Category: Evil phone sex

Snuffed My Sister

You tricked me. You told me that if I got you someone else that you would let me go. I thought it was too simple, too easy, and I was right. The drugs you gave me made me so stupid, and I gave you enough info to find my sister. She doesn’t deserve this. She isn’t like me. But you fooled me, and told me that you were just going to fuck her and that she would never know it was me that told you how to find her alone.

She walks the woods near her house every morning. She’s always alone. Tiny like me. I can’t believe I placed her within your sights. I am such a stupid little cum whore. In an attempt to save my pathetic life, I believed you. Even though I know what an evil monster you are. How could I not know you would fuck me over? I woke up chained in your living room as you brought her through the front door. She was terrified and crying, and I tried to tell her I was sorry but I couldn’t speak through my gag. I began to cry, trying to show her that I was sorry.

When she saw me, I saw the look on her face as she  realized that I had something to do with her being taken by you. She started screaming at me “How could you??!!”. She knows I am a useless slut that lets men like you torture my body for pleasure, and now she knew that I had placed her in your path. The one thing you promised me wouldn’t happen. You threw her down in front of me and she just kept screaming as you beat her and stripped her down and tortured her perfect little body.

All I could do is cry and try to express how sorry I was.  You hit her so hard I saw her eyes roll back and her blood splattered all over me. I watched you cut her open with your knife and her blood pool all over the carpet. You fucked her little body as she bled everywhere. She was still concious and every once in awhile glanced at me. She was dazed, but just awake enough to keep your interest as you pounded her ass. I pulled against the chains trying to make you stop, but it was useless. You had tricked me, and now you had my sister, and the torture continued throughout the day.

I watched you cut off her nipples, so similar to mine. I watched as you ate them while her blood flowed out slower and slower from every wound. I watched her skin turn pale and her lips turn blue. In my head I was so sorry, but my sister would never know. You snuffed her right in front of me, and she left this earth thinking that I had brought her here. Here to you – this hell on earth. And the fucked up part is she was right.  

Necrophilia Phone Sex with Toni: Dead Dolls

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Death has fascinated me for as long as I can remember. When I was a little girl I heard my first death rattle, but it was watching her eyes glaze over that fascinated me the most. Her name was Molly, we were both 10 years old-I HATED her. She was the first person I remember hating actually, there was just something about her that really pissed me off. It wasn’t just those pretty pink ribbons she wore in her light blonde hair, seeing them that day is just what triggered my attack. What really bothered me was her fucking attitude!
Molly’s last day above ground was a cloudy Saturday afternoon. I caught her wandering through the woods in my backyard picking flowers and cornered her. At first she thought it was joke, she even laughed a little. It was funny until I had both of my tiny hands wrapped tightly around her throat. Then, suddenly she took the situation seriously.
That bitch tried to fight back too! Can you believe that? She tried to grab my hands and throw me down on ground, but obviously that didn’t work. All of her struggling just wasted energy which probably made her die even faster. Poor little slut didn’t even have time to pray before her last breath passed through her lips. Seconds later, Molly’s eyes were blank. I stared into them for about five minutes, but snapped out of it once I realized I had to get rid of her body. Foolish girl I was, I just kicked her corpse into the river and watched it float away.

necrophilia phone sex toni
Ever since then I’ve been addicted to death. Not just murder or watching someone die, I love everything about it. When I was 16 I straggled a boy named Eddy. It didn’t matter that he was 18 and on the wrestling team, he still died very easily. I started off on top of him, riding his thick throbbing cock. I continued like that for awhile, but when I got bored I wrapped my hands around his throat. He struggled while I was fucking and choking him at the same time, but it didn’t save him. Eddy filled my soaked cunt with his last load of cum just seconds before he died, it was fucking amazing! That was the first time I ever killed someone while their prick was still inside me and now I do it every chance I get.
Maybe I enjoyed it too much the first time. Is it bad that I kept Eddy around for awhile? I mean, it wasn’t for long because of the smell. Couldn’t have been more than a week before I found a replacement. Don’t worry I had a lot of fun with Eddy, with a massive dick like his I didn’t mind that he was dead. Watching him decay more and more each day was just as exciting as fucking him. Once I threw Eddy, I found plenty more toys to play with. I’ll never run out the world has an endless supply!!

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My Little Meat Market

Cannibalism phone sex choice cutsIt isn’t any secret that I love the taste of human flesh. If you butcher it correctly and choose your meat carefully you would be surprised at just how tender and tasty it is. I can’t count the number of times I have served human meat at my dinner table and had my guests marvel at the unique flavor,  how the meat melts in the mouth and how tender and juicy it is! I usually hunt my own meat and that is so much fun, however sometimes I do go to a farm I know of that specializes in the finest human meat. Just like a hog farm, I can go examine the specimens and pick the finest one. They will even butcher my choice for me. Several months ago I decided to open a human meat market. To date it has been very successful. The meat is selling off the shelves almost faster then I can keep them stocked. My butchers are working over time and I have even had to go over and butcher myself here and there. Not that I mind that at all, I love getting my hands dirty. No one really knows what kind of meat I sell but everyone sure loves it. I am making money hand over fist, no pun intended!cannibalism phone sex market

There Is No Way Out

bondage phone sex angieThey were a fine looking couple, so in love. Ready to start their life together.A holiday wedding, what a novel idea. Too bad they got a flat tire right after the ceremony all dressed in their wedding attire. Of course I stopped to help the newly weds. Well actually I stopped to help myself to the newly weds. her beautiful gown and his fine tux are nothing but tattered shreds laying in a heap on the floor. She is still in her panties and guarder, he is stripped bare. They are in my basement handcuffed and chained and waiting for their fate. I imagine the reception is long since over since the bride and groom never showed up. The smiles are gone, replaced by tear stained cheeks and fear filled eyes. bondage phone sex captive female Other then stripping them and holding them captive, I haven’t begun to torture and torment them. That is going to be my New Year Celebration. I have kept them fed these last few days, but other then that they have been kept in the dark. I have spent countless hours out of site fucking my pussy while I listen to them alternate between talks of their love, hopes of escape and contemplating what will become of them. The uncertainty and fear in their voices, the desperation increasing with each passing hour simply serves to make me want to have my way with them sooner then tomorrow. But I will wait patiently and hold them captive until tomorrow night. As soon as the sun goes down I will begin to celebrate a new year and when the clock strikes midnight they will take their last breath together. I will make sure they keep their vows, till death do us part. What a wonderful way to ring in the new year!bondage phone sex captive male

It Was The Perfect Place

mutilation phone sex karmaI had her for several days.  A little torture here and little torture there. By the time I was done she could scream no longer. Her throat was so hoarse she had no voice. That part of the thrill was over but the terror in her eyes was still there. That alone thrilled me to the point of making my pussy drip. Her body was beaten and battered by the time I decided to find some place to dump her. It was time to end it for her and dispose of the body.mutilation phone sex empty lot I found a vacant lot but not secluded. I wanted to be able to case it after I was done because I love the thrill of watching them find the body, or what is left of it. Picking the perfect time I dismembered her body and loaded her up. I dumped her in the perfect location and set up camp to watch. It didn’t take long and when they found her and all the emergency vehicles showed up. The confusion and out rage at the ghastly scene made me cum so hard I had to lay there in my hiding spot and recover. It was the perfect place.mutilation phone sex body

Empty Lot and Empty Soul

Why would you leave me here in the sleet and rain? There isn’t anything for miles. This is the old abandoned lot at the factory outside of town. There can only be one reason. You sold me again. You sold me, and I know someone must be coming for me. I walk around aimlessly in the cold frozen rain, my legs aching and my mouth dry. I try to yell for help, but I know nobody will hear me. I know you never make mistakes, and whoever is coming for me will get anything and everything he paid for.

I see the headlights approaching and I know better than to try to run or hide. That just makes it more fun for your friends. They only pay to take me and play out all their rape phone sex fantasies with my body. I walk to the edge of the lot and try to wish myself invisible. The lights approach so slowly, and I am terrified. Maybe this time you sold me for good. Maybe you took enough money to give me up to the snuff porn world. Maybe I didn’t even care anymore. All I am is a piece of flesh for you to trade for sick fun at the hands of other rich men.

The lights stop and glare at me. I am hunched over, freezing and scared. I can hear the engine of the car rumbling and I know he is inside, warm, watching me. I start to cry despite knowing it won’t help. I hear the car door open and footsteps coming towards me. I can’t see anything through the glare of the headlights and my tears. Then he grabs me, and I catch a glimpse of his masked face. I try to fight but he loves it. I can feel his hardon on my back as he wrestles with me. He is telling me he is going to hurt me badly.

I fight him all the way back to the car, but its no use, he throws me in the open door. My legs go numb from the force of the hit against the door frame. He spits right in my face, and it drips down along with the sleet. He attacks me right there in the parking lot with the door open and the freezing rain pelting down on us. He spreads my legs and shoves his fist up inside me without any hesitation.

I try to scream again, but nothing comes out of my mouth. He fists me until I am nearly unconscious, and then shoves me the rest of the way in the car. He gets in the drivers side and we drive away. I have no idea where I am headed and I have no idea if I will ever see you again. But I know for sure this guy is evil, and I am a worthless whore, only still alive because you can make a quick buck off selling my body.

Ass Rape Porn with Cassandra: Candles and Firecrackers

ass rape porn submissive sexI put on a slutty little outfit to meet my girls at the club. We were having fun, sipping on fruity drinks, getting drunk and dirty dancing. Last thing I remembered was dancing with the bouncer right before closing  time. The next thing I remembered was being with my girls tied up on our knees in some dingy living room. There was an alter covered with flowers, candles and a skull. Next too it was a table of sundry candles, dildos, and anal torture devices. Turns out the hot bouncer and some of his friends have a side business in ass rape porn.  We were going to be his next stars, even if we did not want to be.

He said he struck gold with us “hot bitches.” He was especially impressed with Shelly whose ass was tattooed to look like a flower in bloom. He bent her over and fucked her first. No lube or anything, just violently shoved his cock in her. Even told her to “squeal like a pig.” His friend was filming him forcing his cock, as well as a ball bat, in her ass. By the time he was done her ass was bleeding and swollen. She was in tears. I felt so helpless.

ass rape porn bondage dominationMy next friend got anally fucked with fists, a fire poker, various tools, even a cattle prod. Her ass was so damaged it prolapsed. They made us suck on her prolapsed ass like it was a pacifier. I felt sick to my stomach violating my friend that way. When it was my turn, I thought I would be okay. I mean I have had a lot of cock in my ass, even a lot of foreign objects. But, never have I had a dozen or so candles shoved up my ass. Not only did he turn my ass into a candelabra, he lit them. Hot wax was dripping down my taint, into my cunt and down my thighs. Burning my flesh until the candles snuffed out in my pussy. The hot wax melted my clit and severely burned my ass and pussy lips. The torturing of my ass was all caught on film.

For hours our asses were violated for some underground ass rape porn movies. The last of us to be tortured was Leah. They shoved firecrackers up her ass and lit them. Her ass not only burned, but exploded. Blood, shit and tissue splattered our faces. Shelly threw up. Poor Leah’s ass is forever ruined. And for what? So some tool can beat his meat to ass rape porn? When they were done using our asses for their profit, they dumped our battered bodies in a van and tossed us out like garbage along the side of the road. Leah is still in the hospital. Her ass will never be the same. Mine will go back to normal in a few weeks, but I will have burn scars forever.

Just when I think men cannot get more depraved towards women….

ass rape porn torture pain

Kidnapping phone sex with Toni: Merry Xmas

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The holidays are usually a miserable time for me. I hate all the fake holiday cheer and people spending their money on gifts for people they don’t even like. This year was a little different because this year I decided to skip the family party and spend some quality time with my latest victim instead.
Her name was Emily, I snagged her off the street while she was walking home from some frat party. She was dressed like a whore so I can’t believe she was surprised when I kidnapped her. At first she probably thought she got lucky because I’m not a man, but she knows better now believe me. Before I snatched her up, I did already had a man chained up in my basement and she saw what had been done to him.

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Ryan was a rich asshole that was prone to disappearing for weeks on end. His party life style is the reason I chose him in the first place, no one would really worry much about his absence. By the time Emily saw him it would have been impossible for her to know who he was or what a spoiled life he had lived. Poor Ryan was more than cut up, he had been brutally beaten for days on end.kidnapping phone sex toni 999 His face was swollen, bruised, and his entire was caked with dried blood. Ryan could have spoke more or screamed for help, but I put screws into his gums and held his mouth shut with rubber bands. After Emily joined the party blood continuously poured from Ryan’s mouth. I assumed that’s because he attempted to talk to her, maybe even plan an escape. I wasn’t worried at all because I always assure that escaping isn’t a possibility.
Right now I can hear Emily crying because I left the basement door open. She can see that it’s open, but no matter how hard she tries she’ll never make it through that door. If she’s smart she knows that. I on the other hand couldn’t be happier! I’m just sitting here at my kitchen table drinking coffee while my Xmas cookies bake. Occasionally, I like to look over and smile at her while she swings back and fourth on my meat hook.
Tomorrow is Xmas so obviously I’ll be giving Ryan and Emily their gifts. I wonder if they’ll like them?

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Mutilation Phone Sex with Reagan * Here Piggy Piggy

Mutilation Phone Sex Reagan

Fuck I love releasing my anger with every slice. It felt so good to take it out on something so small. Sweet Marley, hitchhiking again. So predictable. Easy prey.  I am here only to release you from the piggy.

Piggy, you being such a piece of shit you had no idea that when you tried to coerce me into sex for a promotion you would have set your own little girl’s fate in motion. “Even my little girl takes Daddy with no resistance!” So you like to fuck young cunt do you? As Marley’s blood pooled around her frail young body, I reassured her that I was only saving her from a life of taking daddy’s cock up her cunt.

Now I toss all Marley’s mutilated body parts to the hogs at the local pig farm. I chant to myself “Here piggy piggy pig… “ Daddy is a fucking pig isn’t he little ones? They love eating bloody meat, as I have fed them so many times before. My sweet little piggies.

I wonder just how worried Daddy is? I laugh to myself saving the last piece of her. Such a cute little piggy for a Daddy Pig. RIP Marley

Mutilation Phone Sex Marley

Dreadful Desires

Come into my dark ravine where I have you in my grips. I first slip you a nice cold drink laced with something to make you sleepy. You admire my outfit of leather it seems to form to my body showing every curve, and you burn that imagine into your brain before you drift off to sleep.  I peel your clothes they seem to come off so easily, and end up on pile of the floor.  I drag your cold lifeless body to a meat hook I have hanging in a dark secluded corner put a ball gag in your mouth and bind your hands with rope, place you in an arm binder so I can just heave you up on the hook.  I install your constraining cock cage, believe me there is no extremity left lose on your body.  I check the shackles to verify they are tight.bondage phone sex

 I examine your body turning poking and prodding looking for old scars and defects before I wrap the body in cling film, only leaving openings for your cock, anal hook and mouth.  As I move you around you start to waken, struggling to get free. Though you realize you can’t speak and the ropes are too tight. I can sense you feel fear in your covered eyes at the same time you are aroused and intrigued by what is going on and about to happen.  Your cock is at confined but seems to be pulsing with every touch I do.  I slap your balls as hard as I can, your screams are muffled, your body twitches and turns, you can’t break free. Have you forgotten that you told me this was your fantasy?   I grab your balls with dental forceps and twist your screams echo in the darkness. I twist the anal hook stretching out your ass more the pain is extricating and you pass out from the effects I continue with various tasks you seem to come in and out of consciousness whimpering with despair thinking what you have done.