want to help?