God this bitch is so annoying! All she does is lay around all day long and bitch about literally everything and I just can NOT take it any more! This bitch was on my last nerve so I fucking ended her miserable life last night. You know the funniest part of all of this was the fact that she is always crying and whining about how she should end her life, but when it came time for her to die, she begged me not to kill her! Ridiculous for real but her begging didn’t matter to me at all, I have no fucking mercy at all. I tortured her slowly and then invited several hardcore men to come and fuck her to death. They fucked all of her holes, stretching them out until they were ripped wide open and filled with cum. Then when she was almost at the point of death, we took her outside and lit her on fire! It was fucking amazing!
Category: Evil phone sex
She got what she deserved!
Victim or Accomplice?
I hate you, I really hate you. But what am I supposed to do? Nothing, I can do nothing. I know you are stronger and better and I will never get away from you. Your cruel words, your heartless thoughts and actions – you could care less about me and you have made that clear. I bet you could be the one to snuff my life out and me not even know it. Me not even have any control over it or anything. Why would I? I am a useless submissive slut. I should be the victim always, unless of course being your accomplice to find other little whores to fuck, violate and snuff out. I haven’t got any control, no I don’t. I can’t say no, I can’t refuse if you and your friends and theirs friends want to use me. If they want me as their toilet, their rag doll, their cum dumpster. I can’t say no when asked to help find a beyond young girl with a puffy pussy that needs to be fucked. That needs to be violated over and over again! Just like me…so what will it be today, for the man who wants me to hate him – victim or accomplice?
Our neighbor came over today to talk with me while my husband was gone at work. He expressed that he had noticed a change in my husbands behavior and that he did not mean to sound rude or nosy but e had over heard some of our incidents that had been going on lately. I acted like I had no idea what he was talking about and played stupid to it all. If my husband found out that I had been running my mouth to anyone especially the neighbors I’d really have it coming to me. Well apparently my neighbor had not been as kind and caring as he came off to be at first. He started to get irritated with my whole dumb and denial act and his mood quickly flipped. He started ripping my clothing off me and screaming ” is this what you like you old whore? ” and before I could escape him he had me bent over holding me down while he forcefully fucked my old cunt. I begged him to stop but my pussy was saying otherwise. I had gotten so wet and he claimed that I liked it and wanted more so that is when he started ramming my already torn up asshole. Pumping his cock deep into my ass that is when he shot his wad right up inside me. He quickly pulled his pants up and told me if I knew what was good for myself I’d keep my mouth shut. And I will. Which in return only gives him the power to take what he wants whenever he wants just as my husband already does. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Getting Out of Control
I woke up to my feet being bound together and my hands tied to the bed posts. With my husband standing over me, kitchen knife in his hand. I begged and pleaded to be untied but the more I screamed the worse it became. He took the knife and pressed it so hard against my neck that it actually began to cut me, enough to make blood drip down my neck. I could feel it beginning to pool up underneath me. This was further than he had even taken things before and I knew I was in trouble. He started to run the knife along the side of my body. Not pushing hard enough to draw blood but enough to make me tremble and urinate all over myself and the bed. He took his other hand and spread my pussy apart not being easy or gentle whatsoever he rammed his fist up into my dry cunt. I felt my pussy hole tear and I knew he had done some damage. I was in such fear for my life that I must have passed out. I woke up lying in my own piss and blood. I know if I don’t escape soon he is going to go too far one day.
Russian Roulette Cock Sucking
If having a knife pressed to my neck wasn’t torture enough the last time he fucked me. Try having a gun pressed to the back of your head while concentrating on taking a cock down your throat. I was so fucking nervous as he kept saying just one slip up the wrong way. And I could end your fucking life. I was scared shitless that if I was to make him cum and he had his finger on that trigger it was all over for me. He would be lost in a euphoric climax and not realizing that gun was still in his hand loaded and pressed against my head. But then again I think it’s exactly what he intended to do. He could have cared less if he blew my brains out while i had his cock stuffed down my fucking mouth. I don;t know why I keep letting myself fall victim to his sick and demented games. But honestly it’s all I know. I couldn’t function living any way else. I felt his hand begin to tremble as he shoved my mouth down with his other hand. Making me swallow every inch of his dick. Eventually his balls we pressed against my chin and I felt my airway cut off. I struggled beneath his gun filled hand trying to move just the slightest so i could gasp for some air. And then it happened. I thought I’d seen my life flash before my eyes. I started to get dizzy as I was choking and puking at the same time while his cum burst in my throat. I thought any second now my life is going to end. It was a sick and twisted version of russian roulette. Just waiting for his cock to blow not knowing if that gun was going to follow right behind.
Ass Rape Porn: Geneva Meets Her Demise
Lost and roaming the alleys of the meat packing district trying to find the location for the audition, I started to doubt the directions I received. An ass rape porn shoot was going to pay out a good chunk of cash that would cover my rent. I was just about to try hailing a cab but realized the area was pretty desolate and I had no cell coverage, *Shit*!
Not paying attention to my surroundings and trying to get to an area with a signal I was suddenly grabbed by a leather gloved hand over my mouth. I felt the stabbing pain in my kidneys as a knife penetrated me and I was dragged into a doorway. Seconds pass and I feel my clothes being cut off and the blood loss had me losing consciousness. Barely aware of what was happening I felt a massive cock forcefully enter my ass as my face is shoved into a raw cold carcass of something skinned and bloody.
Completely unconscious, the continued violation and fucking of this damsel in her cunt and ass by a meat processor who just happened upon the lost victim was like heaven for him. He took his use of her and would just skin and hang her just like any other piece of meat he processed. This would certainly make the most tender cuts for his culinary creations for the next week.
Destroying Her Ass
Destroying her ass brought me such great pleasure. Restraining her and mutilating her lovely pink flesh was just the beginning of my sadistic fun. Torturing her cunt in a violent attack left her pussy ripped apart, her uterus pulled from her abdomen and hanging out of the gaping hole that was once her vagina. All activities that built the foundation for my final gratification, the destruction of that tight brown ass of hers. I started with fisting, hard and deep. Next i violated her ass with a base ball bat that I covered in barbed wire. Watching her intestines and hunks of flesh from deep inside her rip and pull out of what was no longer a perky little hole had me hot as fucking hell. Covered in her blood I draped my naked body with her guts and flesh. Feeling the warmth of it all as blood dripped down my body and mingled with the cum that was pouring out of my cunt and down my legs. Evil feels so good when released. Wouldn’t you agree?
Taboo Phone Sex: Revenge Fucking Never Been Sweeter
Hate fucking and revenge are seething in my mind right now! That asshole boyfriend of mine couldn’t even have the decency of fucking calling me to let me know! This prick assed mother fucker got caught with my cocaine and was sitting in jail! All the fucking while I was waiting on his dumb ass. NO, I could give a flying fuck as to whether he was ok, it was my coke that was pissing me the fuck off about.
I decided I would go and kidnap his precious little sister and take her over to my dealer’s place for some fun. While there I let her get fucked up and I called on a few favors from my buddies at the jail. The taste of revenge is sweet when you get to see the whole thing as it’s recorded. Ass rape porn videos done in jail are always a sure bet in making bank on. His pretty boy ass will be well received in there, even better received than the cocks it will be accommodating.
Meanwhile his sister is sufficiently fucked up, and I can’t wait to turn on the laptop for her to view the whole ass rape scene of her beloved big brother. Seriously the fun I have in store for her will be even more entertaining. Especially since the whole snuff phone sex scene of the young bald cunt being ripped open by the gangbang rape porn of big black cocks will be recorded also and used to further torture him.
Taboo phone sex with Makayla
I guess they saw me make my exchange and it was their plan all along to get me in to the bathroom and rob me. I start digging around in my purse to grab the goods when out of nowhere one of these little bitches grabs my hair and smashes my head against the sink. Disoriented and confused, I flailed wildly at the girl. I then felt a sharp pain in my side. I soon realized the other girl was punching me. The first girl, the redhead, smashed my head against the sink again and everything went dark.
I woke up and everything was dark. I realized my hands were zip-tied together, and I was in the trunk of a car. I had no idea what time it was, or where I was. The car came to a stop. After a few minutes I heard some muffled noises and what sounded like another car pull up. I hear the girls start yelling at someone. Shrieks begin to drown out scuffling sounds as, what I assume, is someone beating up the girls. All I can think about this whole time is Daddy. Please Daddy, I need you.
Knife To The Wife
I woke up to something cold, hard and, sharp pressed against the side of my neck. This is not a normal way of ever having to wake up. But one would think if they were to be awoken with a dagger against their neck most likely it is because an intruder has entered their home. Not so much the case with me. This intruder of my life…pressing this knife against my flesh making me beg for survival is my very own husband. If you keep up on my blog. This will come as no surprise to you. You already know how violent and angry he his. You have probably read about all the hate filled fuck rages he goes into. Either it be him or his arrangements of someone taking what they want from my old battered, torn, abused, and used pussy, asshole, and or mouth. On this particular night he made a threat against my life and took his hatred to a whole new level. His exact words that he spit in my face when my eyes opened were ‘If you don’t do as you are told I will fill your fucking throat with my load and then I will split your wrinkly old neck from ear to ear just to watch my nut ooze.” This was a legit threat and I took his cock in any way he demanded.