Another Barbie for You

I brought you the blonde you wanted. I am never enough. I am so pathetic and too skinny. You pick out who you want and I get them for you. Why do you keep choosing girls who are nothing like me? They are always so pretty and have huge breasts and blonde hair. Fucking barbie dolls. I am such a piece of shit, I know I can never be everything you desire. I am stuck in this nightmare of sharing you with these sluts who don’t even need another man.

I know thats the only reason you keep me alive. You know how good I have gotten at tricking them into coming with me. You see the surprise in their eyes when you grab them, and you know I did a good job. I hate it. I hate watching you take their bodies against their will, and force them to suck your gorgeous cock. Then you tie us together, and you fuck her while my sickly body just gets jerked around from the pumping motion. I feel every thrust, but not the way I want to feel it.

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These ungrateful bitches get your cock in their pussies and all they do is cry and beg for you to stop. They are so lucky and they don’t know it. I am just a ragdoll tied to their back to watch. Just a piece of shit. No good for you anymore. I would do anything to be them in those moments. To feel your lust and your cock and have your attention.

The only joy I get is when you are finally finished with them. You fuck them until they stop begging, until they give in to you. They trust you and believe they are going to be okay. Thats when I get untied. Thats when I trick them one last time and tell them that they, like me, will be okay. I hug them as they tremble in fear and relief and I feel their hearts pounding. You come up behind them, finally look at ME, and shoot a bullet through their pretty head.

I have a mess to clean up, but at least the barbie is gone. I watch you fuck the hole in her skull, and know that you will need another very soon. Your taste for the pretty ones has become insatiable.

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