Category: Fantasy phone sex

Necrophilia phone sex: Do you dare?

Necrophilia phone sexNot everyone craves the warm embrace of a loved one or stranger’s body embraced to them, some crave Necrophilia phone sex. Not every man has the capacity to control in their life to where they really want those they have sex with coming or going as they please. As Dahmer said “The only motive that there ever was was to completely control a person; a person I found physically attractive. And keep them with me as long as possible, even if it meant just keeping part of them.” After all, for some the heartbreak of losing an attractive individual is far substantial to comprehend. 

I can only imagine the type of love behind killing and dismembering a loved one for your own necrophilia phone sex fun. I would love to be taken apart. Strangled till I am no longer alive and blood stops pumping through my heart making my whore pussy wet. I assure you this is the ultimate form of love. You will no longer have to worry about sharing me or about me leaving. You can fuck my dead body as many times as you want. Perhaps even remove my head to give me a good skull fuck. Likewise, dismember my arm so that you can turn my hand into your own personal pocket pussy. I can be your perfect dead little fuck toy. Never servicing anyone else but you again. 




Killer Phone Sex Fantasies Should Be Explored

killer phone sexDo you have killer phone sex fantasies? I know I do. I grew up too late for the golden age of the hitch hiker. I think it would have been hot to hike across the US trading my fuck holes for grass. My luck, however, I would have gotten into a car with Ted Bundy and ended up murdered, be-headed and buried in a state forest somewhere in Washington state. I think, however, my fascination with the serial killers of the 70s and 80s, made me have these killer fantasies. The thought of being violently attacked while hitchhiking has always made my cunt wet. I know. I am a sick bitch. My fantasies run dark. Sometimes, lovers will engage a dark fantasy with me, but most times I am too dark even for violent snuff porn dudes. I do not know if it is all the coke I do, or just my nature to be violent and crave violence. It does not matter why I am so dark and twisted. It only matters that we get off to my twisted fantasies. I had a caller last night who indulged me in a hitchhiking / murder fantasy. He picked me up hitchhiking along a country road. I thought he looked nice and wrongly assumed that he was safe. We got high in the car, then he snapped. Hit me so hard I passed out. I woke up bound and gagged in a cabin in the woods. The guy I thought was a nice man, had a bunch of men in the cabin and they all had rape phone sex fantasies for the stupid hitchhiking whore. I had a killer headache from the blow to the head. I was dizzy and out of it, but they did not care. I was not going to live. They were fucking me before they killed me. I was pretty much passed out when they started dismembering me. They fed my remains to the coyotes. It was a dark fantasy, but one that drenched my pussy.

Drugged and Forced to Fuck

Gangbang Rape Porn


Last night, I was doing my evening run. I was running down the street, ready to make a turn when someone came up from around the corner and grabbed me. I tried to fight him off but someone else came and helped him put me in the back of a van. They put chloroform on my mouth and I passed out. Once I came to, I screamed. Some guy had his cock so far up my ass I could feel it in my guts. Another man came and shoved his dick in my throat to keep me quiet. Now I am being double fucked by two guys that I do not know. Another guy came up to me and started rubbing my breasts. I tried to keep him off of me but he is too strong and I’m too busy getting fucked. When they both came in my mouth and my ass, I tried to escape but was told that I could either be a living doll (awake) or a dead doll (knocked out). I didn’t want to be drugged again so I obeyed them. As cock after cock kept pounding me in each one of my holes, I became more compliant and less resistant. I wanted them to use me. With each stroke, they were turning me into their little whore. 

Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornAss rape porn is something I am no stranger to. Now, my submissive slave days are mostly behind me as I get used to my new role as an accomplice, but I still crave a little pain from dominant men. I decided to go to this themed BDSM club. I guess every Friday night is sort of a cosplay night at the club. This Friday night was an 80s themed party. I was born in the late 80s. I do not remember a thing about the 80s. I dressed as an Aerobics instructor like Jamie Lee Curtis in Perfect. I do have the stacked body she did in that movie just with bigger tits. I wore that outfit to show off my sexy body. My body is what some call stacked and slim. In a BDSM club, a woman wants to flaunt her assets. I was feeling naughty and like I needed a strong man to put me in my place. I met Darren. He was older, handsome and tall as fuck. Well over 6 foot. That likely meant he had a huge cock too. I was not at all sorry when he picked me for a private room. He looked like a snuff porn director who used to fuck the shit out of me when I was a barely legal girl. I just hoped this guy had a cock as nice as he did. And, he had an even nicer cock, but that nice cock was not nice to my fuck holes. He forced his big dick in my ass as I was bent over a big rubber ball. He slammed it in repeatedly until my ass felt like it was bleeding. He choked me while sodomizing my back door brutally. I did not walk out of the club like I walked in. I was limping and hobbling when I left. Felt good to be used like that again. Not every man can get away with his rape phone sex fantasies with me. Only real men with huge cocks get to treat me like a fuck doll. Is that you?

Torture phone sex: Begging to for your abuse

Torture phone sexTorture phone sex: Maybe it was the years of abuse I grew up with as a younging. Maybe I am just rotten like a banana that has been sitting on your counter for too many weeks. Whatever the reason since I can remember I have had an insatiable hunger to be abused. The feeling of intense pain is orgasmic. The feeling of blades cutting my skin pleases me in ways I have never been able to satisfy any other way. Sometimes I am able to find abuse by me putting myself into tricky situations. Sometimes I beg for it. 

Walking home is always risky for hot young girls like me. Of course, this is a risk that I am willing to take on myself. Sticking my thumb out I am always sure to catch a ride, whether it is a horny old man or someone with mischievous intentions I never cared. Today was a guy who was not much older than I was. His mind, he explained to me, raced with intrusive thoughts from time to time on the amount of pain the human body could experience without passing out. 

Embarrassed, he expressed that it must be a scary concept to be stuck with a sicko like him. However, little did he know, I was perfectlysnuff porn comfortable with his meddlesome imagination. In fact, I craved it. I began to beg him to abuse me, to test out his theory. I assured him that the human body was stronger than he could even imagine. I told him about how I loved pain and how it made me feel. I offered to take him to my place, to my dungenesk basement where he could have his way with me as so many had. 

After much convincing he did take me home, completely forgetting where he had been driving to before he stopped to pick up a cute little hitchhiker. He learned the limits of the human body, asking if this was something he could explore further on a different day. Of course, I was game. Bloody and bruised I came so many times it was a sensation I was never willing to give up. The perfect masochistic princess, dying to be punished by men just like him. 

Knife Play Phone Sex for Castration Play

knife play phone sex Knife play phone sex is more popular than you think. I am a sick bitch. Knifes are my best friends. Men love knifes too and for a variety of reasons. But here is a key difference between men and me when it comes to using knives. Some men like the idea of being able to cut off their own balls, but they cannot use a knife on themselves. They try, but fail. Me, however, I have no problem taking your junk. I am a castration junkie. If you are too much of wimp to cut off your own balls, I will do it for you. They are just useless anyway, right? I met Tim on the Dark Net. He wanted to be castrated. He thought he could do it himself, but he wanted me to watch. I have a fee even for just watching and encouraging men to remove their own junk. He agreed to my fee and terms. He bought an elastrator which is a castration device that is used on sheep and cattle. It can be used to snip tails too. They are not meant to be used on humans, so I knew this would not work. I brought my sharp knives. I knew this guy was too much of a loser for his own torture sex. Most men are. They become big babies at the sight of their own blood or when their balls start to turn blue. He put the band on his balls, then wussed out. He was screaming in pain wanting me to use the device he got on Ebay. I could not hold back the laughter. That band was not coming off because it is not meant to come off. His balls were turning blue quickly. I told him I could put him out of his misery for another $5,000. He did not want to pay me. I am not taking your junk for free. I told him I was happy to watch his ball sack shrivel up and die. I assured him it would be excruciating pain that way. Or, he could pay me for castration phone sex and I would slice his decaying balls off swiftly, ending that unbearable pain. He had to think about it, but the pressure got to be to much and he caved and paid me. One slice and those black balls were removed. Yeah, do not try to castrate yourself, loser. Hire a professional like me to help.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Snuff phone sex

Worthless bitch! I am so fucking sick and tired of being disrespected by low down dirty men. They think because I am of the opposite sex I am supposed to sit down and shut up.. You’ve got the wrong girl! Some guy at the grocery store thought it was okay to cut me off in line.. I stood up for myself and he started hooting and hollering about how much of a bitch I was.. And supposedly it was so fucking manly of me to stick up for myself.

I waited in the parking lot for him to come out of the store and followed him down an alley. Of course the fucking loser was on foot! For me it was the perfect opportunity. My original plan was to run him over in broad daylight. As soon as we hit the back alley I ran up behind him and slit his throat. I zapped his cock for at least 10 mins straight with my taser and antagonized him for being a worthless low down sorry excuse of a man.. Not to my surprise when I took his pants down to cut his dick off he barely had any meat down there to rip off..

Not only did he think I was supposed to stand down to him but he also thought he could consider himself a man. With a pathetic nub his size.. Calling it a clit would be an understatement! Just another Murder phone sex fantasy for the books. I should have got his number and brought him home to my place.. I would of preferred having slow gruesome deadly Torture sex with him. A Cock rub and Snuff porn, sound good?

Accomplice phone sex

What If I Were Your Victim Instead?

Fantasy Phone SexI’m known as the best psycho accomplice but I think that makes me the perfect victim too! Imagine me, your dominant dark seductress, all tied up in a dark cellar, vulnerable and weak. You’ve decided to turn the tables on me, now I’m the one with the belt around my neck, waiting to see what you have in store for me. My heart races, I can’t slow my breathing, I have no idea what you’ll do to me. You step out of the shadows making me gasp, who is there with you? Is it him? the dark one who will possess me? I’ve been playing the devil’s princess role far too well, now it’s time to really let him have me. You strip me naked, force my legs open and start to finger me, when you find that I’m wet, you laugh at me. The shadow comes forward, hovering over me, looming between my legs, I feel his tendrils piercing me. Up through my soaking wet cunt, right into my stomach, I feel his presence inside me, I can’t stop myself from cumming… blood, so much blood… My eyes are open, I can’t breathe, I can’t speak… you are inside of me, I can’t move at all… I must be… floating up and over my body, I look down on the place I used to be…. You are fucking my dead asshole, cumming deep inside, you let the dark prince murder me.

Goth Teen Phone Sex

Taboo Phone Sex Whore Blair Trades Her Sons’ Assholes for Coke

taboo phone sexI am a taboo phone sex whore. I am cross listed on two sites at this company because I have all sorts of experiences and fantasies. I am a dirty mommy who loves to play with her sons and their friends, but I am also a druggy whore who gets into some sketchy situations because when I need coke, I lose my sensibilities. Sometimes, both my worlds collide. Last night, I needed coke, but I was out. I was home alone with my teenage sons because their father is out of town. We are having some bad weather and some roads around me have been washed out from flood. I was not able to go out and get coke. I called up this one drug dealer who never lets weather stop business for him. I did not want to call him though because he is brutal. I must pay with my fuck holes. I thought at worst I would be his ass rape porn star for a few hours and get some coke for my troubles. Well, both happened, but he wanted to fuck my sons’ assholes more. I have done my best to shield my boys from this sort of thing, but he wanted their assholes in exchange for coke. He really did not want to fuck me. He did, but my, “Used up old whore” holes were not tight enough for him. But once he saw my boys, he knew their backdoor pussies would be super tight. I wanted to say no. I wanted to be a good mother who protects her offspring from the taboo rape phone sex fantasies men have for young ones. But my need for coke was stronger than my maternal instincts. I let him fuck my sons’ virgin assholes. Their bottoms were raw and bloody afterwards. They are still not speaking to me. I have tried to lick their battered buttholes to soothe the pain, but as of now I am dead to them. A druggy whore needs to do what she has to do right? They will get over it, I hope.

All For Daddy’s Birthday…

Accomplice Phone SexI want to make daddy happy on his special day so I did something I knew he would appreciate; I kidnapped a girl from the school playground for him! I’m so tired of being on daddy’s bad side and taking all the beating, I want to do something different, I want to please him. I left home to get ingredients for a special meal, daddy’s favorite that mommy used to cook when she was alive. On my way home I stopped to watch the kiddos play on the playground, this beautiful blonde girl stood out to me immediately. She was adorable and even looked a little like me when I was younger, I decided she would make the perfect dessert for daddy and I invited her back home for cake and ice cream!

When we got home, I ran a bath and got both of us all clean, playing with that little bald cunny the whole time, telling her how wonderful my daddy is. She was so excited to meet him by the time we got dressed up in my mom’s lingerie and waited on the couch for him to come home from work. Daddy was surprised, I haven’t seen him smile like that since mommy died, I knew he would love my gift! Daddy whipped out his cock and shoved it right in her sweet little under aged mouth, once we got started, we didn’t stop playing with her for hours! Daddy came over and over in that tight little whore’s holes, I was just relieved daddy was beating and fucking her instead of me for a change!