Category: Fantasy phone sex

Snuff Porn Turns Me On

accomplice phone sexThe night I was taken by daddy was the night I learned exactly what snuff porn was. I was young and when he took me there was another girl waiting in the van. She looked like me, young, flat chested, blonde, untouched and so scared. We held on to each other as we drove through the night deep into the woods. When we got there the metal from the van doors was startling and she began to cry. Apparently, that was a huge turn on for daddy as he grabbed her out of the van first. He came back for me and led me into the barn doors. In front of me the girl was laid on a table, ropes attached to her hands and legs and a guy was videotaping her. Totally exposed and terrified she was crying hysterically. Daddy sat me in the chair and told me to sit still. I was scared but my curiosity was higher. I didn’t cry or scream or even flinch. I remained seated with my eyes fixated on her. Daddy’s friend came in and they took their time with her. I watched as they methodically tortured her. They climbed on top of her and forced themselves inside of her. They hit her and used her body for pleasure. They used razor blades to make small cuts on her body and pissed on them. She screamed so loud and with every scream they hurt her worse. I should have been terrified, but I was mesmerized at what they were doing to her. I watched them bite her and rip her tiny pussy and ass completely open. Blood poured from her rips. They rammed a dildo in her mouth knocking out her front teeth. I couldn’t move my eyes from this scene. A total blood bath but it made me excited. I guess daddy noticed and he came over and took my hand. He handed me a knife and told me to hold it to her throat. I did as I was told, so excited. Then the other man fucked her bloody pussy again. As he let out a moan daddy told me to do it. I instinctively knew and I slid that knife across her throat and watched her bleed out. I loved it and since then I have always loved getting guys off with dirty naughty accomplice phone sex.

Torture Phone Sex Princess

torture phone sex

I may enjoy being the victim when it comes to torture phone sex, but every now and then, when I’m being tortured, I think about what it would be like to take my power back. Yes, I’m submissive by nature but nobody in life is a one-trick whore. So my mind takes me to this far away place where I am the one in charge. Where I am the one with the knives, whips, clamps, and hot candle wax. Oh and let’s not forget those dildos that are too big to fit in the holes my torturer intends them to be for. It really gets me through those times when I need my mind to wander.

The first thing I’d do is tie him up so tightly that his arms and legs can’t move at all just like he does to me.  I wonder how he is feeling when he sees me break out the nipple clamps with sharp pins in them.  I’m gonna twist them on really tight, just like he does to me and I hope his nipples bleed. And speaking of blood, I think I’m going to get a knife out and run it up and down his body to leave him with some scars just like he has done to me. The options are limitless and every time some fucker tortures me, I pick up new ideas of how I will inflict pain on my next victim.


torture sex

With extreme torture sex we can give you bloody toothless blow job. 

Two hitchhikers, women, and traveling light. Pretty young women who thought I was doing them a favor. So trusting in fact that I had the passengers’ side fill with soft snores.  At the rest stop I chloroformed both women. It was risky but they both got the rag!  

I brought them straight to you and you had your dental chair ready for both of them. Laughing Gas was always your preferred choice!  All I had to do was cut off clothes and arrange those legs so you could see those cunts wide open and waiting for your cock. I love how you worked to pull each tooth out while pumping them with your dick. Savage ravage of unwilling cunts! Its music to my ears as they begin feeling the pain of each extraction!   I have to say your practice was busy with men who wanted to try out your whores with no teeth. Pretty girls gumming a cock as your customers got off on bruttally fucking bloody and sore mouths!       

Want to help me hide a body? 

Gangbang Rape Porn Star

gangbang rape pornI need to be a gangbang rape porn star. I get fucked so many times in a day and never get paid. Not cash at least. Perhaps, some one will give me coke in exchange, but most of the time men just take what they want. They did last night. I saw an ad on an adult site for a milf stripper. They were paying $500 and I needed the money. It was a private frat house party. It was a discreet thing; since the house is on campus, they could  get kicked out of school for violating Covid standards with a party. They gave me the address, told me what to wear and how to sneak in through the back. I thought maybe this was a bachelor party or something. No one mentioned fucking. When I got there, it was clear the $500 was not for stripping. I was hired as a hooker. They wanted an ass rape porn star for like 50 frat brothers. $500 to fuck 50 boys? That was $10 a guy. No way. I said I needed more like $5,000. The frat president smacked me across the face so hard, I landed on the floor. While I was down, the guys started kicking and spitting on me.  A couple even pissed on me. Since I was down, they jumped on me. Ripped my clothes off and started fucking me. Any hole they could shove a cock in. No social distancing. No masks. Just 50 sweaty, drunk college boys fucking a red-headed milf like she was a street hooker. I tried fighting, but it was 50 to 1. No way I was coming out on top. After a few hours, I picked my disgraced body up off the floor, put on my tattered clothes and asked for my money. They laughed at me and said they do not pay whores. I asked again and one of the guys pulled a gun on me. I left disgraced and used and with no money to get coke.

Hard Pounding

My lover fucked me so good, I love when he gets rough and uses my body. He rough fucked my face I could barely breathe, made me gag so hard I was choking on my spit, he likes slapping me and chocking me while fucking my face. He fingers my pussy and ass hard to open me up and get me ready for his pounding. He first starts by eating my pussy he sucks and chews on my clit biting on my pussy lips as he sticks his tongue in my now dripping pussy. If I was good and didn’t flinch and took his biting and nibbling, he would lick my ass nice and slow like I like it. The only way I knew he was done is he would shove his hard throbbing cock inside me with one hard stroke and stick his thumb in my butt, he pounds me hard shoving as deep as it could go hitting all my walls trying to rip me open and make me hurt so I can feel it long after he is gone.  


Fantasy phone sex

Babysitter Phone Sex Accomplice

babysitter phone sexI love babysitter phone sex calls. I make a hot accomplice. I aged out for my master ions ago. He lets me fuck who I want but he still owns me. I am buying my freedom though one brat at a time. We have a deal. Once I bring him 100 young girls, I am a free woman. I still have 70 to go. He likes to keep them awhile before he get rids of them. He never truly gets rid of them though. It is not like he says, “Run on home to your mommy and daddy now.” They either die or are sold to a sex trader when their holes are too used up for him. I used to feel awful about it but then I realized it was them or me. And I deserve my freedom. I have paid my dues. I was a good slut and a good soldier. Now, I am earning my freedom one little slut at a time. I brought him a little one last night that he fell in love with. Apparently not so in love with that he would shave a few sluts off my goal though.  She was super tiny. Younger than anyone I have taken yet. I made a bold move snatching her. She had a mother nearby. I jammed up the restroom door and snatched her from a mall bathroom. Luckily, the bathroom was close to the food court exit.  I made it to my car undetected. I heard the amber alert, but they were looking for a plain Jane redhead, not a buxom blonde. I am a master of disguises. I drugged her in the car and hand delivered her to master. He fucked her before she even woke up. He could not wait to bust her cherry. She is pretty used up already, and it has only been a day and a half. I do not suspect she will be around much longer, so I am already scouting out my next brat who will get me closer to freedom.

He Wanted To Eat My Ass

I never thought I would be the main course in that way. It was cannibalism phone sex this pervert wanted. He said he wanted to eat my ass and I thought it was a little tame. I mean sometimes they just want some of me. I never thought I’d get roasted and eaten. I expected to get toasted but like you know drunk? He wanted to roast my ass like a side of beef and slice into it. He declined my tits because they were silicone. My fattiest part was my ass. He was drooling over it like I was a piece of meat a carnivore chooses to be prepared. Well I guess that is exactly what I was. He pumped my pussy with his cock and even fucked my ass. He slapped it around as he fucked me. I guess he was just tenderizing the made course. I was washed and douched with bouillon. He described that the bouillon makes the meat sometimes. Especially when it’s a little fatty and lean the flesh needs a good penetrating marinating of a thick oil. He said olive oil and rosemary will really make me a succulent dish. I was terrified as he had me on that cold steel table. He cut my implants out and stuffed my mouth with carrots and potatoes. He added herb bundles in my cunt and some sausage roll in my ass. I was stuffed oiled and slid into the oven. Bon Appetit.

Cannibalism phone sex

Rip My Heart Out

Knife play phone sexOh that dreaded holiday is finally behind us. You didn’t need a valentine, if you want someone’s heart you just take it. Carefully playing with your blades, sharpening and testing the points. Save only the sharpest one for me. Make sure the table is ready and straps tested to be tight and secure. I won’t run away but can’t promise my body won’t react to the craving into my flesh. Make the first cut just the upper left of my chest follow the dotted lines you marked out a complete circle to carve out a little hole in my chest. Pulling off the flesh, with minimum blood giving you a perfect view of the heart currently still pounding in my chest. You tease me as you reach in and ask if I can feel my heart in the palm of your hand. Sharing one last laugh with you, as you grip tight around the beating muscle and tear it right out of my chest. My last sight as the world fades away is you laughing covered in blood splatter, and blood shooting out my chest cavity traveling down my tits and slowly dying down as my blood grows colder. Unable to live on without the missing piece currently in your hand.

Your pain is fun

Accomplice phone sexI want to make you cut your fucking dick off . That small ass shit is pathetic and you don’t deserve to have a cock anyway . I want you to be the dickless pathetic shit that we both know you are ! I want to cum . And the only way I can do it is with your tears . There was one time I drugged a man and tied him all up .and I cut the tip of his cock off. God it made my pussy so wet seeing him struggle and crying out begging me to stop . Have you ever seen the inside of a dick ? Its not as fun as cutting off and eating there stomachs in front of them but hey its something . Then I made him cut the rest of it off starting at the base . He was shaking so bad and ended up passing out . Strangely enough when he woke up he made sure I paid for what I had done. Who knew that I would love to be the victim as well

Blasphemy Sex on a Sunday

blasphemy sexSundays are perfect for blasphemy sex. I like to destroy churches the night before the flock of lemmings congregate the next morning. I hide a camera so I can watch the horror on their faces as they see what me and my accomplice have done to their place of worship. I had a partner in crime last night. A reformed Catholic boy who just wanted some revenge on the house of his pain. I did this one for free because there is only one house I worship at and that is the house of Satan. Fuck god and fuck all his dumb followers. My accomplice and I desecrated his old place of worship. He was diddled by the priest there then lambasted by the same man who molested him as a fag. He was ostracized by the church he was raised in and years later wanted to exact some holy revenge. No better blasphemous bitch than me. I wrote Priest Mark is a brat fondler all over the church pews. I had pictures of him plastered on the walls with a big P on his forehead to let his dumb flock know he likes little boy dick. My accomplice pissed and shit all over the church and I destroyed Bibles and religious artifacts. By the time we were done, the place looked like a war zone. It is amazing the destruction that just two folks can do on a blasphemy phone sex call. The entire house of the holy smelled like a toilet too. Smeared shit and blood everywhere. Nothing is too depraved for me. The only lord I worship is the Dark Lord. Hail Satan. Fuck God. Fuck the sanctimonious hypocrites that worship at the alters of hypocrisy. I will out the P leaders of every church and destroy their places of worship one by one. Want to help me?