Category: Fantasy phone sex

Beer Bottle In A Pussy

Taboo Phone Sex


you know, a girl like me likes to play dirty, I have always loved being used up as a whore in the bedroom and then given affection afterward but when you’re attacked, caught, and tortured like me, there is only so far I can go until I break and become the total submissive a man needs without having to give me care. After a few instances of break-ins, taking me, holding me hostage, and living out their rape fantasies on my body, I was starting to cave. This final straw was an older man I trusted to walk me home from a night of drinking after work. I was stumbling and my shirt was coming undone, my skirt hiked up too far past my waist. Even one of my heels had snapped! I was a wasted and drunken mess and barely conscious as I would feel hands rub up and down my body, grabbing my tits and even something felt shoved into my pussy! He pushed me up the stairs, becoming violent and impatient as he had been waiting for this moment with me. I heard he had done this with the other sluts here too! He dragged me to my bed in the room, no sheets to mess up and I hear my clothes yanked and ripped off! The cold air hit my nipples and hardened them. My clit sticking up and my pussy dripping. I was feeling the kisses and caresses and then a cock! A wet big cock attacked my ass hole while I screamed. He shoved some kind of drug into my veins through a needle and continued to force me into submission and force fuck me! He came, left me dripping in a shitty, bloody, and cummy mess. The next morning I hadn’t remembered a thing until I realized I had a beer bottle shoved in my cunt from the walk home and the video he took was all over our workplace.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

Do you have murder phone sex fantasies?  I do every day. My guess is that you and I are different. You can likely control your murderous impulses. Not me, however. I like to kill. I like to hunt. I am mayhem and death. I make the best accomplice because I lack impulse control. I will not tell you to stop. I will tell you to fuck that little girl. I will tell you to snuff her out too. I never leave a witness. That is how you stay out of prison. I love hunting with a partner. Rick and I have hunted together before. We go back a decade to our fist kill. He pays me of course. He has so much money he does not know what to do with and he has dark needs. He likes to force fuck and choke out a little girl every couple of years. Last night was our 5th kill together and this kill was the best yet. The little girl was super young. We snatched her from a Chuck E Cheese. It was amazing how easy it was too. We heard about the kidnapping the next morning, but there were no leads and no suspects. They would not be finding her body either because she was coyote food. I held her down while Rick forced his cock in her tiny pussy. She was screaming like a banshee. He was tearing her pussy up. Blood was everywhere. He beat this little girl and choke her to death. She would have died from internal injuries. He fucked her to near death. She was so tiny, I did not have to chop her up first. I just tossed her out the back of my kill shack in the woods. The coyotes tore her to shreds. Just another happy accomplice phone sex partner.

murder phone sex fantasies

Torture phone sex with Stephanie

torture phone sex


I had the time of my life the other day, on a wild and naughty, torture phone sex call with one of my favorite lovers. I’ve been his pain slut for a while now and my master knows that from time to time, wicked pain sluts like me deserve to have a little taste of control and power for themselves. I didn’t hesitate to strip him down to nothing and start slashing my leather whip into his back while I made him tongue fuck my hot cunt. I pushed him onto his back and sat on his face, grinding my whore pussy into his mouth while I whipped his dick and balls until they started to crack open and bleed. I could feel every little muffled moan in my soaked fuck hole while I dug my nails into his shaft and jerked him hard and fast. I sucked the head of his throbbing cock and ripped his balls as hard as I could, trying to tear them off of his body. I think he might have been screaming for me to stop but I kept riding until I squirted all over his face! I’ve always been an evil accomplice but I was so turned on by torturing my master that I might just start taking victims of my own to play with!

Teen Rape Porn Assistant

teen rape pornHe wanted to make a teen rape porn. The problem was I am no longer a teen. He was in a mood. I did not have many options. I could refuse him and die or go find him a teen girl and live. It is survival of the fittest in the circles I run in. The mall is my hunting ground. There are always young girls not paying attention to their surroundings or too stupid to think I am some man’s accomplice. I found a young blonde girl deep into her phone taking mall selfies. I played to her ego. I told her I was a recruiter for a new teen horror series coming to Netflix and asked if she would like to audition. She believed me.  I took her home to where he was waiting to force fuck her. She was just his type. Young and dumb. The kind of girl he could just fill up with cum and dispose afterwards. He pounced on her as soon as we walked in the house. She had that oh shit look on her face.  I knew he was happy because he wasted no time ripping her clothes off. My part was done. I brought the lamb to slaughter, and he was doing the rest. He violently fucked her. No lube. She was a virgin because I could see the bright red streaks of blood on his dick as he pulled out and slammed his dick back into her. She was crying for her mother. I felt bad. But that bad feeling quickly dissipated because master was so happy. If I do not make him happy one way or the other, then I am a dead bitch. He explored all his rape phone sex fantasies on that teen whore until she was dead. He choked her to death and then continued to fuck her lifeless body because her cunt was still warm. He made sure to let me know he was not burying my body with her because he enjoyed that teen slut.

His Parenting Skills Were Incredible

taboo phone sexIt is not often that I find a willing participant to join me in my depravity. However, today he called. There was no force or coercion, he was enthusiastic in our endeavors. Unbelievably he actually called for guidance or conformation of his actions. He and his young daughter had been actively having sex and although she was eager to please her daddy he felt that a woman telling her how normal the act was would help her. Not lying my pussy pulsated at this thought. I typically have to push this type of behavior but here on the other line was this beautiful act happening.

She couldn’t speak to me but as he put the phone to her ear, I told her how proud I was and how wonderful it was to take care of her daddy. During processing I could hear him sweetly getting her ready. Telling her how he was going to fill her young vagina with lube so that he could enter her with little discomfort. Just the sound of his caring voice was intoxicating. The way he slowly slid her down his cock and fucked her while I listened. It was incredible and I exclaimed what wonderful parenting skills he had. I can’t wait for them to call again.

Snuff Phone Sex Slut Meat

Your filthy little Deviant Fucktress of slut meat is my place. Snuff phone sex is what I am meant for. Having those filthy dark desires that overcome you, and I make that perfect outlet. Use me, abuse the fuck out of me and give no fucks about how I am left. Hanging on a tendril of hope. Teetering on the edge between living and dying. I only hope you gained your purest release, that the intoxication of the desire to destroy me was delicious.

I was just walking home from an interview for a snufftastic porn production wearing these sickly ripped up fishnets, clear acrylic platforms, and the kind of dress you find in an adult store that is nothing more than some kind of pantyhose. Well it’s packaged like pantyhose, it’s spandex/ nylon or something as sleazy. There was very little to it. I looked like a prostitute. But truth remains that I am lower than a prostitute. I am a disposable cheap whore that is meant as murder meat for a snuff production. Sadly I keep living and the bad movie of my life plays over and over again. Like a bad loop with different story lines. What is today’s story for this filth whore?

Snuff phone sex

Accomplice Phone Sex Role Plays

accomplice phone sexI love accomplice phone sex calls. As a mommy, I think it is hot to help you molest, even snuff one of my brats. Sadly, I only have sons. If I had a daughter, though, she would be all yours for some coke. I did a role play the other night that made me wish I had daughters. This guy had the coke I needed and wanted. Since I had no cash and I was not shiny and young anymore, the only thing I had to trade him was my daughters. Even though the real me found it hot, he wanted me to play it less enthusiastically. He wanted what a real mother would give him. Sometimes, I forget what a nasty whore I am. I pleaded with him not to fuck my virgin daughters. I tried to make him understand that his big cock would hurt their little virgin holes and maybe even ruin them for life. I was crying and begging, but ultimately my need for coke was stronger than my maternal instincts. I watched as he explored his rape phone sex fantasies for tender age virgin girls. I sat in a corner sniffing lines of white powder as my daughters cried for my help. My baby girls felt betrayed by me. Their tiny holes were gaped open and bleeding. They looked like he had killed their puppy. They did not know what to think of their mommy either. I failed to protect them. I needed my coke more than I needed to be their mother. Honestly, it was a hot role play. What are your dark fantasies? I can be your mommy accomplice or your not so willing victim too.

Cutting Limbs, Having Orgasms

Taboo Phone Sex

I had way too much fun being a scary bitch the other night! Me and this sexy man Daniel kidnapped a pretty little slut for our snuff pleasure! I wanted to see what it was like ripping a whores leg off of her and I did just that as he watched! We tied her down first and then shot her up with some good juice. She couldn’t move but she sure as hell could scream and feel all that pain as the blood dripped down to her cunt. I sawed into that bitch with a hot knife until I could yank her leg clean off. I shoved my tongue into her pussy and made her cum while I waited for death to lay her to rest. Then Daniel watched as I fucked myself with her cut off leg! What fucked up fantasy should we do?

Making a Teen Rape Porn

teen rape porn

He wanted to make a teen rape porn. He had the video equipment and the cock. He just needed the teen whore. That is where I came in. I am tight with some sex traffickers.  We help each other out. When I need money. I can profit twice off a a little teen slut. I can charge you to fuck her. And I can sell her to traffickers afterwards. Sure, they like pristine little sluts. They will always garner the most money but used up teen whores are in demand too.  My client did not care the make or the model of the teen as long as she was jailbait, so I got him a used up one to give me a higher profit margin. I had to buy one from the trafficker, but I got her for a steal. She was young but she was used up. Been trafficked before. A little Spic girl likely kidnapped by coyotes when she tried to come into the US illegally. What an amazing little twat though. It looked like she had pushed out a brat, but I knew she was too young for that. My client was happy. She was younger than he had hoped for. I aim to please. A happy client means referrals and repeat customers. I showed up with the package and he had everything set up. I gave her a little smack to settle her down and make her fight less. This girl had very little fight left in her. She had a dead gaze like she had given up on life. Perhaps she had. I thought I should put her out of her misery. I could make a snuff porn after he made his little jailbait porn. He fucked her into oblivion, tearing her cunt and shredding her asshole. I filmed it for his spank bank. I profited again with her. After he used her up, I had another guy snuff her. One girl, two movies and lots of profit for me.

Snuff Slut Loves to Play


Taboo phone sexI would do anything for my dear Michael! That’s why I helped him in kidnapping one of his daughters young friends! I wanted to be more then a victim but he and I both knew that is always what I’ll be. I had my clothes torn apart along with the other girls! They wanted to live out their hottest and darkest rape fantasy on us and that’s exactly what they did. They spread our legs wide apart and force fucked us until we were a couple of bleeding and crying messes in the floor covered i all of their juices and all of our own too! Are you ready to come and make this victim all yours and do whatever with me?