Category: Evil phone sex

It was brutal ass rape porn

ass rape pornIt was the most brutal ass rape porn I had ever been a part of but I fucking loved it! This stupid bitch thought that she was coming over to shoot regular porn,she thought it was just some strap on lesbian shit, no big deal at all. It was much more than that tho, as soon as I had her bound up I started to get rougher and rougher until she was screaming from the pain and begging me to stop. Oh but I wasn’t stopping, I just fucked her with progressively bigger and meaner strap on cocks! I finished with my biggest, it is 18 inches long, 5 inches thick and the whole thing is wrapped in razor wire! I fucked that bitch to death, she was bleeding everywhere, her pussy looked like fucking hamburger meat by the time I was through with her! I got off so hard killing her like that, I’m definitely going to have to do that again!

Strangulation phone sex play

Strangulation phone sex LangleyHave you ever stood up too quick and got all light-headed, then your whole body kinda tingled? That’s what I’m so fucking addicted to! I get off so hard on strangulation phone sex! Maybe a little too much.

A guy was wanting to learn about erotic asphyxiation, so he asked me. Of course I was happy to oblige! I had him lay back on my bed, while I straddled his lap. Of course his cock sprang into action, and made it much easier to slide him into my cunt and hold on tighter, as I knew he would thrash some at first. But, that’s ok! 

I slipped off my shirt, and leaned over him, while I rode that dick! His eyes were focused on my perky little tits as my little hands wrapped around his throat. As soon as I started to squeeze, I felt his cock jerk and twitch, getting even harder!

I pressed in on his arteries, slowing the blood flow to his brain, making his face turn red, his eyes started to bulge. I didn’t want to stop, the rush of watching his fucking panic, his life draining under my hands was so fucking hot, I started to squirt right fucking then and there! 

Then my grip faltered, he moved, flipped me over before my orgasm had even finished, his dick still deep within my pulsing pussy. One big hand around my throat, he was hissing that I was going to fucking kill him.

Then I realized he wasn’t just horny, he was fucking pissed! Before I could explain that wasn’t the case (well, so it may have been, but gimme a fucking break, here) He threw his body weight into his hand, easily pinning me far into my mattress. His other hand balled into a fist, and he struck, over and over again as he dumped his seed into my belly. In an odd, detached way,

I felt the pops and snaps of the bones in my face breaking, the cartilage crumbling, vessels spewing. As my eyesight faded into blackness, I could hear the sickeningly wet sounds of his fist pounding into my fresh, bloody meat.

Nipples, tortured and filleted

Sometimes, you end up in a situation that you thought you wanted, but it evolved into something worse than what you could have even imagined. I met a guy online thru an alternative sexual meeting group. I figured there would be other people with extreme fetishes. That is the point of the groups. One guy in particular lived somewhat close to me, only about 35 min away. We exchanged numbers and agreed a meeting for sexual purposes would be a good idea.
We had texted a few times and decided on a day to meet up. I was nervous and excited to try some sexually charged torture. When I arrived he promptly escorted me to his dungeon. It was quite elaborate with a lot of restraint devices and canes, craps, clamps of all kinds. He stopped me at the door, ordered me to strip. He pointed to a table and said lay on it. I laid down on the table and my arms and legs were pulled tight stretching me out and making me unable to move much.
He jammed a dildo in my pussy that I think had to be 12 inches around, it was huge, but it felt like I was being fisted and my pussy was aching to cum from it. As I was laying there he was watching me enjoy the large object inside me. I opened my eyes to see a giant knife in his hand, and without giving any moments at all to react, in one motion is filleted my nipple clean off. I screamed from the intense pain, but at the same time he was still fucking my pussy with the giant dildo. I don’t know how or why, but I came. I went home to mend my wounds and think about the events of that night.

Torture phone sex

My Jaw Hurts

Sadistic phone sex

When my man is high he gets horny. But he only enjoys sex if it causes me pain. Last night I walked up and down 8th street hooking until I had $300 in my bra. My man took my money as usual and spent it all on crack. He stayed up all night smoking crack while I slept in our bed. I woke up to him pulling me out of bed by my hair. He forced me onto my knees and stuffed his hard dick into my mouth. “Touch me with those teeth and I’ll kill you bitch”, he grunted. I knew better and opened my mouth as wide as I could. I looked up and I saw the hate he had for me and I didn’t understand it. Sucking his cock is like torture because the crack numbs him and he can last forever. My jaw always locks up and I have to keep sucking through the pain or he’ll get violent. One time I tried to pull away and he literally knocked me out. I woke up curled up on the floor. I sucked and sucked and sucked. It felt like time was moving so slow and he wouldn’t nut. Tears fell down my face and he didn’t care, I think he likes it when I cry. My jaw hurt so bad but I didn’t stop. Fear pushed me on and I kept sucking. He finally came and I drunk up every drop of semen. He passed out and I cried myself to sleep. I prayed to God for the strength to leave this sadistic man. But I know He doesn’t hear me.

Stop, I Can’t Breathe!

Strangulation phone sex

I walked up and down the boulevard trying to entice men to pull over and pay me for a good time. I was so scared walking home with no money. My man ain’t gonna be happy. He counts on me to feed his drug addiction. I walk through the door and he asked for the money. I told him I didn’t make any and he slapped my face hard. When I saw him going for his belt I ran upstairs to hide. From my hiding place in the closet I could hear him going room to room looking for me.

“Layla, bitch where are you? I just what to talk to you.”, he lied.

I didn’t say a word and I prayed to God in my head that he would be too drunk to find me. But I heard him entering the room and his footsteps got closer and closer…

“Bitch, get the fuck out of this closet right fucking NOW!”, he yelled as he swung the closet door open.

He pulled me by my hair from the closet. Then he fastened the belt around my neck and pulled it tightly. I tried loosening the belt with my fingers, but he pulled it tighter. Tears fell from my eyes because I thought this is it he’s going to kill me this time. He pulled the belt tighter and tighter with all of his strength. I don’t remember blacking out, but I woke up in bed with his face between my thighs. He was eating my pussy and it felt good. He lapped his tongue across my pussy and I grinded myself against his face until I came hard. This is why I can’t leave him, he’s like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Off with her head


Met some guy from the internet, it was my first time doing it. I’m a little older and online dating isn’t something I have done in the past. He had a big creepy house, which should have been my first clue. I thought, well not everyone can afford to paint and junk, so I took a chance.Snuff phone sex

As bad of idea as that was, I knocked on his door. He opened it wearing an apron, and I thought cool, dinner. There was a lot chemistry between us, and I was wanting to get fucked, so I made a move.

We went and sat on the couch, making out lead to getting naked. We played on the couch, and it was great sex. He was huge and hard and couldn’t seem to get enough. He told me it was his goal to make me cum first. My pussy was wet and throbbing I came more than once. He fucked my ass, my mouth, my pussy. I could tell he was getting close to cumming himself so I started to clench my pussy muscles. He is fucking me so hard, I have my eyes screwed shut…then I open them…he has a giant axe up over his head, he swings it down and my head is on the floor looking up at my severed neck.

Snuff sex

I see him pull out, and he grabs my hair, with my head in mid air, he cums on my face and in my mouth, my mind goes to black. Dead, he continues to fuck my mouth. Dropping my head like it was trash; he grabs the shoulders of my dead body and starts to fuck the hole in my beheaded neck.

I sit up; startled from sleep…it was a dream. Why are there marks on my neck?

Evil phone sex with Ivy

Evil phone sex

I’m craving something evil. Something so bad that you would have to repent and bathe in holy water to feel a little bit clean again. I mean if you believe in the joke of God and all that stupid bullshit that goes with it. I believe in what I see and I have seen some evil shit. Like a 9 month swollen belly getting sliced open with a rusty knife… hands ripping that big swollen belly open and pulling out that lifeless body. The new mommy screams as she watches the life she grew being used as a fucktoy! God thinking about it now makes my pussy drip. I love hunting for pregnant women. Their big milk filled breasts are so juicy and tender. Their big bellies are easily filled after you rip out that little fucking shit bag. I wonder which one of you has the balls to hunt for 2 with me!

Killing Francis

snuff phone sexOh Francis, Francis, Francis, why are you always surprised that I want to hurt you? Look at you! You are nothing but a wimpy little sissy bitch, with a girly name like Francis how could you even hope to be anything else? I can see that you try to appear masculine but we can all see right thru your pathetic charade! That is why you are here, on stage where everyone can see just how pathetic you really are. Look at you, tears in your eyes, begging for mercy, why the fuck would I give you any mercy you pathetic loser? Can you feel that rope around your neck biting in? Can you breathe after I slam this fucking crowbar into your chest? Hahaha look at you! Every time I hit you, you cry more, you beg more, you show yourself to be the bitch I always knew you were! I’m going to end this now Francis, I am going to slam this crowbar into your chest until that sternum of yours is shattered, you are going to fucking die here today!

Never Agree to Snuff Sex

snuff sexHe asked me if I wanted to have snuff sex. I was high as a kite. I wasn’t really in the frame of mind to be making any decisions, especially one like that. I’m not sure what I was thinking, but I know I was not thinking he was serious. I giggled like a school girl and said, “Sure, sounds fun.” Fun doesn’t come close to what happened. The way he explained it, I gave consent so he could do whatever the fuck he wanted to me. I am a stupid whore who has snorted all her brain cells away. I was not capable of agreeing to snuff porn, but I did. He tied me up and affixed me to a spreader bar and put me in a collar and a ball gag. My ass and pussy exposed to him and his friends. My own stupidity scares me sometimes. I saw him coming at my ass with a large object. As he got closer I saw it was a moldy log. But not just a log; a log with bugs crawling over it. I swallowed hard, closed my eyes and prayed that the enviable was not going to happen; but it did. I felt damp rough wood sodomize me then I felt the insects crawling. It was like a bad acid trip or something. My ass was on fire. Fire ants, I assumed. The feeling of wood slivers digging into my ass and insects crawling all around inside me made me sick to my stomach. I couldn’t move though. I was a prisoner. What I thought was going to be a hot sexual encounter was turning out to be more of a deadly encounter. I puked from the pain and sensation, but swallowed my own vomit because of the ball gag. Some friend of my sick hook up filmed my anal torture. He said depraved ass rape porn sells at a premium.  Apparently, my life is expendable if it lines their pockets.

Cannibalism phone sex Menu

Cannibalism phone sex LangleyCannibalism phone sex lets me share our wonderful culinary experiences and experiments with that yummy girl meat!

And this is the perfect hunting season! Tourists everywhere, teens on spring break wandering away from their groups, such easy prey.  I have this wonderful, beautiful little spot by the freeway, where there’s a little park with a creek, and a small water wheel with plenty of dark places and bushes. It looks so inviting, females often wonder over to see the water, out of view. I’ve been relaxing in the shade, just waiting. Counting the new budding green tips of the pines. I hear her approaching, calling back to her family to go ahead, she’d catch up with them shortly. “Oh, no you won’t,” I thought to myself.

As soon as she rounds the corner, I spring on her, clamping my legs around hers, one hand around her throat, one pinning the cloth to her mouth. She succumbs rather quickly, and I brought her home.

Once she was thoroughly shaved, scrubbed, and buffed to a beautiful glow, it was time to season her. My Rich is so amazing at mixing herb and oil blends. We slide her in a number of places for whole herbs to be stuffed after she’s very, very coated. We tie her in our roasting rope and place her on the giant indoor grill. The flames are set extra low, as to let her roast all evening. She begins to flutter awake, and tries to scream, though it is caught in her throat. Her tears vaporize as they hit her cheeks from the heat. As her legs got darker and darker, her sad little wails fell into low whimpers, barely sputtering. I pour us another glass of wine while we sit, cuddle, and watch her brown, fragrant flesh cook.

She’s going to make a wonderful main course for our couscous and roasted vegetables!