Category: Fantasy phone sex

Club Hematolagnia: Vampires, Blood and Femdom

gothic phone sex vampire fetishWhen this guy asked me to go to this upscale new Goth club with him, I jumped at the chance. Club Hematolagnia is rumored to be highly exclusive with the finest red wine in the world. Plus, my date has the best coke in town. Pretty sure if I fucked him the bathroom, he would give me a few bumps to party with later. I felt out of place. Lots of women with pale complexions like mine, but I was the only redhead. I was also the only female  sub in the club. The club had what appeared to be sex bathrooms.  Huge rooms with a toilet, vanity and bathtubs big enough for two. Dave sent me into one. I saw the douches and enemas lined up on the back of the potties and assumed I was to clean myself out before fucking anyone in the club. The tub I guess was to wash myself up afterwards. Wrong and wrong.

As I was sitting on the toilet cleaning out my dirty fuck holes, a tall dominant woman with jet black hair entered. Perhaps Dave intended on sharing me with another woman. I was down for that. What occurred next, was nothing I could have even imagined. “You smell delicious,” the dark beauty said. She offered me a glass of wine, which made me queasy. The next thing I knew I was naked on the floor covered in blood. I panicked, but I did not appear hurt for once. The mysterious woman was in the tub with my date, Dave, but he did not look conscious. He was slumped over, his wrist hanging over the tub, blood dripping from a huge slash to his artery.

killer phone sex bloodlettingMorticia was masturbating in a tub of blood, my date’s blood, while sipping on wine. It wasn’t wine she was drinking, wasn’t wine I drank either, but blood. Fresh blood. This was no ordinary club, not even a typical sub bar. I was in fetish club, vampire fetish to be exact. She saw the look of horror on my face as I tried to escape. Nowhere to run. The bathroom door was guarded by a huge fellow with a big knife. I was next I thought. My need for coke would finally kill me. “Stop your crying pretty lady,” she said softly. This is a femdom club. We don’t kill pretty ladies, just stupid men.”

fantasy phone sex bloody sexI was not a dominate woman, however. I thought surely she will realize this and kill me.  I was instructed to join her in the blood bath. My date’s obviously drained carcass was removed by the armed guard and tossed on a gurney. I stepped into the tub with trepidation, but the warm sticky liquid that quickly engulfed my body made my pussy wet. I submerged myself in Dave’s blood. I toasted my dark beauty and drank a glass of his blood as an initiation into this exclusive Femdom  goth club. The terms of membership were explained very clearly to me. I must bring one male for feeding to the club per week. I must never reveal the location or specifics of the club. I must consume a glass of blood a day. And, I must serve my new master in whatever way she deems, no matter how dark her request may be. All violations of the rules, punishable by death by bloodletting.

This was a twist. Submissive to women, dominant to men. Can I do it? I better, my life depends on it. So which of you is going to offer yourself up willingly to be vampire bait? Surely, there are men who recognize their high potential. Feeding sexy femdom vampires is not a bad way to die for a submissive male. May not  be a bad way to die for a submissive female either.

bloody phone sex accomplice sex

Dinner is on you…

Snuff phone sex

You whine and whimper as I tell you that I am going to use my turkey carving set to slice you like a Thanksgiving turkey and then I am going to put you in the oven. I grab the carving fork and poke it right into your fat thigh as I use the carving knife to slice you. You are screaming to loud for me so I push a apple into your mouth making you shut up. So I can finish cutting you and then placing you into the big oven where the murder will take place, not without the help of the carving fork  and knife that will make you bleed out as you are cooking and smelling so delicious in my oven.

Babysitter phone sex

Gothic phone sex

If you would of walked into the bloody mess that I created tonight you would be having nightmares for the rest of you life. The things that I have done to create my bloody mess would be haunting you for as long as you live and have you thinking of things you would never think could of possibly happened to someone so beautiful and so young and innocent. Do you really value something so tiny and worthless? What would you think if you saw someone young and what people say innocent laying in a puddle of a bloody mess.

Bloody phone sex

Let me let you in on the biggest bloody mess you could ever imagine. it all started with my neighbor asking me to watch his young twins while he ran his wife to the emergency room she wasn’t feeling well. I knew I hated little brats and wanted nothing to do with them. I told him no but he left the fucking little monsters anyway. What did he expect me to do with something so little and whiny. All they did was cry for the first two hours of their parents being gone. I knew I was not going to be able to tolerate it much more. I tried calling them,no answer.

Evil phone sex
After all I am a sick and twisted bitch. I cant take any more of these fuckers crying. Anyway I read this book when I was little, in it this mother made her shit tard of a kid eat something that made him shit himself… I think it was gas.. I have gas. We keep some in the shed. Plus this was going to be easy to act like I had nothing to do with it, ankle biters get into EVERYTHING. I grabbed the red can and brought it to the little shits. Told them it was a yummy drink and watched them gobble it up. After about 15 minutes these bitches started puking up blood!! Now I have a big mess to clean up and two bodies to put by the shed.

So Last Night at the Bar…

2 girl phone sexSo last night I was pretty tired of the typical scene so I go out to the local dive bar. I am sitting there feeling pretty good and I notice this guy checking me out. He was a little to mild for my taste but it had been a slow week and so I thought…what the hell.

I went into the girls room first to do a couple lines and he follows me in! I love a guy who can take charge so I am starting to feel a little better about this guy. That’s when he tells me some story about needing my help with a situation in the back.

Normally I would be bored to tears but he promised me a little nose candy and like I said, it had been a slow week.

So I follow him down a hall to a backroom in the bar where I see this girl laying on a couch. She is being held down by two other guys while she is getting finger fucked by another girl. I had seen her around town before. The guys all said she was a tease because she always wore flirty little skirts and smiled all sweet but she never gave it up. Didn’t look like she had much of a choice tonight!

The two guys saw me standing there and kicked the other bitch to the floor. That is when the guy grabbed me by the hair and yanked my arm behind my back and forced me to my knees in front of the whore on the couch.

I don’t do girls, especially sloppy wet cunts like this one so I was putting up a good fight! The guy back handed me pretty hard and told me that I had better do what they said!

The guy behind me shoved my face into her sloppy wet pussy and held it there until I started to slurp up the mess the other bitch left. They were all laughing and pawing at the girl on the couch, saying that since she would never give it up to a guy, it must be because she liked girls and they were just giving her what she wanted!

The guy behind me handed me a dildo and told me to fuck her the same way he is going to fuck me and then lifted my skirt and slammed his cock in my tight little fuck hole! Normally, I am the victim not the accomplice. And I don’t know if it was her stupid crying or this guy ramming his cock in my cunt, but I was really getting into this! So I shoved that fake fuck stick in her worn out little virgin pussy just the way he was doing it to me!

Eventually, the other slut was to tired to fight so the guys let go of her lifeless body and took turns fucking each of our mouths! That salty cream was so good! Of course the dumb newbie didn’t swallow and was letting it run out of her tired mouth but I wasn’t going to let that yummy juice go to waste, and began to lick it off her chin. It was still just as good second hand!

We stayed in that room most of the night taking turns on the girl and the men taking turns on me. Even the slutty tease started to get into it! Turned out it was a good night after all!

Accomplice Phone Sex is the Best: Killing is More Fun with Two

accomplice phone sex sadistic babysitterMy protégé Amy, the young daughter of my favorite sadistic accomplice, called me in a panic. She was babysitting and something went awry. When I arrived to the house she was at, it looked like the home of the Devil’s rejects. Blood splattered on the walls, even the ceiling. I could smell the carnage and it made me wet. “Amy dear, what happened, I inquired?” As she explained it, mommy and daddy came home early and caught her having naughty fun with the brats in her charge. Guess the parents got their panties in a bunch over a little knife play on young flesh. Amy went all Lizzie Borden on the family out of fear. She is young still. I’m training her to kill with less emotion. As I assessed the situation, I realized there was quite a bit of clean up necessary. Four bodies were still twitching, barely alive, but alive none the less.

The little ones just required some face sitting to snuff them out. They suffocate so easily at that young age. I put mom in the bathtub. Stripped her naked, then assaulted her fuck holes. I could say it was to make it look like an intruder had force fucked her then killed the family, but really it was just for fun. I fisted her pussy, while Amy shoved a baseball bat up her ass. We didn’t finish her off until we had a little fun with her pretentious worthless holes. One sharp stab in the gut with my knife, and the cunt bled out in the tub. I let Amy finish off Daddy. Suggested she castrate him first. She sliced off all his man parts. I was so proud if her when she tossed his junk out back so the coyotes could feast. She slit his throat, masturbated as she watched the blood spurt from his jugular.  

bloody phone sex accomplice callFinishing off the picture perfect family was easy. Staging the house to look like some random act of violence was more difficult, but a perfect chance to school my young  disciple in the finer details of killing. My method of madness is to stage a home like a frenzied killer looking for drug money or something similar broke in the house. The random senseless acts of violence are rarely solved. I am the perfect killing machine. Methodical, emotionless, creative and intelligent. Amy is in good hands.  No one will ever know either of us were there. It turned out to be a fun night.  Sometimes the best fun is unexpected. I always enjoy killing more with an accomplice.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex Fantasies with Cassandra

Medical fetish phone sex bondage slutI arrived at the address I was given for a private party. Surely, I had the wrong address I thought. This was an abandoned hospital. Very creepy feeling I had. No party I would want part of would occur in a dark place like this. But then I saw flashing light, heard music. My curiosity got the better of me. I should have remembered the old adage about the cat. I followed the noise down dark, damp, empty hallways using the flash light app on my phone. When I got to the source of the noise, there was just an old fashioned boom box on the floor. My gut told me to run, but I didn’t listen quick enough. I felt a blow to the head. When I woke up, I was suspended in air. Just a dark shadowy figure in front of me. I heard screams, but saw no one else.

torture sex snuff vids“Do you know how much human organs go for on  the black market Cassie,” the dark figure asked me? He talked to me about how wealthy people don’t need to wait on a transplant list when the world is full of stupid cunts who blindly listen to strangers about underground raves. He even added, that eating human organs is a delicacy among the rich and depraved. “If you have the money, even human flesh can be bought and sold,” he said with evil glee. This has to be a joke. It’s just an urban legend. You know the one where the girl wakes up in a tub of ice with an ugly scar on her back to discover someone cut out her kidney? “Organ harvesting is very real, very profitable, especially on a healthy specimen like yourself” he said so matter of fact. He referred to my body as premium flesh. My eyes, my heart, my kidneys, my lungs, my liver all would fetch him top dollar. I prayed this was a nightmare, then he stuck a need in my arm.

knife play phone sex torture dollI woke up on decayed surgical table, with my gut sliced open and his hands inside me. I could feel the pain, feel the blood running out of my body as he manipulated my liver. I was somehow paralyzed. It was like an out of body experience. He was removing my vital organs, putting them on ice in portable coolers, showing them to me first as some macabre joke. He had accomplices assisting him in the harvesting of my organs. “Such a shame this one; she is very beautiful,” one of the accomplices said. I was in an out of consciousness, but the last thing I remember after being stitched up was hearing that I could now be sold for fucking. “Someone will pay top dollar to fuck her cold dead body.”  I laid there on that dirty table waiting to die. Praying it would happen quickly.

What dark twisted fantasies do you have?

evil phone sex whores

Missing his Touch

snuff porn

Master has been into using me to make money these lonely days in the basement. He met a snuff porn producer and has decided to do some mild pussy trauma films. This means hours of torture to any and every part of my body till he says stop. This leaves me helpless and afraid. Master may love to hate me and at times it gets just awful but I know that he is not going to take my life. He enjoys the things he does to me and sees death as an easy way out. That being said these monsters he allows to have the pleasure of ravaging my body do not stop. They will choke me till I pass out and I will wake up to a flat iron clamping my nipples. Master always let me know that everything is okay after every film. He allows me to suckle from his life-force and feed me his sperm. If it was not for the power of his protein pack substance I would have been dead a while ago. Now I wish for it, no matter how sad Master would be to have to find another sex slave. My body used to be for Master’s pleasure and has now become a fuck factory for anything from gangbangs to knife in my pussy. There is nothing worse than feeling your pussy get ripped open by a knife that is filling it. At least Master cares for me enough to sew me back up. I love him so much. I hope he will fill my cunt with his beautiful rod again.

violent phone sex

Big Pot!

Bloody phone sex

I turned that girl from last week into cordon bleu. I know traditionally the recipe calls for chicken but she was such a little pussy that I thought the course was appropriate. I fucked myself with my favorite jagged dildo for dessert since I was still getting wet from chasing her down into the dirt. That’s the rest of her though so I’ve been prospecting my next hunt and even found a nice stew that calls for a lot of rump so I need a fat ass to fill this pot I’ve got waiting to be used. In the mean time I’ve been using my favorite carving knife on my tits so I can cum like ocean waves. Ricky’s dick alone just isn’t doing it for me any more. I need another fucked up and twisted guy to help me along the way. Everyone needs a partner in crime and I need one with a big fucking cock and a big fucking knife who’s willing to use it both to penetrate me with. 

Killer Phone Sex: A verse of Demise

Here is a Killer Phone Sex diddy I wrote based off of the Christmas tune so true to my soul rotting in hell version. I am a sinner, but only to those whom are bigger sinners in that they pretend, lie, and cloak their true selves with flesh masks of soccer moms and dads. Those holier than thou are the biggest sinners. Those of deafening religious righteousness only anger me into hate fucking their sullen skulls.

Killer Phone Sex

Silent Night, Deadly Night
Nothing insight, but the burial site
Pound yer steak, make no mistake
Unholy varmint, so tender and blight
Rotting in a stench ridden night
Rotting in a stench ridden night

Unholy Dead  so rotted and smelly
Hell welcomes them into it’s night
Unholy creatures dredge from below
Unholy hosts chant incantations of murder and sorrow
Undead, the undead have risen
The undead of the netherworld has risen…
Silent Night Deadly night
Son of Sam takes another soul..
Gory secrets from below unfold
Deaths rotting stench fills the nostrils of many
Once the stench is smelt the living become dead
Unholy night, silent cries
Blood curdling screams of death unearthed…
Unliving  evil purged and with blight… Unholy night of innocence lost..
Bludgeoning heads of girls so young
Son of Sam makes my dreams cum true… at last…
Blood curdling screams of innocence now gone.

Mutilation Phone sex

I Am Worthless

Suffocation phone sexI am nothing more than a bonafied snuff and pain slut.  I want the pain, I want the hurt.  I want to run my hands over my body only to wince why I fight back the tears from the abuse you cast upon me.  I want you take me, hard.  I want you to show no mercy.  I want to walk around for days with the taste of you mingled with blood in my mouth.  I want to feel the impact of your nails digging into my skin.

I beg to have your strong hands clamped around my smooth neck.  I want to feel this world fade from my eyes, only to be revived to be fucked again and again.  Yes, I will cry out, but my cunt will drip.  I crave this, I love this, I live only to die by your hand.  I want to be your cum guzzling, shit eating, piss drinking, bruise wearing slut.  You can never go to far with me fore this is what I was born to do. To be a worthless object in your eyes.