Category: Fantasy phone sex

Ass Rape Porn

Ass rape pornI was a little low on cash and I saw this ad, “$$Girls wanted for Adult Movie$$”

I am no stranger to a good thick hard one and I heard they pay well. So I got all dressed up in my lacy black stockings and high heels and went for my porn star premier!

The smell of sex was everywhere! The floors were sticky and the sheets were stained!

They gave me a pill and a shot of whisky.They said the pill was a triple strength antibiotic that works immediately, just to make sure I am clean, and the shot was to help me relax!

We did a few teaser photos and the whole time, they were grabbing at me, slapping my ass, pawing at my tits, sticking their fingers in my mouth. I was starting to feel very weak and dizzy!

Then my body went limp, I was wide awake but completely paralyzed!

Within minutes, my nipples were hooked to clamps and my hips were belted down! Cameras were placed everywhere and a monitor was right in front of me so that I could watch from every angle!

I was not sure what they were planning! I could not fight…it’s like they wanted me to watch them rape me!

The shock machine was turned on and the intensity was increased until my body began involuntarily twitching!

Then I was suddenly surrounded by cocks!

I watched on the monitor as they filmed the ass rape porn! My cunt was being stretched by two thick rock hard dicks as a third tore my ass to shreds!

My body was being jerked hard with every thrust and the strap was cutting into my skin! My nipples were mutilated and swollen from the clamps!

I was starting to feel it! The pain of being destroyed by those three punishing cocks and the shocks being sent through my tattered tits! The meds were wearing off!

I started to struggle when suddenly that shit stained cock was forced down my throat, gagging me as he held my nose, forcing my mouth open, slamming my face with brown drool running down my cheek!

Then a mass eruption of cock cream hit me like water out of a fire hose, stinging my wounds and then drowning me in a shower of piss as they hosed me off!

When they finished, they unstrapped me, gave me ten bucks and said they would be in touch. Most girls would have been humiliated or insulted but what they don’t know is, I would have done it for free!



My New Daddy

taboo phone sex


This day was a semi special day to me, if you will. It came with a lot of eye openers. I was finally told the truth. My new daddy let me know that the day he ‘kidnapped’ me, was a day that I was being thrown away like the trash. I was later informed that he contacted my biological father to see what he would do to get me back, not that he was going to give me back anyways. He told me that my daddy didn’t even want me. That him and his new girl were going to live happily ever after and that didn’t include little ole me. I was so heartbroken and upset, I just couldn’t believe it. I wanted nothing more than go home and find out for myself. But he just let me know that meant I really wasn’t ever going anywhere. I was at my new home, I was home. He said if I wanted to stay, I had to prove my worth and how much I really wanted to be here. It’s not like I had anywhere else to go, no one else wanted me. I was all alone. Today, after all these days, weeks of being here, he finally used me. He finally used more than just my little mouth to please him. He had every inch me. He felt so good inside of me. I made my new daddy cum deep inside of me. He gave me so much cum!

Bondage Phone Sex with a Side of Home Invasion

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex is not always taboo or extreme, but with me, it is. I get myself into the worse pickles. I owe this man money. He told me there was a way to work off what I owed him. I figured he wanted to fuck my ass, maybe rough sex. That was not what he had in mind at all. I had to break and enter into a home and steal a file out of a safe. A woman is blackmailing him and if I could retrieve the zip drive, my debt would be wiped clean. It was too good of an offer to refuse. I owed him $10,000. I would never be able to pay it back. I did some research. My callers for home invasion phone sex helped me devise a plan. I studied the house and its occupant. I broke in when the lady had left to go to work. I found where the zip drive was, but I did not know there was another woman in the house. I never saw one while I was casing the place. She caught me off guard. We struggled, but she got the upper hand and I ended up in the basement, stripped naked and tied to a saw horse. She tortured me for answers. She knew someone sent me on a mission. She wanted the details. I am a seasoned pain slut with a high threshold for pain. I thought I could outlast her questions. She flogged me. She whipped me. She cut me too, but when she used a spray bottle of some harsh chemical that burned my skin, I sang like a canary. After that, I begged her to kill me. I know if this guy finds out that I ratted him out, he will kill me. I hate when I have no good options. Die or be burned with acid.

Violent Phone Sex Victims

Violent Phone SexMy favorite pet came by to play, and have some violent phone sex. He’s my sexy Lumberjack. Baby and I love to hunt. We went and we found some sweet, young ones. I used my sex appeal, and my pheromones to play Huntress on their hormones. I lured them with me into the woods, them willing to do anything to impress someone with tits like mine.
Meanwhile, my pussy is getting nice and slick because I know exactly what’s about to happen. My Lumberjack was waiting there, knives in his hands. He hands me one, and disembowels the first boy and immediately. The others are too scared to move, which is fine.
I tie them up, because I am going to take my sweet time making them mine. One by one, I cut off a tongue, or a finger. I rip toenails from the beds, and teeth from the socket. One by one, they scream beautiful music that only boys of that perfect innocence can. They beg, and plead.
At the first to be let go, then for us to stop hurting them. And then, the little bastards begged us to kill them because the pain I was inflicting alongside my sweet pet was just too much for their young, tight bodies to handle.
I ended the night bathing in their blood, my lover pounding his thick cock deep inside my tight Perfect Pussy. Oh when I came, I came with a grin on my lips at the thought of their sweet little screams.

Torture Phone Sex

A little bit of hope

kidnapping phone sex


My captor came down for a dark visit. He was almost sensual yet still cold and careless. As much as I beg to go home, I know I probably never will. But it seems like there might just be a little bit of hope for me. He says that if I be a good girl then I may get to see the light of day again. He made sure to let me know I wouldn’t be going home but he was willing to reward me for good behavior. Can this be true? Is he really going to let me feel the sun shining on my skin again? He hasn’t really told me what was in store for me yet. I think he may have just wanted to give me a little hope. Because lately I have just felt like giving up. This basement is so lonely. I have got to the point where I look forward to him coming back, maybe not so much of the pain, but at least its company right? At least after all the punishment and fuckings he gives me, I get a little bit of time in between to recuperate. I don’t know what I am going to have to do to get out of here, even for just a little while… but I promise to be good. 

Born for Snuff Movies

snuff moviesI want to be in snuff movies. I am a good blonde bimbo whore. I am tall too, which means more of me to hurt. I have big boobs which are great for binding with rope as well as piercing. I am a pain slut, so I will take whatever abuse you want and beg for more too. I am a dirty whore. Some men try to treat me like a goddess, but it is not what I want. It is not what I deserve either. When I met Oscar, he said he would put me in movies. He wanted me to do boring vanilla porn until I told him I was a fetish whore. I showed him what a pain slut I was and told him a bitch like me belongs in snuff porn instead. He could not agree more. He used me first. You should test the merchandise, right? He brutalized me. I looked used up once he was done, which is just the look for those darker films that make so much more money than anything you see on Porn Hub. He let the camera roll then he fucked my ass with every big object he could find. He beat me up too. I got a few fists to the face. I got a few sucker punches to my got also. What hurt the most, however, were the punches to my tits. He popped my saline bags. I now have deflated tits. He stopped hurting me after a few hours. That was too soon in my opinion because I am still breathing. He tuckered out because he is an old man. That means you must finish the job. Do you think you can pick up where he left off? I am already turning black, blue and purple. My tits are fucked up too. Just still breathing and we both know I do not deserve to be alive.

This bitch was so annoying

taboo phone sexThis bitch and her little brat moved in next door to me last week and it has been nothing but bullshit since then. She is always over here asking me for this or that and her little brat won’t stop her screeching, she’s always running up and down the hallway and she even knocked over a few of my plants. This bitch refuses to control her fucking crotch goblin so it was up to me to do so. I called up a friend of mine, he’s a sick fuck that loves to eat little girls for breakfast so I knew he would make that bitch regret being born. We broke into their apartment and fucked them up real good. They were hogtied and gagged and we made sure to fuck the little brat first so that her mother could see her suffer. Then we killed them both and buried them out in the woods where no one would ever find them.

Monster I’ve Become

accomplice phone sex

Today I got see what it was like looking from the inside out. I see another girl being brought down. She looked smaller than me, more fragile and broken. She was crying and scared. I felt pity for her because I knew what was to come and I knew what she going to be put through. I felt so bad for her but then I felt relief because it meant that I was going to get a break and I wasn’t going to be abused today. I got to watch all those men abuse her. I watched her holes being filled. I watched her cry and I wanted to cry with her because I felt her pain. I kind of was being turned on though. What does that make me? My pussy being wet watching hers being pounded deep, her mouth being full and her ass dripping with cum. I watched all her holes being abused and I wanted to cum. What kind of monster am I becoming?

A Cock For My Collection

accomplice phone sexDaddy is an evil man who has no problem using my body to get exactly what he wants. He was crossed in town recently by a guy in a shady business deal. He knew he couldn’t battle it on in the court, so he used me to do his battle for him. He sent me to a private party where he knew the guy would be. I was the hired help so I would be using my body to lure this guy. They were a horny bunch and before long I was naked in the middle of a bunch of guys taking care of their cocks. I blew them, jerked them and became the target of their circle jerk. I was covered in cum but determined to get the guy for daddy. Once they were finished with me, I wiped my mouth and whispered in his ear that I wanted to give him an extra treat. He smiled and told me he was going to tear my holes bloody. Sounds good I said as I smiled, and we walked to the back room. But instead of my holes becoming bloody daddy jumped out, hit him over the head with a pipe and he blacked out. We took him to the woods and as soon as he came to, we tied him down and started cutting him, removing pieces at a time starting with his dick. He screamed in pain as I threw body pieces to the pigs. They will eat anything you know. Daddy got his revenge and I got to keep his cock to add to my collection at home.


Snuff pornI have been kept in a cage naked for two weeks. It is dark in the room that I am in and the only light is when they lift a flap to slide food to me, which almost always seems to be just out of reach.

They have taken my clothes. I am hungry, cold  and laying in my own piss but I know something is going to happen soon. I can hear them talking about “the arrangements”, what ever that means.

Then the door opens and I see the outline of a very large man! He lifts my week naked body and puts a sack over my head. I am too weak to struggle as he ties my hands and feet and throws me into the back of a van.

After driving for what seemed like hours, the van stops. A man opens the door and cuts the rope on my ankles but not my wrists. The sack is yanked off my head and then the man gets in the van before I can see him and speeds away!

I am in the woods. All I see are trees. I am still naked and my hands are still tied. Then I see a group of men. Some have rifles, some have knives.

Then one yells, “Ready men! Get the whore!”

I am being hunted!

I am naked and shoeless and trying to run when I am grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground!

He pries me legs open and forces his cock into my dehydrated cunt! The pain is unbearable as he continues to live out his rape fantasy while his hairy fat got traps my fragile thin body!

As if to mark his territory, he blows his wad all over my face just before he slices my right nipple off and sticks it in his pocket!

I lay there bleeding and blinded by cum as his large steel toed boots kick me in the gut! “You better get up, you worthless whore! It’s hunting season and you’ve been tagged once! Two more and your cunt gets stuffed and mounted on someones mantle!”

I hear them getting closer! My heart is racing wondering if I will make it out alive!