Category: Evil phone sex

Evil on Friday

Evil phone sex

Friday the 13th is coming. All the CRAZIES cum on Friday the 13th! The day of evil is coming. All that shit makes me laugh. The “Crazies” that are out and about are the one’s I enjoy taking. I snatch them up, listen to them moan in pain from having their heads cracked with a heavy lead pipe. They claimed they loved evil, they wanted to see it for themselves. So why the fuck are these bitches crying? Begging me to let at least his girlfriend go! Oh I’ll let you go as soon as I am done with you and her. Done hearing you scream for mercy, scream in pain, scream for help. No one but me and my friends are going to hear you. Have I showed you my friends and how badly they want your sexy blonde Goth girlfriend?

Domination phone sex

They don’t come out and hunt for stupid wanna be whores like her on Friday the 13th. No no sweetie. Sick in the head people like me and them search for bitches like her every mother fucking day! They knew how horny I was so they brought me both of you.  I love how cute your little girlfriend looks tied down and forced to be fucked. You are going to watch as I slowly rip off her nipples, cut off body parts you love and feed them to the demon beast. Then you are going to watch all of my friends fuck your whore girlfriend as she slowly slips away never to wake up from this Friday night! Next is your turn. I’ll keep your tiny dick to remember you by! 

Strangulation Phone Sex

snuff sex

When I arrived home from some errands there was a line of guys waiting outside of my door for me. Inside seated in his chair was my husband. He told me to get ready because I was only minutes away from being skull fucked by all the men I had seen lined up outside. He made me drop to my knees and tied my ankles together making sure I could not get up and walk away. He told me if I did not make every single guy cum with my mouth within a 1 minute time frame that the next action would be my ass making them cum. And that he would see to it that they tore my asshole open just like he had weeks prior. My shit hole had just started to heal and the thought just terrified me. I stayed there on my knees with my mouth wide open while cock after cock gagged me and cut off my airway plenty of times nearly knocking me unconscious. My husband sat next to me with a stop watch keeping close track of time. When I was not performing up to my husbands expectations he would come over and wrap a thick piece of rope around my neck tying it tight. Practically strangulating me until I satisfied him. There were some many times I thought this was going to be my last breath. I woke up laying on the floor covered in cum from head to toe. My asshole was not bloody so I am taking it my mouth was sufficient this time around.

Friday the 13th is going to be FUN!

snuff phone sexDo you know what this Friday is? Only my favorite fucking day ever… Friday the 13th! So many people are scared of that day, as if they will burst into flames if they so much as walk out their door! I find it hysterical myself but since so many people are so superstitious I figured I may as well have some fun right? I picked the craziest bitch I know, this chick is the most superstitious person I have ever met, this bitch freaks out if she spills the salt, she never walks under ladders and she is planning on staying inside under her bed covers all day Friday. That works for me because I am going to break into her house and make all her bad luck delusions become reality! I am going to fuck this bitch up, by the time I am done with her she will be in pieces… spread all over her apartment… and quite dead. Guess she is right to be scared huh?

Stuff of Nightmares!

Taboo phone sexFucking little snotty bitch down the road. She is one of those preppy little sluts that think she is better than everyone. I have seen her being mean and snotty to so many little sluts. And I had already decided to make an example of her. But sometimes luck favors the wicked. When her parents called to set up a “night out”. I knew I was the baby sitter she needed. I arranged a very special party. I called over four of my roughest clients. They pay big money for little virgins. Especially ones who need to be taught a lesson. I knew her parents would be late. We had plenty of time. The look on the little sluts face when they starting tearing off her clothes. How she begged for help as they pried her legs open! It made me cum hard just watching the whore! It is a shame I will have to give her a little potion to make her forget. The only solace I know is she will never really forget. She will always have nightmares. Vague memories. Nightmares. What a perfect fucking night.

Into The Fire

taboo phone sex karmaNever piss off a wicked bitch. A lesson she had to learn the hard way. She thought she was to good for every one. Her stunning beauty had her believing that the world would bow at her feet. I was so sick of her holier then thou attitude and so was he. I listened to him tell me so many times how she used her looks as a weapon. How she denied him at every turn. How she belittled and mocked him daily. Telling him that she was to good for him. Well it was time to bring her down several notches and I was the one to do it. I took her out on the premise of a nice country drive to look at a place I was thinking about buying. When I pulled up to the old abandoned farm house, I could see the questions in her eyes. As soon as we got out of the car I began my assault. It was for him and for me and for all the people that she snubbed her nose at over the years. I beat her senseless. Delighting in the blood and watching her face swell as her flesh went from china doll white to a grotesque purple with a green undertone. She could barely stand but I wasn’t done with her yet. Dragging her into the old farm house I locked her beautiful tits into the vice I had created. Watching them become engorged with blood and turn purple brought me great pleasure. But when I put the knife into the wooden floor just out of reach and began to pour the gas around the outer walls and she began to scream, that is when I came so hard it ran down my legs. As I struck the match and told her she could  save herself by cutting off her tits or she could go down in flames I watched her come down off that high horse. The despair in her eyes was priceless!

It’s National Nurse’s Day!

evil phone sexToday is National Nurses Day and I think it’s time for me to thank all those hardworking ladies for cleaning up my messes and taking care of all those worthless little whores that I can’t be bothered with after I’ve finished fucking them all up. It must be so hard for the poor dears… all that blood, all those broken bones, all those sluts driven half crazy from the pain I inflicted on them… I’m sure it gives a lot of them nightmares. Oh well, someone has to do it because I know that I sure won’t and they picked this job so if they end up traumatized by it, well they have no one to blame but themselves! Still though, to be polite as possible I will just say thank you nurses, if you didn’t patch up my victims and make them all better I would never be able to snatch them up again for another pain filled session… the second time is always better than the first… because then they KNOW what is coming!

Evil phone sex with Ivy

Evil phone sex

Look at you, depressed and lonely in a house full of people thinking about that Evil phone sex you had. You have my full attention. I can see you are more than a person standing there in a crowded room. You are Evil phone sex but no one has noticed you. The bottle in your hand is almost empty and the little blade you are holding tells me what you are thinking. You are right, its sick and wrong. No one is even going to notice you are gone. No one is going to realize you slit your wrist and the blood is flowing down your arm. I fallowed you into the your bedroom. This is your house, your party and no one even knows where you are or that you’re missing.

Snuff phone sex

My pussy tingles as I watch you tease your skin with the sharp edge of the blade. The way you bite your lip as you gently push into your wrist and pull away because of the pain makes my pussy drip. I can’t stand the teasing anymore. I step out and start telling you how pathetic you are just like our Evil phone sex call. How you can’t do any fucking thing. You have been thinking about this all fucking night and now you are questioning yourself? Let me help you. Take your clothes off, lay down on the bed. Start teasing your skin with the blade again. I can see your cock is hard and my pussy is dripping. You cut deeper into your skin as I touch your cock…. I wonder how far you will go to fuck me.. to cum just one. last. time.

Kidnapping Gangbang

rape phone sex fantasiesHe grabbed me by the head of my hair and dragged me to the truck. He did not even let me sit in the cab with him, he rolled me up into the bed. It was so cold and starting to rain. As he drove like a bat out of hell. Down these bumpy dirt roads. Once we got to his chosen destination. Another truck showed up. Six different men jumped out of the truck and he hopped up into the truck. And it peeled off. ‘left there in the bed of this truck. Wet shivering wearing nothing but my panties and bra with these men coming at me. One of them grabs my legs and pulls me to the edge of the truck bed. I am kicking and screaming while another guy hops up and beings to restrain me. They all line up as I am laying there ass hanging off the edge of the tail gate and they begin to pound my pussy with their hard cocks. I am begging and pleading with them to stop but it only makes it worse. Because then I felt a cock starting to push against my asshole. It was throbbing I could feel it. I just wanted it to stop. I must have blacked out from all the pain and stress. Because I don’t remember much after that point. I just know I woke up in that truck bed covered in cum. My panties covered in blood once again. And here comes my husband to pick me back up and take me home. He actually let me sit up front for the ride, but only because he wanted to lick the jizz that I still had hanging off of me.

Rape phone sex fantasies on Cinco de Mayo.

rape phone sex fantasiesI don’t why they targeted me. Maybe they had been out celebrating Cinco de Mayo and had too much tequila. I was just at my dealer’s to pick up some blow. I heard them whistle as I came down the steps. There was a lot of whispering in Spanish and I was grabbed from behind. I could smell the muskiness and stench of unwashed flesh as they dragged me into the alley. A punch to the head rendered me almost unconscious. There were at least 8 of them and they pulled out their cocks. Dark gangsta types with saggy pants and no concern for the law, they just wanted white pussy. My skirt was pushed up and my panties were ripped off as they pulled out huge cocks. The biggest one was on me like a starving mongrel shoving 12 inches into my dry hole. I try to scream but my panties were stuffed into my mouth. He was fucking me piston style, but flipped over suddenly, making me ride on top. He grabbed me by the hair and yanked me forward, exposing my tight little asshole to them. “Fuck, yes.” I heard one of them say and I felt his massive cock against my pucker hole. I bucked and tried to escape but that inflamed them more. My ass ripped as he stuffed me full of beaner cock. The blood lubricated it and I could feel it running down my legs. They double penetrated me for at least 15 minutes before filling me with jungle juice. The lesser gang members then got the sloppy seconds. The last one was a violent fuck. He held a knife to my throat and threatened to kill me. With each stroke he hit me. I felt like a pinata. I felt my nose break, my lips bust open, and my eye swelling shut as he pounded me into the pavement. Before they left, they all kicked me and spit on my prone body.

As I came to, all I was worried about was my drugs. I found the baggie stuffed into my bra and stuck to my tits. That’s all I cared about, just the drugs. As I struggled to my feet, all I could think about was getting home and getting wasted. That’s just the life of a druggie whore. Happy Cinco de Mayo.

violent phone sex

It’s Electrifying

taboo phone sex karmaCelebrating brother and sister day has turned out to be an electrifying experience. They did everything together. Their sibling bond was sickening. i haven’t played with my electric shock toys in a long time and this seemed like the perfect day. Having a brother and sister strapped down with electrodes attached to the most sensitive area of their respective bodies. I must say my set up is genius. Each of them have certain triggers attached to them so that when a jolt of electricity sent to a certain area causes a twitch it sends a jolt of electricity to the other that is especially painful. Oh the smell of burning flesh, the sound of their tortured cry’s, the knowledge that I am the one that is the reason for their torment has me so fucking hot and wet. Circling them slowly with the control in one hand. The other hand running up and down my body as I savor the feel of my hard nipples and wet cunt. The power is exhilarating to say the least.