Category: Fantasy phone sex

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Mommy are Hot and Common

rape phone sex fantasiesDo you have rape phone sex fantasies for mommy? Many guys do. Mommy is a boy’s first cock tease. She leaves the bathroom door open so her son can watch her in the shower or going to the bathroom. Maybe she leaves dirty underwear around so her son can find them easily. Perhaps, she dresses seductively around the house? Maybe she even masturbates loudly or has lovers over so her son knows she is getting fucked. Moms are the ultimate cock teases. I bet you can agree to that. I love helping men explore their rape fantasies for mommy. I had a hot rape fantasy call last night. Mommy was dressing like a sexpot in front of her teenage son and his friends. Mommy got a surprise gangbang rape porn because she cock teased the wrong boys. I must admit that the fantasy call got this real-life mommy’s pussy super wet. I like young cock. You turn those young cocks aggressive, and this mommy is super fucking wet and ready to play. I played my role well. My caller did not want a willing mommy. I chastised the boys for looking at my body and making crude remarks. I left them alone and went to my bedroom, but they followed me. My son was the main instigator. His friends egged him on to take mommy’s pussy. I fought him, and his friends. Threatened to call the police but they overpowered me on my own bed. My son went first. His friends cheered him on and called me names. They chanted that I was a cock teasing whore over and over as they each took turns fucking my cunt and ass. I fought the entire time until I had no fight in me anymore. I was left battered, bruised and full of cum from the rape fantasy phone sex call. And guess what? It made me so hot. This real-life dirty mommy would never fight off young horny boys though.

Ass Rape Porn Stars are Made Not Born and I Help

ass rape pornAs a former ass rape porn star, I know how to spot talent for the genre. I have lots of men who pay me good money to bring them a tight, bubble butt young girl. This one client loves virgin assholes. And I can spot one of those a mile away. I go to the mall or the park and scout young talent for him. I snap pictures and show him, so he can select the one he wants to anally ruin for life. The other day, he picked this cute little Latina Lolita. She had raven hair and a beautiful face. Future beauty queen right there. Trevor likes the Latina babes. He thinks they are naturally good sluts and breeders. I tend to agree. Do you? I brought her to him yesterday. I lured her away from her group of friends posing as a model scout. She looked high maintenance, but that was not my problem. I just bring the talent to Trevor and he breaks them into submission with his 13 inch dick. He likes to punish little pink assholes with teen rape porn. I got behind the camera to film it. At first, she was willing. She thought this was an audition to be a beauty queen contestant. I sold her a bunch of bullshit and she was dumb enough to believe it. Girls are so dumb these days. Once she felt the tip of his monster cock go into her asshole, she was screaming a new song. She became a rebellious little cock tease fighting and screaming, even biting Trevor. I knew this would quickly become a different kind of movie if she acted rambunctious like that. I tried to calm her down, but the feisty Latina in her came out. I gave her a shot of heroin to make her more compliant. Even though she settled down, I knew once Trevor had his fun with her that she would be a snuff porn star and she was. I buried her body. If these little sluts would just listen to me, they may have a chance.

Nun Gets Fucked By Satan

Blasphemy sex


I am your nasty little nun and you are Satan, ready to take my holy temple and fill it with your evil seed. You want to turn each of God’s servants into nasty sluts that worship you and you have started with me. I am sweet, kind and naïve, the perfect combination of traits that  can be changed once I am fucked by you. After this, I will be nasty, dirty and always horny. I will forsake God and go to you, ready to raise all hell. You lift my habit and fuck me harder. I beg for you to stop, that I don’t want to leave my Lord and Savior, but you tell me that my flesh is weak and I will give into you eventually, so I should stop fighting you. I keep begging you to let me go and for God to save me. You tell me you fucked God in the ass last week and he is now under your control too. I relinquish to you, letting you fill me up with your demon cum, turning me into a demon for your army of whores. 

Killer Phone Sex Queen Aria Kills This Fetish!

Killer phone sex

I have this fantasy where I have some killer phone sex. It starts our soft and sweet then works into being something more murderous. With me, everything is to the extreme. So, don’t call me expecting something simple and pathetic because I wont do it. I expect hardcore and rough, not some soft mushy gooey lovey dovey stuff.

I expect murder and forced sex and extreme age play. Everything has to be so hot and extreme that it makes me melt. I expect only the best, because I give nothing but the best. I want hot murderous sex. The kind that you have to beg and plead and ask permission to proceed.

I am the ruler and mistress of this fantastical fantasy play, and you are simply my follower who will do as I ask and play my knife games with me. Will you drown in your own blood? Or will you drown in someone else’s, your pets? The one you played with so hardcore that they are left numb and go limp and pale.

All of that glorious blood, sticky warm gooey blood is so delicious I cant get enough of my murderous play. Can you? Of course not, these knives are shar enough for both of us to have a little chase and some fun.

So, come and play my little knife game and join in on my fantastical murderous game of love and lust. Sex is always open for those who are dominant and know what they want.

Gothic Phone Sex Fantasies are What a Goth Chick Does Best

Gothic phone sexGothic phone sex fantasies are common. Many men think of medieval torture for themselves or others. Or they have vampire fantasies. Or just any dark and foreboding fantasy. I am the Goth chick who can make them seem real. That is because this Goth chick is a sick bitch. I inherited my grandfather’s torture collection. He spent 100s of thousands of dollars over the years buying antiquated torture devices. He knew his sadistic granddaughter was his mini me and could put that all to good use. I did and I still do. I have a torture chamber in my basement. The centerpiece is an old execution chair that I modified for castration. Around it, on the walls, are all sorts of medieval torture sex devices that I can use on you or anyone. There is a rack and a breaking wheel too. I used the breaking wheel last night for this loser who thought he could fuck me even after I said no a dozen times. He broke my tolerance threshold quickly and paid with his life. The wheel is embedded with little needles and cogs to rest some limbs on. His limbs did not rest, however, because I used an ancient mallet to crush his limbs while he laid on a bed of tiny nails. I spun the wheel around many times, prolonging his agony. Medieval torture was designed to achieve the highest level of pain for the longest amount of time. Torture is only torture if it goes on for hours. Otherwise, it is mercy. Do I look merciful? Hell, no. I wanted that perverted bastard to feel my wrath. No one does torture phone sex like a sadistic woman with a Medieval torture chamber in her basement either. That little loser is fertilizer now. No one will miss him, I am sure.

Evil Phone Sex: Let Me Be Your Next Victim!

Evil Phone SexSometimes I can be a bit of a evil phone sex bitch. I like fucking with people and people generally are not too fond of that. Including the dumb bimbo bitches at school. I love making fun of them and how stuck up they are. Although, sometimes being a bitch can get me in a bit of trouble. One time I was walking home from school when these sluts came up from behind me and hit me over the head with a giant stick. 

I fell to the ground grabbed the back of my head and felt the warm blood hit my fingers. My eyes blurred as I looked around at them trying to adjust and get my barrings. However, I was overtaken with fists and kicks being logged at me. Suddenly a knife was pressed against my throat and a rope was wrapped around each of my wrists. They then tied me to the tree on my knees, my face squished against it and my arms tied like I was giving the tree a giant hug. I tried to fight but there were at least 6 of them against one me. I screamed for them to stop as they used the knife to cut away my clothes leaving me naked. Torture Phone Sex

They even carved “Free Whore,” in my skin before being on their way, laughing, at me naked tied to a tree. They never could have guessed their group of boyfriends would be coming through there more than an hour later. They took the sign as a personal invitation and used and violated my pussy and ass for their own pleasure, regardless of my pleas for them to stop. I guess I could say those bitches got the best of me but in the end, I fucked their men so I guess the win is mine.

Evil phone sex whore Stephanie

evil phone sex

If you know me, then you know that my evil phone sex fantasies are based on all of the disgusting, twisted things that I do to my victims. I’ve said before and it’s still true, that there is no shortage of little brats going missing all across the country and I’m a slut that loves to travel. No matter where I go, a little whore always ends up missing without a trace and I always end up with another dark and evil story to tell my callers. There are so many different methods of torture that turn me on and get my evil slut cunt wet that I can never pick a favorite. All I know is, something about the sound of bones snapping and the gurgling of a bitch with a slit throat turn me into an insatiable, blood thirsty whore. I just got back from a little trip with Daddy and I have plenty to talk about. What I really want, is to hear your most gruesome fantasy and see if it even comes close to some of the fucked up shit I’ve done to my victims this week. Let’s trade stories of mutilation and torture and see if you have what it takes to make this evil bitch cum!

Mutilation phone sex – she deserves it!

Accomplice phone sexI’d rather fucking eat your heart out of your chest literally, than accept a box of chocolates and a dozen of cliché red roses. I don’t believe in Valentine’s day! I never will.. Its that one day out of the year where you suddenly express your love for someone that you didn’t care to express too all fucking year. If you really loved the stupid bitch, you wouldn’t need a national holiday to acknowledge her… You can admit it, you feel obligated!  

Personally, I think hell with it! Honestly, you and I both know you cannot stand that bitch.. You call me up at least 4 times a week and we both come up with millions of ways to murder her. Just 2 nights ago we shared our Murder phone sex Fantasies.. And we both agreed she’d be better off beheaded.. We’ve considered so many cruel ways to off that nagging bitches head and soon our deep dark “fantasy” will be a reality.. 

We’ve agreed, we suit each other’s needs quite well.. We understand each other beyond measures and you open up to me about things you would never fix yourself to say to any other human on earth. The time is near babe.. I hate the thought of you having to sit across from her at dinner tomorrow and fake you have the hearts for her.. I know when she is biting into her steak you will sit there with a smirk on your face hoping she chokes to death.. 

Only if, then we wouldn’t have to fear getting caught murdering her! I’ve been doing the research honey.. you and I both know, nobody would assume me… They would check your records not mine.. I am just  some whore off a  Taboo phone sex site.. which is why I am doing all the research.. I figured it out! The perfect idea.. We are going to inject gasoline using a syringe into a light bulb! As soon as she flicks on the light and her squealing voice goes to make out the words “Honey I am home!” the bitch will be blown up into shreds.. Her and that stupid purchase of a family home, will burn! 

 Accomplice phone sex will be an understatement, it’ll be official.. I will have you all to myself and we can bask in the satisfaction of her being gone forever! 

Teen Rape Porn Making is in Full Swing on Super Bowl Sunday

teen rape pornTeen rape porn making was in full swing with the Super Bowl. Super Bowl Sunday is the single most sex trafficked day of any year. This Super Bowl Sunday I was helping my former master keep girls in line and delivering them to the clients. I was paid well for my time. I was not doing this out of the goodness of my heart. For me, it was all about the Benjamins. And I got a lot of them too. Most of the girls in my charge yesterday were willing whores, but I did have this one super young girl who was kidnapped while on a family vacation in Mexico. Cute white girl. Young, blonde, green eyes and a virgin. The first guy she was with paid extra for a white virgin. They are like Truffle chocolate: in high demand and costly. But what the client wants the client gets because Lolita pussy pays. I had her dressed up in a little cute babydoll dress with little white lacy socks and Mary Jane shoes. She looked like some vintage little beauty queen sans any make-up. This daddy had rape phone sex fantasies for his daughter, and I helped make those fantasies seem real. The little girl cried so much, I had to give her a shot of heroin to subdue her. Just enough to make her feel no pain and to shut her the fuck up. Some clients love a screaming cunt. Not this one, however. My job is always to keep the client happy. She bled like a stuck pig. Virgin blood is bright red and very sweet smelling. She got fucked like a rag doll all day long. It was part of her initiation into the sex trade business. Her parents are still looking for her in Mexico according to the news. She will never be found. My employer shipped her off to a foreign country today. But he wanted to make bank on her premium white girl holes first. She had 15 clients yesterday. I cleaned her up after each fuck and got her dressed for each daddy who paid for her tiny barely used holes. So young, and already a gangbang rape porn star. Her career is just beginning though.

Torture phone sex: Just a little taste of furry friend!

Torture Phone SexI remember this time when I was younger before I even knew what torture phone sex was, and I was out skipping rope at the end of my driveway. Who knew just a few months later I’d be a cock sucking slut, constantly thinking about being a little whore. My street had a fair amount of traffic but most people I knew from them were neighbors and such. However, I saw a guy walk by with his furry friend, I knew I had never seen that cute little Yorkie before. I would remember a young pup that cute. I even knelt down to give the little fella a pat between his cute perky ears before the stranger continued on their walk. It was only about 10 minutes later when he pulled his van back in front of my driveway. 

Frantically he approached me asking if I had seen his cute little pup come by. I felt so heartbroken for him as I explained that I did not. Worried he asked if I could come with him and show him around the streets because he wasn’t from the area and did not want to get lost. Of course, I jumped into the back of his van immediately to help. I did not want that puppy to get hurt or lost. However, it wasn’t long before I realized that I had made a great mistake in trusting his character. Plus his dog was perfectly safe in the back. He took me hours away from my home to his place hidden in the woods. Bringing me into his home he had his way with my tiny body breaking me apart on his stiff hard member. I was not big enough for something so large to fit inside of me. 

I screamed out for what felt like hours for him to stop but my cries were not addressed. Between breaks, he would let his fluffy mutt into the room where he was using me. That little fur brat would hump my swollen place like I was meant to be his victim too. My kidnapper got great joy out of this, forcing himself inside of my ass as his fur friend used my face for his own needs. It was days before I was dropped in the parking lot of a McDonald’s hours away from home. This was one of the first times I was kidnapped. From an early age, I was a victim. I wish I could say it was impactful to teach me not to trust strangers. However, I masturbated thinking of my own torture for years.