Category: Evil phone sex

Torture Sex leads to Castration phone sex

Torture sex is exactly what they will get along with their fucking little dicks castrated. That’s right these frat fucks think they can just trot the fuck in a place they DO NOT fucking belong and act like entitled little dicks. Well those little dicks won’t matter when I’m done with them. They think they’re some kind of special, well they are REAL special.

My entourage and I surround the meathead fucktards and took to showing them who’s in charge. A real bawdy mofo with the big mouth was my main focus. I kneed him in the nuts then I proceeded to kick him, dropping his ass. As the asshat was keeled over I took a bottle of 151 and poured in on him and took the lighter as though I was going to set him afire.

Torture Sex

Yeah, I really wanted to smell his gross assed flesh burn and stink the place up, NOT! As the fear in his eyes made me fucking laugh I motioned for my guys to pull his ass up. They knew exactly what I wanted one held him up by his arms at hiis back. The other tied his ankles to the kickbar at the foot of the bar then bound his wrists behind his back and hooked him up to the post. The fuckhead was bound and upright as I unzipped his pants yanked my knife out and swung it open. Kneeling down keeping my eyes fixated on this dumb bastard I took the knife slowly along his ballsack. Taking sweet pleasure in torturing him as the blade draws droplets of blood along the base of his balls.

Once I have him whimpering like a bitch I press the shiny sharp tip of my blade right into the center of his balls. I slice right into them as another guy pours Tequila right along the cut. Once I have the ballsack slit open I remove the balls and drop them in a rocks glass. Topping the cocktail off with some gin and vermouth I take the glass and force his frat budy to drink. Forcing him to open his mouth and swallow the balls of his beloved fucktard frat bro I laugh in his face and stab my knife in his gut. Catching the spurting blood as I remove the blade I kneel down rubbing it all over my breasts.

As I finish torturing each one of the fucks with my knives my entourage situate each of them for their final demoralizing. I grab my biggest strap-on as the three of my guys with the biggest cocks work them nice and hard. It is the ass rape porn sodomization of these fucks filmed and live streaming for everyone to see. I take my first choice and my guys do the same as we destroy these asswipes of society.

They don’t deserve to live now do they?


Dr. Francis, Bringer of pain

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I think Master has enjoyed pimping me out in his basement to all of these assholes. He told me he was going to have a doctor come by and check out my cunt. He wanted to make sure I was healed for any festivities that were going to be coming up. I do not know what scared me more, what my master had planned for me, or this mystery man who was doing to be examining my pussy. I did not care if he was a doctor or not, my pussy was swollen and bruised and I could tell that. He the Doctor got here it was not a man, but a beautiful and striking woman who dominated the room instantly upon entrance. My heart began to race as she approached me; she lifted me under the arm and stretched me across the table. She had me put my feet up and let my knees fall to the side and began to stretch and examine my pussy roughly. He gloves felt weird against my skin, she reached to the side on a table and grabbed clips clipping my pussy lips to the side. I whimper as the teeth of the clamps dug into my skin causing me to bleed. She began to pull out a vaginal speculum and inserted it into my pussy opening. She opened it wide and I whimpered loudly. She began to put her hand inside me fisting my over extended pussy. Speculum still in place I was made to roll over so she could do a breast exam. She had me raise my arms over my head as she felt onto the tissue. She grabbed some camps and then clamped them onto my nipples. I relaxed a little until she took cables attached to a battery under the table.

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She licked my nipple that poked out from behind the grasp of the clamp. Tears

began to well up in my eyes as she gave me a deviant smirk and began to tap the cable to my nipple. The small blast of electricity was enough to make my body seize. I tried to fight her off with my free hand to be met with a punk from my Master. She zapped my nipples again, Master looped ropes around my wrist to hold me down with, I screamed loudly as electricity moved through my body. She laughed again zapping my wet pussy that was still spread wide open. She knelt down and took my clit between her teeth and pulled out the speculum. She rubbed my pussy. I could see the blood on her gloves. She told Master I was ready for him now, and he stood behind be and shoved himself into my ass. She pulled roughly on the camps attached securely to my nipples. Master came in my ass and walked away. She cleaned me with antiseptic soap rubbing my pussy clean. Master thanks the Doctor for coming by and giving me a small exam and told her he would be scheduling a more thorough exam in the next couple of weeks. Tears ran down my cheeks knowing that she would be returning. I feared that day.

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Erotic Porn Snuff Production

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I know everyone knows my love for snuff films and how I have always longed to make one of my own. To be able to watch a dumb bitch get her shit all fucked up, something that I could watch over and over again while I played with my pussy. I have spent hours dreaming of making my own erotic porn snuff film. I just dreamed the day would come where I would meet the man who would let me help him. I met that man the other day, he wanted me to make outdoor rape porn with him, and the fact that I desired snuffed just made it a match to die for, literally. We decided on this beautiful chick that I had my eyes o from the mall. Daddy, I shall call him, was super talented in fucking up her engine. When she broke down she pulled over on the side of the road. It was dark and luck enough she lived off a dark back road.
Daddy approached her vehicle with caution while she looked under the hood, steam flowing over the engine. He was dressed like the perfect approachable house dad but she stepped back with caution anyway. Good skank. I could see him point towards me who was sitting in the car. This was my turn to put her mind at ease. I got out of the car in my dress and pigtails and introduced myself.

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I said my name was Hillary of course in case the little piggy got away. We wore our glasses, see here is a secret about my Daddy, he is loaded and our glasses were recoding every encounter with little cunty. Daddy said he was going to check something under the hood and it risked spraying up with hot skin melting liquid and directed up to the side of the street. She turned her back as I lifted up my skirt and SWANK stabbed that bitch in the back.
She turned over grabbing at it and then looking at the blood on her fingers. As she went to scream I held the blade under her throat and told her she better shut the fuck up before I slit her throat. She whimpered and tears began to well up in her eyes. I knelt across her chest. My dress moved up over my highs and reveled my shaved teen pussy. I stood up placing the knife between her skin and blouse tearing my knife through it. Daddy took over and began to play with her nipples while I tore through her short revealing her hairy pussy. I took the knife and began to insert it into her. Blood drained from her. I let daddy know she was nice and wet. Blood dripped from her pussy down her ass creating the perfect lubricant for Daddy as he began to ram her in the ass. Stupid bitch made the wrong move screaming. I walked over to her trunk and removed her four way and then buried it into her chest. Flood flowed over her perfect tit. I kissed her dying lips with mine; I took in the taste of her sweet blood and then kissed Daddy as he came in her.

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Bet Good

bloody phone sex karma1So Shadow thought she was being slick making a bet with me that she knew I would not, could not turn down. She thought the scales were tipped in her favor because she likes them young. She didn’t think I would think of that. But I had a little something up my sleeve. The bet was who could fit their victim in the smallest container to dispose of the body, as she made the proposal with an evil grin on her face and a twinkle in her eye my pussy began to twitch with the excitement of it all. She would surely find a victim ads young as possible, her way of cheating. Shadow is not one to play fair, but then again neither do I. I asked if there were any rules for this little wager, she said no, and I knew I would win. There is no way she could beat me. We had until the next night to find and snuff our victim and we would meet back at my place with the remains in their containers.  Sealing the deal with a handshake we went our separate ways.  I had everything I needed, except a victim, which I found easily. She was a grown ass bitch, about 125 pounds. After torturing her and getting my rocks off I tossed her into the tub. Pouring muriatic acid all over her I watched as her flesh melting into a pile of liquid leaving nothing but her bones. The sight had my cunt dripping wet.  I found my mason jar and made sure all the liquid was in the jar before taking the bones out to start hacking into bits before crushing them with a hammer and pouring them into the jar as well. Watching them settle to the bottom made me cum yet again. I was ready for Shadow, there is no way she is getting her victim in anything smaller then this jar! bloody phone sex shadow

Sitter Smoothies

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I decided I need to make myself a little bit of cash. It is not like a have a high set of skills besides murder, death, kill, and rape either. So I was walking on my way home from school and saw a sign for sitter needed hanging on a tree.  I took it into my hand and ripped it down. OUCH. The paper snagged my finger causing it to bleed. I smirked a little sticking into my mouth and reading the advertisement. It advertised for a sitter for their three brats so that they could go out. There were phone number tabs on it but I just decided I would cut out the competition and take the whole thing. I called the number when I got home and tried to sound super chipper.

    The parents rattled off a list of requirements that came with watching he little ass holes, like no gluten, organic and all that bull shit. I had no problem with it at all. I was ready to just do what I was paid for and leave. When getting ready I made sure to dress like a good little slut and put my hair into two pigtails. When I showed up I acted like a stupid preppy twat with an ear to ear smile. When they left the little maggots and I stood on the front pouch waving good bye to their parents as they pulled out of the driveway with haste. I did not know why they pulled away so fast until the little brats become total fucking terrors. The oldest little bitch kept demanding I make her a smoothie. I did not know what a smoothie was nor was I going to make one for a stuck up bitch who thought she was entitled because mommy and daddy had lots of money.

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                She would not quit so I decided that I was going to teach that dumb bitch a lesson. Next time she came in to bitch at me what her demands were of me because she felt as though I was working for her I hit that dumb blonde brat over the head and watched her knock to the floor. While she was knocked out I tied her up then put the other two brats up stairs and tied their mouths shut stuffed with a sock. I heard her start to wake up so I went down stairs and straddled her lap. Her eyes got large and she tried to scream past her gag. I giggled as I slid the knife up her torso tearing her shirt. I told her that I was going to make her a smoothie and I was going to fit in everything she loved. She looked puzzled and with that I lopped off her hand. I giggled as I went over to the counter and stuck it into the blended. I mocked her as I ground it up, told her how good she was going to taste to herself. I continued to cut and blend fitting both arms meat into the blender. She started to gurgle and I realized that she was not fun anymore so I shot her in the head so I could start to figure out what to do with the body.

                I looked all around and decided I would blend the rest of her up and toss her into an old container to take with me. She fit into a old five gallon bucket in the garage and was surprisingly light. Her bones broke up easily and I knew a friend who would reuse them for various art projects. That is how I could make extra money, I could get rid of the dumb cunts that continued to mess with me and sell their remains to those I know had interest. Look at me being crafty with my skills. 

Mutilation phone sex

Snuff phone sex is to Die for!

Snuff phone sex

  Snuff phone sex ended my life, my story is innocent but the blood that spilled was real. I felt my teeth being kicked in and I knew it was going to be a long night. I was trying my best to fight off this mother fucker but it was nothing I could do. He took the wire cutters and the clamps and pushed them further into my tits.This mother fucker was bonding me his for life! I was trying to get away from these assholes and was using every bit of strength I had left to claw their eyes outs. They were beating me and I could hear the slaps and  punches that were being driven into my face but I didn’t care. If I was going to die I was going to at least try to take this nigga with me! Kicking me with a boot one of them yelled to the other to get Bertha. I didn’t know who Bertha was but when my face saw her I just choked back tears. Sometimes they say there are freaks of nature and Bertha must have been just that. It looked like her face had been mangled in a shredder and her nails looked like claws. But she was human, maybe it was this human that was God’s mistake! I looked at her battered skin and the needles that had been shoved in her clit and fought even harder to get away from what I knew was about to happen. When she smiled it was like something I had not seen from this world. Dried blood and feces clung to her teeth; if they were teeth, and her tits hung low and to the ground.

     Slapping her on the ass the gang circled us and I cried, screamed but only choked dried sobs came out. Pushing her down I felt the stench of her breath as I knew what was about to happen. Spreading my legs apart I did my final kick to one of the gang members as Bertha spread my cheeks apart inserting one of the hypodermic needles from her pussy inside of me. As my eyes closed and I begin to relax, I felt the full of a sword open my flesh and the blood run to the ground. A light above hung and I tried with all my might to hold on but, it was much too late. Dark was around and then there was nothing.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Babysitter phone sex

It started a long time ago. When homework and being popular crowded my mind. To think I used to watch little shit heads for money every weekend till I skipped out of that fucking town. Looking back on it now that was my first time and it was so messy. No one ever found those little fur balls that disappeared. After a few years of being away from that town a blast from the past came into the store I was at. He walked up to me, He knew who I was which shocked me. I couldn’t believe that the big strong tall man who stood before me was the little shit bag I used to watch while his whore mommy got high and fucked as many men as she could. I idolized her. She is who I wanted to be and I became her. Her son however was rather yummy looking. I invited him over for some fun.

Bloody phone sex

As we drove to my house I leaned over the seat and started rubbing his cock. He tried to act like that wasn’t what he wanted. I told him I remembered him rubbing his cock all the time when I was there. He smiled and pushed my head back down on his cock. I knew I had him. I was going with the flow I didn’t really have a plan for this. We got into my house. He followed me inside and watched as I slowly walked through my house taking off my clothes. We made it to my bedroom where I laid down. That is when he crawled up to me and started sucking and fingering my cunt.

Killer phone sex

I could have stopped him there, but I wanted to have him. Fucking him was like fucking his whore mother. After hours of sex, and hours of getting fucked up. We took a bath together. I got on top of him and slid his cock inside of me. I started to ride him. Water was splashing and going everywhere. He had his head back and eyes closed. At that moment I pulled out my knife and slit his throat. He came inside of me as he leaked his warm blood into the bath.  I had him and now I am relaxing in his blood.

Torture Phone Sex puts Langley on the Rack

torture phone sex


     The moisture between my legs began to grow and I felt him stick his over sized meat sausage in my hole. I don’t know if it was insanity that was driving him to push my little cunny to the limit but I was sure whatever it was I was going to pay for it with my life. I should have never teased him. I was on the table going to be electrocuted or suffer the most for my comments. It started with Chinese water torture and then escalated to me being hung by my ankles. I am sure he was going to crucify me but I couldn’t say what this freak show reject was going to do. He had nailed my feet to this board and I was now swinging left and right like a pendulum. I knew he had broken my legs and my ass was no longer there from the blow torch he had used earlier. But the worse would be yet to come and I knew that.  My parents would be so proud to see how their little brat had turned out. A slut with a coke habit who was getting what she deserved!

     I had done so many things up to this point but the painful part was I was not through suffering the consequences of my actions. Using a rusty knife he began to cut away at my skin first, starting with my tits and then leading to my cunny. Pushing it forcefully into my flesh I felt my body shake as the knife sliced through me pulling me apart. I was in the gates of an unburden hell and he was just about to show me how bloody and terrible things would become. Using the bottle, I felt it cut my face open and the bluntness of his cock as he pushed inside of my mouth. He was pushing my head so hard that my toes that were nailed to the board uplifted and I fell to the floor. Blood spilled over me as I toppled on top of my captor. Pulling the knife out of my flesh again he tasted my blood and spit it in my mouth. I closed my eyes but there was no escape there would never be any escape!

Killer Phone Sex Kills this Nigga Bitch

Killer phone sex

     That’s right bitch suck that cock! I was gagging and it was taking tremendous effort not to pass out as I had been sucking this nigga’s cock for hours, At the hand of these bitch ass nigga’s I was gagging on cock by the hour and the tears in my eyes or my screams of help did nothing to quiet  the fucking rage they had. I was trying to move but I couldn’t get up .Each time I tried I was smacked back down to the floor by one of them.  They would pull down their pants, piss or shit and I was ordered to eat it .How many of them were there? I couldn’t say how many there were I was just reeling with shit all over my back side. I couldn’t even say how long I had been in this hell hole. Each time I tried to open my eyes a cock was shoved in my ass hole and cunt. My tight little brown sugar  had probably been stretched to the limit. I was trying so hard not to let them see the fear in my eyes but I couldn’t help it.Looking at the hacksaw and countless daggers  I knew my life was going to be over. I knew I was not going to be able to see the light of day any longer. The clamps and wires on my nipples were so painful and the blood that rushed out of my tits had been placed in a glass. They used this glass to measure my fucking husband’s debt  I don’t know what was going to happen and I didn’t care to know.

     Forcing my legs apart I tried to fight as much as I could. The blood and screams would do know good as whatever was used as fuck toy went towards my cunt.  Pulling their cocks out they would scream for the nigga bitch to suck Big Lin’s cock. . Big Lin was a cannibal that loved eating flesh. This blood thirsty bastard was  was trained to eat my flesh by the sound of a whistle. Not only would he tear my flesh from the bone he was commanded by the gang to fuck me in the ass. I am sure it  would take  some coaching but he would do it.  Big Lin was a bit slow but this bloody thirsty asshole loved eating nigga cunt. He would turn around and piss  on me like the other gang members.. But today, when saw that cutting blade  I knew it was over.  Big Lin had been commanded to eat me alive! I would not be coming back from this nor would I ever.

Drown Me

I’ve been soaking here for hours imagining you so far away. The water feels like a trap around my little body and reminds me of the time you tried to drown me in the tub. I was smaller then, but no less wise to what you were trying to do. I felt your cock get rock hard inside of me while you held my head under the water, pressing my face against the hard bottom of the bathtub. I would have died that day, but you came just in time. Once your evil cum drained out of you, you came back to reality and let my head come up.

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I remember choking on the water and trying to stand up as you kept knocking back down into the tub, telling me what a dirty fucking whore I was and that I would never be good for anything else. You stuck the bar of soap in my mouth and told me to suck it and try to clean myself. I remember gagging on the soap, but I didn’t dare try to spit it out. I sat and cried in the cold water and you stood up and pissed all over me. I was nothing but a used up toy at that point. All the water and soap in the world would never be enough to clean me.

Now as I lay here, in my own tub, with warm suds all around, I rub my clit thinking of those days when your cock would rage for me. My pussy throbs at the thought of how it felt to be drowning and unable to fight you off. I know I am a sick fuck now because of the things you did to me back then. I take the soap from the tray, and place it up to my mouth to taste it. It brings back all the memories that make my clit tingle and throb as I cum all inside my bathwater. I will never feel clean, and for that, I want to say thank you.