Category: Fantasy phone sex

No Taboo Accomplice phone sex

Bloody phone sex

Fuck everyone in existence! I am so tired of being the nice guy who gets nothing in return.. That’s what has turned me into the evil sadistic bitch that I am today! Darkness has never failed me! I am in the mood to go on a killing spree… Just to rob the innocence of their sanity!

I mean nobody ever gave a fuck about me so why should I even give two fucks about anyone else! I specifically like taking it out on the worthless and vulnerable.. The upcoming pathetic pigs that don’t know any better! I was trying to hold off until Halloween but I cannot fucking wait any longer! Tis the fucking season the devil in me has awoken! I am going hunting tonight and rounding up a trunk full of littles. Maybe I can steal them from all the fucking bitches who disrespected me..

Hahaha what better way to get back at them than to have their worthless fuck pigs being sacrificed for my sanity! I guess they should have thought twice about who they were going to mistreat in this world! Once I have them all rounded I am going to post a discreet encrypted ad on every Link up with a slut website! I know those sicko old men who crave burying their cocks in little fucktards will know exactly what I mean.

I want to round up as many as possible to gangbang these pathetic rugrats!

Torture phone sex assistant

torture phone sex

I applied for this new position,, and thought I was a shoe-in to get the job. Unfortunately, I received an email stating I wasn’t chosen. The sad news broke me so much that I had a complete meltdown in the parking lot at trader joes. A man in a business suit approached me and asked if I was okay. At first,, I was going to say yes,, but without thinking,, I blurted no,, I am not okay. My school loans are flooding,, and my bills keep piling up. An actual recession is on the verge, and I need income flowing in.

The man said he needed and assistant and wanted to interview me. I was so too happy to hear this news but then when I went ahead to the interview he told me I would have to be his ass whore. Torture phone sex is one thing but actually getting my asshole prolapsed and used for a couple thousand dollars a week seemed like it was a catch 22.

When I got myself together to actually do it I became addicted to the money and the maltreatment.

Torture Sex of Male Genitals is My Favorite Thing to Do

torture sexI got to use my best torture sex techniques on a loser last night. He wanted me to castrate him. Begged me to do it too. I was at a bar and this loser recognized me. He had seen my ad on a fetish site. I advertise castration services. He told me this sob story about how he has a loser cock and has long wanted to be castrated. He was talking to the right woman. The thing is I do not take a man’s junk for free. Why would I? You want me to whack your short stack, you must pay me for that honor. I do not want to touch or look at that pathetic nub for free. Consider it a nuisance fee. Your small dick is a huge nuisance to me and every other woman around. This fucking loser told me he was broke. I walked away. His small dick is his problem. He wants it gone; he can whack it off himself. Castration phone sex is a service and it’s not free. The problem was he would not leave me alone. He was baiting me into a free castration. Since that was the case, I decided to make it hurt. I used a rusty knife. I did not tie off the balls first to restrict the blood flow, so the bathroom of that bar looked like the elevator in The Shining. It was a complete blood bath. That is in part too because I would not cauterize the wound. Usually, I use a frying pan or even an iron, but I was in a bar and this fucker wanted it done. I made him chug some whisky down to dull the pain. I wanted to snuff him there, but snuff porn in a bathroom in a bar is not very discreet. Castration, however, probably happens more than we know in public places. I put his belt in his mouth to bite down on and it was bye bye balls. He bled. He fainted. I put his balls on his chest, washed my hands, and left the bar. He asked for it, he got. Just like you will.

Sadistic phone sex whore Stephanie

sadistic phone sex


This sadistic phone sex accomplice is looking for some fun! My master is gone for a few weeks and I need to satisfy these evil cravings of mine. I could bring you any type of victim you want. My favorite victims are always the little ones. They’re so easy for me to get access to and they’re so much fun to torture! I look cute and innocent enough to be trusted by plenty of parents to watch their brats. That’s why I always end up with a new tiny slut to abuse. No one ever expects to come home and find me gone with no trace and their little ones mutilated and ripped apart in their beds. Watching your cock being forced into them and tearing them open, really  turns me on! Just let me know what kind of victim you want and we’ll make it happen! 

No Taboo Accomplice phone sex

Bloody phone sex

I haven’t been in the best mood lately especially not for fucking Losers! I cannot stand a man who tries to speak with a woman but doesn’t have the money or ride to even approach a hottie.. It always seems like the dirtiest dingiest men have the highest self esteem.. LOL maybe it’s just because they suck so bad they are always available.. I mean nobody takes them seriously so that probably explains why a guy approached me this morning when leaving the coffee shop!

Clearly I needed coffee for a fucking reason and the last thing I wanted was some cringy man in my face asking for my number! His dusty dirty ass had so much to say too.. You should have seen how far he stuck his chest out. Well anyway when he asked me for my number I completely ignored him.. Me ignoring him was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

The fucking moron then said “Bitch! You weren’t that fucking hot anyway.. You worthless cunt.” That’s the moment my ears rang and the devil inside of me had awoken! I wasted no time I uncapped my boiling hot coffee and threw it right at his fucking face. He was screaming and hollering in agony.

That’s when I kicked him right in his disgusting dick! He crouched over in an attempt to save himself but that didn’t help.. I ended up kicking him right in his crooked ass nose. The ambulance was called and that sucker was sent to the emergency room.. He is lucky it was broad daylight or else I would have done some real fucking torture!

Snuff Sex Accomplice Cassandra Wants to Help You with Your Rape Fantasies

snuff sexSnuff sex is the bulk of my calls. Just now, so many more guys are coming to me to help them kill others. It feels good to be the accomplice and not the victim. The first couple times I had to lure precious angels to their demise and abuse for my master, sucked. I was consumed with guilt. I never wanted to make young girls go through what I did. The abuse and pain was a lot for a young girl. But I came to understand that it was a survival of the fittest world. I told myself I was doing it so I would not die. I bought my freedom one little girl at a time. 100 little girls I lured to my master for his snuff and rape phone sex fantasies. They came from all over the state. Different ages and races, but all young and now all dead or missing. After being the accomplice in 100 deaths, you thicken up quickly. I am such a murderous whore now. Better them than me is my motto. I am a pro now. I know how to lure little ones away. I have easy access to them through this babysitter app. It is amazing how many folks do not vet the people they let into their homes to watch their precious cargo. I am a chameleon. A fake ID, and black hair dye, changes my appearance enough that I can get away with murder and kidnapping. Why am I sharing this with with you? Because I want to be your accomplice phone sex partner. I know the thoughts of men. The more wicked thoughts men have are the ones I like to cater to. I can make your fantasies seem real because I have real experience in the brat napping world. So, who can we kidnap and fuck up today? Daughter? Niece? Little girl next door?  The possibilities are endless.

Teen rape porn Goth teen phone sex

Bloody phone sex

I just destroyed my first victim in my new “Torture chair”. She was pretty young but she was already a heavy smoker and dressed like a sadistic gothic slut! So, I TAUGHT HER A FUCKING LESSON ABOUT BEING A FAST ASS! I railed that bitch in for my own pleasure since babe was going to be out of town handling business. I figured the fun doesn’t stop there and I was certain babe would love to receive videos and pictures of me torturing fuckpigs.

So, I did the honors of keeping babes dick drained while on the road! I gave that teen whore an extreme pussy pumping like nobody had ever seen before! I fucked that worthless bitch until she couldn’t squirt anymore. Her pussy was chafing, she was bleeding and it almost sound like I was fucking rubber after a while. She was all dried out begging for mercy!

I facetimed babe and he stroked his cock and directed me to heat my curling iron to its highest setting and fuck her deep inside of all of her worthless holes. Her pussy was swollen by the time I was done with her! Of course, I couldn’t completely go without my accomplice. Hahaha, I took a midnight drive and threw her out on the side of the road…

I took some pictures of her… What do you think?

Rape phone sex fantasies

Taboo Phone Sex Rape Fantasies for Mommy

taboo phone sexI am all about taboo phone sex fantasies. I may be a soccer mom, but I have dark fantasies. I love to explore them with callers. I think my favorite is a mommy rape fantasy. Although my sons never have to force me to fuck them, I find myself masturbating often to the thought of them and some of their teenage friends force fucking me. I am not talking about a few minutes of rough sex before I give in and realize I like it. I am talking about never enjoying it. I like the idea of my sons having a few extra boys over for a sleepover. My husband is out of town for the night, so it is me alone with say 5 teenage boys. They raid the liquor cabinet while I am sleeping and decide that I should be their gangbang rape porn star for the night. I wake up in bed startled by my sons and their friends surrounding me. I think maybe something is wrong, so I ask them. They never speak to me. They just look at me with these evil looks before they pin me to the bed and start ripping off my clothes. I am fighting them, even screaming, but they just ignore me. They start calling me names and yelling at me for cock teasing them. I try to fight them off, but 5 teenage boys are way stronger than 1 soccer mom. They slap me, choke me, fuck my ass and my cunt. They make sure every hole of mine is double stuffed with boy cock. I know something must be wrong with me to have such violent rape phone sex fantasies, but I do. Do you ever fantasize about forcing yourself on your own mother? Maybe we could explore it. I would be your willing victim.

Killing Lust: The Kill

Murder phone sex fantasies

My little mouse lays her head down on a feathery-filled pillow every Tuesday night at around nine at night. Given my nights stalking and waiting I know that my soft delicate prey sleeps soundly. So unaware of the kitty with fangs just waiting, and tonight was the night. Blood rushed in my veins the moment I felt her body panic underneath me as she woke to me straddled on top of her. A sharp butcher knife in my left hand held up high, gleefully laughing as the little mouse tries to squirm free. Hitting, scratching, anything she could think of. Until I came down hard with a swift slice across her artery. The crimson droplets rained forward splashing me with a pleasant continuous splash for a few moments. As the blood trickled less I continued to hack until I felt satisfied with my work taking a single picture of my masterpiece. Careful to leave no sign of myself as I left. Wondering if her mangled body will make its way to my morgue.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Explored with Me as Your Accomplice

rape phone sex fantasiesDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? Every man I talk to does. On my taboo phone line, you can share your darkest fantasies with me. I can be your victim or your accomplice. I like both roles, but as I get older, I enjoy the accomplice role more. I have paid my dues. Men have explored their rape fantasies with me since I was just a little girl. It started with daddy and his friends, then it was just man after man who saw me as nothing more than fuck meat. I get it. I am a blonde bimbo with whore titties. But you know what else I am? I am an excellent wingman because little girls have no stranger danger for women. They see me as a milf not a P accomplice phone sex partner. They never think I am luring them to the likes of men like you until it is way too late. Tom used me to lure a little girl away from her pack at the park. I had a puppy with me, and she fell right into my P van. She got right in the van with me and the puppy. I drove her to this roadside no-tell motel where junkies and whores hangout. Tom was waiting for me in a room. The girl was scared now, but her screams were silenced with a ball gag. I gave her a shot of heroin in her arm to subdue her. This was the kind of motel where everyone minds their own fucking business because everyone is doing something criminal. Tom was very happy with the little slit I brought him. She laid on the creaky bed half out of it. He fucked her repeatedly, popping her ass and pussy cherries. Those sheets have seen blood before, because there were old and fresh stains. For a few hours this little cunt was a teen rape porn star, and she did not even realize it. We dumped her on the side of the rode on the outskirts of town and drove off to find our next little teen porno queen.