Yesterday at dinner, I got so fucking annoyed at my Bible thumping relatives. They insisted on praying and thanking God for all our blessings, but as they were praying, I was muttering “Hail Satan” under my breath. All I could think of was blasphemy sex and these idiots getting fucked by the devil himself. It would be so satisfying to watch him tie these men and women onto an upside down cross before having his way with them in every single way possible. Of course, it would be fun to watch the women get used and tortured, but I think seeing the men have those things done would excite me the most.
See, old white men always think they are so holy and superior, but they’re really the ones who are the most filthy and vile. I’d love to see Satan stick his cock down their throats and his pitchfork in their assholes at the same time. That’s just the beginning of what I know Lucifer would do to my Christian relatives. Do you wanna know the rest of what I think would happen to them? Each year my twisted fantasies only seem to get darker and darker for Beelzebub himself.