Category: Fantasy phone sex

Babysitter Phone Sex Donor Day Operations

Babysitter Phone Sex

On this very fine National Donor Day, it’s time for babysitter phone sex since we’ve had such generous donations this year. The problem is, the meat is fresh and still kicking so I’m going to need some help dismembering these young ones. Oh yes, you heard me right. We’re harvesting from live brats this year as a mass movement in the factory! We’ve hired help straight from the prison yards and even death row. Only the most fucked up freaks can work for us. We’ve got the tools needed to collect the organs and body parts. Don’t worry about killing them first! Here, let me show you how it’s done.

I walked over and snatched a little girl from the floor. She had thick glasses and could have been my little sister in another like.”Pay attention. Grab the piggy by the arm.” I said as I hoisted the little girl up. My fingers dug into the soft flesh of her arm and she whined out. She didn’t seem to speak any English which made what I was about to do so much easier. Asking for a babysitting phone sex whore is how I ended up with a basement full of babes to butcher.

BabySitter Phone Sex She started kicking, so I grabbed her by her hair and smashed her head off of the wall. She said something that sounded like “Please, hungry, hurting” and that only turned me on so much fucking more! These little bitches are just toys, but I figured I should get my little charge something to eat with. I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and rammed them up her nose. She was screaming as I forced her head down to the floor – causing those wooden sticks to go up and impale her in the brain. I’d retell this story during intense babysitter phone sex, but every time I relive it I get so horny!

She was still twitching as I rolled her over and gutted her open. I wanted to see what pretty colors her insides were, and I knew I could. She split open easier than an Easter ham, and blood gushed up to meet me! I sorted through her organs, cutting the last beat of her heart from her chest. The little whore didn’t speak or move again but she did follow me with those lobotomized eyes the entire time I was sorting and sifting through her sweet meats, pulling the bad from the good. Overall, this little bitch was going to make us several thousand dollars. Such a nice donation.

Babysitter Phone Sex

From Ass Rape Porn Star to Accomplice

ass rape pornSometimes, I am not the star of an ass rape porn. Sometimes, I am the one inflicting the anal torture. My stepson was impressed with my ability to go from his victim to his accomplice so effortlessly last week. He gave me an assignment. If I completed the mission successfully, I would get coke and a reprieve from his abuse. He wanted to live stream a special show just for a select few who had paid big bucks for a particular type of show. It had to be private because there were some not so legal things that would be happening. When I am his victim, I am willing mostly. I am suffering the abuse for coke. This show had a much younger star, and far less willing one. In fact, she was not willing at all. I was tasked with finding the talent, so I went to the park. It was a cold winter day, but I knew there would be little girls sledding and playing in the winter wonderland. I found a girl and lured her back to my stepson’s house around the corner. It was scary how easy it was to lure her. Back at his place we drugged her. It was just a little smack like sex traffickers use to make their product more willing to play. I got out the largest double-sided dildo I could find, and I fucked her virgin holes. She was definitely a virgin because crimson blood flowed down her snowy white thighs. She was making soft whimpers, which the audience liked because those whimpers were followed by Bitcoin tip sounds. It felt good to be on the other side of the torture sex for once. I was destroying this girl’s holes, but in my world, it is survival of the fittest. My stepson was pleased with the girl I brought him and the damage I did to her ass and cunt. He gave me more than the amount of coke agreed upon.

Take and Rape Fantasy

Taboo Phone Sex

I know that taboo phone sex can be kind of scary! I love scary! Especially when it’s all inflicted onto me and my whore body. I know you have your pretty girlfriend there as your accomplice for me. She brings you girl after girl and it looks like I am the next girl. I am your next girl. The next victim that you’re going to use and abuse at your hand. Her hand as well! You love when she brings out the scary-looking tools that she owns that scares me and every other slut you have and own yourself! What do you demand her to do? What does she do to my body that makes you so hard! Maybe she rips out my insides and makes them my outsides?

Snuff Queen Slut

taboo phone sex

Your snuff queen loves to take things to a whole new level of bloody fun! I bring in all the things you need for our snuff fun. I have all the fun new toys and all the young ones or milfs you may need to watch me torture! Play out your rape fantasy on them while I tear out their insides for you to use as hot lube! I can bend them over for you, spread them apart, and spread them open so their insides spill out after being gutted by my favorite knife! I’ll do all the work for you! Hide the body and bring you a new one. Get ready to use up all the whores I have for you!

Scream Queen Murder Scene

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

Her blood was splattered everywhere; the windows, the walls, dripping down my naked cunt. It was the lube I was using to fuck myself with – a huge dildo in my hand furiously pumping in and out of my cunt. I had slit her throat slowly with a pair of sewing scissors with no regard for the dull, rusty edge. She screamed as I sawed through her throat. She pleaded as she started to bleed right up until I pierced her trachea and she was just a whistle when she tried to speak. I could see the fear marinating in her eyes as I dipped my big dildo dong into her throat and got it into a bloody fucking mess before plunging all thirteen inches into my cunt. I bound her then, and watched her bleed out as I peeled skin from her face to snack on.

It’s the thrill of the hunt, of the kill that drives me. My cunt drips as my stomach growls, eager for the flesh of man. I’m a blood thirsty, lustful demon at my core and if you can’t keep up with me I suggest running in the opposite direction. Else wise, you might end up as my next fucking snack.

Mutilation Phone Sex

I Know What You Need

taboo phone sexI have been partying for days and I am not ready to stop, want to join? I don’t mean that pussy shit either. I mean hardcore partying, the kind of partying that leaves little bodies on the floor if you know what I mean. The kind of partying that would make the headlines. I don’t care, I am not shy about it, I am always pushing it. I had a guy the other day who thought he would try to dominate me, that was a big N O. Anyways, I let him start with his act, big, bad, and degrading and then I stopped him mid-sentence. The shock was incredible and my pussy pulsating with the power I was about to unleash. I worked him into a ball of putty. A ball that I would mold and control. I knew what he wanted before he did. A strong woman to make him do things. Not just things but very perverted degenerate type of things. The kind of things that involve little bitty tiny holes. Virgin pussies and virgin asses and flat chests. I tend to throw in a little cock and ball action too, you know for fun. Anyways, I had a blast, and he wouldn’t stop cumming. I knew what he needed before he did, and I know what you need too.

I Want o Be Your Accomplice Phone Sex Partner

accomplice phone sex

I love being an accomplice phone sex partner. In the world of submissive slaves, I paid my dues. I worked myself up the food chain and have earned the right to help you kill and torture little sluts. Some guys even hire me to procure them a tender age slut. As a woman, I can lure a girl to her demise much more easily than a man. Girls lack the same stranger danger feel for women that they do for men. I am here helping men fuck little girls because of that. Over the weekend, I helped Stan. As a slave, I watched masters, even my own father, trap young girls and do very bad things to them. I know what I am doing. For almost 20 years, I sat back, watched, and learned. Now, I am in the driver’s seat. I brought Stan, Ashley. She was this cute little raven-haired beauty queen. She resembled his niece who has been cock teasing him since she was in diapers. He likes to watch the little Miss Sunshine girls. He books hotel rooms where little beauty pageants occur and watches the little contestants strut their stuff. I made his dark fantasy of exploring rape phone sex fantasies with one cum true. I posed as a pageant parent, kidnapped one and brought her back to this seedy by the hour motel where Stan was waiting. His dick was already hard from the anticipation. I had her drugged and dressed in her gown and a tiara on her head. She was a cutie. He was balls deep in her virginal cunnie when she woke up crying. I gave her a hot shot and she passed out again. Turns out I overdosed her. I am still learning my drug dosages. He got to fuck his beauty queen and explore his more morbid sex with dead bodies fantasies, and I got paid. I ditched her lifeless body in a field 100 miles away from the crime scene. Her body likely will never be found and if it is, her death will be penned on some P man on the registry. I am a great accomplice.

Be The Devil Inside Of Me

Blasphemy phone sex


Have you been ruined by the rules of society and the Christian masses?  Did the normie’s infiltrate your brain and tell you to praise Jesus and go to church every Sunday?  Are you ready to be broken down and taken on a journey to the darkest most demented demonic place?  A place so dank and blasphemous that it reeks of filth and bile?

Welcome to my disgusting soul, where anything goes as long as it rebukes all that is holy and sacred to the pious populace.  No crosses, crucifixes or other false idols will offer you any protection from the depths of my devilish depravity.  But don’t worry, you’re going to fucking love it!

Ever have bloody butt sex on a church pew?  I know a quaint little sanctuary in need of some salacious activity and I can tell the preacher likes to watch.  I’ve been following him and his family for a while now.  He’s definitely the type who wants to see some dark deviants defile the sanctity of his rectory and house of worship.  We could just break into his little cottage and terrorize his whole dumb family.  

His prudish wife needs to be taught a lesson.  I’d like to milk your cock while the whole Christ loving clan watches until you shoot your load all over the pages of the bible, then make that bible beating bitch lick up every bit of it.  Doesn’t the thought of her being tied up and forced to suck jizz off of John 3:16 in front of her frightened family sound like just the most fun?  Then you can just take turns butt fucking all of us at your whim and whimsy until you are satisfied with your work.

I just want to see your eyes go black with lust and hear the beast behind your grunts as you fuck and backslide your way toward the dark side.  Then I’ll know the demon has it’s gnarled claws sunk deep into you, too.


Snuff Porn Sunday

snuff pornSnuff porn Sundays are a thing with my stepson and me. My husband is watching sports all day and I go visit his boy. My husband thinks my relationship with his son is maternal. It is nothing of the sort. I go to visit him so I can get some free coke. Well, I guess it is not really free because I have to work for it. And his relationship to me is out of necessity. He needs me. I am his cash cow. I am his 911 call because if he needs money, I can help him make it. He needed money. I needed coke. We helped each other out early this morning. When I arrived, I knew the drill. I knew I would have to subject myself to his violence. Today was a bit different. He had another woman tied to a chair waiting for me. I was not sure what was going to happen, but I was nervous. Since she was tied to the chair, my guess was she was not there to hurt me. He was going to abuse two hot milfs at once. He started on her, and what he did made me nauseated. He burned her flesh. First, with cigarettes. Then with a hot poker from the fire place. The Bitcoin sounds were going crazy. He was making bank. What was he going to do to me? Her flesh was peeling off her body. He was going to kill her. He has never killed a woman before.  At least not to my knowledge. Then suddenly, he untied me and told me to pick up a poker. It was not a choice. I could tell if I was not his accomplice phone sex partner, I would be tortured to death too. The Bitcoins were on fire and so was this woman. I felt guilty and sick to my stomach over what I did. My stepson is a murderer and I helped him. But I survived and I got coke.

Deadly Romance Dancing

Snuff Porn

The blood that was pouring down her face made my cunt soaking wet Then again, that’s what he loved about me. My lover and I were cozy, the year 1985. We were snuggled up in the back of my Daddy’s bar and the dumb bitch who’d been flirting with my boyfriend was hanging by her ankles with coals on her feet. She had blood pouring in rivers down her face and she was screaming and begging for help. James was fingering my Garden of Eden with such a delicate urgency it nearly made me cum right then and there. But the show was only just beginning.

I took out my cattle prod, and I started zapping at her nipples, her hips, that sensitive little clit. And when she screamed too much for my liking, I simply bent over and cut out her tongue. It wiggled on the ground for a moment before it realized it was dead, and James and I danced around it with the violent, pleading shrieks of this bitch being our beautiful Air Supply. I could feel how hard he was, and I sank to my knees with my mouth open and eager. This was going to be a bloody Valentines Day to remember.

Bloody Phone Sex