I don’t think there’s a bigger turn on than a woman who knows her place. I know I’m just white trash. I live in a run-down trailer with my drunk of a BF, Larry. He pimps me out to everyone. Doing drugs keeps me sane. Just a line or two and I would fuck anything with a cock….and I do mean ANYTHING. I will probably be a dirty whore until they carry away my cold, dead body, and even then, he’d probably still be pimpin’ me out.
Lately, his game is to dress me up like a flashy tramp. Short skirt, high heels, thigh high stockings, fake eyelashes, the whole works. He loves to make me up. Sometimes I think he is a fag at heart and that’s why he doesn’t fuck me himself. “Look, bitch.” he said to me. “I need money to pay a gambling debt. Don’t come home until you have $500.”
I admit that made me pretty hot. I thought about the beating I would get if I came home short. I decided the best way to make that much was to get a bachelor party gig.
That’s when I saw you. You are standing all alone, waiting for your wedding day only 12 hours from now. You look drunk and angry. I decide to fuck with you. “Hey, sexy,” I purr. Why don’t we have a wedding recital tonight. You and the wedding party can all line up and fuck me.” I feel your slap come out of nowhere. You hit me hard across the face. “You cunt,” you whisper, “I love my fiance.”
My skin tingles and I am turned on. I look at you with big blue eyes. “Hit me again. Come on. Take it out on me.” You smile cruelly and drag me towards the party room. I feel you rip off my sexy dress, leaving me in my stockings. “Cunt likes abuse.” you say. Someone grabs my arm and I feel liquid gold rush into my veins. The rest is a blur.
I awake to see you standing over me. You are jerking your cock hard and fast. “Filthy whore. Dirty white trash. Harlot. Skank” you whisper as you blast your nutsac onto my prone body.
I look into the mirror. My face is broken. I see a busted lip, black eye, and bruised cheeks from being slapped. I look further down. I have bruises from being kicked. My pussy is sore and my asshole feels like someone shoved a boot up it. Suddenly, I am overcome with need. I stand in front of the mirror and finger my pussy viciously, coming to a screaming orgasm. I see you still standing there, watching. Your slowly begin to clap and throw a wad of money at me. I count it out. $1000. I look up and smile at you.
I know I have you now. You’ll be back for more. Every time you argue with your pretty little wife. Those times when she says no and you are so horny. Your first big fight when you want to knock her teeth down her throat. It’s me you’ll turn to. You know my weakness and I know yours. It’s me who’ll take the abuse meant for her. I’ll get the raging fuck where you choke me and call me names. Your fist will pound me when she wounds your pride. I’m nothing but a punching bag for your rage and I love it. I’m here waiting. honey. Hurry back!!
Category: Evil phone sex
The Wedding Night
Snuff Porn Cock Muncher
I used to think snuff porn consisted only of pretty girls getting tortured for the satisfaction of all viewers. It was not until my thirst for blood led me to the male penis that I found out that snuff be way heavier. I was an accomplice, when I realized that the man in charge was not so manly after all. I was growing old of how squeamish he was around dead body that we created decided that it needed to be fixed right away he whimpered and cried for me to stop, I couldn’t. So I decided that I was going to make him into my collection of victims. I tied him up to a chair and smelled close to his neck. His veins pulsated as his heart raced with fear. I love listening to him cry and whimper, begging me not to hurt him. That was only making it harder for him, I went over to my table so I could let him see the tools I was going to be using on him. I thought hard to myself decided a man, a man he called himself. But was he a man? No he was not!
I grabbed some rope, easy enough, and I tied it from the underside of his ball sack on top of his already throbbing penis. His cock was hard turned on by the fact that I was dominating him. Something that I knew I would never have problems with but never really faced. I had always been an accomplice never really thought I’d run across somebody who claim to be man, but really a sissy, And I did!Dominating, which came by awfully easy you ask me. He begged and cried for me to stop but his eyes said something else. His eyes, that begged me to continue on with his penile torture. I tied it with a rope from the under side of his balls across the base pulling it hard listening to whimper and then taking two alligator clamps I secured them onto his nipples, and he yelped. He yelled as if he was being kicked in his side. Which I already did intended on doing from the beginning. I took my high heels and kicked it straight across his face scratching him tip of my heel into the side of his mug. I loved every second of it.
As I continued to rip his body apart and burn his nuts, he pleaded with me to get in a moment of satisfaction. Suddenly I had an overwhelming feeling and put his big throbbing cock into my mouth. I began to suck on it running, my tongue along the underside of his mushroom tip, and moving my head up and down. That’s when he said it, that’s what he really set me off,”good girly,” he said to me. Girly? I am no girly, I am a woman yes but not a little girl. Not like he was making me out to be I became enraged I dug my teeth into the base of his cock.I listened to scream his whole body began to shake as I bit harder. I bit until I met my teeth on the other side completely clamp down on to his wiener. I ripped his cock straight off of him spitting it out into a tray that’s when I started, collecting and munching on dicks for fun. It was a nice hobby and I really enjoyed it couldn’t wait until I got more victims like him, victims I would enjoy torturing for taboo phone sex fun!
Hunting for Food or Fun?
After a long day outside in the heat I FINALLY found the one I wanted. She wasn’t too big and she wasn’t too skinny. She was perfect for me. She was walking down the highway with her thumb up. I knew she would get in the car with me. I look nice, and sweet but in my mind she looked so good to eat. I pulled my car off to the side of the road. She ran to get in. I opened the door for her, she was sweaty and looked tired. I turned the cold air on blast to give her a little chill. I wanted to see her nipples get hard. The smell of her sweat made my stomach growl.
I asked her where she was going and like a runaways she said “Anywhere but here.” I smiled and off we went. I offered her a place to stay, shower, eat and a bed to sleep in. After about 3 hours of talking in the car on the way to my house I knew I just had to have her. I ordered some food and grabbed a bottle of wine. I showed her to the bathroom and gave her some of my clothes. When she came out of the bathroom, she smelled so sweet. Her body was so clean I wanted to take a bite out of her then. I waited, I offered her some wine and she downed it like it was the last thing she will ever have.
I poured another Glass she did the same thing, before the food even got to my house the whore was tied up and in my basement. She woke up to me chopping some onion and getting a piece of meat all trimmed of fat and getting ready to cook. She couldn’t move, she started to scream but her mouth wouldn’t open. I giggled as I showed the whore her own leg in my roasting pan. I wanted her to eat herself before I finished her off.
Snuff Porn Trophy Collector Killer Babysitter Gray
Well it’s been an interesting week I have met a guy this dating site.The site is not your normal dating site in fact it’s a little different. This site is geared toward serial killers and those that like serial killers. Obviously the site is for anyone interested and the serial killer type. His name is Brad and he’s an undertaker.
Our first date played out as an interesting one I was that curious about his career. so Brad decided that you would invite me to his underworld. The business has been his family for generations. come to find out Brad does more than the prepare bodies for funerals. He has acquired an interesting little hobby. this hobby of Brad’s involves a form of taxidermy in which he creates sculptures out of dead things. as you can imagine finding this out has me excited. I explained to him my little hobby of killing sweet young innocent things.
The two of us got so fucking hot that we fucked right there on the gurney used for preparing bodies. As he was fucking me I asked if he could prepare a trophy I plan on taking from my next victim. I mentioned I wanted it preserved special so I could have a special souvenir.
I explained how I wanted a foot from my victim and I wanted to be able to look at the foot and remember this special slut. He had the perfect idea of making them into bookends! I was not planning on severing both feet but it sounded so cool!
I never had a real body part as art much less a pair and this sounded excellent! I am anticipating my next babysitting job for sure! I hope to snuff out the father of my victim making her watch as I fucked daddy to death! I would then have my way with her forcing her to watch the video of daddy dying as I dismembered her while she was still alive!
Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies: Death by Exsanguination
I saw her staring at me all night. Beautiful dark goddess. The way she looked at me consumed me with naughty thoughts. My pussy got so wet from her gaze. She looked like she could own me. I wanted her to own me. Normally, I am only submissive to men, but there was something so mesmerizing, so intoxicating about her, that I knew I would do whatever she wanted. She bought me a drink. We went into a VIP room at the club.
No words were ever exchanged. I saw the BDSM equipment adorning the walls of the room. I gave myself up willingly to her. Arms extended, head bowed, I fell to my knees and kissed her feet, slowly working my lips all the way up her perfect body. He skin was alabaster white and cool to the touch. She collared me. Yanked me up by a chain. She escorted me to a chair where she strapped me in. Looked like a flogging chair. I wanted her to beat me. She sniffed my hair, my neck; she seemed to be drinking in my scent.
She spread my legs. I was excited beyond my imagination at the thought of her eating my pussy. Then suddenly, I felt a sting followed by a warm cascading sensation. I must of peed myself in excitement. I felt cold, however. The warm sensation of earlier was gone. She stood up from between my legs covered in blood, my blood. She bit my femoral artery. I was bleeding out, not slowly either. I could feel myself getting weaker, colder. Yet somehow I was aroused. Nipples erect, clit hard.
She kissed me with my blood on her lips. The only thing I ever said to her was, “Bite me.” He mouth opened wide and I saw the fangs. Pretty white razor sharp fangs bit into my external carotid artery. Blood gushed out my neck. Two small bite marks would drain me faster of all my blood than 100 stab wounds. I guess I need to be careful who I pick up in a bar.
Snuff Movies Tonight
Keep the camera rolling, Sir, and film every move I make for your snuff porn. Before the blood spilling begins, I know it is my duty to get that cock of yours aroused and standing at attention. Let me wrap my tongue around that gorgeous throbbing mushroom head. I love seeing the camera in my face and I know it pleases you to see the scars on my tongue from the last time I dared talk back to you. I can feel them caressing your cock, and I know you can feel their ridges too.
You are cruel to me in ways I could have never dreamed, and I have become the best little submissive bitch you have ever had. Our collection of snuff movies has become enough to fill boxes. I know you sell them all over the country when you travel and leave me alone to starve and heal. How many men have watched my blood spill while they watched your hard cock pound my bloody asshole?
Being your snuff star almost makes me feel like I am worth something. Don’t worry, I said “almost”. I know in my heart I am nothing but a piece of flesh filled with what you desire most – my bright red blood. It shows so well on the camera and I make enough to keep you coming back for only me. Your cock is hard now, Sir, and it is time for my blood to spill. I never close my eyes the way I used to. I have come to love the color as much as your viewers. I look right in your eyes as you sink the first blade inside me right below my breasts.
Taboo phone sex with Makayla
All I wanted to do it make him happy. He wanted to take me to a new level. A deeper darker level. All I remember is waking into his house and feeling the jolt of power hit my neck and now I am waking up tied up. Im in the bath tub and as I am looking around I see some of my hair in my lap. I start breathing heavy and freaking out because my hair is in my fucking lap!
I try to sit up and I slip. I feel liquid splash and I look down at my feet. I see blood. I am in a pool of my own blood and hair. I start screaming and crying, I hear his soft voice saying “Hello” He opens the door and pops his head in and smiles his dark smile at me. He is here to take me closer to death. He is going to shave my head bald, He is going to bleed me out.
Snuff Porn: Casting of a Bimbo
Snuff porn casting called for a real bimbo to use abuse and ultimately snuff the fucking life out of. Fiona, she was deliciously suburban, wide eyed and willing. I fucking swear my pussy dripped as I imagined the filth pig that was going to go at this soon to be sleazy cunt. We picked this little suburban skank up at a bar after my buddy Harry the barkeep roofied the fuck out of her.
I got a call from Harry telling me he found the perfect victim to use for the snuff production we were trying to make. Excited I jumped on my Indian and roared over to the bar and he had the skank loaded in his van already. Oh she is fucking precious, blonde with a tight little body and those doe eyes! I wanted to see what I had while we started recording right there in the van. I show up in my biker gear looking ruthless as fuck.
Swinging out my switchblade I started running the blade between her legs pressing the blade against her flesh and shedding a trickle of red. Running the pointed tip over her panties pressing the blade into her clit she let out some form of sound. She was coming around now and it was time for some real fun. I slide on my brass knuckles and start punching the crap out of her pretty face as she wailed and howled in pain blood spurt everywhere. She was now bloody and ugly and I bring in the filth pig goober from the butcher shop dressed in his work gear all covered in blood already and hungry for human girl pussy.
He is a grunt, he’s dumb, and well perfectly cave man like. He never gets the girl so he made the perfect main actor in our snuff scores. He started fucking the cheap sluts cunt and he was not a small man, besides his ogre stature and built his cock was fat. That fat cock pushed in the tight young cunt with so much force she bled immediately and that just fueled him. He became a fucking machine of destruction. This cunt will not survive all the blood loss.
Snuff Porn Online Murder Fantasy Trade
Snuff porn is only something that I use to get my taboo phone sex cunt off when my supply of victims is running low. I have been experimenting with a lot of CBT lately so I did not have anyone in my basement to have fun with when all of my slut piggies went home. I searched and googled on torrent sites to see if i could find something that was going to make my cunty wet. What would you know it came up with zero result. Zero snuff torrents, that was just not going to do. I was going to change that! I went out hunting for a little brat. I was going to make a murder fantasy porn for all of the snuff porn lovers like me. Something everyone would love. I started with a little brat with piggie tales. I set up camera to catch every angle of her death. From me ripping her little cunt open wearing a strap on, to force fucking her throat hole with a baseball bat. When i slit her throat I sat under her coating my body in her blood. Using the slick and warm liquid I played with my cunt cumming all over my fingers and then shoving the bloody cum mixture into my mouth to taste.
Murderlicious, Fuckalicious and Delicious
I love honey barbecue! I love having a nice roasting fire and the smell of flesh cooking. I was feeling Murderlicious and well horny at the same time. And after hours of hunting for the perfect meal I had an amazing idea! I had the hog in the trunk, and I got a craving for BBQ. I brought her home, pulled her out of the trunk. Got her into the bathtub to wash her. She was too big for the kitchen sink.
As I was washing the mud off her body she started waking up, Her bright blue eyes got wide as she looked up at me. She was confused, still had a strong amount of drugs in her. I helped her out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I sat her down in a brass tub, gave her another shot of extra strong pain killers. She was sleepy again, She fell asleep as I poured honey all over her body. I laid her slender body down in the brass tub and poured more honey on-top of her. Making sure she was covered. I would let her lay there, covered in honey suffocating in the thick sweet bath she is in. I will let her marinate over night. In the morning I will Chop her up into pieces and slow roast her over the day. I’m not sure I can wait that long!