Category: Evil phone sex

Necrophilia Phone Sex

Taboo phone sex Dusty NecrHaving a friend in the funeral business is such a treat. Actually, he’s an undertaker and he lets me know when there’s a nice corpse in. By nice corpse of course we are referring to a nice erect schlong. He’ll call me up while the body is still fresh, and rigor has made things just right for my kinky secret.

You can’t tell me you never had some morbid secret desire or lust. I mean it’s just my thing. I Like Fucking the DEAD. They smell so earthy and acrid, their luscious graying flesh. The smell of formaldehyde and high percentile rubbing alcohol mingle with the rotting organs within the dead bloated corpse.

I headed over and was so fucking hot as I get to do a dead chick and a dead guy! I have always had a deep love for my friend. He accepts me and all my brashness and most of all we share another passion. This love for fucking corpses , real dead people. What got me into this was when I lost a dear fuck buddy and the night before his viewing…

I got obliterated and snuck down to where his body was and got on top of him throwing back the Jack and riding my dead friends cock to the best orgasm ever.

Sadist Accomplish Whore Wants to Double Team Victim on Halloween

snuff phonesex kieshaHey, guys, it’s almost Halloween! I hope all of you are as excited about it as I am because I can’t wait.

Some people like watching horror movies around this time of year. But me? I like making horror movie shit happen. I know some of you do, too, so I think that means we need to get together and see what we can do….

What do you think about some kind of accomplice fantasy? I love taking what men can dish out to me, but I also love getting a chance to dish it out sometimes, too. I wouldn’t want to take that away from you, either, though, so how about we find someone to torture together?

You know how sometimes you hear those stories about people doing terrible things to black cats during Halloween? I thought we could do something like that, just on a bigger scale. And, you know, with a girl instead of a cat, or maybe even a girl dressed as a cat. Hell, why not?

We will find the perfect one somewhere, in costume, leaving a bar or a party. She’ll be all by herself. I’ll go up to her and ask if I can walk with her so we both won’t be alone, and I’ll be so sweet and trustworthy and disarming that she can’t help but say yes. And you’ll be lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right time to strike.

You’ll have to do the heavy lifting part when we kidnap her, but I’ll be there to assist you in any way I can. Chloroforming her would probably be the easiest, but if you prefer to be a struggle, we could always do it the “hard” way. Then, when we get her to our lair, strip her, and tie her down, she’ll know for sure that she’s completely at our mercy.

Then what? There are just so many choices, aren’t there? I know you want to put your big cock inside all of her holes. Just let me get you nice and hard first, and you can stick it wherever you want. I want to see her choke on your dick, for one. Will you leave her pussy and her ass nice and bloody for me after you rape her? I want to see the dripping slowly defiling her milky-white skin.

I bet she doesn’t like girls, either, so I’ll sit on her face and make her lick me until I can’t take it anymore. And you know how I always have to pee when we’re done playing around? Well, there will be no need for me to get up and go to the bathroom, since I’ll have her face to use as my very own human toilet right there! You can use her that way, too, if you want.

And then, once she’s been kidnapped, raped, and tortured and is dripping bodily fluids everywhere, what are we going to do with her then? We could drug her so that she remembers nothing and turn her back out on the street. There’s no telling what might happen to her there. Or we could keep her as a little torture pet for the two of us, if you like. But if you really want to be sure to cover our tracks, we should probably get rid of her completely.

So who’s going to do the honors of snuffing her–me or you?

Do Not Fear The Desire

killer phonesex karmaThe sound of her scream sends a tingle straight to your cock. Then you see the blood and your body betrays you with an erection that you can’t deny. You wonder what is wrong with you. Why you are aroused by pain and suffering? Why do you want to feel the ripped and torn flesh? Why do these horrific sights that should cause you to turn away turn you on so much? You can’t deny the arousal that the dark side brings out in you. You can’t deny the desire to live out these fantasies that will surely damned you to hell. You dare not speak of it to anyone so you keep it all locked inside. How do I know these things you think of? Because my dark lover. The sound of her scream sends a tingle coursing through my body as well. When I see the blood, my body betrays me as my cunt drips with longing that I can’t deny. I no longer wonder what is wrong with me. Why I am aroused by pain and suffering. Why do I long to feel the ripped and torn flesh on her mangled body. Why do these horrific sights that should cause me to turn away turn me on so much. I no longer deny the arousal that the dark side brings out in me. Instead I embrace my desire to live out these fantasies that have already damned me to hell. If you dare not speak it, then write it. Don’t keep it locked inside any longer, meet me in a text session and live what you dare not speak. Close your eyes and feel the blood on your hands as we share our dark fantasies.  killer phonesex keyboard

Your Evil Accomplice is Just a Key Stroke Away

fantasy phone sex goth evilWhen the zombie apocalypse hits, let’s face it, we are still going to have certain needs. In fact, I do believe our killer instincts will become even more prominent, more primordial because we will be fighting for survival. Hunting will no longer be just for sport, but for survival also. We might be divided geographically, but we can still talk via the cyber text sessions we offer. So much easier to cyber text sometimes, like when hunting zombies or killing the assholes and the weak  who jeopardize our survival.  The apocalypse is close, and I am going to need accomplices. People who share my passion for survival, my passion for killing. Think of how much fun we can have together sharing the details of our kills? Sharing not only how many zombies we slaughtered, but the joy we took in eradicating the world of useless, dangerous people.  Sharing the gory details of what we did to survive, like killing a pretty stupid whore to feed on her flesh. In the apocalypse you are either the butcher or the cattle. We are the butcher.

Things will be desperate, resources scarce,  trust will be hard, but crucial if we want to win the war against the undead. We can help each other. I can share my killing secrets, you can share yours. Thanks to our cyber text sessions,  we can stay connected regardless of distance, regardless of the situation. We can hunt together. Survive together. Kill together. All thanks to the ability to cyber text one another. So, even if the situation is not as drastic as the zombie apocalypse, remember we can always stay connected. For the same price of a phone call, you can message me your darkest, sickest most depraved desires.  Your wicked accomplice is just a key stroke away.

fantasy phone sex killer texting

The Taste Of Sin

snuff phonesex tasteWhat tastes better then blood? Thick and hot and full of sinful delight. She is on her knees before me. trembling with fear, tears streaking her face, naked, vulnerable, at my mercy. I feel the electricity coursing through me. Sweet nectar being released as my cunt contracts dispensing fluid that drips down my thighs freely. My nipples hard and erect, longing to be touched. I refrain from caressing them and the denial adds more arousal. A knife in one hand and a hand full of her hair in the other. Looking down on her sends a feeling of power coursing through me. I am superior, in control of everything except the sensations that this power brings, the lust that fills me. Yanking her head back so that I can look directly into her eyes, wide with fear I lower the blade to her throat. I can plainly see the pulse in her neck. Her heart is pounding with fear. Touching the blade to the pulsing artery she whimpers. I apply no pressure, not yet. I just run the blade lightly across her neck letting her feel the cold steel. We both know it’s coming but only I know when it will come. Adding a little more pressure to the blade I can see her skin breaking and small drops of blood form on the line where my blade is caressing her skin. Resisting the urge to make this swift, my cunt begins contracting faster and my cum is flowing in heavy gushes now. Finally I slit her throat and watch the blood squirt and drain down her naked and now limp body. Were it not for the grasp I have on her hair she would slump to the floor. Dipping my fingers in the blood I finally touch my nipples, pinching them hard, reveling in the sensation. Licking the blood from my finger tips I explode finally, relishing in the pleasure, releasing her hair and watching her slump to the floor. Sweet, fulfilling release!snuff phonesex angie

Let My Flesh Nourish You

cannibalism phone sex torture subbyMost women masturbate thinking about being eaten. But I bet they don’t get off thinking about being eaten how I think about it. I could care less about having my cunt eaten out or pussy worshiped. I want to literally be eaten. I want a master with a particular diet; one that requires human flesh to survive. I want to nourish my master and maybe his cruel accomplice. Look at me. I am tall, with big beautiful breasts and some meat on my bones. You could sustain yourself on my flesh for quite awhile.I bet I am delectable. 

cannibalism phone sex snuff blondeI want you to hunt me like a wild prey. Abduct me. Keep me locked up while you force feed me like a pig to fatten me up for slaughter. Then I want you to tenderize my meat, season and butter my skin. Shove and apple in my mouth and slow roast me over a fire. I wanna feel the flames engulfing me; I wanna feel my skin charring, falling off my flesh while I am slowly cooked to death for your sustenance, your survival. I wanna die slowly, painfully for your pleasure, your amusement. I want you to get off on my screams, my pain, my pleading for survival.

You know I look tasty. You know I would be scrumptious.  I bet we could cook up all sorts of yummy scenarios together. Let me feed you and your family.


Babysitter phone sex with Moritia

Accomplice phone sex morticia 3



I hate babysitting. 

I hate it even more when I have to watch the little demons that my whore of a mother brings home.

They aren’t going to leave my house anyway so I have a little fun with them. 

My mother and her freak friends have brats to sacrifice to their goddess. 

What a stupid fucking religion. 

Anyway They have these  brats at home so there is no record of their existence.

These brats are stupid, they are kept at home they don’t go to school. 

So they really are just little useless fuck-tards. 

But they are fun to hurt. 

Like this last one. 

She was at the age where you become a woman, ready to be sacrificed and give her virgin blood to the goddess blah blah blah. 

I took her down to the basement where I have all my fun. 

Accomplice phone sex Morticia 2

I tied her up nice and tight where the rope was cutting into her virgin body and so she was screaming because of the pain. 

I left her there for a few hours.

I went down stairs and found her sleeping. 


No fucking way, she doesn’t get to sleep in my fucking house! 

So I got this tiny stick that my mom likes to hit me with and I beat her with it until I got tired.

By this time she was screaming and moving so the tight ropes were getting tighter and cutting deeper and deeper into her flesh!

God that turned me on.. 

So I got the idea that if she is going to be giving to the goddess she has to be purified. 

I went upstairs to the bathroom. 

I got the bleach and the toilet brush.. 

I poured the bleach all over her virgin body, making her pain even more.. 

Then well if you don’t know what I did with the toilet brush then you should call me.. 

Accomplice phone sex Morticia

A Twisted Tale

knife play phonesex karmaSnow White is one of my favorite fairy tales. Not because of all the sappy shit. Prince Charming and all that Happily ever after crap, but because of the idea of a huntsman looking to cut the heart out of a fair beauty. I often live out the fantasy my way in my mind. The huntsman would go find Snow with blood on his mind, his cock is hard thinking about the fear on her face when he approaches her, the silver blade glistening in the sun light as he raises it high in the air. He knows that when the blade pierces her skin and the blood spurts out of her chest he will cum hard from delight. However he is in for a surprise, she is ready for him with an evil plan of here own. Her pussy is wet with anticipation. She knows that when he comes for her she will pretend to be helpless and scared. This will be to her advantage and at just the right moment she will sink her blade into his flesh. He comes for her heart, she will leave with his brain. She will surely have a knee buckling orgasm when she peels the hair from his scalp and saws the top of his skull off, pulling the mass of grey matter that thought she was weak, the reason he lost his life in her hands, warm and dripping blood just as her pussy drips cum.

No Little Dick Men

Accomplice phone sex Ivy 2

I hate when men act all big and bad and you get them home, drop their pants and they have a little button dick.

Are you fucking kidding me?

How the fuck do you think that tiny button dick is gonna get me off?

I don’t like little dick men.

accomplice Ivy 2

What can you even fucking do with that?

It so fucking tiny!

I made this bitch suck and finger fuck my pussy and he couldn’t even do that right.

For Christ sake you’d think he would have some fucking talent. 

After thirty five fucking minutes of this bitch wasting my time, I figured I’d do what gave me satisfaction. 

So I tied this tiny prick up.

accomplice Ivy 3

I started with beating his ass raw. 

Then I took my glass dildo and shoved it up his ass with no lub. 

He cried out in pain and I hit him on the balls. 

Don’t you dare fucking cry you little dick bitch. 

This is what you get for hiding that tiny button cock of yours. 

This went on for hours. 

I had him tied up in my bedroom.

I’d beat him for a little while, and when I got tired I’d lay down on the bed and watch some tv. 

Every time that fucking bitch cried, or looked at me the wrong fucking way I’d hit him. 

When I was finally done with him, I told him he was mine forever. 

If he told anyone about this, his next time here would be worse. 

He will not be  leaving. 



taboo phone sex Makayla 2

My eyes flicker open, all I can see is the bright light above me. 

My head is pounding and my right eye is swollen. 

I try to sit up but I realize I am strapped down. 

I’m laying on some thing cold and smooth.

I tap my nails on it to try and make a sound but pain shot through my fingers. 

That is when I start to remember where I am.

My finger nails are gone, just bloody fingers now.

Someone leans over my face, but I can not see their face. 

All I can see is the out line of their body.. They dim down the bright light as they lean in closer.

I know those eyes.. 

It’s almost as if the person is smiling under their face mask. 

They are dressed as a scrubbed up surgeon. 

I go to move my lips and ask them what they want. 

But my mouth is pride open. 

My mouth is so dry. 

My tongue is stuck to gums. 

I try to move it to my teeth… 

I have no teeth.. 

taboo phone sex Makayla 3


Then I started to hear screaming.

I start to panic and I try to move.. That is when the table starts to move…

Its like I am in a standing position but I’m still strapped to the table.. 

Then I see the tv..

Its me screaming as that person is ripping out each tooth one by one…

I pass out from pain.. All I could do was just watch this happen to me. 

I feel something warm dripping off my toes. I look down.. I am covered in blood…

Who’s blood is this?! WHO’S BLOOD?!!!!!!!!!



Taboo phone sex Makayla