Category: Evil phone sex

Killer Phone Sex with Blair: The Legend of the Hook Man

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My best friend called me to tell me she had heard a news flash about an escaped mental patient from the nearby insane asylum. According to the news, he has a hook for one of his hands and is considered unstable and highly dangerous. He had been in Briarwood for 40 years for killing young couples being naughty in cars on lookout point. I told Sherri that was pure urban legend and she had just been punked by someone. I insisted I was fine and not scared. I was not going to let some silly practical joker prevent me from a hot date with my youngest son. I was driving out to our local lovers’ lane to meet him. My husband is home so we can’t fuck in my bed tonight; we were both so horny we decided to fuck in our town’s little lovers’ lane area under the moonlight.

I get there early and he is not there yet, which is odd. He is usually waiting for me naked. I try to text him, but I have no cell reception. Suddenly, I hear a loud thumping on the roof of my car. I’m thinking, my son is trying to scare me. I get out the car, and I’m horrified to see a man with a hook, sitting on the roof of my car with what appears to be a severed head. I scream and start to run, but he throws the head at me, knocking me down. Oh my god, the head belongs to my baby boy. I’m in shock, crying hysterically. I even vomit. I try to get up, when I feel this intense pain in my back and blood trickling down my spine. I’ve been impaled with the hook and this mad man is dragging me through the mud and grass like a dead deer. I can barely move the pain is unbearable. As he is dragging me, my flesh is getting ripped from my body; I’m starting to choke on my own blood; and I’m getting cut further by rocks and glass on the ground. I start praying I will die soon; and be with my lover, my son.

But, no; I am not as lucky as my son to be dead. This crazed hook man drags me into a little cabin hidden in the woods and ties me to a rack. Already bleeding and near death, he begins to taunt me with his nasty hook. He never says a word to me, but scrapes his hook on the wall creating a horrible sound. I actually peed on myself because I was that scared. He is impervious to my screams, my pleas, my tears. I can’t get him to release me, or tell me why? Suddenly, he leaves the room and for a moment and I think I reached him; he is gonna spare my life. No.  He comes right back with some torture device, flips me over this saw horse looking thing and starts anally torturing me. Then he starts cutting me with his hook. The pain was unbearable. I kept coming in and out of consciousness. Then, the coup d’état; he shoves the hook up my pussy, turning it as he shoved it in me deeper and deeper. He is scraping my insides, gutting me like a pig through my pussy and ass. I lay there like an animal just killed; bleeding on the floor, feeling my insides pool on the ground below me, gasping for my last breath, dying a slow and painful death.

I should have listened to my best friend. The Hook Man is real, so very very real….killer phone sex torture murder

Torture Phone Sex: Burn Cassandra Burn

torture phone sex submissive pain whoreI have been a pain slut for as long as I can remember. I started young as a cutter, and then graduated to more extreme measures as I grew older. But something I have never been able to handle is fire of any sorts. I have this new master who smokes cigars. Very high end Cuban stogies he gets from Canada. Well he left me alone for a little while this morning and I couldn’t help myself, I had to try one of his cigars. I mean a Cuban cigar is illegal in the US because of some stupid embargo. OMG, it was smooth with such a full bodied taste. I can see why they are coveted and smuggled into the country. Well I got lost puffing on that Havana and masturbating because it tasted so good. I look up and Master is in the door way livid. He lunged at me, grabbed my throat and threw me on the ground. He started kicking me and spitting on me and called me a worthless thieving whore. I tried to apologize; saying a Cuban cigar is something I was always curious about. That was not the right thing to say. He made me get back up on the bed and take the stogie and smoke it the other way. I had to put my lips and puff on the glowing embers. My lips, my tongue were burning; I could smell the flesh, feel the pain. As I was starting to cry, he made me deep throat that lit stogie like a cock. It burned the back of my throat. I could feel the fire in my mouth; I began choking on the blood and the flesh that was melting in my mouth, when Master ordered me to swallow it. I shook my head, tears in my eyes, blood running out my mouth, gagging on the smell of seared flesh, when he slapped me so hard, I swallowed the burning cigar. The pain was inconceivable. I could feel the burning sensation traveling down my esophagus. The smell of my burnt flesh was waffling through my nose. I thought I was going to vomit. My stomach was on fire. I could almost see a hellfire glow through my belly.

I thought he was done torturing me, but said the fun had just begun. I was a dirty stupid cunt who couldn’t keep her hands to herself and needed to be taught a lesson. I was laying there sick, and in so much pain, when he came at me with a big fat lit stogie and started burning the word thief across my breasts. I was being branded, slowly and painfully so I would never forget what happens to thieves. I knew better than to cry or beg for mercy. But it was hard to not scream as my flesh was melting off my body. He had more in store for me too. He tied my burning body up over the bed and double penetrated me with burning cigars. I have had a lot of things in my ass and cunt but never a lit stogie. My ass and pussy were branded for life. I could feel my insides melting and burning. My skin was scorched from head to toe. It was a sweet, acrid, lingers in-your-nose-forever charcoal smell. It’s a smell so strong that I could taste it. The smell and taste of my own charred flesh was the worse smell ever.

There was not an orifice or area of flesh my Master did not burn me with a stogie to teach me a lesson. My pretty alabaster skin is forever ruined. I am scarred for life and will forever carry the singe marks of shame for smoking my Master’s Cuban cigar. Yet somehow, through the horrible pain, I was aroused. Maybe, you would like to be my new Master? Find some painful, degrading way to arouse me? My pain, as always, is my Master’s pleasure.

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The Hellcats Reunion

It’s that time of year again and the Hellcats are going to fuck up the town and paint it red. I have a super special treat for my fellow Hellcats, oh how we love some good unholy fun! I stroll into the church at the corner, it’s about 11pm and there’s a full moon. Inside I start gathering some of the items we’ll be needing for tonight’s “Mass”. Hurriedly I gather the holy water vials, a few of the gaudy plastic rosaries and put them around my neck six is my favorite number. Lastly I grab some candles and a bible.

Rushing out I almost forgot the key object of the night. I head to the basement of the church where I find the prize of the night still as I left him. Oh my what a mess my young priest is! Oh, did my holy man piss himself? It’s ok Father, for I will be doing a lot more sinning tonight!

Hauling my gift to the Hellcats out of the rectory where my hurse awaits I open the back door and shove him in the open coffin. Slamming the lid, “you’ll be fine oh Holy Father, I’ve just one more stop before your final destination”. Pulling up to the ER entrance my friendly surgeon awaits with a nice package for me. I peek in the box and it’s exactly what we need!

Back at the clubhouse where my sisters are waiting it’s a quarter to midnight, we better hurry. They help me with the supplies the alter is ready. Hauling our dear father out we set him on the alter where he is stripped bound and gagged. I pull out my utensils and oh the fun we are about to have!

I grab the biggest blade and love the fear in his eyes! I anoint his cock with holy water and we all take turns cutting at his cock and balls mmm castration at its finest!

Taboo Phone Sex Dusty

Drugged and Fucked Up

Feeling a strange tingling sensation wash over me I find myself nude and bound in a rundown efficiency apartment. My body is numb and I am unable to talk as though I am fully paralyzed but fully aware. My eyes can move and I see water stained walls and torn wallpaper. There appears to be things moving on the walls and ceiling. I see strange dirty men, like street people huddling around the tiny kitchen where the entrance is. Then to my horror I see a black man a junkie come towards me with a huge syringe.

That was the last thing I recall prior to being completely comatose. Upon awakening I see a strange man pulling a blanket over me and smiling down. “You looked cold laying there” is all he said and he left the apartment. I start to feel nauseous and able to move. I try sitting up as I see a bathroom to my right. But wait what is that sticky stuff all over me? Looking down at my body, to my horror I see blood all over me, between my legs my arms, my chest! Panic sets in and I try to throw my legs over the edge of the bed. I step down and feel a shooting pain in my belly.

Making it into the bathroom, I look in the mirror and see blood smeared with semen all over me. My arms are covered with cuts and needle marks. I crouch down and start crying, as I haven’t seen the man that owned me currently. I was just purchased by him at the last auction. What day is it? I feel like I have been in a drug stupor for days. I feel dirty used and broken. As I am crunched down feeling my demise upon me I feel a leather hand on my shoulder.

Well Geneva, you have been such a good slave for me but my time is nearly up and we must get you back to the auctions. Shuddering as I stood he had some clean towels and a washcloth he started to pull a bath in a filthy tub crawling with roaches. I try backing out, but there was another man blocking the entrance. I was directed to get into the tub and he preceded to wash me. As he worked the soapy cloth over my wounds he smiled he poured more pink liquid from a turquoise container on the cloth and continued to relish in my discomfort.

You were a very good slut doll for all my clients Geneva. I hope your enjoying your time south of the border. I know my clients have enjoyed your listless white fleshed fuck toy to abuse and fuck for 3 days straight. But I regret to tell you that you are no longer clean. He laughed a evil hoarse laugh your going to be jonesing for a fix real soon little lady. I’m not worried I’ll get you across the border and dump you at the auction house like a bag of garbage. You were real good taking all that black cock. You bled real nice when they ripped you open stuffing your holes until white girls pussy started stretching good.

I will be sure to tell them at the auction that you are a real good to go for more extreme gang bangs.

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Thy Will Be Done Thy Cunt Will Cum

torture phonesex blaskarma1Every night before I go to sleep I give thanks to Lucifer. I cut myself and give him my life blood and thank him for leading me to the dark side and showing me what has always been in my heart. I ask him to visit me in the dark of the night and fill me with his will. I love it when he answers my prayers.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep almost instantly. Floating slowly into the blackest darkness I feel his presence near me. I can’t see him yet but I know he is there and he is taking a hold of my soul. Soon he will be in complete control, I can feel his power washing over me. 

I feel him so strongly, his hot, rancid breath on my neck. The tip of his forked tongue running along the lobe of my ear. His probing slimy cock pushing between my legs, searching for my inviting cunt. Hitting his mark he shoves his dick deep into me, breathing heavy and fucking me with brutal force that always leaves me sore. I beg for more of this onslaught, needing to feel his hot sperm squirt deep inside me. 

Throwing me to the ground when he is done he hovers over my body, drool dripping from his mouth, his lips turned up in an evil grin and his eyes begin to glow as they show me the vision he has for me.torture phonesex blaskarma

I watch it like a movie, entranced and mesmerized. I can see myself walking into a church. As I enter I see a huge golden cross with Christ hanging from the wall, glowing and beckoning me closer. As I approach I see him. He is dressed in his white robe with gold trim. His hands are clutched together in prayer and his eyes are down cast. I can tell by the lines on his face that he is a handsome man. 

Suddenly I see my Prince of Darkness standing at his side. Whispering in his ear to turn and look at me. As he does Lucifer rips my top from my shoulders and there surrounding each of my nipples is a raised cross, upside down. It looks like I was branded. As the priest reaches out to gingerly touch my scared flesh I can feel the electricity begin to flow. I can hear Lucifer whisper in his ear “Fuck her Priest. Take her now” 

As soon as his fingers touch my flesh I feel my pussy get soaking wet and I see him reach for his pants to free his throbbing cock. Rubbing my clit at a fevered pitch I see him begin to masturbate, jerking his cock with a mission. 

I feel Lucifer’s hands on my shoulders as he shoves me to the floor on all fours, putting my ass high up in the air and spreading me wide as he invites the priest to feast on my flesh. I feel his hard cock shove into my ass in one swift motion and the priest begins to fuck me like an animal, fast and hard, deep and with abandon. He is sweating and breathing heavy as he pulls out, yanks my head back and cums in my mouth, groaning and jerking as he enjoys the height of his pleasure.

He opens his eyes and looks up at Lucifer, my prince, and the tears begin to flow silently down his face as he realizes what he has done. 

I hear my prince say, “Give your soul to me” 

Silently the Priest drops to his knees and takes his worthless life right there on the alter. 

The vision is vivid and real and I know I will live it out soon.torture phonesex blasphamy

Spiked Dildo for Your Use on Me

taboo phone sex stephanie

I got a new toy today – a giant strap on that goes over your penis like a sheath. On the outside it is metal and it has two inch spikes sticking out all over it.  I saw it and just had to have it! I want you to put it on and use the sharp spikes to tear me to pieces. I want you to start by fucking my mouth, the spikes will cut my lips and cheeks and tongue until I am choking on my own blood. 

From there you can move to my tits, pressing them together as you slide your death cock between them slicing them to bits with each thrust. This takes my breath away so much I cant even scream. My tongue is swollen and clogging my mouth as well. Tears mix with blood and run down my face as my breasts are sliced again and again until they are barely hanging on by the outside edge. Blood drains everywhere and I feel the wonderful coldness that comes with that.

Drag your death cock and all its blades from my chest to my pussy.  Ram it all in at once so that the tearing and slicing and ripping burns my hole like a fire. Make me hold whats left as my tits on my chest as you keep ramming my pussy again and again, each thrust tearing it open until it becomes once with my ass. Blood everywhere, its time for my happy ending – shove your spiked cock deep inside until it cuts through into my abdomen and come out my stomach. I don’t deserve this kind of pleasure, so it is time for you to snuff me out for good baby. Put your hands around my throat, my bleeding and swollen tongue unable to make a sound as I gasp for my last breath. Take it.

I Need My Nipples Removed

taboo phone sex stephanie

My nipples need to be removed, and I want you to remove them and then feed them to me. I don’t deserve to have such pretty pink little nipples, and you are the man to take them from me. Bring your sharpest knife and take your prize. Do one slowly, starting at the edge and sinking in the blade as you slowly cut around and around, driving me wild with pain and pleasure. Let the blood gush out, and squeeze my tit to make the blood come faster.

Put your cock inside my pussy, I’ve been waiting just for you. As you fuck me, finish cutting off the first nipple, make me scream. Make me taste my own blood from my missing piece, and place it in my mouth. I chew it like gum, so surreal to be eating my own flesh. I will continue to chew while you continue to fuck me and prepare to take my other nipple.

Pinch it hard, clamp it off, it makes me so dizzy and cold from all the blood. Grin down on me and I will beg you to take it. WIth one swift motion, slice it off and let the clamps take it to the floor and spray my life blood everywhere. I will keep chewing and you keep fucking me, and I know our fun is just beginning. I have alot more parts for you to rob me of, and then the ultimate prize for you, please take my life.

Sexual Humiliation

torture phonesex karmaI heard about a law suit that was filed by the Iraqis against the British for the use of Sexual Intimidation Interrogation techniques. Of course the word Sexual peeked my interest immediately. The more I listened and learned about this technique the more I knew I had to try it and the more I knew I had to put my evil fucking twist on it and make it more wicked and sadistic and demented then anyone could ever imagine. Oh my mind was racing and the thoughts were coming a mile a minute. Who did I want information out of? No one really, but who could I get information from that might be useful to me in some way shape or form? And who could I really mess up in the head using this type of interrogation method? One thing is for sure a prude would be the one to be most fucked up by this and would be the one that I could use to take this to a whole new level. Then it hit me, that rich old widow on the dead end road. Everyone knows she is an old prude that has a fortune stashed in that mansion of hers. I could use this method of interrogation to find out where the money is stashed. Of course I couldn’t leave her alive to tell the tale, which is just the icing on the cake. What would fuck her up sexually? Forced bisexuality, yes that would be a start. Bugs all over her body, oh yes that would work. Perhaps a four legged friend and some ass fucking would take her over the edge. Tomorrow night I strike and put my plan in motion. I am sure I can think of so much more between now and then.

Fresh Meat

torture phonesex angieI often frequent tent cities for meat to fill my freezer. It really is a brilliant plan. Homeless people that no one will miss. Runaways that are hiding and don’t wish to be found. Generally they are hungry and I can plump them up with good healthy foods, which makes their meat so much sweeter. I have been eying a nice fresh thing just the right age, with meat that is tender and perfect, However she has been rather difficult to catch. She is sharp and has her wits about her. Lucky for me her boyfriend likes to tip up the bottle. I caught him at just the right time, grabbed him from the cardboard box that they call home and left a note letting her know that if she wanted to see him again she would meet me at the specified place and time. She had no clue that she is the one I really want and that when she shows up I have no intention of letting him go. He is not good enough for consumption so he will be my slave for a while, until his usefulness wears off. She will be prepped for butchering and consumption. My stomach is rumbling and my mouth is watering just thinking about what she will taste like!torture phonesex angie1

A Little Spider Said…

I’ve got a little hiding spot you wouldn’t ever want to visit. It’s my favorite place in the world . . . The smell of rotting corpses snakes through the air . . . decrepit gravestones crumble, and the sound of brittle bones breaking underfoot emanates from all across the sultry, spoiled air . . . It’s enough to make a grown man cry–especially after dark. This is where I conduct my best business: the ruins of the old stone mausoleum at the South Wayside Cemetery. The dilapidated concrete structure is furnished with broken glass, cobwebs, and the worst thing of all . . . me. In the little nook near the corner, my favorite toys are waiting.

Sometimes I do it because I’m dead inside. Sometimes I do it because I need to feel something . . . instead of nothing at all. Mostly, I just do it because it gives me a nice little thrill. Hurting people always makes me laugh. I guess it started out the time some motherfucker stole my drugs and I needed to interrogate his friends. Safe to say, I’ve adopted it as a new hobby of sorts. I love to fuck up a nice, unmarred human body.

There was this one bitch whose ass I seared with a heated frying pan. I’d left it on the stove to get the metal nice and scalding, then I slapped that ass to watch her porcelain skin scorch and burn. Her legs were tied doggie style to posts in my lair, and I occasionally dipped down to smack that pussy. She passed out three times and shrieked like a banshee. I just revived her and started over again . . .