Category: Goth teen phone sex

It’s Just a Shower!

He was hot, and he had invited me back to his house to get cleaned up and have some food before he sent me on my way again. He seemed decent, well-dressed, nice car, you know the type.Killer phone sex

He showed me to what I guess was a guest bathroom and brought me a towel, wash cloth, soap, and shampoo. I adjusted the water and got it just where I like it, then got in and started washing up. The shower wand was amazing, and in almost no time, I was fantasizing about him while I used it to massage my clit.  My fingers slid into my cunt from behind as I sprayed all up and over my clit, enjoying the sensations, and driving myself mad while thinking of him.  It was not long after I got down on my knees and was really getting into it that he walked back in and cleared his throat. I was embarrassed, and I immediately moved to stop what I was doing, but he was on me in a flash. He told me he’d watched the entire thing from the camera he had installed, and that he was very disappointed I’d take advantage of his generosity to commit sin. He told me I needed to be cleansed, and then pinned me down with his entire body. He held my arms tight to my body with his legs wrapped around me, and held the wand over my nose and mouth. I couldn’t take a breath without inhaling water and choking. He prayed as slowly drowned me in his shower, and that was the last thing I heard.

Ready for the fourth of July picnic

cannibalism phone sexMe And Rick are ready and waiting for the big 4th of July picnic. We have a special surprise for the guests this year. Some succulent smoked venison and our own farm raised fresh ground burger. Oh, these burgers will just melt in your mouth. And don’t forget the girl kabobs. They just ooze off the skewer. Of course, we don’t share our recipes or tell the guests where we really get our Blue Ribbon Meats.

We start out planning weeks in advance. We head out nightly looking for the perfect specimens for the cook-out. Tender young teens are our favorite. They are easy pickings. An offer of a drink or a joint and they jump in the car with me, wanting to be cool chicks. What they are really gonna be is hot chicks. Like golden brown and extra crispy. Our special blend of spices is what really seals the juices in. You’ll say our BBQ is finger sucking good and beg for more.

Hey, Rick, I think we may need a few more to feed this hoarde. I love our secret  and I giggle every time I see one of our guests sucking on a bone. If they only knew what  it really was. Then maybe they’d understand what fuels our gourmet desires. Let’s get together for dinner soon.




Snuff Sex for Hire

snuff sexSnuff sex pays the bills and then some. He was not my typical client. Guys come to me for assistance force fucking and killing, even torturing girls of all ages. When I asked to see a picture of his victim, he showed me his driver’s license. He wanted to die a horrific death at the hands of a goth goddess. He told me the sad pathetic story of his life. By the end, I wanted to kill him for free. I am no fool, I took the money. I told him he would not know when his number was up. I don’t share the plan of my kills because I enjoy the element of surprise. Five days after he paid me, I broke into his house as he was sleeping. I put a pillow over his face to wake him up. Startled him awake. He tried to take it all back. Even told me I could keep the money, but he didn’t want to go through with the plan anymore. How did I know this was just not part of the game? I tied him to the bed spread eagle before I laid out my torture sex instruments: my knife collection, a blow torch, a saw, pliers, soldering iron and a straight edge razor. If I was going to kill him, it was not going to go slow. I like pain and suffering.  I duct taped his mouth so he could not scream efficiently. I made little painful cuts all over his useless body. I watched the blood trickled down and drip from his wounds. I sliced the skin off his testicles and pulled them out for shits and giggles before sawing his dick off. I castrate lots of men for fun and for profit. Never sawed off a dick before. Bastard passed out, so I stuffed his severed dick down his throat and made him give himself head. That woke him up quickly! I tortured him for hours before I plunged a knife in his belly and disemboweled him. I masturbated as he died in front of me. It was hot. I wish more guys paid me to do what they are too weak to do to themselves. Killing losers is fun.

Cut into small pieces alive

blasphemy phone sexThink you are immune to blasphemy phone sex? You don’t think I can make you renounce your religion and submit to the devil. Let’s play a game. A very special game. Soon you will be begging to die.

You didn’t think I was really flirting with your ugly ass at that club, did you? Oh no. But your puppy-eagerness made you fall for it. You took the drink I offered as I whispered in your ear. I led you to my truck like a sheep to slaughter. You thought you were getting some pussy. But you ended up strapped down on a table in a basement. As you opened your rheumy eyes, you saw the medical tools there.

I stepped out in a black hood. “You said that you would sacrifice yourself to me last night.”  I said, smoking my cigarette. “Are you ready? Or would you like to beg your savior for redemption?” I picked up a scalpel and whacked off a finger.

They all beg for their religious hero to save them. Even as they take that last breath. After every finger and toe is gone and their manhood is in a pan oozing blood and cum. They still believe he will save them. Their final scream echoes and salvation only arrives in the form of death.

Would you like to play a game? Bring me a bitch that you hate and maybe I will spare you.

Smashed and tenderized

Castration phone sexCastration phone sex is one of my very favorite games. It just feeds my power as a female to rid the world of nasty balls. Scrotums. Nut sacs. Testicles. I I often hit the clubs looking for men who deserve to lose them.. Oh you men think you are so superior with your delicate little sacs. But one good kick or a stomp from these stiletto boots will render you useless and infertile forever. I enjoy the popping sound a teste makes when it’s squished like a grape.

So next time you are at a club, hitting on women and making those sexist bitch comments, better watch your ass. You might find me there in the background, watching and waiting. So easy to buy a man a drink and slip him a happy pill. Not enough to knock him out. Just makes him super happy and drunk acting. Of course I was there to lead you outside and into my car.

When you awoke, you were tied down with your nuts in a vice. I slowly tightened them until you moaned. “Kinky bitch, are you? I’ll fuck you so hard, you’ll beg for mercy, you cunt.” I laughed. “Oh really, How are you going to do that with no cock or balls?” I saw the fear and I liked it. I tightened it some more until your nuts turned blue. “Who’s gonna be begging for mercy, fuckhead?”

I gave the vice a hard spin and you screamed like a girl. I took the scalpel and held it to your bloated sperm factories. One quick slash and they exploded, the testes bursting from their sacs like popcorn. “It won’t hurt too bad.” I stopped and took a drag from my cigarette, grinding it out on the head of your cock. As you screamed in pain, I rendered that final slash, forever severing your pathetic manhood. I almost finished you off then. but changed my mind. It would be so much more fun watching you go through life as a Ken Doll. Betcha won’t be talking shit to women any more….



Fuck my cold, dead pussy and warm it up.

Necrophilia phone sex

 Necrophilia phone sex is over the top for some people. But deep down, we all love the macabre tales of people who love to fuck dead bodies. This is your story.

She was gorgeous, tanned, rich, and totally out of your league. You’d been lusting after her since grade school. You were the creepy guy that no one looked at twice. Your job as a morgue helper did nothing for your social life. You met me on a snuff website. We both loved to torture and make people bleed. Sometimes I’d hang out at the morgue with you after hours so we could experiment with cutting up flesh and removing organs neatly. You laughed when I sucked a dead man’s cock. Then I cut it off and shoved it up his ass. He wouldn’t be needing it.

I was there with you when a call came in. A fatal car accident involving a young woman. The coroner dropped her off and left. When you pulled back the body bag, I heard you gasp. It was your teenage crush. The back of her head was gone and her legs were broken and dangling. But her face was beautiful, even in death. I didn’t say a word as we undressed her. Her perky tits and waxed pussy were like alabaster and stone cold.

I knew what you wanted. I walked over and pulled out your erect cock. “Fuck her. You know you want to.” I whispered. I spread her broken legs wide, showing you the pink meat within. You were on her like a dog on a bone. You licked and sucked her dead nipples, making a trail over her flat belly to her bald pussy. I moaned as you moved between her legs and forced your cock into her lifeless slit. I rubbed my own clit as you blew her corpse full of cum.

Her autopsy isn’t until Friday. Looks like we have all week to to play with your new girlfriend. Maybe I can find a “stiff” cock to play with while I watch.


Ass Rape Porn in Public

I came across a really nice-looking community center today, and they had a pool. I checked it out, and I could afford the charge, so I paid for my entrance. I was already in my swimsuit, as it’s been getting hotter, and my denim shorts, and I wanted to stop in the bathroom before I dove in. I finished my business, and as I was walking back out and toward the pool area, 2 guys came out of the men’s room. I tried to get by them at a slightly quicker pace, but they stopped me. One of the got behind me, and the other in front. The bathroom was around the corner and a distance behind the pool office, and I knew that screaming would probably not be heard, so I just kept trying to get by them. They spun me around and pressed me into the wall face-first, pinning me there between them. Ass rape pornOne of them yanked my hair back and held a knife to my throat, and told me that if I didn’t play nice, they’d just cut me and be done with it. They backed off then, and told me to strip. I started with the shorts, then pulled the top off. When I got the bottoms off, they moved quickly. They stuffed my ass with cock, punishment for not playing nice in the first place while the other turned me so that they could smack my tits and face “for being a little bitch”. I couldn’t tell if I was dripping blood or just juices from my ass as I was getting plowed, I just knew it felt like he’d ripped me, and the tears were just streaming down my face. I guess his friend got impatient, because he picked up my legs and plowed into my cunt. I was stuffed so full and so suddenly that I actually gasped a couple of times, trying to catch my breath from all the pain. They fucked me and finished, and they walked away as if nothing had happened, happy as 2 clams. I had to drag myself back together, and still go swim, because I’d already spent the money.

Paleo Diet leads to castration phone sex

castration phone sex

Before we talk about castration phone sex, let me mention this. My doctor put me on this new Paleo Food Diet. This snuff chick is hangry. I am needing something lacking from my diet. Raw food, the doc explained, will make you so much healthier. Fresh lean meat and some veggies.

So after reading more, I knew exactly what I needed. What is fresher and leaner than the cocks of young men? I was drooling as I set off to do a little “hunting.” Boys are sooo easy.

You were hanging at the library. A real geeky sort. I knew I could easily take you home with me. What could beat the freshness of a high school geek? I bet you were a virgin. Too bad you won’t live long enough to get that first poke into a pussy. You sure aint sampling mine.

To make my story short, like your little cock, let me get to the “point.” You responded to my offer of a ride home and a kiss. I took you straight to my favorite hide-a-way. I’m sure you were expecting something else when I told you how badly I needed your cock. It’s a shame that your talented mind was outwitted by your throbbing fuck stick.

I tied you up, placed your cock on the chopping block. You laughed at first but they quickly tuned to sobs as  you begged me to spare you. Oh, I will let you live. You didn’t need your tiny dicklet anyway. No woman would’ve looked at you twice. Loser. You sure will make a pretty butt buddy for someone though.

Your cock was delicious, BTW. I think I really like this new diet. There is so much variety, just like the doctor said. Mmmmmm, Chinese sounds really good tonight.

Cannibalism phone sex



Off with your cock, Loser.

castration phone sexYou cheating fucking Loser. I spit in your face. You’re the type of man who deserves castration phone sex. Do you really think you can get away with treating women this way? Do you think your cock is so special that you can stick it in any fuck hole you please with no repercussions.

I watched you in the club tonight, looking all ghetto in your saggy pants and swagger. You hit on every woman who walked by.  Just the good looking ones though. The less attractive, you poked fun at. I watched girls faces crumple as you verbally destroyed them. I’m a cold hearted bitch but you are an asshole who deserves a whooping. Bet you wouldn’t be so smug with no cock or balls.

Tired of watching you, I approach you. Your eyes light up as you take in my slim body. “Wanna smoke a fat one?” I ask you. You nod and follow me to my car. “Hey, sexy, you wanna suck my cock?” you ask me. I respond with a kick to your nut sac with my steel toed boots. You go down hard.

You’re my prisoner now. You’ve gotten into some bad pussy for sure. MINE. I’m gonna give you what you really deserve. I unzip your pants and lay your cock out on the table. Your eyes bulge as I pull out my blade. Blasphemy explodes from your mouth as you beg to the almighty. Too bad, loser. You met the devil instead and now she owns your soul.

Vengeance is mine, saith Natasha. Welcome to hell. Now you get to burn forever as a dickless loser.

Snuff Sex Rena

snuff sex

On my journey from Mexico city to Texas i rode in a semi with a big fat scary gringo with ocean blue eyes. He would look into my eyes and tell me don’t worry morenita, I will take care of you. Little did i know how he would take care of me. I thought he was a good gringo because he didn’t charge me to be my coyote, and hide me in the back in his sleeper. As soon as we crossed the Juarez border into El Paso Tx, I felt him slam on the brakes. He rushed to the back grabbed me by my hair and said, ” listen you little fucking wet back bitch now you’re mine, and I’m going to use your brown panochita as my glory hole. If you open that little pretty mouth of yours i will call la migra on you, to send your Mexican brown ass back to Mexico.” This gringo fucked me over and over, the more he fucked me the more I liked his big white vanilla cock.