Category: Gangbang rape porn

Snuff porn freak

snuff porn I decided to go out on this date with a guy from work. He seemed like a cool person and we had great conversation and a great time. I went to a cafe with him and it went to so well I went to his house to hang out. I have had a series of terrible dates lately I was excited to find someone who wasn’t too creepy. As soon as I let a sigh of relief I should have known things would turn around. He was getting some drinks for us and I noticed a room with a bright red and neon orange lights. Curiosity got the best of me because I followed. As soon as I got there, I saw a video camera and a ton of snuff porn, This guy was a real creep and I was getting ready to escape the poster of girls all cut up and their tits mutilated. As I ran for the door I felt him right above me I was in deep shit this time.

New Year’s Eve Ass Rape Porn Tradition

ass rape pornWhat are you doing for New Year’s Eve? I am making an ass rape porn movie. It is a New Year’s tradition in my family. My stepson, who hates me, has a party every year to ring in the New Year. I am always the hostess with the mostest. His friends and him got so fucked up last year that they showed me no mercy. I needed medical treatment the next day for a prolapsed ass. I have no doubt that this year will be no different. Do you want to know what they did to me while ringing in 2017? I wish it was just a simple gangbang rape porn. I can handle more cock in my fuck holes than you could guess. But I got far more up my ass than cock. They sodomized me with champagne bottles. They didn’t fuck me with the long neck part of the bottle either.  They used the fat end. Their idea of lube too was the Jalapeno spinach dip. One of my stepson’s friends lubed up the wide part of the bottle with hot pepper dip. Several of them crammed the bottle up my ass. I was tied up with a ball gag, so I wouldn’t scream too loudly nor attempt to get away. My ass was ruined.  I was gapped open; bleeding and I even shit everywhere. The Jalapeno dip burned my ass. I was crying, begging for some compassion, but I got nada. All I got was spit, shit, piss, blood and cum. And, a whole lot of pain and laughter at my discomfort. I am not looking forward to this New Year’s Eve. In preparation, however, I am going to do a fuck ton of blow and give myself an enema. I have no doubt they will be more sadistic this year.

Tinder date gone wrong

strangulation phone sexI met this guy on Tinder. Everything started it out fine. We met up at a coffee shop and he was such a great person to have a good conversation with. He wanted to Netflix and chill and I know that means a quick fuck for the night. I had just gotten out of a serious relationship and I thought fuck why not? Well had I known the drive from the coffee place to his house would have triggered something monstrous I would have ran like hell. In the car ride the topic of past relationships came up and he was mentioning how his ex left him because he was too controlling and I said in what ways? He said she would get angry cause I’d call her a couple time in a single hour. I thought he was joking and I said jokingly “shes right you are a nut case”  if looks could kill would of died right then and their. He stayed quiet and I felt awkard and wanted to uber my ass out of his drive way, He asked me to come in and I didn’t want to be a complete bitch and went in. Things escalated quickly because he locked the door and told me it was time I learned a lesson. I was frozen and fear and pulled out his gun out of his case. I fear rushed over my body as he stripped me down and put on the sharpest needle clamps on my tits. He told me if I screamed I would die. He began to stangle me while I was bleeding all over fromt he needle clamps and he shoved his cock deep in me and he let out a wicked laugh. He was enjoying my pain and seeing me hopless got him off.  after a couple hours of torture he past out and I ran like hell.

Ass Rape Porn for a Druggy Whore

ass rape pornAss rape porn is all I am getting for Christmas. A piece of shit doesn’t deserve anything else. That is what this dealer told me. I was strung out yesterday and went to this creep for a fix. He is known for his sadistic ways. He has a brutal streak, but I was desperate. I had no money and my regular dealer cut me off. In fact, no respectable dealer will float me coke anymore. I knew I was in for more than I could handle with this guy, but beggars can’t be choosers. When I showed up at his doorstep, he slapped me hard across the face. That was nothing to what came next: pure anal torture sex. He tied me in an extremely uncomfortable position, but it exposed my ass and pussy for him to use easily. He fisted my ass raw. He didn’t even let me have a hit first. He rammed his fist inside with the knuckles exposed to create more pain. He also fisted my cunt, so I had two gaping holes. He spat in my stretched fuck holes, even pissed down them too. He was laughing about how used up my whore holes felt to him. I could feel that my ass prolapsed. I could feel blood trickling down my thighs. I just kept thinking of getting high. He invited some friends to fist me too. I lost count of how many fists were up my ass last night, but after hours, they grew bored of me. He tossed me a small bag of coke and warned me not to bring my used up holes to his place again. I am running out of options to score dope. Will you give me a fix if I promise to be a good whore for you?  Nothing is off limits for a druggy whore like me.

Anything Goes

Sadistic phone sexMy old man treats me like shit. I’m his personal ATM, a money making machine that he can mistreat and abuse. He has a serious drug addiction that I fund by selling my ass on the streets. I get in cars with strangers and suck cock for small change. Sometimes he lives me at the crack house and I get gangbanged by drug dealing gangsters. Thug after thug fucks me until my cunt is bloody and sore. I swallow so much cum that I feel full and have no need for real food. I have been treated like trash by every man that I’ve ever known. My mind is so fucked up that pain gives me pleasure. My old man is a sadistic asshole and as long as he gets paid for my services, you can do anything you want to me. Fuck me in any hole, treat me like a punching bag, or even bite me…anything goes.

Gangbang rape porn

gangbang rape porn

I went to a guy friends house thinking we would all just hangout and drink and have some fun. When I got there I realized they all knew something that I was not aware of. They gave me some drinks, trying to get me drunk. When I got a bad feeling, I was about to leave. They all hold me down and told me I was not going anywhere.

They set up a camera and said since I fuck for money all the time and I was a whore why do I not just fuck them. I begged for them to stop. They tore my clothes off and all twelve guys took turns having their way wit my. They forced my legs apart and began to stuff their hard cocks inside all of my holes. They slapped me across my face making me choke on their cocks.

One had a pocket knife and he kept cutting me trying to make me obey everything they wanted. Hours are going by of them all jerking their cocks with my holes. I am so sore I do not think I will be able to walk again.

Ass Rape Porn Star for the Night

ass rape pornWe were up late getting high and watching ass rape porn. He was getting increasingly more violent towards me. He slapped me. Punched me in the stomach. He even burned me with his cigarette. I knew better than to fight him when he was in this sort of mood. I just tried to not complain. I knew he would pass out eventually. Not, however, before he invited a couple friends over to abuse his favorite whore. When there was a knock on the door, I knew I was in trouble. His friends were as high and twisted as he was, maybe even more.  One of his friends brought a baseball bat. I knew that couldn’t be good. He went Clockwork Orange on me beating me with the baseball bat. The men enjoyed my cries and screams in pain. They liked seeing my blood and they loved seeing my skin go from porcelain white to black and blue. I was trying to escape the pain in my head, but they wouldn’t let me. They wanted me in pain. They wanted me cognizant. When I was black and blue and covered in blood they decided it was gangbang rape porn time. They sodomized me for hours until they grew bored with me. Just a typical day in the life of a submissive whore.

Let there be cum

Master has a wicked game, he actually has plenty wicked games, he loves to have all his pathetic sluts come over to worship him and he makes sure we know we are supposed to kneel and take buckets of cum. He has a ton of gangbang rape porn playing and he has all of naked and stripped down. He makes each one of us cry, that’s his goal, he loves to input a ton of fear in his pathetic sluts. He makes all of  his guys come over and spray us with their loads all over our faces, then they all begin to put it in our asses, the more we cry the harder they go, the more we beg the more we suffer, he just needs us to be begging for mercy but at the same time he gets livid, it’s a fucking mind game he loves to play with all of us. He needs to see us with a ton of cum just to get off.gangbang rape porn

Torture Sex Thanksgiving

torture sexTorture sex Thanksgiving? Does that sound like fun to you? It did to my step son. Late last night, him and a bunch of his friends dragged me out of bed. I was sound asleep when I heard them bust into my room. I had the door locked because I was afraid of something like that. They were fucked up, so a door was not stopping them. I was pulled from the bed by my hair, stripped naked and tied up. They tied me spread eagle to furniture, so I wouldn’t move. I begged for some coke, but al I got was cock. That fucked my ass and my pussy, even my mouth like a pack of wild animals. One of the boys found my vibrator and thought it would be fun to duct tape it to my pussy on high speed. I was convulsing from orgasm after orgasm. Before long, my clit was in pain from over stimulation. It killed me. They just laughed as I begged for them to stop. They made fun of my ginger snatch and pale skin. They smacked me, kicked me, bit me, burned me and pissed on me. When they were done with me, they said Happy Thanksgiving whore and left me tied up on the floor until my husband found me nearly passed out. All he said was, “boys will be boys.”

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Marley

Rape phone sex fantasiesThey’d invited me to a party, and who’s going to say no to a party? Things were going great. I was all cute and stuff, and everyone was having a good time. One of the hottest guys there was even spending a good bit of time with me. So, when he asked if I wanted to fuck, I didn’t think anything of agreeing. Who doesn’t want to fuck a hottie? He asked me to give him a little preview right there in the party. I figured, why not?, and showed him my tits, running my hands down my belly. He asked if I was wearing panties. Of course I said no. I didn’t expect him to pick me up right there and wrap me around him. He started fucking me on the dance floor, shouting, “It’s a go!”. Before I could say anything, I was being surrounded, and hands were all over me. I tried to pull away, but between his arms locked around me and the guy pressing in behind me, there was nowhere I could go. Suddenly, a cock was pressing up into my ass, and all I could do was groan as tears leaked down my face. It was huge, and it was hurting me! Finally, it was inside me, and I was stretched, torn, and being pummeled. They passed me around the room several times, and by the time I was allowed to leave, I was leaking cum from both holes. And, Mr Hot Guy? He told me that he was the governor’s son, and that if I told anyone what had happened, no one would believe me, and he’d hunt me down.