Category: Fantasy phone sex

Home Invasion Takes a Bloody Knife Turn

taboo phone sexI broke into the wrong house…I had the idea to steal some money from who I thought was a family friend but I had another thing coming when I busted the glass door thinking nobody was home. I already cut my hands on the glass before I felt myself being grabbed and the next thing was a sharp knife to my throat from a mysterious, naked man behind me. He whispered that I fucked up and was thrown to the floor. My head made a sick thudding noise and I heard a crunch from somewhere in my body. The knife was driven into my left tit and I thought everything was silent until I realized I could only hear my blood-curdling screams. My right tit was cut into next and then straight down my stomach. This naked man cut off my black sweat pants and took one good look at my pussy before driving his knife into my cunt next! He had to make it looser for his monster dick to play out his rape fantasy on my bloody cunt. My screams never stopped, and that’s how it ended.

Castration Phone Sex Temptress

castration phone sex

‘You really are the sickest most fucked up evil CUNT WHORE I HAVE EVER KNOWN!’ is exactly how a recent caller of mine greeted me. It’s because through personal experience he knows just how sadistic I can truly be and you’re about to find out for yourself because a fucking loser like you doesn’t deserve balls. It’s not like you’re a real man anyway. You know that extremely vile little fantasy you have? The one you think nobody knows about. Yeah, I know all about how disgusting you are. So, a delightful castration phone sex session with me is definitely what you need. I can’t even believe you think I’d have anything other than that to do with you. You are filthy and I don’t mean in the good way. You’re a piece of human trash and that’s why the only thing you deserve is to have those balls chopped the fuck off.

There are many ways we could do it, but I’ll wait till we talk on the phone to go through all the options. Some will be fast and less painful and some of them will be slow and deliberately agony inducing. Depends on your demeanor with me. If you’re polite and treat me with respect, I might be merciful. If not, well, let’s just say that you are going to be taught a very painful lesson. Are you ready to admit your sins to me? Let’s not waste another minute of your useless existence and let’s get the castration started.

Cum Servants

fantasy phone sexOnce upon a time in a far away palace was a slave kingdom of men who were indebted to a Dark Goth Queen. Jezebel ruled the land harshly as no one wanted to lose their cock. Those assigned to castle duty and servant roles already had lost testicles to her rule. She lived off the cum of men who were having balls cut off in a most delicious and fantastic castration ritual. Other men with nutsacks full and hard cocks lined the Castle walls impaled on cocks of statues. As Empress Jezabel walked the corridors she would flog a semi erect cock. A flaccid cock would be pulled down and prepared to have balls removed at The Empress’s first availability. Parties would surround such an event. Blood never bothered the Kingdom. They were used to savages feasting on the flesh of their daughters for 100’s of years. It was Jezebel who stopped the blood shed and fed the savages with girls from neighboring Kingdoms. Worship My Bloodshed!

Killer Phone Sex Electrocution

killer phone sexIt is no secret that I love killer phone sex. It is in my genes. My grandpa ran a prison. He was responsible for 253 executions in his prison over the 20 years he ran it. I have his electric chair. I use it mainly for castration, but every now and then, I hook up the currents so I can kill a loser. I fired the chair up last night for a special guest. My grandpa told me all about how to prepare a subject for the electric chair and how to operate it. There are many things the public does not know about death by electrocution. First, the death row inmate is bathed and completely shaved. That includes the hair on his head and body. I prepare my personal death row inmate for electrocution by shaving every ounce of hair off his body. That includes his nut sack, ass crack and pubes. Electrocuted bodies are messy. My grandpa said to put a butt plug in the inmate’s ass, so he does not shit all over the place. Once my loser was shaved and cleaned, I put him in the chair with the butt plug in. I then slipped a catheter in his pee hole to prevent him from pissing everywhere. I put a leather strap in his mouth, so he did not bite his tongue off with the first electrical current. I strapped his head, chest, wrist, and ankles to the chair, so that his body would not levitate off the chair. I did not have the standard volts to course through his veins, but that did not matter. This was a snuff porn, not a federal execution. I do not have to adhere to the rule of no cruel and unusual punishment. I live for cruel and unusual punishment. So, I made the electrocution last for a harrowing 20 minutes instead of the industry standard of 30 seconds. The smell of burning flesh and the look on a man’s face as his brain is frying, is foreplay for me. I can still smell burnt flesh in my house. Helps me relive my special late-night kill over and over.

My Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? It is okay to admit them to me. I get sexually aroused when you share your rape fantasies with me. Can I tell you mine? Well, one of mine because I have so many. One of my reoccurring fantasies is a gang bang. I imagine I am in a seedy night club. I drink one too many sex on the beaches and the next thing I know, I am being gang banged in the club bathroom on a dirty floor. Not just one guy either. Like 10 horny men ravaging me, even tying me up. I always get super wet thinking about or watching gangbang rape porn. I think it inspires my dark fantasies. I met this guy at the club last night. And I had drank way more tequila than normal. He asked me to tell him a deep dark fantasy. I spilled the beans about my gang bang rape fantasy. An hour later, I was in that club bathroom with about 8 men. Strangers. I knew none of them. The guy I was flirting with orchestrated it all. He did not fuck me, however. He said he just wanted to watch a whore have her nasty fantasy cum true. He did tie me up however just in case I did not like the reality of my wicked fantasy. I did not like it. These were not handsome men. These were middle-aged men with bear guts, small dicks and male pattern baldness. Men not hot enough for me, but that was what Trey got off on. He made this all happen because his sick fantasy was watching a girl get gang banged in a dirty bathroom. They fucked me too. In every hole I have. Cum oozing out of me. They choked me, slapped me and spanked me. The last thing to happen before they left me on the dirty floor was Trey cumming in my face. He thanked me for helping his fantasy cum true, then they laughed at me and left.

Gangbang Rape Porn to Score Coke

gangbang rape pornI auditioned for a gangbang rape porn. I was desperate for money. A blizzard cut off the supply for my normal dealers. I had to go downtown to the seedy part of town and hustle. I was giving blowjobs for $25 to gross men. That was how desperate I was. A woman hooking on the corner told me where to go to make serious bank. I asked her why she had not done it. She told me she was not right for the casting director because he was looking for mommy types. She was barely legal if that. I thanked her for the tip and went to the warehouse where she told me the auditions were taking place. I signed in, filled out an application and waited my turn. My desperate need for coke has led me down some dark paths before. This place looked legit. I should have known better. Nothing good ever happens to women in the seedy part of town late at night. When I am jonesing for a fix, common sense goes out the door. I went in when they called my name, and instantly felt afraid. The guys interviewing me looked at me like I was the golden ticket to some high winning lottery. I got the part, but ten minutes into filming, I wished I had not gotten the part. The men ganged up on me. Violently started pulling my clothes off and shoving fingers in any hole they could. No lube was used. I guess I should feel grateful that they at least spit on my asshole and cunt before shoving their bare cocks inside me. I guess I have endured worse, but they gaped my holes, even prolapsed them. Parts of my insides were hanging on the outside. Between my legs looked like a bloody massacre. I hobbled out the door. I hobbled out the door and down to the alley and scored some blow. I was gonna need it for the pain.

Electric Torture with a Knifely Twist

taboo phone sexElectrocution was never something I saw in my future until you decided you wanted to use it on the young ones filthy cunt! Take that prod, jab, and stab her with it and I immediately got wet! I didn’t think I would have so much fun until I heard her desperate cries and screams. But then she started to ooze and bleed from all her holes! Her nose dripping, her ears running with blood! It all excited my snuff cuny and I needed more! I grabbed three more brats and strung them up, bare and naked so I could start by carving into their skin before I shoved the wounds with electricity! Their screams make my pussy juiced drip down my thighs and I’m ready to be fucked as they watch, slowly fading away!

Skilled at Snuff Phone Sex

snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex is to die for with me. See what I did there. I may be a dark bitch, but I have a sense of humor. I enjoy life. I just enjoy it differently than most people. Where many girls my age live for social media and dating, I live for killing. I enjoy snuff. And not fantasies. The real thing. I have been killing since I was in high school. Once you get a taste for killing, you keep on killing. My first kill was orchestrated by my grandpa. I miss him. He died about 10 years ago. I like to think he would be proud of me. I had a mean girl in high school. Not that I cared what barbie dolls thought of me. It was more that this girl was relentless. And she drained my energy. She had to go. My grandpa knew she made life hard for me, and he wanted to help me kill her in a way that I would not get caught. He also taught me the two birds, one stone philosophy. I had a guy I needed taken care of too. He spread false rumors about us fucking because I rejected him. He was a loser. I was not fucking him. My uncle was savvy in all things, including computer hacking and murder. We hacked both the mean girl and the tool’s computers to make it look like they were once a thing that ended badly. Rule number one in a murder, is framing some one for your crime. And rule number two is to make sure you establish motive for your patsy. I snuck in my mean girl’s bedroom late one night and stabbed her to death. It was a blood fest. I sexually mutilated her too. That would make it look like my tool did it because sexual mutilation is often a crime of passion. My grandpa was so wise. He instilled in me not only a love for crime, but the skills to be a criminal and get away with it. My tool was arrested for my mean girl’s murder and tried as an adult. He was sentence to life in prison and all his appeals were denied. It was a crime that shook my community because the mean girl was a beloved cheerleader and the crime itself was horrific. I have gotten away with snuff sex hundreds of times since. Now, I am passing on my killer skills to men like you. Who can I help you snuff?

Knife Play Phone Sex Cumslut

knife play phone sex

My mom always taught me that you don’t play with sharp things, but that prudish bitch doesn’t know how to have fun. If she would have fucked my dad for fun instead of just to reproduce, she would have found that he could have introduced her to a whole world of fun. She rarely ever put out, but you know who did? Me. And not only did he let me practice all of my dick sucking skills on him, but it got even darker than that. He introduced me to things that make for amazing knife play phone sex calls.

Do you love running a cold steel blade up and down the body of a hottie like me? Maybe you never even draw blood, but even just the anticipation of wondering if that will happen is enough to set my pussy on fire. And when he does break skin with the sharp blade, well, that always sends me into a screaming orgasm. Do you want to talk to me about what that’s like? How far would you take our knife play? I want to hear everything, no matter what my fate ends up being. Don’t worry. I can take it.

Ass Rape Porn Audition

ass rape pornI had an ass rape porn audition. I was down on my luck financially. I have gotten behind in bills because of Covid. A major source of my income has been the strip club. Plus, the phone sex business has been slow for me too. I know how to make money. I have been hustling since I was a little girl. Sex always sells. If I need money, I whore myself out. I am not ashamed to use my body. It is the best tool I have. I answered an ad on this adult staffing site. A guy was looking for a model for a hardcore ass film. Anal is not something I shy away from. I arrived at this studio in the bad part of town. The white suburbanites do not want porn studios in their backyard. I was skeptical, but desperate, so I pushed my doubts to the corners of my mind. I had to audition first. I got on the casting couch and spread my legs. I spread them wide too. I showed off my cute, puckered asshole. I was not looking at him. I was facing the wall. Suddenly, I felt a shock. My entire body seized up and I pissed the couch. He had shoved a taser up my ass. If I had pussy hair, no doubt it would have singed. That shock was followed by his cock. I was no longer auditioning. I was now the victim of his anal rape phone sex fantasies. I had no fight in me from the shock. I also did not want to stop him because I needed the $1000 promised for the role or I would be homeless. My ass was somewhat numb from the taser. Perhaps, that was a blessing in disguise. I endured a few hours of hardcore anal sex to pay the rent. When I left the dingy studio, cum was pouring out my ass. I left a trail of jizz to my car. I was a little worn for the wear, but I would not be homeless.