Category: Gothic phone sex

A Hunting We Will Go

torture phonesex karma2Yesterday I saw this awesome purse in a shop window in town. It was made of leather and shaped like a human skull.
Since then I have been plotting and cumming as my mind races with all these ideas.
I am going to turn this one item into the hottest, twisted ass fun and money making scheme ever.
I am going to gather several prime candidates and bring them to my camp. I am going to groom them and make sure their skin is soft and supple and ready to produce a premium product.
Then I am going to release them and hunt them just like I do animals for skins and meat. They will never find their way out of the woods before I track and kill them.
Once I have killed them I am going to bring them back and skin them and process the hides. each skull will be used as the mold for the skin I retrieve from their bodies and I will make these awesome purses.
  Their meat will feed me for some time and the purses will sell at market in town and make me lots of money.
Of course no one will know they are buying a purse made of human hide and molded from it’s donors skull, but I will know.
The idea of it has me so fucking hot and horny and I can’t wait to begin! This is the best fucking idea I have ever had!

Knife Play Fun


I have kept you for a week. Feeding you, making you think we are friends and I am here to help you. You are young, you ran away from home and have no where else to go, no other friends, no where to turn.
I have enjoyed your company, I have enjoyed laying with you under the night sky and fucking you like I would a lover. But it has all been for a reason.
There is always an ulterior motive. Life is a jungle, it is kill or be killed. Use and be used and your time was finally up.
You were happy to do exactly as I said thinking this was another game that would end in pleasure and be fun. And it did, for me.
You stand there tied to the wooden stake coming out of the earth, naked and unafraid.
I take you one last time. Slowly. Gently at first, and then I let my blood lust for pain and horror take over my mind, heart and soul.
I bite chunks of flesh from your body. And the knife play begins. The cutting and stabbing and watching you bleed that satisfies my soul.  I cut pieces of you off and eat them in front of you. I shove things in side every opening in your body that you never imagined would be inside you, piercing you from the inside out. And finally I set the fire. I watch it as it climes up your legs. I listen as you scream and beg me to put it out.
No one can hear you, no one is coming, no one but me that is.
I am cumming hard, it is flowing down my legs, my eyes are wild with a satisfaction that only I know how to feel. A satisfaction brought to me by your pain, your innocents and your screams.
I will sleep well tonight and plot to go find the next body that will lay in your place until he or she brings me this same pleasure.

Blood Red Night

torture phonesex karmaTonight is the night for fucking carnage and chaos. The sky and the moon are blood red, reflecting the blood flowing all around me here in the woods. They didn’t want to sacrifice their lives, they didn’t want to be my victims, but they had no choice. They were just what I fucking wanted, they were just what I fucking needed this eerie night cloaked in red. The mother, with her swollen fucking belly, begging for the life of the little one. The father trying to stay strong and be brave in front of his wife and son, but not doing a very good job at it. And the little boy, shaking and crying begging his parents to help him, knowing they could not. They lived together, they loved together and they fucking died together. In horrible agony, feeling every inch of life slip away,watching one another endure my wrath, bring me great pleasure. As I stand over their corpses, dipping my hands in their still warm bodies and covering my naked body in the warmth of their blood, I feel my energy soar! It won’t be long before I open her up and remove the only one that didn’t feel pain or fear, he or she will be my dinner tonight. What a glorious gift they gave with out even fucking knowing it!

Special Shoes

torture phonesex karmaI watch her through the shoe store window she has been there for two hours now, trying on shoes. She must really love shoes! I hope she is still here when I get back, I am going to make her some special shoes and then have some real fun with this prissy little bitch.
I can’t stop cumming as I prepare these special shoes. This is going to be so much fucking fun! My pussy is so fucking wet as I walk back to the shoe store with her special shoes in my bag. I look in and I will be damned she is still in there trying on fucking shoes!
I know waiting for her out here is just going to give me time to think of all the things I will do with her.
Finally she leaves the store and I follow her until I have the chance to grab her ass. She has several bags of shoes she bought and I don’t want to loose any of them.
I grab the bitch and drag her ass back to my truck where I tell her I have a special present for her.
The bitch is fucking crying and scared I love this part!
When we get to the spot where I leave my truck I pull her out and hand her the special shoes as I take her bags. She is going to walk all the way to camp in them and I can’t wait to see the fucking bloody ass mess her feet are going to be when we finally reach my place!
I make her put them on and watch as she screams in pain while she is trying to walk, half way there she can’t stand any more and is crawling as I kick her to keep her moving.
We finally reach our destination and I pour some gas in a bucket and make her put her mutilated feet in it. The screams are fucking incredibly hot!
Now she will model all these fucking shoes she bought for me before I cut her feet off at the ankles and cauterize them so she lives for a while before I fucking take her pitiful life!

He Is My Master

torture phonesex karma1He is so powerful. He owns my soul and I do his bidding gladly. he comes to me when he feels the need. He is always in control and takes my body, mind and soul as he wishes. He taught me everything I know about the dark arts. He continues to teach me. He demands complete dedication and devotion. He will take nothing less then obedience.
I have felt his pull the last week. I know he is coming soon. He has been watching me lately and I have been serving him well. Tonight, under the light of the moon, I will sacrifice a virgin. I will remove her beating heart and offer it up to him. He will be pleased. he will reward me well when he comes for my loyalty, devotion and obedience.
My pussy waits with anticipation for his attention. When he admires my body and rewards me it is unearthly pleasure.
Like wise when I have displeased him, his wrath is painful and the lesson is not soon forgotten.
I have felt both his pleasure and pain and I strive to please him daily. Tonight he will be very pleased, I am sure of it. Soon he will come to me from the shadows of the darkness and take what is his. And I will give it freely.

Submit Yourself

Don’t fight it anymore. Surrender to those twisted thoughts and desires. You can’t imagine the release when you embrace the blackness, when you finally savor the forbidden fruit. But you won’t have to face those demons alone. We’ll commit our acts of senseless violence together. We’ll crack the skulls of the innocent and watch the blood cascade in gory streams. I’ll guide you on your journey into the morose and the macabre. I know what it’s like to have these perverted thoughts and no outlet to relieve the pressure and the hate that’s been building inside of you for years ready to leash forth unbridled fury on the masses!. You may be tough and hard for these other fucks in the world, but I know how vulnerable you truly are. Reveal to me the soft flesh of your underbelly. Let me penetrate your soul and your psyche with the sick ideas that reel through your mind. They don’t have to torment you any longer. You will do the tormenting from now on. Follow me into the dark.

gothic phone sex indigo

Goth teen phone sex

face offI have dark dreams every single night, dreams about blood and lust and animalistic fucking. There are tortured souls all around and they are all screaming as I walk on their mangled bodies. I can do anything there, anything at all, there are no rules for someone like me. Every day I wake from these dreams with my hand stuffed in my pussy and my thoughts filled with plans of how to get my next victim. Do I wander past a playground and let out my inner boogieman on some innocent little brat? Do I break into someone’s home and force them to do unspeakable things to each other? There are so many wicked things I could do how do I choose? I live in a very dark place, death and everything that comes with it are always in my thoughts and I need a release! I want to claw and rip and tear at someone’s skin, I want to make them suffer and cry and beg for death and tonight…oh yes  tonight it is going to happen!

Knife Play Phone Sex


My fucking mother left me home today with my little brother I hate watching his sorry whinny little ass. He is my mother’s spoiled little brat. He makes me feel like having some knife play phone sex. Soon, as she left his dumb ass just started crying that he was hungry. I went into the fridge and decided to make him a delicious cheeseburger. I took some meat out of the freezer and fried it up in a pan added cheese and fed it to my stupid little brother. He tasted it and shut up, and said how good it was. Too bad he doesn’t know that he is eating his own little friend that barks all the damn time like him, that went missing a few days ago. LOL! But, soon as the idiot was done eating he went back to crying. This time the little one needed to be taught a lesson. I took him into the basement and tied his little ass up to a chair. I put some duct tape over the little fuckers mouth and went up stairs and got his other little noise making fur ball. I laid her on the table and limb by limb chopped the stupid thing into pieces while telling my little brother if he does not shut the fuck up whining all the time I am going to lay him ass on this table and chop little by little till he can fit in freezer bags and then I will feed him to the family.

Babysitting for two

Alice 2So my mom told me that I am going to be babysitting two little girls that are sisters named Cara and Tara. I have babysat for them in the past and I really can’t stand their pathetic girlie asses. Just looking at them just makes me want to go eat broken glass instead of spending another minute with these ho’s. But when they came over last night, I decided to invite my perverted neighbor who just loves to play with little girls like these two. ~Lol~ I called him to come over here after they went to bed. We went upstairs together to go join these fuckin’ little brat where I would get some excitement for my night. Of course my neighbor helped me tie up these two and pulled off their ‘pretty lil panties’. He wasted no time when he struck his cock in Cara‘s twat as he was fingering Tara‘s tiny slit. When they both woke up screaming and crying, I reached over and started hitting them with their own fuckin’ Barbie doll. ~Lol~ Then I grabbed Tara‘s face right down towards my neighbor’s cock so he came cum all over her ‘pretty lil face’. ~Lol~

Cum to FamilyDesiresPhoneSex.Com to fuck Lil Cara and Tara some more!


Accomplice phone sex Indigo

Accomplice-phone-sex-IndigoAs I stand here watching you I can’t help but smile.  There you are in the mall sitting on that bench “pretending” you are texting some one.  When in all out reality your little cell phone is snapping pictures of that little girl right in front of you.

Her and her mommy are oblivious.  However I can spot some one like me a million miles away.  Yes you are definitely like me.  I have my own little collection of innocent girls stored on my phone.  I know exactly what you are going to do when you get home too.  You are going to pull out that pair of little girl panties you stole from your niece, look at that picture on your phone and jacking your dick like there is no tomorrow. 

You thought no one knew your dirty secrets?  I also know about that secret folder of links on your computer’s favorites list and that file of picture you have collected and labeled in a folder with a file name you think no one will ever look in.  I know about the panties and how many loads of cum have crusted their soft fabric.  I also know about the the legal school girl porn that you watch wishing you knew where to find the “real deal”, but sadly you are a little to afraid to have such a thing on your computer.

I know all of your dirty secrets.  Now I will tell you how I know them.  Because you are JUST LIKE ME !  The only difference is I love who I am and now my goal is to  bring you over here to my world….