It was an Ass rape porn feature of a Snuff sex show. And I was the snuff whore star. In fact my useless cunt was so destroyed from the big nigger cock gangbang.
Obviously they needed to use my other hole to start with.
Embracing my whore body for the use of men is all I can do. They will destroy me on camera. As to the gaped loose cunt of mine? Well obviously they had their plans to exploit that too.

Not only did they get creative but they also managed to destroy my holes like never before. Again, this was a snuff set and the movie was pushing to the depths of more darkness.
Of course this meant some really deranged shit.
Evidently they had their own private abortion clinic for whores they bred to abort the spawns for their filthy filming. It was one of these aborted spawns freshly removed in a late stage ruining.
And they shoved that thing so far up my chopped liver cunt curtains that my anal prolapse was pushing out with the outline of the spawn of filth.
Ass rape porn a twisted tale…
This thing wasn’t dead yet but it sure did die inside my scraped out womb.
Finally the pushing of this filth spawn from my ass was the end scene of the most deranged film yet. A film star for snuff is all I am good for.
It’s true that I am continually fixed and brought back in order to continue my use as a filthy cunt. And yes, this has me as the Frankenhooker of snuff cinema.
I live for your sadistic pleasure. And most importantly my life is only worth living to appease the demons on film. Truth be told that I am Snuff Barbie of prostitution and defilement.
A young girls dream of being made a star has come true. And now I want to be the role model for all the filthy whore runaways addicted to drugs.